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Based on the framework of Bernanke & Blinader (1988) and Walsh (2003), this paper provides a concise analysis for relationship among money supply, banking lending and aggregate demand; and makes an empirical test on relationship among China’s money supply, banking lending and aggregate demand from 1994 to 2006 by adopting the single-equation regressive model and vector autoregressive model in terms of Keynesian structural model and monetarism simplified model. The result shows that money supply and banking lending have both played a driving role on real economy. Because of non-market interest rates, Keynesian structural model cannot explain the transmission mechanism of China monetary policies better than monetarism simplified model. __________ Translated from Jingji kexue 经济科学 (Economic Science), 2008, (1): 5–15  相似文献   

The combination of a high growth rate and low information has been observed since the late 1990s in the Chinese economy. Should the fact be considered as a result of greatly improved supply capability or should the fact reflect the improvement in the government’s aggregate demand management? In this paper, we try to assess the role of aggregate demand and supply shocks in China’s macroeconomic fluctuation. We use a bivariate structural VAR model to investigate macroeconomic dynamics for China within the aggregate-demand and aggregate-supply framework, using the quarterly data in the period of 1996Q1–2005Q4. Our principal findings are following: (1) China’s high growth shall be associated more with greatly improved supply capability, especially after its WTO entrance. The expansionary aggregate demand policies may have limited effects to raise the growth rate in the post-1996 in China. This result suggests that we need a more pro-growth policy stance in order to maintain a high and stable growth. (2) The low inflation in that period is driven primarily by weak aggregate demand rather than supply factors.  相似文献   

《China Economic Journal》2013,6(3):257-275
This paper investigates to what extent income growth in the Chinese provinces is linked to growth and income levels in neighboring provinces. We find that the rate of income growth in a province is positively related to income and growth in neighboring provinces. However, we find no evidence of such positive interdependence between growth in rich coastal provinces and their immediate inland neighbors. This suggests that there has been little synchronization in economic growth rates between these regions, and/or that the immediate hinterland of the coastal growth centers might have been bypassed as China's manufacturing sector has migrated westward.  相似文献   

The strenuous fluctuation in global asset price in recent years has had a profound impact on the economic and social development of every country. An empirical analysis indicates that asset prices (the stock price index and real estate prices) are important endogenous variables affecting the interest rate reaction function of central bank monetary policy. With expected inflation as a given, each one percentage point rise in output gap will cause a 0.79 percentage point reduction in interest rates by the central bank and each one percentage point rise in real estate price will result in a 2.2 percentage point rise in interest rates. The stock price index does have an influence on the trends in monetary policy, but it is less salient than the impact of housing prices. We also show that monetary policy that employs asset price as an endogenous variable increases the central bank’s control in seeking to attain its objectives. Therefore we suggest that the central bank should make asset price fluctuation an endogenous variable and incorporate it into its forward-looking interest rate rule, in order to facilitate the healthy development of China’s markets for real estate, stocks and derivatives, energy and bulk commodities and maintain rapid, smooth, sustainable and harmonious economic development.  相似文献   

This article analyzes household income mobility in rural China between 1989 and 2006. The results indicate that incomes in rural China are highly mobile. The high degree of rank and quantity mobility implies re-ranking and mean convergence in income distribution, but the disparity between them also enlarged with leveling-up and Gini divergence brought about by economic growth. In addition, there exists considerable transitorily poor and rich in positional mobility. Though, transitory movement provides an opportunity for both poor and rich and decreases long-term inequality, it also causes considerable income fluctuations and economic insecurity. Moreover, the equalizing effect of income mobility on income inequality is weakening.  相似文献   

China's fast growth is perceived as a major determinant of its savings glut that contributes to global imbalances, but China's income inequality has been largely overlooked as the economy moves rapidly toward the Kuznets curve peak. This paper provides a new explanation for the complex issue of Chinese saving using a structural vector autoregressive (SVAR) model. We find that China's growth is positively affected by saving but has a limited effect on saving, that inequality mainly has a negative impact on growth but has a positive impact on saving, and that inequality is a stronger factor than growth in explaining high saving. Therefore, inequality must be mitigated to lower the high saving rate in China, and growth will be unaffected by lowering both inequality and saving.  相似文献   

