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A two-good, two-country model is used to analyse the distribution of gains from proportionate, bilateral tariff reductions It is shown that the distribution of gains is given by the solution to a rather complicated quadratic equation which exhibits multiple real roots. The country with the more elastic offer surface will be the relative gainer, for example, if it has either a very large or a very small tariff relative to the other country's tariff and relative to its own ‘optimal’ (Nash-equilibrium) tariff.  相似文献   

The U.S.-Philippine preferential tariff relation (PTR) is examined to determine whether the growth of three major Philippine processing activities can be attributed to the PTR, and whether the PTR provided the Philippines with benefits of important magnitude. The PTR is shown to have been a significant determinant of Philippine production of the products, and of the geographic distribution of their export. The preference subsidy was not large in relation to total Philippine export revenue, although it was sufficiently large to suggest that at least two of the processing activities would not have developed without preference.  相似文献   

In this article we analyze the economic effects associated with preferential Rules of Origin (RoO) in a free trade area (FTA). By presenting a stylized three-country model of trade under oligopoly, we show that there exists a maximum limit of RoO below which forming an FTA is welfare-improving. In examining external tariff reductions under FTA, we take into account the constrained conditions that optimal tariffs set by member countries effectively induce the intrabloc exporters to comply with RoO. This approach rules out trade regime switches and helps identify the economic determinants of establishing an effective and welfare-improving FTA with RoO. We further examine whether an FTA with RoO increases total trade or whether the extra trade arises at the expense of nonmembers. Our simple model has implications for economic factors that foster or impede regional economic integration under imperfect completion.  相似文献   

This is an analysis of the second-best problem of choice of tariff level for period two given a positive tariff in period one. The models presented take the allocation of all factors of production except labor as fixed, and allow labor to transfer between industries at a positive cost. The period two tariff may then optimally be set to some positive level. Although these models involve voluntary unemployment, no adjustment to the goods market welfare triangle is necessary to compensate for the adjustment burden in computing the gains from tariff reduction. Lastly, it is shown that a staged reduction of tariffs may be preferred for income distribution reasons to a once-and-for-all reduction.  相似文献   

Considered an n-good small open economy where the technology is strictly convex and ad valorem tariffs are imposed. In this world it is known that the tariff-utility relationship may be perverse. The fact is known as the Vanek–Bhagwati Paradox. The source of the perversity is found in aggregate income effects. The present paper shows that D-stability of our dynamic system implies non-perverse aggregate income effects, and hence the non-perverse tariff-utility relationship.  相似文献   

The size of trading blocs Market power and world welfare effects   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We construct an n-country n-commodity trade model to analyze the implications of bloc size for (Nash) equilibrium tariffs and welfare. The relationship between the absolute size of (symmetric) trading blocs and their market power is ambiguous, and we illustrate how this relationship varies with model parameters. In contrast, sufficiently large increases in the relative size of a bloc enhance its relative market power and cause the welfare of its country members to rise above the free trade level. We establish the existence of an optimal bloc size, and study the dependence of optimal size on the parameters of the model.  相似文献   

The paper investigates the classic problem of the effect of a tariff on the terms of trade for a country with monopoly power in trade. It shows that the terms of trade may deteriorate in the presence of a tariff, by using a three-traded-goods model as against the earlier analyses in terms of the two-good model. An earlier analysis by Gruen-Corden of such a model used unnecessarily restrictive assumptions to discuss this problem; the present model is perfectly general.  相似文献   

We show that the effects of tariff changes on welfare and import volume are fully characterised by their effects on the generalised mean and variance of the tariff distribution, implying two “cones of liberalisation” in commodity price space. Because welfare is negatively but import volume positively related to the generalised variance, the cones do not intersect, which poses a policy dilemma. We present a new radial tariff reform rule, which implies new results for welfare- and market-access-improving tariff changes. Finally, we show that generalised and trade-weighted moments are mutually proportional when the trade expenditure function is CES.  相似文献   

We quantify the effects of non‐tariff measures on the extensive margin of trade, examining the number of countries exporting particular products to Canada, the European Union, New Zealand and the United States. We find that non‐tariff measures that impose a conformity requirement, that is, testing, certification or inspection, will reduce the number of countries exporting to these markets. Conformity requirements imposed for sanitary or phytosanitary reasons have the largest effect in Canada, reducing the number of exporting countries by 47% compared to the situation where no compliance requirement is imposed. Conformity requirements imposed for other reasons covered by the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade have the largest effect in Canada and New Zealand, reducing the number of exporting countries by 27% compared to the situation where no compliance requirement is imposed. However, we generally find a statistically significant positive effect for nontariff measures that do not impose a compliance burden, suggesting that such measures may facilitate trade.  相似文献   

