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From 2010 to 2017, with interest rate liberalization and capital market development in China, the impact of monetary policies on China’s financial markets underwent continuous evolution. Using the DCC-GARCH model, this study investigates the transmission process of monetary policies from the money market to capital markets (stock and bond markets). The results show that in the early stage the instability of the money and stock markets and the downturn in the bond market are primarily caused by the block of monetary policy transmission and the paucity of fund sources in the capital markets. Subsequently, the outbreak of the 2013 money shortage and the 2015 stock market crash are also closely related to monetary policies. In the later periods, the money and stock markets maintain a low degree of correlation for a long time, reducing the impact of destabilizing factors on the stock market. By contrast, with the advancement of interest rate reform and the optimization of bond market structure, the bond market is highly relevant to the money market. The central bank regulates the bond market more effectively using both traditional and innovative monetary policy tools.  相似文献   

近年来,资本市场繁荣,资本市场收益率激增,产业中的微观企业成为了资本市场的主体,希望在资本市场中迅速实现资本增值,为企业自身的产业结构合理发展、优化升级创造资本条件。然而,这种行为致使产业结构调整产生波动,产业内部的合理化受到阻碍,产业之间的优化升级遇到鸿沟。甚至出现了产业结构不合理,产业发展倒退现象。资本市场的快速发展最终对产业结构调整产生了投资约束。  相似文献   

Firm-level estimations across a sample of seven developing countries suggest that a higher firm’s leverage – a proxy for credit constraints – reduces the share of imported capital goods in total capital expenditures. This result holds across different models such as a two-limit tobit and a fractional logit model. It is also confirmed after controlling for unobserved firm heterogeneity, state dependence or when using the share of property in total assets as an alternative credit constraint indicator. The results also indicate that the importance of credit constraints is significantly reduced in financially more developed countries.  相似文献   

与质量效应不同,金融自由化的数量效应存在于水平方向,它主要表现为对私人储蓄率、宏观投资率的提升和(尤其是对私人部门)信贷可获得性的提高等方面.90年代初期以来,中国开始推进金融自由化改革,并于2005年取得实质性突破.作为市场化改革的最后一个步骤,金融自由化应该在水平方向影响着中国的私人储蓄和投资,但鲜有文献涉及此问题.作为一种尝试,以国内金融部门(银行)为代表,本文计算了一个金融自由化指数.利用这个指数,我们就银行自由化对私人储蓄和投资的水平影响问题进行了实证分析.结果表明,金融自由化的数量效应是显著的:自由化指数每提高1,私人储蓄率提高16%,信贷可获得性提高1%,宏观投资率提高9%.本文结论为中国金融自由化的水平效应提供了有利的经验证据.它也表明,在过去的一个时期,要素效应仍是金融作用于中国宏观经济的重要机制.  相似文献   

Jinsub Choi 《Applied economics》2019,51(18):1989-2000
In this paper, I investigate what effect school capital investments have on housing values and household location choice in the context of the Tiebout model. This research identifies an exogenous variation in school capital investments by exploiting the lottery allocation of entitlement to an interest-free construction bond among districts in California. Although the lottery is exogenous, additional non-lottery allocation complicates identification. This paper develops an empirical model based on sample selection methods in order to create a counterfactual state in which additional non-lottery allocation would not have existed. I find that receiving the interest-free construction bond increases school capital expenditure and housing values at the district level. I view the increase in housing values as the capitalization of school capital investments. I find little evidence for the effect of the interest-free construction bond on household sorting and student’s academic outcomes.  相似文献   

邓强 《经济与管理》2006,20(3):26-30
资本形成机制的宏观经济含义体现为实现国民收入的良性循环,这一良性循环不只是消费、积累比例的确定,还体现在形成投资的现实效益,这种效益很大程度上体现为经济结构的优化。宏观经济政策在资本市场的传导,便以现实的资本形成机制的顺畅运行为前提。资本市场作为资本形成的实现机制,其宏观意义体现在其对宏观经济政策的顺畅传导中。  相似文献   

