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Nowhere in Canada has the preservation versus human use dilemma become more apparent than in Banff National Park. There is a need to identify those aspects of the human presence which are appropriate to preservation. Aspects of human presence felt to be of concern are the impacts of the broad range of activities, behaviours and experiences which humans pursue, and the development of the infrastructure to support those activities. The task of identifying 'appropriate activities' is not only technically difficult, but laden with 'value traps'. The technical challenges relate to our lack of understanding of the nature and severity of the many different impacts which human presence causes. The value traps relate to the broad range of views as to appropriate activities within ecologically, historically, and culturally sensitive ar- eas/facilities. Whilst the technical challenges can be overcome by means of information derived from research, conflicts as to activity development appropriateness can only be resolved through extensive negotiation, or at the ballot box. This paper describes how these concerns were investigated as part of a study conducted for the Government of Canada. The methodology and results provide insights that may be of use to others facing a similar challenge.  相似文献   

This article reports on an empirical study of the motivations behind tourists' repeat visits to an urban destination from a longitudinal perspective. The study was conducted in Xiamen, a coastal city in Southeast China, which offers leisure lifestyles and attracts repeat visits. Six motivational factors driving repeat visit intentions are identified using exploratory factor analysis. Based on motivational differences, repeat visitors are typologized using K-means cluster analysis into four groups: Externally driven repeaters, Memory recallers, Novelty seekers, and Special interest repeaters. Implications of the study for destination marketing and management are also discussed.  相似文献   

突发危机事件严重影响旅游业的持续健康发展,国内容源市场是中国旅游目的地市场构成的主体,研究国内客源市场受危机事件的空间影响规律,有助于增进理论认识并为恢复目的地的旅游业发展提供借鉴指导.文章以经历过2008年“5·12”汶川地震的九寨沟景区为例,以国内客源市场为研究对象,以地震前后第一手抽样调查资料为数据源运用地理集中度指数、客源市场半径、距离累计曲线等方法,引入“冲击波”的思想,对不同距离的客源市场恢复特点进行归纳.研究发现:自然灾害型危机事件后,景区客源市场地理集中度指数降低而客源吸引半径增加,表明危机事件对距离较近的客源市场冲击较大,使客源市场构成趋于分散.不同距离国内客源市场累计曲线进一步验证,邻近客源市场份额显著减少,表明邻近市场受自然灾害型危机事件冲击影响大,是危机事件的反应敏感区;远距离客源市场份额相对增加,表明远距离客源市场需求受影响相对小,是灾后旅游市场构成的稳健区;中等距离客源市场份额增减情况不一致,表明中等距离客源市场是灾后恢复的潜力区.依据研究结果,文章构建了自然型危机事件国内客源市场影响规律的概念模型,提出市场恢复的建议.  相似文献   

Many public protected areas worldwide charge fees for entrance, overnight camping, and commercial tour permits. These visitor or user fees raise revenue and may also influence visitor behaviour. Many protected areas are forced to charge fees because government funding is inadequate for conservation and visitor management in the face of rapidly rising visitor numbers and demands. Acceptance and effects of fees, however, depend on the historical, political, legal, economic and social context. Two issues are particularly significant: (a) equity between various social groups; and (b) control and use of funds raised.  相似文献   

公共游憩是国家社会福利的重要内容和实现公民游憩权的主要途径之一.中央政府和城市政府主导的游憩供给模式无法满足日益多样化的游憩需求,游憩公共供给从普遍性供给转向面向弱势群体的供给,形成了由城市政府负责的城市游憩供给、由中央政府负责的国家公园公共游憩供给,由公共部门提供基础性游憩服务、由私人部门提供高端多样化的游憩服务的格局.本文阐述了西方学者对公共游憩供给与社会政策的思辨过程,探索中国公共游憩供给面临的问题,并提出可能的社会议程.  相似文献   


Online communities are changing the way people enjoy leisure activities through computer-mediated interactions, yet little is known about how these groups form, function, and network. The current study draws on two years of involvement with a Meetup group, using participant observation and ethnographic interviews of the group's live interactions and content analysis of the group's online communication. Throughout this article, the author analyzed the life cycle of online communities and discovered that technology acts as a catalyst for group formation and that the fast and exponential growth of groups centered on common leisure interests. Computer-mediated communications also accelerated the pace of conflict among groups and the formation of alternate communities to satisfy the same need. Patterns of group formation, consolidation, conflict, splintering, and re-grouping repeated themselves throughout the observation period. Finally, the present research discusses how this new form of social interaction facilitates leisure pursuits and encourages creativity in the creation of diverse activities which foster continued participation.  相似文献   

Researchers and planners often assume amenity-based rural communities encourage residential relocation by tourists. Researchers have explored this question using decisionmaking models, but few have analyzed this relationship from a rural development perspective. This study used a longitudinal design to model the relationship among tourism development, net migration, and residential development in a US city from 1950 to 2001. The model also included national economic and migration trends. Bivariate results showed tourism development was positively related to migration and residential development. When controlling for national economic and migration trends, however, this effect disappeared. These findings suggest that broader economic and social conditions are the primary condition for residence change, and that tourism amenities are only secondary considerations for migration and residential development.  相似文献   

