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The resources-oriented industry cluster is geographically close to natural resources development and processing industry.The knowledge-intensive,technology-intensive,capital-intensive,and labor-intensive is a relatively aggregate associated with natural resources and will structure commonality and complementary coupling so that economic and social development play a leading role in the complex adaptive systems closely related to ecological environment.A resources-oriented industry cluster in Yunnan has general common characteristics of industrial clusters and will form the characteristics of the enterprise spatial aggregation of innovative network of the industrial chain and value chain.According to the market structure of resources and resources market behavior in Yunnan,the particularity of resources commodity production has conduced resources market structure and general merchandise market structure many differences.Optimizing the cluster structure and extending the industrial chain have improved the productivity of the cluster and extension the lifecycle of the cluster to achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

People currentiy pay attention to a hotspot problem that how industrial production is evaluated and controlled based on sustainable development theory. Quality is one of the important indexes. Two mainstream theories guide us to realize the industrial sustainable development: mainly the circular economy and sustainable manufacturing are introduced. The basic characteristics of the sustainable manufacturing are introduced, and that quality management is important contents of sustainable development is indicated. Based on circular economy and sustainable manufacture theories, the drawbacks in the existing quality management models are analyzed. The requests that satisfy the big system "environment- society - economy" are summarized to build up a model. A Chinese traditional cultural principle is applied and the relevant contents are sublimated as the platform to set up the model. The new quality management concept models are put forward "T- D- R" three-dimensional structures and "ecological quality loop" model, from which the new quality concepts are formed The paper elaborates the contents and the process of setting up the models. The big quality problems of the system can be handled by the new quality concept and model that are validated in practice.  相似文献   

Non-timber forest products(NTFPs) can play a key role in sustainable rural development due to their ability to support rural livelihoods while of their role and potential in conservation and development remains weak. Studies have pointed to important knowlidge gaps that may lead to serious exploitation and unsustainable use of the nanral resource "NTFP" in China. such as(I) lack of basic lknowledge on germplasm and non-existing or incomplete inventory.(2)no in-depth and long-term monitoring and institutional arrangements to ascertain sustainable extraction levels,(3)insufficient market transparency for communities.(4)incomplete knowledge of NTFP domestication and ist effects on product quality and price and the conservation of wild sources, and (5)no existing research on the full length of the commodity chain for major non-timber forest prochucts and the various actors in the chain. remote mountain regions through the sustainable management of NTFPs. The potential and challenges of oraanic,ecological and Fairtrade certification schemes in the context of smallholder farmers are discussed in more detall.  相似文献   

Development and sustainability are the core connotation of sustainable development. Sustainability of economic development and the provision capability of resources and environment are two aspects of sustainable development. The former ones are the foundation of the latter ones'. Industrial structure has a close relationship with sustainable development. The optimization of industrial structure is the important base for the sustainable development of modern economy and also the important ways of the sustainable utilization of resources and environment; The intensive growth effect of industrial structure change has the meaning of sustainable development. This paper reviews and explains the theory on the contribution of indus'trial structure change to sustainable development, builds the calculation model through introducing the coefficient of industrial structure change, makes an empirical study on the contribution of industrial structure change to sustainable development in Fujian, and puts forward ways and policies of optimizing industrial structure both among industries and inside the industry in the process of industrial structure change.  相似文献   

The industrialization of eco-agriculture has applied modern science technology in accordance with ecological principles and has promoted agricultural production.As a subsystem of agricultural industrial clusters,the industrialization of eco-agriculture is the specific applications of cluster concept in the industrialization of eco-agriculture development.Industrialization of eco-agriculture cluster will achieve eco-agriculture and interact with industrial cluster which forms eco-agriculture integration and composite industry and ultimately realize the new benign circulation eco-agriculture model.According to the ecological engineering basic principles of recycling of the overall coordination,industrialization of eco-agriculture is focusing on the main systems operating coordination between the various subsystems and its various factors,and will maintain a reasonable ecological and economic structure to ensure the recycling of natural resources.Industrialization of eco-agriculture in Yunnan has adjusted the agricultural production structure to keep the stability of the gross grain production and economic development and has taken effective measures to vigorously improve land use and land productivity.Various ways of improving soil fertility has vigorously promoted other water-saving agricultural technologies.Ecological protection of rice no-tillage,cultivation of crop cultivation of the integrated control crop disease pests grass and agricultural production have taken the sustainable development.  相似文献   

The role of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the economy of a country was quite strategic, however the tightness of the competition, has allowed the SMEs into disadvantageous position. The SMEs need a precise accounting information system, thus the SMEs could improve the accuracy, validation data, productivity, and the competitiveness of enterprises. The problem of this research is how the SMEs accounting information systems in a cluster of Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta. To develop accounting information systems in a SMEs cluster of Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta, this research used research and development (R&D) method. Data obtained through analysis of the company's business processes. Results of data analysis used to develop accounting information systems in a SMEs cluster of Kampung Batik Laweyan Surakarta. Accounting information system development consists of the structure of SMEs organizations, the general design of accounting information systems of the SMEs, flowchart and documentation of the SMEs accounting information systems, and accounting software of the SMEs  相似文献   

