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保险欺诈防范研究与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在我国保险欺诈问题日趋严重的背景下,本文通过博弈论理论以及matlab等软件进行回归预测模型的构建,对国际上在反保险欺诈领域领先的国家采取的措施及其经验进行了定量分析。同时,结合我国国情,提出解决我国保险欺诈问题的建议。  相似文献   

There is widespread agreement that insurance fraud is a major problem in the United States. There is little agreement, however, in what constitutes insurance fraud in the many articles and research papers published on the subject during the past ten years. The term ‘‘fraud’’ carries the connotation that the activity is illegal and, hence, that prosecution and conviction are potential outcomes of a specific fraud. Accepting that premise allows us to adopt the legal definition of fraud in the insurance context and to examine the experience of dealing with insurance fraud in terms of property‐liability insurance lines. Specifically, we examine ten years of data on referrals and disposals of incidents of suspected fraud as processed by the Insurance Fraud Bureau of Massachusetts to provide estimates of the distribution of types of people who perpetrate a variety of insurance frauds. We compile conviction rates, sentencing outcomes, and recidivism rates in detail to illuminate the law enforcement process and to gauge the deterrent effect of prosecuting insurance fraud in the criminal courts. The Massachusetts data lead us to conclude that the number of cases of convictable fraud is much smaller than the prevailing view of the extent of fraud; that the majority of guilty subjects have prior (noninsurance) criminal records; and that sentencing of subjects guilty of insurance fraud appears effective as both a general and specific deterrent for insurance fraud but ineffective as a specific deterrent for other crime types, as the recidivism rate appears no different from the general property criminal's recidivism rate.  相似文献   

当前保险欺诈在国内外呈现蔓延态势,尤其体现在机动车保险领域,欺诈识别已成为保险欺诈研究的核心内容.目前保险欺诈识别有统计回归和神经网络两大类方法,这两种方法在指导思想和识别流程上各有优缺.本文基于我国财产保险公司车险索赔样本数据,检验BP神经网络在我国保险欺诈识别中的有效性;同时为了尝试统计回归和神经网络的有效融合,本...  相似文献   

本文收集了我国自证券市场成立以来至2004年末的104个财务报告欺诈样本,并进行了统计分析。统计结果显示:农、林、牧、渔业和综合类是财务报告欺诈的两个高发行业;多元化经营更可能导致欺诈的发生;两个欺诈高发行业样本公司采用的欺诈方法明显有别于其他行业,更可能进行资产高估欺诈。本文最后根据研究结论向注册会计师提出了财务报告欺诈审计的几点具体建议。  相似文献   

2020年9月22日,证监会就"康得新"和相关责任人员的信息披露违法行为作出了行政处罚.处罚决定显示这又是一起有关体外循环式收入造假的案例.体外循环式收入造假的源头在哪里,始作俑者又是谁,已经无从考证.但有一点可以肯定,这一造假方式绝非"康德新"的发明,历史上的"新大地""绿大地""万福生科"等曾经轰动一时的大案,都牵...  相似文献   

从业绩预告违规看中国证券监管的处罚效果   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
依托中国特殊的强制性业绩预告制度,考察证券监管的处罚行为能否显著降低上市公司发生业绩预告违规的概率。基于2002~2008年年报业绩预告的大样本检验表明,与业绩预告违规有关的处罚或与其他违规有关的处罚都没有发挥降低后续业绩预告违规概率的作用,监管处罚的效果并不理想。  相似文献   

存款保险制度与银行公司治理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
存款保险制度是各国构建金融安全网的重要组成部分,但该制度在各国实施的效果并不相同,它在对金融稳定产生积极作用的同时又产生了道德风险。本文从银行公司治理出发,结合各国存款保险实施的效果,认为完善的银行公司治理是克服存款保险负面影响的重要前提,银行公司治理的改善能显著提高存款保险制度的有效性,因此,在存款保险制度即将推出的同时,强化银行公司治理具有同等重要的意义。  相似文献   

I delineate six aspects of how banks have been “special” (although not unique) and then consider whether and to what extent these attributes are still relevant. These include efficiently produced products, importance for the development and growth of economies, international scope, role in economic instability and the conduct of monetary policy, early regulation by governments, and source of data for academic researchers and institutions. Despite changes in the environment and in the ways in which financial services are provided, banks still are special. However, their specialness for public policy concerns is now limited to frauds and deposit insurance. I suggest ways in which these concerns can be dealt with efficiently.  相似文献   

随着我国法制建设的逐步完善与保险业的逐步壮大,保险消费者的维权意识日趋增强,与保险消费相关的纠纷也日趋增加。如何有效地减少保险消费纠纷,维护保险消费者合法权益,维护保险市场正常秩序,这对促进保险业健康发展和构建和谐社会十分必要。本文从保险消费者合法权益保护现状、合法权益、损害保险消费者权益危害性等诸多方面进行剖析。针对存在问题,本文提出相关保护保险消费者权益的对策。  相似文献   

会计刑事法律责任问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计刑事责任是最具威慑力的制裁形式,能够起到强大的震慑作用,但目前我国会计信息失真已经达到"公害"的地步,可见会计刑事责任存有不足。笔者运用法律基本原理分析问题,指出会计刑事法律责任不符合罪刑相适应原则、在认定上缺乏具体的技术标准,并提出完善会计刑事法律责任的建议。  相似文献   