With the traditional research-based view approach to entry mode that examines the firm's strategies from its resource endowment and deployment (i.e., an inside-out view of the firm), which is different from the earlier paradigms (i.e., an outside-in view of the firm), this article investigates intangibles at the firm level and their impact on the choice of foreign-market entry mode to understand how to create value overseas. From the multinomial logistic regression analyses with data collected from the lodging industry between 1995 and 2005, the results of this study suggest that as marketing capital increases, entry mode seems to move from acquisition to joint venture to greenfield to contractual modes. In the case of employee efficiency, as human capital increases entry mode tends to move from joint venture to acquisition to greenfield to contractual modes, whereas in the case of top managers' efficiency, entry mode tends to move from joint venture to acquisition to contractual mode to greenfield, respectively.  相似文献   

公众参与旅游规划的思考——来自香港大澳的调查启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文通过问卷调查方法研究分析了居民、实际消费者、潜在消费者3个公众群体对于香港大澳生态旅游发展规划成果方案的支持意愿、了解程度以及焦点问题等方面的后期评价,进而探讨了其与大澳生态旅游发展规划公众参与工作实施的因果关系,认为合理的参与时限、专业人员的作用、主体多元化、持续动态参与对于提升公众参与规划的实际效果具有现实的作用。  相似文献   

People-place relationship has received increasing attention in recent decades. However, the effect of place change on bonding has rarely been discussed in recreation studies, especially with the use of a longitudinal approach. This study tracked the changes of park users’ place bonding and behaviors in three different phases of park renovation (original, closed and reopened). Results indicated that place bonding is subject to change when a place is unavailable, and the magnitude of the bonding change is related to users’ initial place bonding. While the higher bonding respondents exhibited decreasing bonding after park renovation, the bonding of the lower group increased after renovation. Besides, the positive effect of evaluation on the bonding changes, and the association between level of bonding and decision to return were also confirmed.  相似文献   

事件影响是一个衡量事件社会经济价值的重要内容,通常是从事件举办地居民感知的角度进行研究.鉴于感知是一个动态过程,本文以杭州休闲博览会为例,以社会交换理论为基础,通过时间序列纵向比较研究方法来探讨城市居民对重大事件感知的变化.通过面向杭州市居民的两次抽样调查得到基础数据,基于SPSS13.0软件进行处理,运用主成分因子分析和配对t检验得出:杭州市居民对休闲博览会积极因子的感知呈弱化趋势,对消极因子的感知呈强化趋势,文化资产在活动中得到策划者的重视,但居民对事件的认识还需要有关部门的积极引导.  相似文献   

旅行社集团内部业绩评价体系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
当前旅行社集团蓬勃发展,如何实现集团的系统效应,对所属各个分社进行科学而有效的业绩评价成为十分重要的管理手段.本文在分析目前研究的基础上,从旅行社行业特征角度,提出旅行社集团内部业绩评价体系应综合考虑集团投资者利益、员工和旅游者利益以及旅行社业务流程特征等因素,并在此基础上详细论述了旅行社集团内部业绩评价指标体系.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that tourists who hold higher levels of environmental concern are more likely to have an interest in natural places and their conservation, and be more likely to engage in activities that are environmentally sustainable. This study assessed environmental concern by measuring and comparing the intrinsic, non-use, use, spiritual and recreation values of nature-based tourists, members of a recreational conservation group and the general public. The results showed that members of each sample could be grouped into four clusters, each holding a unique combination of the values. For some clusters, spirituality and intrinsic value were positively associated, yet for others, the two values appeared to exist in different conceptual domains. One cluster placed particular importance on bequest and existence values and one cluster valued natural places mainly for recreation. The results indicated that while many people are clearly interested in natural areas, they are influenced in different ways by a range of values. The study provides information about specific values that will help to better understand visitors to natural places and assist in the management and conservation of those places.  相似文献   

自发地理信息作为旅游地理学研究的全新数据源,具有多时间尺度和多级空间尺度的特点。文章以九寨沟为例,通过采集旅游者上传的VGI照片数据,运用核密度估计方法挖掘多种时空尺度下旅游者关注度空间格局及其演化过程;同时,以互联网用户对照片的访问量为权重,进一步描述潜在旅游者的景观关注度。研究表明,旅游者对九寨沟的关注度格局相对稳定,旅游地尺度下的关注热点是树正沟、日则沟两条风景线,则查洼沟仅有少量景段关注度较高;风景线尺度下,树正沟的盆景滩-犀牛海景段,日则沟的诺日朗群海-镜海、珍珠滩瀑布-五花海、熊猫海瀑布-箭竹海景段,则查洼沟的五彩池-长海景段以及景区入口段等,均是旅游者关注度较高的热区;景点尺度下的树正群海、诺日朗群海、珍珠滩、五花海、熊猫海、箭竹海等水景观关注度日益提高,成为九寨沟的核心吸引物,而以藏族文化为主的人文景观关注度较低。研究同时发现,潜在旅游者受到照片上传者引导,其景观关注度格局也表现出层次性。  相似文献   

