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社区旅游参与视角下民族村寨旅游地居民地方感生成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居民地方感领域的研究在深化“人-地”关系认识、旅游目的地地方性塑造、旅游资源开发与保护以及旅游规划等方面具有特殊意义。已有研究主要探讨人口统计学特征、物理环境和社会环境等影响因素,缺乏对旅游世界中人与场的积极互动而产生的地方感等问题的讨论。本研究从社区旅游参与视角,通过田野调查的方法收集郎德上寨村民主诉的旅游参与实践,对民族旅游村寨居民地方感的生成问题进行分析。研究发现:郎德上寨村民的社区旅游参与主要表现为“合作激励型”“自我激励型”“机械被动型”和“利益激励型”4种类型;在社区旅游参与过程中,村民获得了强烈的地方感,并由自然地理和人文物理环境、社会文化特性、经济制度、乡土认同、血缘认同、文化认同、房屋归属感和生活便利性等内容体现。本研究还发现,居民地方感在不同的社区旅游参与形态中表现出差异性;社区旅游参与和地方感之间是双向、交互式的影响关系,其中,旅游效益感知因素在二者的关系中起着重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

Drawing on interviews with 84 residents in Raglan, New Zealand, the study examines the impact of tourism on the lives of those residents. It uses a cross-generational analysis of attachment of place across three classifications of residents – those born in the town, those who left and returned, and those with no prior connection before taking up residency. Findings indicate that despite the change and uncertainty exacerbated by tourism development experienced in daily life, different generations of residents share a sense of “emotional home” towards the place and its community. The study is based on thematic analysis aided by the use of narrative interpretation and co-occurrence measures to describe differences and similarities between the generations.  相似文献   

Any tourist site open to local residents represents a point where residents and tourists become a back drop for the experiences of the other. This paper examines a specific Beijing film tourism attraction, Grand View Gardens, and the manner in which the site is used by local residents, the meanings attributed to it, and residents' role in creating an ambience for tourists. Residents have a daily connection with the site, and form audiences for events held at the Gardens. They often interact with tourists, becoming a source of information for tourists. The paper examines residents' motives for using such attractions, their attitudes towards tourists and suggests they possess a role in the creation of a sense of place that is valued by tourists. The paper fills a gap in an under-researched area, where, in the Chinese context, both residents and visitors form backdrops to each other's experience of place.  相似文献   

In July 2010, the Fijian government issued a decree that liberalized Fiji's surf breaks and deregulated its surf tourism industry. It did this by canceling licenses that granted resorts exclusive use of surf breaks based on indigenous customary ownership of foreshore and fringing reef fishing areas as common pool resources. This paper analyses the sustainability of surf tourism in Fiji, utilizing a developing framework for sustainable surf tourism. Based on broader sustainable tourism theory and empirical research, the framework considers (1) the impact of economic neo-liberalism, (2) the need for coordinated planning and limits to growth, (3) the advantages of systematic attempts to foster cross-cultural understanding, and (4) the social benefits associated with the development of surfing at the village level. The study found that a lack of regulation is compromising the sustainability of Fiji's surf tourism industry in each of these four dimensions. However, evidence of a growing acceptance of the need for regulation by most stakeholders offers a starting point for a transactive, participative process to find solutions. A fifth element to the framework is recommended for future analyses based on the need for surf tourism to contribute to poverty alleviation in destination communities.  相似文献   

By 2014, it became apparent that a popular debate was emerging in many destinations about the “annoyances” felt by local residents in the face of an upsurge in inbound tourism. This study investigates residents’ attitudes toward mass tourism and tourism development in Macau. It comprises an examination of three emotional solidarity factors of residents’ perceptions of the contribution of tourism to the community and the community's experiences of so-called “annoyances” from tourists that may ultimately influence residents’ attitudes toward community tourism development. The results of this study reveal that three emotional solidarity factors play different roles in influencing residents’ attitudes about community tourism and community tourism development. The theoretical contributions, as well as implications, are discussed and future research opportunities are proposed.  相似文献   

