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日前,襄轴被襄樊市发展和改革委员会认定为“襄樊市总部性企业”,并颁发了认定证书。总部性企业是襄樊市为了进一步推进城市经济转型,扩大对外开放,鼓励国内外企业在襄樊市设立总部或分支机构,发展总部经济而设立的。经认定的总部性企业,可申请享受《襄樊市鼓励发展总部性企业暂行规定》中规定的各项鼓励政策,如:  相似文献   

新闻事件:佛山公交向公共服务回归今年7月底,佛山市高明区将启动该区史上最大规模的一次公交扩容升级工程,以破解覆盖率低等长期困扰该区的公交难题。根据新近公布的全区城乡交通升级实施方案,高明区现有的12条公交线路将扩容为33条,公交车辆从142辆增加至187辆,全部采用天然气车型。这是高明区史上最大规模的升级扩容,该区也将由此成为佛山第一个全面使用天然气公交车的区。在具体运作上,5条线路规划为穿梭快巴,投入运力102辆,以位于中心城区的高明客运站为区中心点向其余三镇辐射,公交车开往各镇中心而  相似文献   

中石油西南销售公司由公司机关总部以及下辖的3个省级分公司、5区域分公司组成,现有网络主要由专线网络和VPN网络组成。随着中石油西南销售公司的不断发展,依赖计算机网络信息化系统的程度越来越高,对网络安全、网络监控以及信息办公的标准化要求也越来越高。原有的网络平台已经难以满足快速发展的业务需求,迫切需要对现有网络进行全面改造。对网络的改造的总体思路如下:1、为保证整网的可靠性和健壮性,避免网络设备单点故障的发生导致业务系统中断,需要采用双节点双链路拓扑构建网络。2、提升核心设备处理能力和业务承载能力,为后续业务…  相似文献   

郑悦 《IT经理世界》2014,(13):22-23
正这是一拨针对商务应用的B2B风潮移动互联浪潮,使得移动商务应用成为创业热点。位于Redwood City的Evernote总部和硅谷典型的互联网公司令人感觉有些不同,在舒服与自由之外还多了些商务范儿——办公室里有着简洁的设计以及理性的氛围;而身材魁梧的CEO Phil  相似文献   

大连供电与暴风雪较量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
3月4日,大连市遭遇了历史上罕见的大风、暴雨、冻雨天气,使输电导线覆冰,造成大连电网多处故障。2条500千伏线路跳闸,25条220千伏线路和146条66千伏线路多次跳闸,并造成25条220千伏和66千伏线路倒塔倒杆270基;15座220千伏变电所和163座66千伏变电所先后多次停电;10千伏线路跳闸1184条,倒杆6956基(根)。尤为严重的是,大连南部电网与辽宁主网解列,形成孤网运行。  相似文献   

中高层管理者是企业经营管理的核心和骨干团队,企业对其激励约束的及时性、有效性、充分性,直接决定了企业经营管理的质量和效率。中高层管理者激励约束面临的主要问题建筑企业的中高层管理者,通常包括企业总部、分支机构(包括子企业、分公  相似文献   

总部位于德国路德维希港的巴斯夫公司是世界最大的化工企业,在全球有超过164家的分支机构,其产品包括专用化学品、塑料、催化剂、染料、色素、农化产品以及石油和天然气化工等,为了对这样一个庞大的企业进行有效管理,巴斯夫开始了与企业管理软件和协同商务解决方案供应商SAP的合作。  相似文献   

该路由器在TCP/IP网络环境下实现全双工无差错终端、PC接入和网络互联,它使用一个串行数据通信端口或一条通信线路同时传送8路异步、同步,或异步和同步数据,成功地实现了一台终端接入服务器和一台路由器合二为一的功能。它支持PPP、IP、ICMP、UDP、TCP、RIPv2和以太网协议、ARP、RARP等协议,具有优先级管理、线路环测、实时误码指示、多种备份线工作方式及软件下载升级产品等功能。采用全中文菜单参数设置,通信效率高,延时小。 该路由器各项性能指标全部符合有关的国家标准和行业标准,有很好的性价比,在低端路由器方面,可替代进口产品,已在四川、重庆、贵州、宁夏、河南、河北等地区试用,性能稳定、安全可靠、操作简便、方式灵活,满足了用户需求。 〔成都迈普电器有限公司花欣供稿成都市人民南路领事馆路南谊大厦 610041〕②  相似文献   