王翔 《旅游学刊》2017,(10):91-103
当下我国,社区治理是社会治理的主要领域.旅游社区是社区治理领域中较特殊的一类,只因其虽然具有相对固定的主体结构——居民、商家、游客和政府.但发展到一定程度,仍会产生传统治理模式失灵现象,而形成治理困境的直接原因是多元利益无法得到有序调和,主要体现在:一方面,社区成员认同感较低造成了社区既有的熟人格局解体,共同体内部规范逐渐失效;另一方面,行政管理者由于体制原因,难以形成行政协力以构建有效的外部治理体系.其治理困境的因素大抵包括成熟的社区、激增的人口和内涵丰富的旅游价值.针对此困境,鼓浪屿建立了多元主体协商平台的鼓浪屿公共议事会,重建旅游社区的整合功能.首先,鼓浪屿公共议事会不仅有效弥补了现行政府管理体制中以街道办为主的社区管理和以管委会为主的景区管理体系之间行政协调性不足的制度缺陷,而且从结构上联通了居民、市场(行业协会)和政府三方主体;其次,议事规则通过设置居民的表决权,重塑治理主体,提升居民认同感,继而为共同体内部规范的恢复提供了可能.根据顶层设计,鼓浪屿公共议事会是符合共建共享治理理念的程序性机制.通过对议事会的实证分析可知,在旅游社区的治理过程中,共建必须综合考量程序的可执行性、功能性和议事效率;共享则体现为以政府赋权于民为前提,依托程序,达至多元主体的功能性结构重整.但专业性不足以及程序工具主义的偏离倾向是目前阻碍其进一步发展的主要因素,因此需要议事专家的训练和专业人士提供指导.  相似文献   

To examine the complexity of tourism policy implementation, this paper considers the case of Pamilacan Island, the Philippines. It uses the advocacy coalition framework (ACF) and network analysis. Consistent with policy process theories, findings show that individual policy beliefs might lead to implementation networks, but the degree of network integration determines progress in policy execution. The study reinforces the importance of key factors pertinent in policy implementation such as knowledge and resources of actors, as well as contextual conditions including ties of solidarity. Mediating them are micro-implementation processes and informal codes of conduct. This paper not only increases the number of in-depth case studies on tourism policy and clarifies issues in the policy process, but also stresses that there are multiple policy executions when a particular policy decision is implemented. Finally, it adds a layer of complexity to the ACF and calls for its re-examination when applied to a developing country.  相似文献   

我国公共景区政府规制历程及其问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴文智 《旅游学刊》2007,22(11):37-40
随着我国旅游景区事业的发展,公共景区经历了规制停滞、加强规制、放松规制3个阶段,目前仍存在所有权虚化、代理关系扭曲等众多问题.为此,本文认为我国公共景区将步入再规制与放松规制并存阶段,并提出了解决这些问题的若干建议.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a “zero tourism” situation throughout the world with unpredictable consequences. Several authors analyzed the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic during the second trimester of 2020, but none of them have specifically examined European Union countries and the joint actions taken to fight the pandemic. Using a case study methodology, this paper presents a literature review of the most up-to-date studies on the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic. Secondly, we specify the different public intervention measures implemented by the European Union in accordance with supranational governance theory and stakeholder theory. Finally, we set out the different COVID-19-related public rescue strategies for the tourism and hospitality sector at the individual level (for tourists), at the business level (for touristic companies) and at the destination level (for the European Union countries), from the perspective of stakeholders. The main contribution of our research is therefore to explore the public strategies to rescue the tourism and hospitality sector in the context of the European Union.  相似文献   

This study aims to test the influence of constraints on travel of the elderly in Hong Kong and to compare perceived travel constraints of Hong Kong seniors in public and in private housing based on the hierarchical leisure constraints model. Face-to-face questionnaire interviews were conducted from December 2013 to April 2014. A total of 415 participants completed the interview successfully. Despite sharing the similar factor structure of the leisure constraints model, the two groups varied significantly in travel behavior, six constraint items, and seven regression paths.  相似文献   

This is a qualitative study to evaluate the tourism potential of public museums from a supply-side perspective. Nine specialized public museums in Hangzhou were evaluated based on six criteria: cultural, physical, product, experiential, marketing, and leadership. The overall tourism potential was rated as moderate for the museums in Hangzhou. Poor accessibility, isolation from tourism nodes, lack of complementarity with peripheral attractions, and limited carrying capacity impair the museums' appeal to tourists. The local government's proactive intention to develop cultural tourism and the innovative marketing efforts adopted by a few museums certainly help to enhance the museums' tourism potential.  相似文献   

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