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There has been considerable discussion of sustainable tourism development, in both theory and practice. Less attention has been paid to the discourses, ideologies and power relations which help to shape 'sustainable' tourism policies and planning instruments. This paper analyses recent initiatives introduced by the regional government of the Canary Islands, designed to bring about a more sustainable model of regional tourism, including a temporary moratorium on tourism development and the drafting of a strategic and normative set of guidelines for sustainable tourism. The paper considers the contested nature of the public debate that accompanied these initiatives within the wider context of the regionally distinct pattern of tourism and capitalist development. It is argued that the legacy of uneven development, and the entrenched power of regional economic and political élites, is likely to undermine the prospects for a just model of sustainable tourism, and to consolidate the continuing privatisation of space and socio-spatial inequalities across the region.  相似文献   

Ecotourism and protected area visitation in Central and South America have resulted in ecological impacts, which some protected areas managers have addressed by employing visitor impact management frameworks. In this paper, we propose the Protected Area Visitor Impact Management (PAVIM) framework as an alternative to carrying capacity and other frameworks such as Limits of Acceptable Change. We use a set of evaluation criteria to compare the relative positive and negative attributes of carrying capacity, other decision-making frameworks and the new framework, within the context of their actual and potential use in Central and South America. Positive attributes of PAVIM include simplicity, flexibility, cost effectiveness, timeliness and incorporating input from stakeholders and local residents. Negative attributes include diminished objectivity and cultural sensitivity issues. Further research and application of PAVIM are recommended.  相似文献   

塔尔寺旅游者旅行模式及其对地方旅游经济的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游业通常被认为对地方经济有促进作用,然而对这种作用很少从旅游者旅行模式的角度进行分析。本文以多目的地旅行(LCF)模型作为工具,分析了青海省塔尔寺游客的旅行模式,鉴别出了主要的4种旅行模式,并进一步分析了这几种模式的旅游者在目的地的消费行为。以此为根据,本文分析了塔尔寺旅游对县域经济的影响,并且提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

The Himalayan nation of Bhutan is known to embrace Gross National Happiness rather than Gross National Product as the measure of its people's well-being. Happiness, spirituality and cultural authenticity are prominent factors in Bhutan's tourism image, and these attributes are most clearly exhibited in the traditional festivals that are among the most popular attractions for many foreign tourists. This paper introduces the cultural practice of religious festivals in Bhutan and investigates how tourism may be affecting these festivals. Within this context, this paper reports on the findings of a survey of Bhutanese monks and lay people, regarding their impressions of the effects of tourists on one particular event – the Tsechu festival. With the Bhutanese government's aim to increase the number of annual tourists more than fourfold to 200,000 by 2018, this research provides a baseline study of the perceived impact of tourism on religious festivals and addresses the issue of whether such an increase in volume of tourists would pose a threat to the integrity and value of these festivals as perceived by Bhutanese people.  相似文献   

"非典"后的旅游经济重建与风险管理   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
“非典”给中国旅游业留下两个重要而紧迫的研究课题 :一个是“非典”后旅游经济如何尽快恢复重建 ;另一个是如何加强旅游业的“风险管理”。这其中既有实际操作问题 ,也涉及到深层次的理论问题。一、“非典”疫情凸现旅游经济的“敏感”特征“非典”突然降临 ,给中国旅游业造成了沉重的打击 ,但也有助于建立一个完整的旅游产业概念 ,从而为建立一个完整的产业政策体系创造条件。1 “非典”凸现旅游业的第四特征旅游业“朝阳产业”的特征已经深入人心 ,中央和许多地方都将旅游业作为新的经济增长点和未来的支柱产业 ,掀起了加快发展旅游的…  相似文献   

本文依据江苏2002年旅游活动社会核算矩阵,构建了一个省级双区域静态可计算一般均衡(CGE)模型,模型包括了5个与旅游活动密切相关的产业和第一产业、第二产业、其他第三产业共8个产业、外省与国外两个外部区域,并根据CGE模型的一般优化假设,设计了5类方程模块.分别是生产模决、收入与支出模块、贸易模块、投资与资本积累模块、宏观闭合与均衡模块,进而对入境旅游需求变化对江苏省地区经济产生的影响进行了全面的定量分析.分析得出:当入境旅游需求分别增长10%、20%、30%时,江苏省地区生产总值在当年10388.31亿元的基础上会增长0.114%、0.231%、0.353%,即入境游客消费每增长1元,地区生产总值分别增长1.36元、1.38元、1.41元.江苏省的社会福利(用等价变化计算)将分别增加0.749、0.763、0.778元等.  相似文献   