In forming external networks in a host country, a foreign subsidiary acquires knowledge which contributes to the parent’s stock of country-specific knowledge and capabilities. Building on this notion, we argue that an MNE unfamiliar with the institutional environment of a newly entered foreign country has an incentive to expand its subsidiary portfolio in that country at a higher rate. We test this using a longitudinal dataset of German public firms which made investments into 2220 new host countries between 1985 and 2015. We find that unfamiliarity accelerates subsidiary portfolio expansion most when the initial investment is a wholly-owned subsidiary, and that the effect becomes weaker over time. Our study contributes to the internationalization process literature by showing that being unfamiliar with a host country is not necessarily an obstacle to subsidiary portfolio expansion – indeed it can accelerate it.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the impact of integrating international asset markets when segmented markets are not the only distortion. Using a two-country general equilibrium model with nominal rigidities and monetary shocks, we show that integration is not universally beneficial. Instead, the welfare impact depends on the degree to which exchange rate fluctuations are passed through to consumer prices. While the integration is welfare neutral in the polar cases of complete or zero pass-through, this is not the case when pass-through is partial. When shocks are equally volatile in both countries, integration can be detrimental or beneficial depending on the degree of pass-through. When shocks are more volatile in one country, it benefits from integration compared with the more stable country.  相似文献   

Expatriate managers often encounter considerable obstacles in their overseas workplaces. While there is significant research on expatriate management and adjustment, relying on social identity and acculturation theories, little research addresses the expatriate experience of ethnic diversity in the host country. To address this gap, the aim of this study is to explore how Australian expatriate managers interpret their experience of working in a new and ethnically diverse workplace in Malaysia. The qualitative analysis suggests that the key to performing in such a context lies in the individual's ability to change and adapt beyond culture and language skills. The key managerial implication is that cross-cultural training can assist with the development of personal attributes by expatriate managers involved in ethnically diverse workplaces. Implications for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Understanding the relation between consumer overspending, tariff choices and customer churn is extremely important in many industries. If consumers are insensitive to their overspending and keep making mistakes in tariff choices, firms may profit from overspending and do not have to worry about customer churn. In this paper, using a rich panel data from a major mobile network operator in China, we show evidence that consumers respond to financial incentives and try to reduce overspending by switching to another plan or terminating the relationships with the operator. Given the trade-off between profiting from overspending and reducing customer churn faced by the operator, we conduct a simple policy simulation and show that the operator should encourage consumers to reduce their overspending. We also show that the effects of switching decisions on future overspending and the hazard of churn differ among upward switchers (i.e. consumers who switch to a larger plan) and downward switchers (i.e., consumers who switch to a smaller plan). Specifically, we find that consumers who switch down are more likely to reduce their future overspending, while consumers who switch up are less likely to churn.  相似文献   

王雅琳 《商业研究》2005,(23):147-149
在关税壁垒不断削弱的背景下,非关税措施逐渐成为各国实行贸易战略最有效的工具之一。从世界主要贸易市场的非关税措施及其引发的政治经济效应看,我国在发展对外贸易中应着力实现海关规则的国际化,履行取消配额、补贴的承诺,充分利用世贸组织为我们提供的保障措施,并建立更有效的非关税措施体系。  相似文献   

This paper considers the implications of incomplete exchange rate pass-through for optimal monetary and exchange rate policy. A two-country model is presented, which allows an explicit derivation of welfare functions in terms of a weighted sum of the second moments of producer prices and the nominal exchange rate. From a single country perspective, the optimal exchange rate variance depends on the degree of pass-through, the size and openness of the economy, the elasticity of labour supply and the volatility of foreign producer prices. Welfare may be decreasing or increasing in the volatility of the exchange rate.  相似文献   

We need to tone down the emotional content of the discussion of welfare and deal with facts. The author points out that public assistance takes two principal forms: crude and subtle. The former includes aid to the needy; subtle aid is given regardless of need. In the minds of many, crude programs are welfare, but the subtle programs are not. Statistics reveal that of the 14 million who receive direct aid, only 1 percent are unemployed males. Therefore, no significant group can be identified as undeserving. The system, as it now stands, humiliates the recipients, offers inadequate benefits, lacks fairness and uniformity and perpetuates poverty. The author offers six corrective measures that should be taken.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):262-286
This paper examines the extent to which non‐tariff measures (NTM s) are set for protectionist purposes. Our main focus is on developing countries. Overall results show that NTM s reflect protectionist forces, in particular for those that have been subject to trade concerns at the World Trade Organization (WTO ). For the other measures, there is no evidence that protectionism is the driving force behind their adoption, suggesting that their determinants may be associated with legitimate goals such as consumer health and safety. Furthermore, transnational lobbying, defined as the participation of national business groups at the Ministerial Conferences—the highest authority of the WTO —is positively associated with the probability of adopting NTM s.  相似文献   

随着电力工业体制改革和电力市场的发展,现行电价政策、制定电价的方法等已越来越不适应新形势的要求,暴露出了诸多弊端,本文主要分析了上网电价改革的不足和建议.  相似文献   

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