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建立独立董事制度 完善公司治理结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了规范上市公司的法人治理结构,使董事会更公正地代表股东利益尤其是中小股东的利益,借鉴国际市场经验,笔者认为,在上市公司中引入独立董事制度是完善中国上市公司治理结构的重要步骤。  相似文献   

Abstract:   This paper examines whether the incidence of earnings management by UK firms depends on board monitoring. We focus on two aspects of board monitoring: the role of outside board members and the audit committee. Results indicate that the likelihood of managers making income‐increasing abnormal accruals to avoid reporting losses and earnings reductions is negatively related to the proportion of outsiders on the board. We also find that the chance of abnormal accruals being large enough to turn a loss into a profit or to ensure that profit does not decline is significantly lower for firms with a high proportion of outside board members. In contrast, we find little evidence that outside directors influence income‐decreasing abnormal accruals when pre‐managed earnings are high. We find no evidence that the presence of an audit committee directly affects the extent of income‐increasing manipulations to meet or exceed these thresholds. Neither do audit committees appear to have a direct effect on the degree of downward manipulation, when pre‐managed earnings exceed thresholds by a large margin. Our findings suggest that boards contribute towards the integrity of financial statements, as predicted by agency theory.  相似文献   

论文首先提出了"市场竞争的基金治理效应假说",在此基础上论文以开放式基金为例对我国基金层面的市场竞争结构进行了考察,发现我国基金业存在大基金垄断和一定程度的过度竞争并存的问题;进一步,论文首次给出了衡量基金治理效率的指标体系,并通过实证检验证实了治理效应假说存在,即市场竞争结构对基金治理具有显著影响。  相似文献   

Our objective is to examine the sensitivity of simultaneous equations techniques in corporate governance research. We model Tobin's Q, board composition, and managerial ownership using a three-equation instrumental variables approach, with two specifications and four instruments. We find that the variables are jointly determined. However, results depend strongly on the specification of the model and the instruments. We conclude that results using simultaneous equations methods must be interpreted cautiously, OLS estimates should not be casually dismissed, and that sensitivity analysis is essential when estimating an empirical model whose structure is uncertain.  相似文献   

本文基于生命周期-持久收入假说(LC—PIH)的理论框架建立了封闭式基金财富效应估计的简约化模型,并运用上海证券交易所和深圳证券交易所的样本数据进行了实证检验。结果表明我国封闭式基金市值与社会消费品零售总额之间不仅存在长期的协整关系,而且短期内也存在弱的财富效应。因而建议稳定基金市场发展,规范基金市场秩序,以充分发挥基金市场对我国消费的引导和调控作用。  相似文献   

开放式基金属场外柜台交易业务,而银行代销基金则是一种边缘性的金融创新业务,直接连通着银行业和证券业.2005年以来,随着中国股票市场牛市格局的确立,银行代销基金业务日益火爆,这既改变着百姓的理财方式,又牵动着银行储蓄的分流、转化.  相似文献   

In recent years in the United States and Canada, there has been an increasing interest in cash flow reporting and a strengthening belief that information on cash flows is valued in the marketplace. However, little research has been devoted to the issue. Regulatory bodies in the U.S. (Financial Accounting Standards Board) and Canada(Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants) require that an enterprise should disclose separately cash flows from operating, financing and investing activities in their cash flow statements. The data in the cash flow statements are expected to help investors assess the firm's liquidity, financial flexibility and risk. On the other hand, the British Accounting Standards Committee (ASC) does not require a statement of cash flows. This study employs a cross-sectional equity valuation model to examine the association of cash flows from operating, financing and investing activities with security prices. A sample of 403 U.S. firms is used for the ten-year period of 1976–85. The results of this study indicate that there exists a strong association between the various cash flow components included in the cash flow statements and the market value of the firm.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a sharp increase in the number of non-executive directors (NEDs) on the boards of UK listed firms. Using a sample period spanning the publication of the Cadbury Report (1992), this paper evaluates the implications of this increase. The main findings can be summarised as follows. First, the increased demand for NEDs has been more pronounced for firms classified as having proportionately too many executive board members in the pre-Cadbury period. Secondly, the probability of compliance with the Cadbury Report's proposal for a minimum of three NEDs is positively related to the magnitude of the expected net benefits of adding further non-executives to the board. Finally, there is little evidence that the increased use of NEDs caused firms to make costly adjustments to other elements of their control systems in an attempt to re-equilibrate their governance portfolios. These findings are consistent with claims that the recent trend towards greater NED representation on UK boards may have helped to raise general governance standards.  相似文献   

封闭式基金折价与管理绩效的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于管理绩效理论,对我国封闭式基金折价现象进行实证研究。管理绩效理论认为,封闭式基金折价反映了投资者对于基金未来过低的管理能力的理性预期,未来管理绩效越差,折价越大。本文使用了多种基金绩效度量模型,分别采用引入时间哑变量和除去时间均值混合OLS回归方法以及Fama-Macbeth横截面回归方法,验证了折价率和未来管理绩效之间的关系。结果显示,封闭式基金折价和溢价反映了市场对于基金未来管理绩效的预期;当期折价率和未来管理绩效之间存在显著的正向关系,尤其在未来一个季度的时间内;这种关系不受非同步性交易效应和基金异质性的影响。本文同时发现,折价率对于未来管理绩效的解释能力强于过去的管理绩效对于未来管理绩效的解释能力。  相似文献   