BMC高性能空气过滤器是摩托车和汽车行业最著名的品牌之一。总部设在意大利博洛尼亚,并在德国、日本和美国设有分支机构的国际化公司,同时在世界各地拥有40多个分销商。BMC为竞赛和街道用车生产世界上最优质的空气过滤器。  相似文献   

四川超(特)高压公司目前运行管理的500千伏变电站26座,变电容量3725万千伏安,±500千伏换流站1座,容量357.12万千伏安;交流输电线路77条,长度7623.559千米,直流输电线路2条(含±800千伏线路1条),长度427.305千米;接地极线路2条,长度104.369千米,人均管理的变电容量和线路长度在国网系统名列前茅。  相似文献   

Using a 2004 cross-sectional database of digital cable systems in the U.S., we provide new evidence that the effects of vertical ownership ties between systems and programming suppliers persist in spite of extensive channel capacity expansion, as well as new competition from direct broadcast satellites. Focusing on four program network groups (basic outdoor entertainment, basic cartoon, basic movie, and premium movie), we generally find that integrated cable systems carry their affiliated networks more frequently and carry unaffiliated rival networks less frequently—a pattern identified by previous studies using data prior to DBS or the capacity expansion effects of digital cable. We also find that integrated systems that do carry rival networks often position them on digital tiers having more limited subscriber access, a pattern not investigated in previous studies.  相似文献   

During the recent recession only seventeen states offered short‐time compensation (STC)—prorated unemployment benefits for workers whose hours are reduced for economic reasons. Federal legislation passed in 2012 will encourage the expansion of STC. Exploiting cross‐state variation in STC, we present new evidence indicating that jobs saved during the recession as a consequence of STC may have been significant in manufacturing, but that the overall scale of the STC program was generally too small to have substantially mitigated aggregate job losses in the seventeen states. Expansion of the program is necessary for STC to be an effective countercyclical tool in the future.  相似文献   

赵连增 《国际石油经济》2011,(Z1):98-106,174
中国天然气价格采用国家控制下的供应推动型顺价机制,建立在单一气源产业链模型基础上,分段管理,是基于平均成本和合理利润的政府定价。这一机制有效运行的两个基础条件是天然气产业比较简单和计划经济体制主导经济运行。产业规模快速扩大、同一市场多气源供气、供气主体复杂化、供气管道网络化、全国市场一体化、需求主体分散化的天然气产业新格局导致现行天然气价格体制有效运行的基础条件不复存在,由此使我国天然气产业在快速发展中产生重重矛盾。这些矛盾包括:产业规模快速扩大的趋势给政府定价增加技术难度;同一市场多气源在顺价机制下必然导致市场价格多轨;供气管道网络化趋势成为天然气顺价机制的最大技术障碍;供气主体复杂化趋势导致利益调节不均衡和越来越困难;气源加权平均定价严重阻碍天然气产业发展;全国市场一体化将彻底颠覆资源属地化和区域性的限制;天然气消费主体分散化趋势使计划经济条件下行政配置资源的做法难度加大。  相似文献   

工程项目投标决策问题不确定性较强,受决策者主观意志影响较大,如果施工单位不加选择地盲目投标,势必会给企业生产经营带来混乱,并且造成极大的浪费。借助于有效利用企业历史投标数据的理念,提出了一种基于人工神经网络(ANN)的量化计算方法,通过构建BP神经网络模型对企业历史投标数据进行信息挖掘,进而对拟投标项目进行评估预测,可以较好地解决由于决策者主观影响带来的决策失误问题。通过实例阐述了利用MATLAB编程进行计算的过程。  相似文献   