We investigate how high-profile accounting frauds affect peer firms' investment. We document that peers react to the fraudulent reports by increasing investment during fraud periods. We show that this finding is not driven by frauds that have a higher ex ante likelihood of detection or by an association between fraud and investment booms. In addition, we find that peers’ investments increase in fraudulent earnings overstatements, and in industries with higher investor sentiment, lower cost of capital and higher private benefits of control. We also find evidence consistent with equity analysts potentially facilitating the spillover effect.  相似文献   

发展汽车消费贷款保证保险是保险业积极促进国内汽车消费的一项重要举措.既能间接扩大内需,推动国民经济增长,又能帮助银行管理贷款违约风险.本文通过构建汽车消费贷款保证保险绩效模型,分析得出汽车消费贷款保证保险能间接提高购车人信用等级,并为保险公司寻找新的利润点和融资渠道.最后根据绩效分析有针对性地提出了政策建议.  相似文献   


The author applies the principle of equivalent utility to price and reserve equity-indexed life insurance. Young and Zariphopoulou (2002a, b) extended this principle to price insurance products in a dynamic framework. However, in those papers, the insurance risks were independent of the risky asset in the financial market. By contrast, the death benefit for equity-indexed life insurance is a function of a risky asset; therefore, this paper further extends the principle of equivalent utility. In a second extension, the author applies the principle of equivalent utility to calculate reserves, as introduced by Gerber (1976). In a related paper, Moore and Young (2002) price equity-indexed pure endowments, the building blocks of equity-indexed life annuities.  相似文献   

近年来,我国银行承兑汇票规模保持了较快增长,票据的融资作用已不容小觑,但另一方面,票据案件也出现增多趋势。文章分析了票据案件的表现形式及危害性,指出票据案件的易发,既有票据具有广泛流通的金融工具属性的原因,也有缺乏规范化的市场交易机制的问题。对此,文章从加快推进电子票据、扩大交易主体、构建全国性票据市场、完善票据业务制度等方面,提出防范票据交易风险的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

The article deals with the question of whether the compensation owed by a property insurer is calculated according to abstract criteria or rather to the concrete expenses incurred by the policyholder in the individual case. For this purpose, the paper provides an overview of the principles of damage calculation in the fields of property insurance. In addition, the author draws a comparison between property insurance and liability law in terms of the basics of damage assessment. This particularly concerns the relationship between the so-called efficiency rule and the damaged party’s duty to minimize damages, but also the question of whether and to what extent the principles of liability law can be transferred to property insurance law. Finally, the author illustrates these principles by means of two examples from the field of vehicle insurance.  相似文献   

机动车辆保险费率市场化是近些年来保险市场上的一个热门话题,也是制约机动车辆保险市场发展的一个瓶颈和唯一的出路。回顾30多年来车险费率的变化、利弊以及市场化的前提条件等,对加快费率市场化有一个更为清晰的认识,既要充分认识车险费率市场化的重要性和必要性,摈弃那些保守怕乱的错误认识,从市场经济和市场化对接的高度理解车险改革特别是费率改革的迫切性,又要认真做好思想准备、技术准备、人员准备和流程准备工作,积极搭建适合费率市场化操作平台的步伐,坚定不移地走机动车辆保险费率市场化改革之路。  相似文献   

我国中小产险公司发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近些年来,我国中小产险公司虽然发展很快,但是仍然面临着诸多困难。本文从市场份额、盈利能力、偿付能力和经营稳健性几个方面分析了我国中小产险公司的发展状况,并探讨了掣肘其发展的因素。笔者认为,中小产险公司要真正壮大,在发展模式上可以根据自身的情况采取专业化、建立战略联盟、引进战略投资者和并购等战略。  相似文献   

上世纪90年代,个人保险代理人(下称营销人员)制度引入中国,为中国保险业的发展做出了巨大贡献,但随着保险业的快速发展,保险营销制度的缺陷日益凸显,已进入瓶颈状态。2009年4月,保监会下发了《关于改革完善保险营销体制机制的意见》(征求意见稿),确立了保险营销体制改革的目标、重点和路径,这是中国保险业发展史上关于营销体制改革的第一个权威性官方文件,代表了官方层面对于现行保险营销体制的立场和未来的发展期望,笔者以财险公司的工作经历,提出了对我国保险营销体制发展方向的一些看法。  相似文献   

The article covers the practically important question under which circumstances the construction of implied exclusions of liability is influenced by the liability insurance of the injuring party. It is focused on the two practically most relevant case groups in which the jurisdiction considers implied exclusions of liability possible (liability in accommodation agreements and liability in sports). The author firstly shows that under tort law, the consideration of liability insurance is both possible and necessary. Secondly, the author demonstrates that possible objections based in insurance law (such as the principle of separation) are not convincing. This is not limited to compulsory insurances, but applies to all types of liability insurances.  相似文献   

This article describes the particular investment and legal constraints on the life insurance investment portfolio in China (the "Portfolio") and investigates the specialist problem. The "specialist problem" is here defined as an agency problem as in information economics. In September 2004, the China Insurance Regulatory Commission ("CIRC") announced that three of the four largest life insurance companies in China could not meet the mandatory capital adequacy requirement. The author found that although it is harder to manage the Portfolio because of the peculiar constraints, the main characteristic of the poor performance of the Portfolio—failing to meet the capital requirement—is due to the specialist problem, which is mainly due to the controlled economic system. In conclusion, the author suggests specialists and risk management strategies that can be implemented in China with immediate effect, taking into consideration data deficiency and the difficulty of contract enforcement in China.  相似文献   

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