In this paper Granger's test is employed to examine the causal relationship between the size of the export sector and national income per capita (as well as their respective growth rates) for China for the period 1952–1985. Our empirical results favour a bi-directional causal sequence between these two variables. However, these findings disappear when a similar test is used for the sub-period 1952–1978. The difference in results between these two sample periods points to a change in causal relation after 1978 which coincides with the adoption of an “outward looking” strategy by the Chinese government in that same year. [124]  相似文献   

《Economic Modelling》1988,5(3):261-276
Econometric estimates of policy makers' preferences can be an important source of information for ex post macroeconomic policy analysis. This paper first discusses the econometric methodology to obtain consistent estimates of the policy maker's objective function. Properties of the estimation process are derived by appropriately solving an inverse control problem. Then, Italian macroeconomic data are used to estimate the policy maker's preferences under different specifications of his objective function. The major finding is that the balance of payments equilibrium was the main target of Italian macroeconomic policy.  相似文献   

This paper looks at the insertion of China and India in the contested and highly legalised regime of intellectual property rights (IP). In doing so it pays particular attention at two dimensions, the internal adoption of this regime and external endorsement/contestation of international IP norms. Much has been written about whether emerging countries will challenge or support the maintenance of an open rules-based multilateral trade system. In this context, the differentiated integration of these two countries in the IP regime is notable. Domestically, China despite much criticism for widespread IP infringement has followed a maximalist interpretation of TRIPS. India, on the contrary has followed other emerging countries in pursuing a more critical, minimalist understanding. These positions have also been visible at the multilateral arena. This empirical finding runs contrary to the assumption that defiance results from market power. The divergence is the more surprising given a recent explosion of patent filings in both countries. From a political economy perspective, this should translate into support for stricter rules under TRIPS. In explanaining the two countries’ divertent insertion this paper looks beyond economic (market) power and domestic interests and underlines the role of ideational legacies, domestic interests and regulatory capacity. The paper thus stresses the need to look deep into domestic politics and ideational cleavages, as well as at their evolution over time, in order to better understand the international behaviour of emerging countries.  相似文献   

This article estimates the capital–energy Allen elasticities of substitution in China’s 28 provinces over the period 1995–2011. The central finding is that the capital–energy substitution elasticity in each province exhibits significant heterogeneity. The article empirically analyses the sources of the differences in the capital–energy substitution elasticity. The embodied technical change and market distortions are found to have significant effects on the degree of substitution elasticity. Further factor market reforms, liberalisation and cooperation would improve the elasticity of capital–energy substitution.  相似文献   

The trade war between the US and China affects the fluctuation of RMB exchange rate. We collect news on China–US trade policies and talks from January 2017 to July 2020. Results show that China–US dialogue and tariff imposition have the greatest impact on the percentage of RMB appreciation and depreciation. Additionally, tariff relaxation and increasing enterprise restrictions can cause a sharp appreciation and depreciation. “Policies” events and trade news from the US influence RMB fluctuations the most significantly. Finally, positive events cannot significantly cause RMB appreciation, but negative events can significantly cause RMB devaluation.  相似文献   

This article measures labour misallocation in Chinese provinces over the period 1980–2010 and investigates possible causal factors of the misallocation. It finds that: (1) labour misallocation fell substantially in the first half of 1980s, but there was no monotonic trend of improvement since then. (2) Wage differentials cross primary, secondary and tertiary sectors accounted for a substantial portion of measured overall labour misallocation; the secondary sector’s wage deviations from value of the marginal product of labour (VMPL) also contributed to labour misallocation. (3) There was persistence in labour misallocation, but a higher level of urbanization, the development of the tertiary sector, increasing trade openness and the growth of the nonstate sector appear to have contributed to more efficient labour allocation.  相似文献   

This paper develops a three-sector model to analysis the mechanism of cross sectoral labor reallocation in China over the period of 1978–2011. The model incorporates factors of sectoral differences in productivity, non-homothetic preference characteristics of consumers, and institutional barriers of labor mobility. Moreover, the model considers changes in the scale of the public sector as an important driving force. We find that there are two effects of changes in the scale of the public sector in declining public sector output on labor reallocation. First, enterprises will increase the share of capital input to labor, resulting in relative expansion of non-agricultural production. Second, residents' income will also increase, together with the relative increase in demand towards non-agricultural goods due to non-homothetic preference characteristics of consumers. Therefore the non-agricultural production will further expand.  相似文献   