The main aim of the paper is to explain the reason and mechanism of technological diffusion in industry cluster. Following the idea showed in Zhou Qin's model, we further develop the theoretical analysis that how the technological gap between strong enterprises and weak enterprises determines the level and speed of technological diffusion. The bigger the technological disparity between strong enterprise and weak enterprise is, the quicker technology spreads and knowledge overflows; on the contrary, the smaller the technological disparity between strong enterprise and weak enterprise is, the slower technology spread and knowledge overflows. Therefore, this kind of mechanism is helpful for enterprises in an industry cluster to learn from each other and to enable each enterprise close to the "the average level" of technology or knowledge. As a result, we think that, there exists a close relation between technological gap and technological diffusion. The paper puts forward the way of knowledge overflows of the strong enterprises: imitationdemonstration effect, the longitudinal connection in the industrial chain, the labor force flow and transfer, informal exchange.  相似文献   

The competitiveness of navel orange characteristic industrial cluster lies in three aspects. First is the competitiveness of specific resources. The second is the competitiveness of market. The third is the competitiveness of manpower, organization and system background .An evaluation model on competitiveness of navel orange characteristic industry cluster is established with AHP in this article. The conclusion is that the competitive essence of navel orange characteristic industry cluster refers to the quality of the soil, the climate, the geographical position and the transportation condition which the cluster has. Compared with the navel orange characteristic industry clusters in western developed countries, especially in USA, the disparity of competitiveness of Gannan navel orange characteristic industrial cluster (GNOCIC for short) is obvious from a global perspective. Compared with the navel orange characteristic industry competitive advantage of GNOCIC is extremely obvious. clusters in Three Gorges, and Sichuan Province, the competitive advantage of GNOCIC is extremely obvious.  相似文献   

The fast development of the Yangtze River Delta of China is closely related to the dense inflows of FDI. The clustering of the foreign capital in this region has brought new projects, technology and business skills, which have given a strong impetus to the fast development of the regional economy and the upgrading of the economic structure. But the sustainability of FDI and its long-term influence have drawn a lot of attention. It is also a problem whether the slow-down of the FDI inflows or its flight will bring negative effect on the sustainable economic development of the Yangtze River Delta. In this paper, we will prove that the inflows of FDI are stable to some degree. It is unlikely that there will be a drastic large-scale FDI flight, so the so-called "migratory bird economy" will not occur. But the sustainable economic development in the Yangtze River Delta will depend on the continuity of the policies to attract FDI. What should be done includes the policy to promote the accumulation and circulation of the international capital to promote the sustainable development of the regional economy and market.  相似文献   

Ecotourism requires the harmony of all factors involved in tourism system for a multilateral benefit. Based on such cognition, a concept of deep ecotourism development is put forward which includes two connotations: on the one hand, it should give prominence to the display of the eco-culture of the tourist destination and tourists' eco-experience, in which way the development behavior on the tourist destination and the tourists' behavior will be regulated; on the other hand, it implies the deep harmony among tourist entrepreneurs and tourists, the local governments and the local residents, as well as tourist activities and the ecological environment in the tourism development for the multilateral benefit of every element involved and sustainable tourism development. The common sense is that the degrees in a certain tourism destination will differ and that consequently four levels of ecotourism are divided - very shallow ecotourism, shallow ecotourism, deep ecotourism and very deep ecotourism. To move shallow ecotourism toward deep one, two models of "four subjects and two wings" and "connecting the two wings" of deep ecotourism development system are introduced to make ecotourism industry favorable to the display of eco-culture and the sustainable development of the destination community. With the two models, a case study of ecotourism development in Louguantai National Forest Park was made as a demonstration. The ultimate purpose is to build an ideal new Shangri-La.  相似文献   

论中小企业集群的演化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中小企业集群作为一种企业间组织形式,有其自身的演化规律和特点.本文在回顾企业生命周期理论的基础上,认为中小企业集群的形成演化在经历孕育期、成长期、成熟期后,会出现三种路径:一是集群实现持续发展;二是集群走向衰亡、解体;三是由于成本或其他方面原因导致集群向其他地区转移.本文以大唐袜业中小企业集群为例对我国中小企业集群的演化机理进行分析,认为要实现中小企业集群的持续发展,必须保持集群创新力和控制力的动态统一,加强集群的根植性,防止其向外迁移.  相似文献   

我国中小企业推行清洁生产研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
清洁生产是社会经济发展的必然趋势,是实施可持续发展战略的新模式,也是一种全新的环保思维方式。中小企业推进清洁生产将是今后实施可持续发展战略的重要内容。本文概述了我国清洁生产推行的简况,分析了当前中小企业推行清洁生产的特点和重点,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