通过构建旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调度评价指标体系,以2000~2016年西北五省(区)旅游经济与生态环境的相关数据为基础,利用耦合协调度模型对西北五省(区)旅游经济与生态环境耦合协调度进行定量分析。结果显示:西北五省(区)旅游经济与生态环境整体发展水平呈缓慢上升趋势,生态环境保护明显滞后于旅游经济发展;两大系统的耦合度平均值在0.4~0.5之间,处于拮抗阶段;协调度均值在0.2~0.5之间,整体处于中度耦合协调水平;旅游经济发展与生态环境的耦合协调水平存在较大提升空间。下一步,应积极制定并严格实施生态环境保护政策,解决环境污染问题,提升生态环境质量。同时,大力发展生态旅游,加强环保宣传力度,最大限度将旅游资源优势转化为经济优势,提升绿色旅游经济增长率。通过有机耦合,实现两大系统协调发展。  相似文献   

全球气候变化及其对旅游业的潜在重大影响已成为世界范围的迫切问题,低碳旅游近年来受到国内外学者的广泛关注.政府部门和旅游企业被公认为是低碳旅游发展的重要责任主体,文章选取这两个利益相关者,研究双方在低碳发展决策中的演化博弈,以期通过较为精确的数学模型验证政企互动下低碳旅游激励政策的有效性,并从动态的角度探讨这两个群体的演化稳定策略,剖析其发展路径与影响因素,为低碳监督策略提供一定的参考.研究结果显示:两个博弈主体的策略选择依赖于初始状态及其演化路径,地方政府和旅游企业只有基于长远利益进行决策才能获得更高的收益;可通过动态调节碳排放奖惩力度,降低旅游企业低碳转型成本,调整碳排放行业标准等措施引导地方政府与旅游企业共同促进低碳旅游发展的和谐均衡状况.  相似文献   

This study has employed recently published input–output (I–O) tables and tourism survey data and built a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model, to assess the role of inbound tourism in the Singaporean economy and thus to reveal its implications for tourism marketing. Compared with the I–O analysis, the CGE modeling takes into account the feedback effect in the economy and thus produces more reliable results. The modeling results show that inbound tourism contributes significantly to the Singaporean economy, but it competes mildly with non-tourism sectors for resources. Although tourism shopping accounts for about half of total tourism expenditure, its economic contribution is much less than that of the tourism service in terms of GDP, employment, household income, and tax revenue. This suggests that, in developing and marketing Singapore as a tourist destination, more efforts are needed to encourage tourism services demand.  相似文献   

旅游区经济影响域界定研究——以八达岭长城旅游区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章提出了旅游区经济影响域的概念和关键指标、界定模型,并选取八达岭旅游区作为典型案例区,旅游区周围的6个村落为样本点,进行现场问卷调查和深入访谈,从而获取了旅游经济指标的实测值以及样本空间坐标。然后运用旅游区经济影响指数模型和旅游区经济影响域域值模型对样本数据进行总体趋势和范围的分析。结果发现,基于户均旅游直接就业和收入标准化值的八达岭旅游区旅游经济影响域域值为2.84千米,该值代表了八达岭旅游区经济辐射范围核心部分。在此基础上,刻画出旅游经济影响域的空间结构,并探讨了空间分异的原因。  相似文献   


The coasts of the Argentinean Patagonia aroused considerable interest when the nature-directed tourist boom took place. This paper is based on an analysis of literature pertaining to the impact of tourism on coastal areas in the province of Chubut-particularly in the area of the Valdes Peninsula included in UNESCO's World Heritage List-and its most important city, Puerto Madryn. The conclusion reached is that the implementation of a management plan which not only takes into consideration environmental aspects but also the participation of local inhabitants can result in sustainable development for the area.  相似文献   