This article examines the relative importance of the main components of capital inflows for a sample of emerging market economies. Does composition matter? Is there a nexus between capital inflow components? We assess, firstly, how each capital inflow component reacts to important macro and policy variables, and secondly, how the components themselves interact. We find that bank inflows appear the most sensitive to macro factors, institutions matter more for Latin America and external financial factors matter more for Asia. Further, for Latin America, capital inflows interact largely as complements, while for Asia, any expansion of bank inflows might crowd out FDI and portfolio flows.  相似文献   

This is a first attempt at gauging the effects of corporate public debt issuance on the debt structure, risk profile and valuation of firms in an emerging market. We find that financial services firms, along with government institutions, are important early supporters of an organized public debt market. Firms in this market use equity, public debt and private debt funds simultaneously as need be. Consistent with predictions of the corporate debt structure literature, public debt-issuing firms are larger, older, more profitable, and less informational opaque than non-public debt-issuing firms. Moreover, public debt-issuing firms experience significant reductions in both overall and systematic risks, and incur lower cost of capital following issuance than non-public debt issuers. These and other findings of the study suggest deepening national debt markets can be a fruitful financial market development exercise for emerging markets.  相似文献   

邹琴 《时代经贸》2007,5(1X):122-123
解决资本市场与货币市场的不平衡发展是中国实行金融改革的主要动因之一,随着大力发展资本市场的中央文件陆续提出,中国资本市场改革进展顺利,2005年7月人民币汇改后,资本市场也随之进入发展新阶段。过了2006年中国加入WTO承诺——对外开放金融业即将兑现,此前出现的新机遇和新问题亟待我们去分析解决,以积极应对对外开放对我国金融业带来的冲击并把握金融业开放给我们带来的契机。  相似文献   

An evolutionary approach to the examination of capital market efficiency   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper investigates capital market efficiency on basis of an evolutionary model of asset pricing. Participants of capital markets are considered as organizations in the sense of Nelson and Winter (1982). Behavior of these organizations is described by routines. Routines are regular and predictable behavioral patterns, which determine how individuals gather information, form expectations, and order assets. The participants change their behavior by innovating new routines or by imitating routines of other participants.  相似文献   

Standard fiscal theory suggests that taxation should be heaviest on the least mobile factors of production – for both efficiency and revenue reasons. A shift in tax burdens from capital to labour as economies become globally integrated is thus justified. This theoretical tradition (founded by Ramsay and continued by Mirrlees and Lucas) assumes by construction that profit taxes reduce investment and growth; and while sensitive to inter-generational equity, sidesteps the issue of income distribution within generations. In contrast, starting from Keynes’ critique of these assumptions and building on modern endogenous growth models, it can be shown that profit taxation is not necessarily injurious to productive investment. In practice, moreover, the effect of globalisation has not been to reduce tax rates on capital, but rather to erode the tax base itself (i.e. ‘tax evasion’). Improved information exchange between tax authorities, which is now being driven by fiscal insolvency in developed countries, would allow tax incidence to be shifted so as to improve income distribution within OECD countries. Such cooperation could also permit the replacement of the current discretionary system of fiscal transfers from rich to poor countries (‘development aid’) by equitable sharing of global capital tax revenue.  相似文献   

证券市场的层次结构与中国金融市场改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发达的证券市场都表现出多层次结构,大量的理论和经验证据表明;资本市场,尤其是中小型资本市场要受到逆向选择行为和高昂的直接融资成本的影响;而市场结构的型式,例如,二板市场是否平行于交易所市场,是否采取交易商制度等则成为影响小型资本市场成败的决定性因素。这些根据为我国的金融市场改革提供了理论参考和经验借鉴。  相似文献   

股票市场收益跳跃性风险研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国股市是一个“政策市”,政策因素是造成我国股票市场收益(价格)跳跃性行为的最重要的原因。首先,本文深入而系统地阐述了股票收益(价格)发生跳跃性行为的经济机制,并将跳跃风险从总体风险中分离出来;然后描述了跳跃性风险的测度方法、跳跃性风险的定价及其对于风险管理的影响,以便能够为投资者和政府决策者提供一些有益的理论支撑,  相似文献   