Are the privatization and market competition models resulting in the leveling of the supply-side playing field, and are they demand driven as expected? Quantitative indicators of network expansion and efficiency provide a partial and inconclusive picture. Instead, an evolutionary property rights framework is favored. Examined in detail are the institutional environments that lead to particular types of property rights which in turn affect network expansion and efficiency. The article offers two conclusions: (a) introducing market competition is slow, messy and difficult to manage but, where present, it is better for growth than privatization alone, and (b) network expansion and efficiency are most noticeable where adequate property rights and enforcement mechanisms are in place. It also conjectures that the “East Asia Model” toward network expansion may not be easily generalizable.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problems associated with the development and management of an educational program for manufacturing managers in leadership roles who are making contributions towards the creation of customer delight as well as customer satisfaction using manufacturing technology. The basic concept combines an intelligent knowledge-based approach with the kaizen activity program within the framework of value creation and comparative advantage models based on a network referred to as Academia, Business, Consultancy, and Government (ABC-G). This educational program, which reflects the characteristics of manufacturing technologies and practices in the Hokuriku District of Japan, was developed in 2005–2006 and the trial education was developed in 2005 and 2006, and a trial run of this program was conducted in 2006 and 2007 in close collaboration with local manufacturing companies and their employees. The results are informative of the effects of educating manufacturing managers in Japan and the problems that will have to be overcome for the continuous improvement of the program.  相似文献   

In this discussion of the growth of personal computer use in the USA, and the increasing interest in linking these computers into networks, the author describes the expansion of personal computing in the USA since 1975, and cites a number of estimates, surveys, and market research studies concerning projected growth. The activities of the Personal Computer Network (PCNET) are discussed, from its founding in May 1977 to initial experimental operation in early 1978. A number of options for network link media are dealt with, including the dial telephone system and various radio link designs. These various network architectures lead to several policy issues: How will the standards for telephone system use interact with increasing use of personal computer-based telecommunications? How will the cost of telephone service (particularly off-peak hour rates) influence the growth and use of personal computer networks? Could, and should, the telephone carriers and/or the value-added carriers offer a packet-switched service to residential subscribers? What current restrictions are faced by personal computer users in networking via CB and amateur radio? Bandwidth for digital block radio can materially improve the cost-effectiveness of personal computer network activity — what frequencies would be suitable, and what usage restrictions would be appropriate? What are the societal consequences of personal computer networks?  相似文献   

This paper charts the development of telecommunications in Bhutan. Since the introduction of telecommunications services in 1963 Bhutan has faced many challenges as it has sought to roll out a network that covers the whole population and country. A small population, a mountainous geography, a transitional economy and a unique approach to development—Gross National Happiness—present many challenges that need to be overcome if the telecommunications industry is to develop further. Added to this is the decision of Bhutan to join the outside world through membership of the ITU, APT and WTO that has added liberalisation and privatisation to the challenges faced by Bhutan. This paper identifies two broad policy options that Bhutan could adopt—network expansion nationally or investment concentration towards urban areas. The authors conclude that due to the limited resources available to Bhutan these policies are contradictory and will take the telecommunications industry in quite different directions if adopted.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the expansion of the network of a monopolist firm that produces a durable good and is also involved in the corresponding aftermarket. We characterize the Markov Perfect Equilibrium of the continuous time dynamic game played by the monopolist and the forward-looking consumers, under the assumption that consumers benefit from the subsequent expansion of the network. The paper contributes to the theoretical discussion on the validity of the Coase conjecture, analyzing whether Coase's prediction that the monopolist serves the market in a “twinkling of an eye” remains valid in our setup. We conclude that the equilibrium network development may actually be gradual, contradicting Coase's conjecture. We find that a necessary condition for such a result is the existence of aftermarket network effects that accrue (at least partly) to the monopolist firm.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2014,38(8-9):693-708
As demand for mobile broadband services continues to explode, mobile wireless networks must expand greatly their capacities. This paper describes and quantifies the economic and technical challenges associated with deepening wireless networks to meet this growing demand. Methods of capacity expansion divide into three general categories: the deployment of more radio spectrum; more intensive geographic reuse of spectrum; and increasing the throughput capacity of each MHz of spectrum within a given geographic area. The paper describes these several basic methods to deepen mobile wireless capacity. It goes on to measure the contribution of each of these methods to historical capacity growth within U.S. networks. The paper then describes the capabilities of 4G LTE wireless technology, and further innovations off of it, to further improve network capacity. These capacity expansion capabilities of LTE-Advanced along with traditional spectrum reuse are quantified and compared to forecasts of future demand to evaluate the ability of U.S. networks to match future demand. Without significantly increasing current spectrum allocations by 560 MHz over the 2014–2022 period, the presented model suggests that U.S. wireless capacity expansion will be inadequate to accommodate expected demand growth. This conclusion is in contrast to claims that the U.S. faces no spectrum shortage.  相似文献   

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