员工在服务品牌的塑造和传播中起重要的作用.本文探讨员工品牌公民行为对顾客感知的品牌信任和品牌承诺的影响.数据分析结果表明:员工的品牌公民行为包含3个维度,即乐于助人、品牌热情和发展倾向;乐于助人和品牌热情对顾客的品牌信任有显著的直接正向影响,对品牌承诺有显著的间接正向影响;发展倾向对顾客的品牌承诺有显著的直接正向影响.本文对研究结果进行了讨论,并提出了管理建议.  相似文献   

The Tourism Penetration Index (TPI) (McElroy & de Albuquerque, 1998) provides an overall measure of economic, social and environmental impact in small islands. Thus far it has not been used to gauge tourism’s spatial concentration in different regions within a given destination. This study develops a TPI for four regions in the Dominican Republic (DR), and these regional scores are compared with a sample of 42 small islands. Results place Punta Cana in the east among the most penetrated islands/ regions, Puerto Plata/Samana in the north among the intermediate, and La Romana/San Pedro and Santo Domingo in the south among the least developed. Results are also compared with surveys on visitor satisfaction, perceptions of safety, and propensity to return. Planning and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

中国旅游产业结构变迁对旅游经济增长的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章从产业结构合理化和高级化两个维度考察了中国旅游产业结构变迁的特征,通过构建计量模型分析了旅游产业结构变迁对中国旅游经济增长的影响,并验证了该影响的可靠性。结果表明:(1)整体看我国旅游产业结构的高级化程度在提升、合理化程度在波动中下降,但区域差异明显;(2)旅游产业结构变迁对我国旅游经济增长的影响具有区域普遍性和持久性,但影响力在下降;(3)旅游产业结构变迁对旅游经济增长影响力的大小具有时段性特征,但比较而言,旅游产业结构合理化是推动旅游经济增长的基础性动力。针对上述结论,文章进一步讨论了其成因并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Sports events are an instrument of destination marketing for host countries. Over the past 40 years, New Zealand has held sports events such as the Commonwealth Games and the America's Cup and many international tourists have visited New Zealand during these events. While past studies have examined the economic value of such tourism at a generic level, the impact of mega sports events at more specific levels is unknown. Thus, this study examines not only the impact of eight mega sports events upon New Zealand's international tourist arrivals over the 1983–2005 period at the overall level, but also the number of tourist arrivals from participating countries for each event. Results suggest that the 1990 Commonwealth Games, the 2000 America's Cup (yachting) and the 2005 British and Irish Lions Tour (rugby) had a significant impact on tourist arrivals overall and on arrivals from each participating country.  相似文献   

国外基于CGE模型的旅游经济影响评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首次概述了可计算一般均衡模型(CGE)在国外旅游经济影响研究中的领域及其研究视角,对比分析了CGE模型与其他主要旅游经济影响评价方法的差异。最后,本文也论及了旅游CGE模型的未来发展趋势:旅游CGE模型能纳入更多的经济体的现实特征和旅游相关数据,对旅游的经济影响问题进行深入分析;为旅游相关政策、决策的制定提供科学依据;为特殊事件的旅游经济影响评价提供准确的测量工具。  相似文献   

在体验经济时代,旅游及其产品被赋予了更深的内涵和更高的期待,而在现实开发中却存在很大的不足。针对这种不平衡性,本文在旅游与体验的内在关系分析基础上。以古村落旅游产品开发为例,提出了旅游产品体验化创新的系统框架,并具体阐述了旅游产品体验化设计的一系列新方法、新途径。  相似文献   

England has 42 Anglican cathedrals, many of which are major visitor attractions and which together welcome around 10 million visitors per year. Cathedrals generate substantial local economic benefits of some £150 million per annum within their urban economies and employ 1885 people on a full-time basis. Cathedral visitors spend approximately £30 a day on a visit to a cathedral city, but unfortunately very little of this revenue is received by the cathedral as donations. This short paper, which forms part of a larger research project examining different aspects of religious tourism, looks at the economic significance of English cathedrals within their urban contexts, arguing that the rising cost of conserving and maintaining the fabric of cathedrals is likely to result in increased need to raise revenue from visitors.  相似文献   

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