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文章主要以当前我国中部地区农村劳动力流动为背景,基于农村劳动力输出的现状,针对其中所潜在存在着的一些社会问题及其相关影响因素进行研究,主要采用调查统计的方法,重点以我国河南省某县农村地区劳动力输出所产生的人口老龄化问题,以及湖北省某市农村地区表现最为突出的农村留守儿童及其教育问题为例。  相似文献   

安徽省农村留守儿童健康状况的调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在对安徽省农村留守儿童的健康现状及可能影响其体质健康的因素进行实地调查的基础上,通过建立Ordered Logistic计量模型,定量分析了各因素对儿童体质健康的影响。研究结果表明:父亲外出务工会对留守儿童的体质健康产生不利影响,且其外出这一行为本身对儿童营养状况的负面影响显著;家庭特征层面上,父亲的体质状况会对儿童营养健康产生正面影响,且影响显著;食肉频率、锻炼频率及营养知识得分等变量对子女的体质都会产生影响,且在模型中显著;由于地区间存在差异,地区变量对儿童的体质状况也会产生影响。最后,依据分析结果,从家庭、学校和国家3个层面提出了改善我国农村留守儿童体质状况的有效途径。  相似文献   

据对湖北省荆州地区仙桃、石首、江陵、公安等四县(市)农村民间借贷情况调查和农村社教情况反映,当前农村高利贷现象,特别是村组集体向个人高利贷借贷情况比较严重,有很多政策性问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

随着经济快速发展,城市化步伐加快,我国农村留守儿童和空巢老人现象已成为一个亟待解决的社会问题。就留守儿童、空巢老人的问题,分别对安徽省蚌埠市怀远县河溜镇莲花村、劳庙村、河溜村和褚庙村进行了实地调查和走访。通过调研发现,被调研地区的农村留守儿童和空巢老人问题显著,其主要表现为亲情淡忘、家庭教育淡漠。学校安全淡味和社会监管淡化,是造成亲情淡忘、家庭教育淡漠的主要根源。必须依靠政府、学校、家庭与社会共同配合,采取行之有效的措施,才能够真正解决农村留守儿童和空巢老人问题。  相似文献   

现有的调查难以全面系统反映农村人口变迁,人口普查不仅时间滞后,而且缺乏农户较详细的流动信息。该研究采取整村抽样方法进行农村人口调查,初步结果表明:农村劳动力向城镇的迁移和转移还将继续,但速度将减缓;农村主要务农劳动力将继续趋于老龄化,一段时间后总量会大幅度下降;"留守儿童"的问题与非农就业机会相互影响,因而呈现比较明显的地区差别。  相似文献   

健全农村社会保障体系特别是养老保险体系对改善农民生活、增加农民抵御各种风险能力具有重要的意义.当前许多地区还没有建立相应的农村体系,而已建立的地区也存在很多缺陷,运行中出现诸多问题.本文基于淳安县临岐镇农村养老保险的调查,对农村养老的参保现状、问题及原因进行深入分析,在此基础上,提出相关的政策建议.  相似文献   

农村留守儿童道德教育现状调查与对策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前农村留守儿童存在着道德意志薄弱、道德心理不健康等方面的问题,家庭教育、学校教育和道德教育机制是造成这一问题的原因所在。解决农村留守儿童道德教育需要完善政府在农村留守儿童道德教育中的角色,完善家庭在农村留守儿童道德教育中的责任,创造农村留守儿童道德教育的良好环境。  相似文献   

目的了解广西柳州市学龄前儿童牙面色斑发生的规律,探讨其发生的原因及相关影响因素。方法随机抽出广西柳州市13所幼儿园,对在园的学龄前儿童进行牙面色斑沉着、患龋情况、口腔卫生情况等口腔健康状况调查,对所得数据进行统计分析。结果牙面色斑在患龋儿童中的发生率7.54%,低于无龋儿童15.34%;牙面色斑的发生率在氟化泡沫组18.13%,高于氟保护漆组11.65%和未使用氟化物的对照组10.32%;牙面色斑的发生与软垢指数间的相关性不具有统计学意义。结论牙面色斑的发生可能是口腔微生物环境改变的结果,与使用不同剂型的氟化物有关,不能认为牙面色斑的发生是口腔卫生不良而引起。  相似文献   

试论西部贫困地区农村劳动力转移与人才回流   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
当前对农村劳力的研究主要集中于劳力转移方面,如:农村劳力素质低、缺乏专业技能、收入低、无保障等,而对农村人才回流方面研究较少.近年来,西部地区农村劳力市场一方面存在转移难的问题,导致农民增收困难.农村经济增长缓慢.但同时在一些地区的农村,妇女、儿童、老人留守家目的现象普遍,导致这些地区出现劳力和致富带头人缺乏、留守儿童缺管等问题.文章将系统论述西部地区农村劳力转移与人才回流存在的问题,进而提出基本对策.  相似文献   

农村"留守儿童"及"留守儿童"的教育问题日益受到社会各阶层的关注。在调查中我们发现农村留守儿童主要有四种教养方式——隔代教育、寄养教育、寄宿教育和自我教育。不同教养方式对农村"留守儿童"心理、道德的成长产生很大的不良影响,在调查分析的基础上,对解决留守儿童的心理道德成长问题提出了可行性解决办法。  相似文献   