研究以旅游生命周期理论为基础,以武汉市9个处于不同旅游生命周期的历史文化街区为研究区域,通过质性数据分析探讨了居民身份认同对其旅游发展意向的影响,并对处于不同旅游生命周期的街区进行了比较分析。研究发现:居民身份认同主要从情感因素、经济因素、社会环境因素、旅游发展要素、文化因素等方面对其旅游发展意向产生影响;依据身份认同强弱与旅游发展意向正负的交互组合,可将居民分为4种认同-意向类型:积极拥护者、传统坚守者、经济至上者和无为参与者;在不同旅游生命周期阶段的历史文化街区,居民身份认同对其旅游发展意向的影响各异:在参与和巩固阶段街区,传统坚守者突出;在发展阶段街区,积极拥护者占主导;在巩固阶段街区,积极拥护者和无为参与者兼而有之,且二者冲突尤为激烈。最后,针对不同旅游生命周期阶段居民的类型和特征,提出了促进居民参与街区旅游发展与保护的建议。  相似文献   


While there has been a considerable body of research on tourists’ place image, there remains limited attention on residents’ place image, specifically, in relation to its segmentation utility. This study seeks to address this oversight by a) clustering the local residents based on the image held of a tourism place, and b) exploring the extent to which the identified image-based resident clusters share similar (dissimilar) demographic characteristics and attitude towards tourism development. Empirical analysis was based on a sample of 481 residents of a Greek city. The findings support the utility of residents’ place image as a psychographic segmentation variable revealing the existence of three distinct resident groups – termed “Nature Loving”, “Apathetic” and “Advocate.” Results also suggest that these resident groups exhibit dissimilar demographic characteristics and dissimilar attitude towards tourism. In comparison with other segments, the Apathetic exhibits the least favourable image and the least supportive attitude towards tourism.  相似文献   

The application of Butler's tourism area life cycle model to the Korean literary village and hyper-destination of Kim Yujeong yields a basic pattern of conformity, although the staggered and overlapping sequencing of indicators suggests the presence of successive exploration, involvement, and development “tendencies” rather than stages. Apparent contradictions between very high guest-to-host ratios and contact and relatively low levels of resident dissatisfaction and attraction change reflect the topophilia of both residents and visitors and, more speculatively, the influence of a homogeneous cultural context.  相似文献   

Drawing on hermeneutic phenomenology in tourism studies as well as Heidegger's concept of being-in-the-world, this paper reveals how tourism can and should be done in a Chinese rural village. This research contributes a contextual interpretation of guanxi in Chinese rural tourism development through an empirical study of a traditional agricultural village in China that has been transformed through tourism development. The paper argues that for the Chinese indigenous residents who are the primary actors engaged in tourism, guanxi is, neither a Confucian political ideal nor an instrumental tool, but the specific manner in which they dwell in their place. It demonstrates how the tourist destination, landscape and managerial regulation have been modified and adapted in a guanxi way. The paper suggests that an emic understanding of guanxi and the roles it plays in tourism participants' daily life is warranted and can provide a more holistic picture of tourism development in rural China.  相似文献   

China is a large agricultural country. At the end of 2011, rural residents accounted for 48.7% of the total population. Without the participation of rural residents, the development of China's tourism would be incomplete. The outset of rural residents’ tourism will be crucial to 50% of China's tourism market. This article, through two years’ questionnaire surveys, interviewed 600 rural residents from 38 villages in Zhejiang province, analyzed the current situation of rural residents’ tourism market and rural residents’ tourism consumption behavior. This survey provided theoretical researches for developing the tourism market of rural residents, and had some significance on stimulating domestic demand, promoting economic growth and improving the standard of rural residents' life.  相似文献   

This paper examines the “Respect for History” project on Turkey's Gallipoli Peninsula sponsored by a Turkish oil company, OPET. The project sought to enhance and protect the cultural and historical experiences of tourists visiting Gallipoli, and to bring direct and indirect benefits to local communities through enhancing tourism-related business opportunities and improving community infrastructure. This research investigates the project's impact on residents’ perceived social and economic wellbeing, using a quality of life framework, and also ascertains residents’ views of the sponsoring firm. The context illustrates key differences between pure philanthropy and strategic philanthropy; the latter defined as doing good by purposefully achieving corporate and civic benefits. The role of strategic philanthropy as a sustainable tourism development tool, and its impact on tourism governance, are considered. Data were collected from 674 residents on the Turkish Gallipoli Peninsula in areas impacted by OPET's investment program. The results, using structural equation modelling (SEM), identify that respondents generally believe that both their economic and social quality of life have improved. This, in turn, has positively influenced respondents’ views of the sponsoring organization. The concept of strategic philanthropy appears valuable as a private sector, non-tourism, sustainable tourism development tool in some circumstances.  相似文献   