Since the crises of the late 1990's, most emerging market economies have built up substantial positive holdings of US dollar treasury bills, while at the same time experiencing a boom in FDI capital inflows. This paper develops a DSGE model of the interaction between an emerging market economy and an advanced economy which incorporates two-way capital flows between the economies. The novel aspect of the paper is to make use of new methods for analyzing portfolio choice in DSGE models. We compare a range of alternative financial market structures, in each case computing equilibrium portfolios. We find that an asymmetric configuration where the emerging economy holds nominal bonds and issues claims on capital (FDI) can achieve a considerable degree of international risk-sharing. This risk-sharing can be enhanced by a more stable monetary policy in the advanced economy.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of inter-firm variation in vintage equipment replacement policies on industry productivity and structure using an evolutionary model based on Nelson-Winter. Traditional industry productivity measures assume a graduated replacement policy with low variation across firms in the average age of the capital stock. This approach allows for inter-firm policy variation. The first part reviews the neoclassical treatment of vintage capital investment; the second part outlines an evolutionary model of vintage replacement in the context of industry growth; and the third part presents results of simulation experiments focused on the relationship between vintage replacement patterns and industry productivity growth. Findings suggest that inter-firm differences in vintage capital investment policies may account for significant shifts in the rates of industry productivity growth and changes in market structure.  相似文献   

When searching products online, costumers are facing a multitude of information signals of product quality they need to process – both separately and jointly – for relevance and reliability. A potentially reliable informations source is past experience of customers expressed in online reviews. In this article, we analyse the impact of customer reviews and additional signals of quality on buying behaviour in electronic markets. To empirically estimate and separate the effects, we use data from the Apple App Store covering 5792 daily observations from 2015. We find clear evidence to suggest that reviews and ads have a significantly positive influence on download rates. We also find empirical evidence to suggest that a considerable degree of interaction is important in explaining variations in market performance, especially between customer average ratings and unanimity of customer reviews.  相似文献   

The family has not been exempt from the multiple and rapidly occurring changes in the world today, particularly in market economies. The number of marriages has declined, age at first marriage has risen, the number of divorces has risen sharply, the fertility rate has declined, and the division of labor within families has changed, not always in ways that might be expected. This paper subjects these developments to a market process analysis, drawing on the voluminous work occurring in family economics. The Austrian theory of capital, with its emphasis on capital heterogeneity, is relevant. We place particular emphasis on the importance of the structure of human capital within marriage and how investments in such human capital have been affected by the uncertainty that these changes have produced. We also examine investments in marriage-specific human capital and in general human capital (particularly as they relate to childcare). This is then related to the incidence of divorce and the causes and spoils from divorce. The advent of no-fault divorce seems to have been seminal in this regard. We end with a brief glance at the future.
Peter LewinEmail:

This article uses a microstructure approach to analyse the effectiveness of capital controls introduced in Brazil to counter an appreciation of the Real. Based on a rich data set from the Brazilian foreign exchange market, we estimate a reduced-form VAR to characterize the interaction of the central bank, financial and commercial customers in times of regulatory policy measures. We find that capital controls change market participants’ behaviour, and that central bank interventions elicit a significant response in financial order flow. Referring to the source of order flow, we find no direct price impact by financial flows and thus no evidence that the appreciation of the Real is driven by financial customers’ activity. Instead, commercial customers seem to be a primary driver of the Real within our model.  相似文献   

本从金融市场证券化的定义入手,全面介绍了金融市场证券化的国际潮流和趋势,系统分析了金融市场证券化的原因。  相似文献   

Human capital endowment is one of the main factors influencing the level of development of a region. This article analyses whether remoteness from economic activity has a negative effect on human capital accumulation and, consequently, on economic development. Making use of microdata, this research proves that remoteness from economic activity can explain the differences in the level of education observed across Spanish provinces over the last 50 years. The effect is significant even when controlling for the improvement of education supply. Nonetheless, the accessibility effect has been petering out since the 1960s due to decreasing barriers to mobility.  相似文献   

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