Digital technologies have become an increasingly prominent feature of children’s lives both within and outside educational environments (McCoy, Quail, and Smyth 2012. Influences on 9-Year-Olds’ Learning: Home, School and Community. Dublin: Department of Children and Youth Affairs). Despite considerable media debate, we have little robust evidence on the impact of technology use on children’s development, both academically and socially. Much of the literature in this area relies on small-scale cross-sectional studies. Using longitudinal data on 8500 9-year-old children in Ireland, we examine the influence of early mobile phone ownership on children’s performance in reading and maths between 9 and 13 years of age. Across both reading and maths domains, children who already report owning a phone by the age of nine fare less well in terms of their academic development as they move into adolescence. The measured effects are sizeable, implying about 4 percentile lower ranking on standardised tests for an average student. Our results are consistent with the idea that there may be significant educational costs arising from early mobile phone use by children. Parents and policymakers should consider whether the benefits of phone availability for children are sufficiently large to justify such costs. We suggest a range of direct and indirect cognitive effects that could help explain these results.  相似文献   

Adaptation and inequality: children of immigrants in Canadian schools   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract.  Children of immigrant parents have comparable test scores in reading and mathematics to those of the children of the Canadian born. Children of immigrant parents whose mother tongue is neither English nor French have low performance in vocabulary before age six but performance in mathematics and reading that is comparable to that of the children of Canadian‐born parents by age fourteen. The 10th percentile of the vocabulary distribution is lower for children of immigrant parents whose mother tongue is neither English nor French than for children of Canadian‐born parents. However, this difference is not present in reading and mathematics test scores. JEL classification: J150, I210  相似文献   

以2008年苏州城乡老年空巢家庭养老状况的调查资料为基础,对城乡空巢老人的养老意愿及其影响因素进行了分析。超过半数的空巢老人不愿意与子女共同居住,而机构养老也并非空巢老人的最爱。在影响空巢老人是否愿意与子女共同居住的因素中,户籍因素最为重要,其次是与子女关系因素,最后是房屋建筑面积因素;而在影响空巢老人是否愿意入住养老机构的众多因素中,文化程度、儿子数量和养老金(养老补贴)数量这三个变量尤为重要。  相似文献   

建构主义理论起源于皮亚杰的儿童认知发展论,是认知学习论的一个重要分支。当前我国的英语阅读教学大部分采用传统教学模式,存在许多问题。运用建构主义为指导研究和探讨建构主义理论在英语阅读教学中的应用,对阅读教学改革有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

We explore the relationship between educational attainment and social interaction using individual level data from the British National Child Development Study. To be specific, we analyze whether an intergenerational aspect to this relationship exists by examining the relationship between the educational attainment of children and the degree of formal social activity undertaken by their parents. Our results suggest that children's scores in reading, mathematics and vocabulary tests are positively associated with the extent of their parents’ formal social interaction, and this relationship is robust to alternative definitions of social interaction.  相似文献   

浦东陆家嘴地区是中国建立国际金融中心的试点区域,其城市绿化建设和公园建设已达国内先进水平,但在公园中的儿童游乐环境建设方面还存在很多不足,如规划缺失、设计滞后、数量少、规模小、设施单一、形式单调、空间分布不均等。本文通过对陆家嘴地区公园儿童游乐环境的调查和分析,从规划、设计、管理和法规等方面提出了解决陆家嘴地区公园儿童游乐环境的建议和对策。  相似文献   

Analysing survey data from 32 selected cities across China in 2003, this article examines parents’ expenditure on their children's education from two aspects: factors affecting domestic education expenditure and factors affecting expenditure on overseas education. The main findings that emerge from this study are as follows. First, household income has significant effects on the magnitude of the domestic and overseas educational expenditures. Second, households where mothers have senior secondary school or college education, and fathers are working in professional occupations are likely to spend more on education for their children. Third, being in the highest income category, having a college-educated father, having a mother who is a cadre or middle professional and living in a coastal area significantly enhances the probabilities for the households sending their children overseas for education.  相似文献   

外语阅读焦虑是影响学习者阅读理解的主要因素。通过对非英语专业大学生英语阅读焦虑进行研究,发现外语阅读焦虑在非英语专业大学生中具普遍性而且存在显著的性别差异,焦虑和非英语专业大学生的CET4阅读理解成绩呈负相关。  相似文献   

Using unique data from Hungary, the gap in reading and mathematics test scores between Roma and non‐Roma 8th grade students is assessed and a substantial gap between them revealed. Standardized test scores as well as the fraction of students with competences considered inadequate are examined. Regardless of measurement and subject area, the bulk of the gap is explained by social differences in income, wealth and parental education. Using reduced‐form regressions, two major mediating mechanisms are identified: first, on average the home environment of Roma children is less favourable for cognitive development; second, the educational environment of the average Roma student is different from the average non‐Roma student. Comparing students with similar home environments from the same school and class, the ethnic gap in test scores is found to be insignificant. Ethnic differences in the home environment are explained by social disparity, and ethnicity seems to play no additional role in that regard. The unequal distribution of Roma students in schools and classes is found to be explained predominantly by social difference, too, with a significant residual portion, indicating the effect of ethnic segregation.  相似文献   

阅读技能在英语学习基本技能中占有很重要的地位,有效的学习策略的培养尤为关键。英语阅读课堂中的学习策略培养需要注重背景知识介绍,阅读材料的选择,阅读策略的训练和阅读教学策略,以培养学生自主学习能力,最终使其阅读能力得到提升。  相似文献   

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