In 1886, the explosion of Mount Tarawera resulted in the loss of 150 lives and the burial of the village of Te Wairoa, the base from which tourists had visited the Pink and White Terraces, a silicone-stained natural formation then advertised as one of the natural wonders of the world. Since 1931, the buried site has itself been a tourist attraction and Smith and Croy have argued that it serves as an example of “dark tourism”. This paper uses a different methodology to argue that Lennon and Foley's original definition of dark tourism is precise, that the buried village of Te Wairoa does not meet that specification, but does support the model suggested by Sharpley, that the site's characteristics are those of grey tourism supply. However, the findings derived from a sample of over 600 respondents indicate that sites are complex packages of potential experiences, and are potentially multi-faceted in terms of the experiences they offer. It is also suggested that cultural components might play a role in the experience of what is “dark” about a site.  相似文献   

This paper probes differences in attitudes toward tourism impacts between two leading stakeholder groups in tourism, local residents and the managers of tourism facilities. It uses case study surveys of residents and managers in Belek, Antalya, Turkey. Differences in attitudes across seven main areas are investigated, including the positive and negative economic outcomes of tourism; positive and negative sociocultural impacts; negative environmental impacts; views on further tourism development, and benefits and problems related to forested land close to destinations. The results reveal that some attitudes are held in common – especially positive attitudes including tourism's benefits in creating jobs and income. Differences were mostly observed not in the direction but in the strength of opinion. The most significant differences were found in managers' beliefs that tourism's environmental and social impacts were few, while residents were extremely negative about those impacts. Differences of attitudes on the future use of forestland headed the list of all differences between managers and residents. Divergent loyalties were revealed. Managers supported their business and employers; local people supported their local area. The need for further research, including the role of perhaps distant “moral stakeholders”, and for more comprehensive understanding, and more sustainable outcomes, are highlighted.  相似文献   

Ronström's tradition/heritage dichotomy is used to explore issues of cultural inheritance in the Danish island of Ærø. The 2006 publication of Carsten Jensen's best-selling historical novel We, the Drowned turned the Baltic Sea village of Marstal into Denmark's best-known maritime community. Locally, however, there had long been a tradition of Marstallers contrasting their community's seafaring past to the reputedly agrarian identity of the island's other main village, the former market town of Ærøskøbing. The community rivalry between industrial Marstal and tourist-friendly, half-timbered Ærøskøbing finds expression in the two villages’ various tourist attractions. Jensen's novel has been embraced by both Marstallers and Danes in general, renewing interest in local traditions and the encouraging Marstal's development as a heritage town. Although We, the Drowned has become a tool for constructing community solidarity, it has also introduced a mode of heritage tourism that may clash with elements of the local identity.  相似文献   

Tourism in the village of Langde Miao is an example of ethnic village tourism in China. Its mode of operation and organization – characterized by community guidance, public participation, and its work point system is known as the “Langde Mode”. Its success, both social and financial, provides an ideal model by which to investigate community empowerment and its role in promoting tourism. To this end, using literature reviews and empirical research, this paper evaluates the Langde Miao people's community participation in its tourism. It is suggested that the evolution of the Lande Miao community's organizational and systematic skills to develop tourism have fostered the local community's economic, social, and political success. This success can then further support community empowerment, requiring limited subsequent intervention by the government. It is suggested that the model can then be expanded to other localities throughout China.  相似文献   