外商投资与天津电子信息产业群的形成演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗若愚 《经济地理》2006,26(2):261-264
产业群是产业发展的一种内在规律,也和经济的对外开放程度有很大关系。文章以天津电子信息产业群为例,分析了外商直接投资对地方产业群形成演变所起的作用,认为大量的外资进入是产业群形成的直接动力,建立在供给与需求机制上的跨国公司与当地国有企业之间产业链的融合是产业群成长的根本动力。随着跨国公司在全球的投资目标和经营方式的改变,本地生产网络和全球生产网络格局发生了变化,对于这一类产业群,其持续的发展有赖于不断的制度创新。  相似文献   

从环境库兹涅茨曲线看西部中小企业集群发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从西部中小企业集群的发展现状入手,提出资源消耗高和环境污染是其发展的主要问题。根据环境库兹涅茨曲线揭示的环境变化与经济增长的关系,认为通过产业链互补与延伸,梯级循环利用资源,以循环经济理念改造传统工业园区,以及废弃物集中处理,降低消耗性污染等措施,降低环境库兹涅茨曲线的拐点,实现经济与环境和谐发展是西部中小企业集群发展的现实必然选择。  相似文献   

通过手工收集地方政府培育类政策并与2007—2019年中国中小板和创业板上市企业数据进行匹配,利用多期DID模型检验其对中小企业创新的影响。结果表明,培育类政策对中小企业创新起长期显著促进作用,但政府认定次数增加并不能推动中小企业创新由量转质的飞跃。进一步地,培育类政策可通过激发创新意愿、加速人才聚集、提升市场关注度促进中小企业创新。异质性分析表明,该类政策对国有中小企业创新促进作用更为显著,且仅对低集中度行业企业起到促进作用,知识产权保护水平较低地区政策激励与创新补偿效应更强。结论可丰富产业政策对中小企业创新影响的经验证据,为完善扶持中小企业创新政策提供决策参考。  相似文献   

An integrated scenario analysis for the metal coating sector in Europe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although new paint products and technologies have been developed, the sector of paint application still contributes substantially to total volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions. Recent environmental legislation, especially the EU Solvent Emission Directive 1999/13/EC and its transposition into national law, coming into force in 2007, will have an important influence on the sector structure and the associated supply chain, especially for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper summarises a comprehensive scenario analysis to explore possible future trajectories for the sector. The main focus is on paint application activities, considering in particular the consequences of new environmentally friendly products and technologies which can be used by SMEs. Four different scenarios representing possible future states of the sector are evaluated, taking into account environmental, technical and socio-economic aspects along the associated supply chain and life cycle. The scenarios allow the formulation of recommendations and guidelines for policy makers and industries. This example confirms that interdisciplinary scenario analysis is a suitable approach to investigate possible future development of an industrial sector.  相似文献   

产业集群视角下河南省中小企业融资困境分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资金的支持对产业集群的发展和升级至关重要,而产业集群内的中小企业有明显的融资优势。河南省的产业集群以中小企业为主,由于各种因素的制约,集群融资的优势并没有充分发挥,集群内中小企业普遍面临着融资障碍,严重影响了河南省产业集群的优化和升级,阻碍了区域经济的发展。克服河南省产业集群内中小企业的融资障碍,需要在政府的政策支持和引导下,完善中小企业信用体系,发展包括互助担保型贷款、融资租赁、集合型债券和票据、风险投资基金等各项融资模式在内的多层次融资体系。  相似文献   

质量是引领经济发展的标杆,质量状况决定产业集群升级的基础,质量改进优化产业集群升级的路径,质量提高影响产业集群升级的方式,质量生态系统决定产业集群升级的能力。在质量变革视角下,顺德家电产业集群通过供给侧结构性改革、产业链整合和主攻智能制造升级的路径为:一是由贴牌代工向自主品牌升级;二是由整机生产向全产业链一体化转型;三是由自动化走向智能化。推动家电产业集群升级对我国促进传统产业集群升级有重要启示,通过制造业产业集群质量全面提升以促进我国产业集群全面升级,是助力我国新时代高质量发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

我国中小企业发展具有突出的空间不均衡性,呈现出集聚特征.不同的产业具有不同的技术经济特征,对企业规模构成产生内在的规定性,从而形成不同产业类型企业规模结构的差异性.不同产业类型的中小企业空间集聚具有显著差异性,而且从动态变化上看,具有集聚度提高、由沿海导向向中部扩散的发展趋势.根据中小企业集聚过程中的空间选择动力机制、产业特征的不同,中小企业空间集聚主要有资源型集聚、市场型集聚、外向型集聚和产业关联型集聚等不同类型,每种类型可持续发展面临的制约因素及其发展战略存在差异.遵循产业发展不同阶段空间区位选择规律,推动具有创新能力和区域特色的中小企业集聚发展,成为协调区域经济发展的重要力量.  相似文献   

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