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刘红旭 《广告大观》2005,(10):55-57
听闻北大李传屏老师在课堂上劝其学生不要进广告公司,以为是在呼吁学生“弃暗投明”,不要进入“环境恶劣”的广告圈,采访以后才知道这是个执着于广告的人用另外一种方式告诉他的学生如何面对广告人生。  相似文献   

A recent survey of leading UK PR practitioners has identified a dynamic, swiftly evolving environment for the public relations industry. Heightened competition, wide-ranging new opportunities and threats stemming from the perceived need to internationalize, the desire for more influence in clients' business strategy formulation, training and recruitment dilemmas, ever-changing technology and an increasing requirement to evaluate the worth of PR are only some of the most pressing issues. This article reviews the survey's findings—revealing a complex and swiftly evolving marketplace—before drawing out some of the principal implications. There are interesting parallels with events in advertising.  相似文献   

“出国热”已经成为一种时髦的社会现象.常常被人提起。有多少人真正出国留学过?都是什么样的人出国留学?一定要出国吗?零点调查&指标数据最新完成的一项调查显示:出国留学总体比例仍然较小。留学主体仍偏向于高收入高学历的双高家庭:对于留学新方式——在国内就读。国内机构和国外机构合作办学的课程并获取国外学位这一方式,老百姓认为是有利有弊。  相似文献   

叶檀 《商界》2008,(3):16-16
印花税必须取消,理由不是为了单纯救市,而是为了中国资本市场的长远发展,也是为了中国税收改革的方向正确。  相似文献   

李小琳 中国电力1月2日公告,1月1日起.王炳华因工作调动已辞去该公司董事长及非执行董事职务,现任副董事长李小琳已被委任为董事长,李小琳还将出任母公司中国电力国际的董事长  相似文献   

Sustainable venturing, the process of starting a new sustainable enterprise, has been studied extensively through the triple‐bottom‐line lens. The narratives employed by sustainable entrepreneurs, however, have proven to be more complex and diverse. In this paper, we set out to inductively explore the narratives underlying sustainable venturing. We conducted an interpretative analysis to elucidate how these entrepreneurs perceive, think about and give meaning to sustainability as they develop their ventures. Findings allow for an expansion of the role of narratives in business venturing toward a more sophisticated conceptualization grounded in how actual entrepreneurs experience and enact sustainability in the context of their ventures.  相似文献   

张鼎健 《广告大观》2006,(1S):118-118
做营销、做品牌的人都知道两个非常重要的理论,就是我们的整合营销传播是从4P时代进入了4C时代。4P指的是产品(Product)、渠道(Place)、价格(Price)、促销(Promotion)。  相似文献   

杨宇时 《广告大观》2006,(12S):35-37
从经济全球化的角度来看,中国的广告传媒业好好地发展起来,需要做什么事情?要把任何一件事情做成功,需要收集所谓的成功元素,成功的元素都收集的差不多了,自然很容易把一件事做成,最后一个不能收集的成功因素是什么,就是运气。任何事情的成功因素里面离不开人财物三种,这是探讨中国广告业发展的三个重要方面。  相似文献   

This paper is a photo essay of images of Cuba taken by the authors in the fall of 2003. Through an analysis of the photos, our initial goal is to deconstruct reigning tropes and myths surrounding Cuba. By implicitly asking, “what is a photo?” the essay also tackles the larger issues of representation, meaning creation and understanding—of marketplaces, consumption, brands, and culture. We suggest that photographer and subjects are both agents and producers of meaning and ideas in which the interplay becomes the source for analytic understanding. In the deconstruction we offer our sense of Cuba. In the end, the essay is a journey, intellectual and otherwise.  相似文献   

Creativity is a driver of competitive advantage. It is found in firms of all sizes, but perhaps has greatest impact within the entrepreneurial smaller firm. This paper discusses the origins of the study of creativity, from social psychology to the business discipline. Creativity is then viewed as a key competency at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface, linked with related issues such as innovation, vision, leadership and motivation. The benefits of developing creative competencies are presented and linked to a knowledge entrepreneur's set of 21st century business skills. A model of creativity as competitive advantage is developed, built from sets of internal and external factors impinging upon firm and managerial performance. Finally, a series of recommendations for both marketing practitioners and academics are made, focusing on the need to challenge convention in order to progress ideas, products and services into the new century.  相似文献   

作为中华民族的世纪梦想,2008年北京奥运会不仅是炎黄子孙一大盛事,更是中国传媒业界千载难逢的发展机遇。9月6日.中国领先的互联网门户新浪在北京召开奥运战略发布会.首次向媒体和公众披露了新浪奥运报道规划以及新浪奥运营销策略。[第一段]  相似文献   

This study investigates rice-buying behavior in Chinese people living in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Canada and suggests marketing strategies for rice products. Data were collected from a comprehensive Web-based survey and analyzed using grey relational analysis method. In total, we received 445 valid questionnaires. For China-Chinese consumers, we suggest that the rice marketing mix should focus on higher quality, fair price, extra healthfulness, wide distribution channels, and food safety guarantees during promotion. For China-English consumers, the marketing mix should ensure that rice products contain clear educational instructions and also focus on stable price, convenience of locations, and sufficient communication with consumers during promotion. The results suggest employing different marketing mix strategies for Chinese and English-speaking countries.  相似文献   

In Fugu County, Shaaxi province,there is a good CCP Branch Secretary whose heart is tightly linked to the local people. He leads the people to pursue the wealthy life and innovation, and has constructed a "milestone" of cariving-out, realizing 60 thousand yuan of industrial production value, 4000 yuan per capita of individual income from a poor village.  相似文献   

In Fugu County, Shaaxi province,there is a good CCP Branch Secretary whose heart is tightly linked to the local people. He leads the people to pursue the wealthy life and innovation,and has constructed a "milestone" of cariving-out, realizing 60 thousand yuan of industrial production value, 4000 yuan per capita of individual income from a poor village.  相似文献   

月度人物黄旭华曾庆存人物点评:“我放心不下核潜艇。一万年太久,只争朝夕。造不出核潜艇,我死不瞑目。”这是黄旭华的人生写照。而曾庆存则从事大气科学60载,致力推动“天有不测风云”成为“天有可测风云”,用汗水和智慧收获了一大批原创性、基础性和关键性科研成果。1月10日,94岁高龄的黄旭华院士和85岁高龄的曾庆存院士在北京人民大会堂荣获2019年度国家最高科学技术奖。  相似文献   

周良洛从1998年至2006年,利用担任北京市朝阳区区委常委、宣传部长,朝阳区常务副区长以及海淀区区委副书记、区长等职务的便利,接受多家企业的请托,为请托人谋取利益,单独或伙同鲁小丹多次非法收受他人给予的款、物共计折合人民币1672万余元。其中,鲁小丹参与受贿共计折合人民币889万余元。调查显示,2005年,在北京市永泰房地产开发公司竞争海淀区政府招商大厦办公楼选购、协调隔离带拆迁的过程中,周良洛利用职务之便,提供了帮助。事后,他收受该公司总经理戴迪给予的一套四季青桥附近的别墅,价值人民币近200万元。  相似文献   

"中国首善"陈光标江苏黄埔再生资源利用有限公司董事长陈光标,从创业之初就提出了一个大胆的做法,将公司利润的20%—25%捐献出来,用于慈善事业,至今已坚持逾10年。这10多年来,他获奖不断,并连续3年进入中国慈善家排行榜前10位,不到40岁的陈光标,已是全国最年轻的十大  相似文献   

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