This paper considers pricing rules of single-period securities markets with finitely many states. Our main result characterizes those pricing rules C that are super-replication prices of a frictionless and arbitrage-free incomplete asset structure with a bond. This characterization relies on the equivalence between the sets of frictionless securities and securities priced by C. The former captures securities without bid-ask spreads, while the second captures the class of securities where, if some of its delivers is replaced by a higher payoff, then the resulting security is characterized by a higher value priced by C. We also analyze the special case of pricing rules associated with securities markets admitting a structure of basic assets paying one in some event and nothing otherwise. In this case, we show that the pricing rule can be characterized in terms of capacities. This Arrow–Debreu ambiguous state price can be viewed as a generalization for incomplete markets of Arrow–Debreu state price valuation. Also, some interesting cases are given by pricing rules determined by an integral w.r.t. a risk-neutral capacity. For instance, incomplete markets of Arrow securities and a bond are revealed by a Choquet integral w.r.t. a special risk-neutral capacity.  相似文献   

This paper considers the impact of changes in governments’ payment discipline on the private sector. We argue that increased delays in public payments can affect private sector liquidity and profits and hence ultimately economic growth. We test this prediction empirically for European Union countries using two complementary approaches. First, we use annual panel data, including a newly constructed proxy for government arrears. Using panel data techniques, including methods that allow for endogeneity, we find that payment delays and to some extent estimated arrears lead to a higher likelihood of bankruptcy, lower profits and lower economic growth. While this approach allows a broad set of variables to be included, it restricts the number of time periods. We therefore complement it with a Bayesian VAR approach on quarterly data for selected countries faced with significant payment delays. With this second approach, we also find that the likelihood of bankruptcies rises when the governments increase the average payment period.  相似文献   

With the market competition becoming more and more fierce, awareness in the art and science of logistics is continuing to increase, and the field of Reverse Logistics is experiencing great interest. The purpose of this paper is to describe what Reverse Logistics is, what is it benefits, the status quo of Reverse Logistics in china and its difficulties, and give some suggestions and countermeasures on how to manage Reverse Logistics successfully under China's current situation.  相似文献   

In this study, we revisit the oil–stock nexus by accounting for the role of macroeconomic variables and testing their in-sample and out-of-sample predictive powers. We follow the approaches of Lewellen (2004) and Westerlund and Narayan (2015), which were formulated into a linear multi-predictive form by Makin et al. (2014) and Salisu et al. (2018) and a nonlinear multi-predictive model by Salisu and Isah (2018). Thereafter, we extend the multi-predictive model to account for structural breaks and asymmetries. Our analyses are conducted on aggregate and sectoral stock price indexes for the US stock market. Our proposed predictive model, which accounts for macroeconomic variables, outperforms the oil-based single-factor variant as well as the constant returns (historical average) model for both in-sample and out-of-sample forecasts. We find that it is important to account for structural breaks in our proposed predictive model, although asymmetries do not seem to improve predictability. In addition, we show that it is important to pre-test the predictors for persistence, endogeneity, and conditional heteroscedasticity, particularly when modeling with high-frequency series. Our results are robust to different forecast measures and forecast horizons and are useful for making effective hedging decisions in the US stock market.  相似文献   

Jian-Xin Wu 《Applied economics》2018,50(30):3300-3314
Urban–rural gap and regional inequality are long-standing problems in China and result in considerable number of studies. This article examines the dynamic behaviours of incomes for both urban and rural areas with a prefectural data set. The analysis is conducted by using a distribution dynamics approach, which have advantages in examination on persistence, polarization and convergence clubs. The results show that persistence and immobility are the dominant characteristics in the income distribution dynamics. The prefectural urban and rural areas converge into their own steady states differentiated in income levels. This pattern of urban–rural gap also exists in three regional groups, namely the eastern, central and western regions. Examination on the dynamics of the poorest areas shows that geographical poverty traps exist in both urban and rural prefectural areas. Our results indicate that more policy interventions are required to narrow down the urban–rural gap and to eliminate the poverty traps in China.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the new electronic business mode of ASP (Application Server Provider) and points out that employing ASP is the certain way to informationize the enterprises, especially the medium and small-scale enterprises. Base on the analysis about the feature of current ASP provider and market, this paper forecasts the development trends of ASP in China.  相似文献   

China's accomplishments in health sector over the past decades have been internationally recognized. However, these accomplishments have disguised the deep health inequality between the urban and rural areas. This paper aims to investigate the health inequality from the perspectives of health status, health care utilization and health insurance on the basis of statistic data. Finally, the authors propose some advices of addressing the inequality.  相似文献   

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