我国上市商业银行公司治理绩效的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巩师恩 《海南金融》2009,(12):72-75
商业银行公司治理结构是现代银行制度的核心,对于商业银行的发展具有决定意义的作用。我国上市商业银行是按照现代企业制度的要求建立起来的,在公司治理方面相对我国其他类型银行具有一定的借鉴意义,因此对我国上市商业银行进行研究具有一定的理论和应用价值。本文采用实证研究方法,通过对于商业银行年报中披露的有关公司治理数据的统计分析,考察了公司治理结构中股权结构、董事会特征、监事会特征、高级管理层激励特征等各类治理指标对于商业银行公司业绩的影响关系。  相似文献   

以2000-2015年我国A股上市公司为样本,考察CEO与董事间的“老乡”关系、内部控制质量对代理成本的影响,研究发现:CEO与董事间的“老乡”关系能显著降低代理成本;随着公司内部控制质量的提高,CEO与董事间的“老乡”关系对代理成本的降低程度越来越低。进一步研究发现:CEO与董事间的“老乡”关系只在非国有企业、CEO为男性的样本中能显著降低代理成本。  相似文献   

Some recent empirical evidence suggests that stock prices are not properly modeled as the present discounted value of expected dividends. In this paper, we estimate a present value model of stock price that is capable of explaining the observed long-term trends in stock prices. The model recognizes that firm managers control cash dividend payments. The model estimates indicate that stock price movements may be explained by managerial behavior.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the explanatory power of investment banking reputation measures. One of these measures, a nineteen-tier indicator of underwriter reputation, is determined by the relative position of the underwriter's name within the tombstone announcements of security offerings. An alternative measure assigns four ranks according to the investment banking bracket of the underwriter. This “bracket” measure is considerably easier to create than the “tombstone” measure. We employ both measures in identical initial public offering empirical models and assess their relative performance. In all of the models tested, the tombstone measure appears to be superior. Moreover, we find that, unlike the bracket measure, the tombstone reputation indicator significantly explains the initial returns to initial public offerings even when a measure of ex post uncertainty is included in the model.  相似文献   

The study of international integration of equity markets has received a great deal of interest. This paper investigates whether returns of forty-one closed-end country funds share a common volatility process with three comparable return series: the underlying net asset value (NAV), U.S. stock market returns, and foreign stock market returns. Country funds are a natural setting to test for international market integration, as they are traded in the U.S. market, whereas their underlying assets are traded in foreign stock markets. Our results indicate that only a few emerging markets' country funds share common volatility processes with their comparable asset returns. This, in turn, suggests weak linkages through the second moment of related assets.  相似文献   

本文以1996—2005年间美国43家商业银行为样本,实证分析了商业银行董事会治理的特征及其对绩效的影响。研究表明:平均而言,商业银行董事会的规模略大于非金融性企业的这一指标,且外部董事的比例较高;董事会规模与银行绩效之间存在非线性的倒U型曲线关系,但外部董事的比例对银行绩效的影响不显著;董事长与总经理两职合一、董事会次级委员会的数量、外部董事拥有的董事席位数均与银行绩效显著负相关;董事会会议频率对当年度银行绩效的影响不显著,但与前一会计年度的绩效之间存在显著的负相关关系;董事持股比例与银行绩效之间存在非线性的关系,而总经理任职年限对银行绩效的影响不显著。  相似文献   

基金绩效评价的Fama-French三因素模型检验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过Sharpe基金风格模型明确基金实际风格,并利用中信风格指数将Fama-French三因素模型应用于基金的绩效评价。在对30只基金两年周收益率数据进行实证研究后,结果显示FF模型3个系数显著性良好,基金风格特征得以表现;且FF模型更加准确,拟合程度较单因素模型有较大提高;同时单因素和FF三因素模型的Jenson指数说明基金具有获得超额收益率的能力。  相似文献   

We investigate a jump-diffusion process, which is a mixture of an O-U process used by Vasicek (1977) and a compound Poisson jump process, for the term structure of interest rates. We develop a methodology for estimating the jump-diffusion model and complete an empirical study in comparing the model with the Vasicek model, for the US money market interest rates. The results show that when the short-term interest rate is low, both models predict an upward sloping term structure, with the jump-diffusion model fitting the actual term structure quite well and the Vasicek model overestimating significantly. When the short-term interest rate is high, both models predict a downward sloping term structure, with the jump-diffusion model underestimating the actual term structure more significantly than the Vasicek model.  相似文献   

This paper applies a set of GARCH models to investigate the three characteristics, including time persistence, leverage effect, and risk premium, of the volatilities of the four China Securities Index (CSI) fund indices. This study made the following four findings: (1) a strong ARCH effect exists in the returns; (2) time persistence is significant in all the CSI fund indices, namely, "stock index," "hybrid index," and "bond index" in descending order of significance; (3) the leverage effect is not statistically significant, yet there may be a positive leverage effect on the bond funds; (4) a risk premium effect exists in the open-end fund market, especially in the bond fund market.  相似文献   

加拿大的社会保障预算主要涉及老年保障制度、就业保险制度和加拿大养老金计划等3项制度,其中,老年保障制度与就业保险制度采用政府公共预算,加拿大养老金计划则独立编制专项基金预算。由这两方面着手,文章对加拿大社会保障预算进行了深入的经验分析,并发现对中国有如下启示:政府应建立社会养老金制度,并将其支出纳入政府公共预算;社会保险基金主要是养老保险基金应进行严格精算,以保证长期的财务可持续性;政府应大力促进基金的市场化投资,进而实现专项基金预算下的结余基金的保值增值。  相似文献   

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