This paper examines the theoretical intersection of place attachment and community through a study of the place attachment of residents who live, work, and play in a tourism-dependent community. Using a qualitative photo-elicitation technique best described as “resident employed photography,” we asked 25 residents of Seward, Alaska, to share images and stories of important places in and around their local community. The findings suggest that place and community are intertwined, as evidenced by the use of community as a frame of reference for describing nearly every example of attachment to place. This suggests that place attachment can serve as a factor in the development “of” community, defined as a heightened engagement in collective actions that help people meet their day-to-day needs. It could also influence one's development “in” community, directing the behaviors that affect how people both participate in communities and seek to change their position within them.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the perceptions of Cappadocia residents on the impacts of tourism development and resident attitudes toward tourism. Social Exchange Theory underpinned this study of the perceptions of Cappadocia’s residents and their attitudes toward tourism. Primary data were collected from tourism industry professionals, officials of non-profit organizations and handicraftsmen. Twenty-three in-depth interviews were conducted with Cappadocia residents, and the data were analyzed with content analysis. Results highlight that “Economic,” “Socio-Cultural” and “Environmental” aspects can be inferred to encompass resident perceptions toward the impacts of tourism development in Cappadocia. Residents tend to recognize the economic benefits as well as socio-cultural and environmental costs. Results indicate that Social Exchange Theory can be used in explaining the perceptions of Cappadocia residents and reactions to tourism phenomena. This study is expected to provide practical ways for concerned authorities to make future policies and strategies to eradicate problems that create unpleasant feelings amongst residents.  相似文献   

21世纪以来旅游社会文化影响研究的回顾与反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜辽  苏勤  杜宗斌 《旅游学刊》2013,(12):24-33
旅游社会文化影响是旅游地理学研究的核心内容和热点问题。文章选取国内外权威核心刊物, 识别相关文献, 剔除无关文献, 梳理发展脉络, 从居民感知、文化变迁、地方身份和社会结构等4个方面, 对21世纪以来国内外旅游社会文化影响的研究内容进行分析, 总结理论方法。研究发现, 国内外研究领域的广度、深度不断拓展, 社区和旅游区的实证研究居多;在理论方法方面, 以相关学科的理论应用为主, 对自身规律的反思与总结较少, 理论提炼水平有限。最后, 鉴于地方全球化发展趋势, 从研究领域、理论方法、分析工具等方面反思与展望旅游社会文化影响研究的未来发展。  相似文献   

To rebalance the safari-tourism led tourism development policies in Botswana, the government has initiated a community-based cultural tourism policy, providing opportunities for women to become leaders and entrepreneurs. After reviewing the multifaceted, deeply contextualized and contested concept of women's empowerment, this paper examines perceptions of empowerment in Botswana and how far villagers felt that the new tourism policy has facilitated female agency and opportunity. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with female and male key informants in villages in southern Botswana. The new policy was found to have contributed significantly to a sense of female empowerment expressed in terms of freedom from economic dependency on men and society, and from depravity, emptiness and familial dependency. Women have progressed from passive involvement to active participation in culture-related tourism ventures. They also experienced vocational education but deferred formal educational opportunities to their offspring. Men were seen as facilitators and partners in women's involvement in tourism. However, barriers remain, including lack of startup capital, low levels of education, centralized control of protected tourism sites and low potential earnings. Ways are suggested to enhance the objectives and policies for women's participation in tourism in Botswana and other developing countries.  相似文献   

The littoral pleasure periphery (LPP) is a major and expanding spatial feature of Brazil that is dominated by almost 200 specialised coastal resorts, beachfront metropolises and beachfront cities. It is notable in an emerging economy context for the extent to which domestic forces have influenced its development, including not just favourable geographic features but patterns of historical settlement, modernisation processes, national culture, and geopolitical motivations. Reflecting Brazil's economic and social dualities, the LPP exhibits two distinct models. The southern LPP, like counterparts in the more developed world, is long-established and displays an “organic” growth trajectory. The northern LPP is a hybrid of “organic” and “induced” impulses exhibiting more rapid and largely planned growth manifested in low density development. Despite efforts of a multi-partner regional tourism initiative – the Programa de Desenvolvimento do Turismo (PRODETUR) – to facilitate economic and social equity through targeted tourism investment, the northern LPP resembles classic Third World LPPs where mainly “non-white” local residents are often displaced by coastal development involving “white” investors and tourists. Unsustainable tourism outcomes are therefore indicated in both components of the Brazilian LPP and minimal progression toward an enlightened mass tourism ideal.  相似文献   

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