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This study examines the relevance of environmental management as a source of competitive advantage for hotels. The relationship between the environmental proactivity of hotels located in the province of Alicante (Spain) and their economic performance levels was studied, and three strategic groups, based on environmental proactivity, were identified: Proactive, Intermediate and Reactive. The findings show that the degree of proactivity achieved by these hotels does not strongly impact on their organisational performance. Nevertheless, performance levels increase as environmental proactivity grows.  相似文献   

Ecotourism and protected area visitation in Central and South America have resulted in ecological impacts, which some protected areas managers have addressed by employing visitor impact management frameworks. In this paper, we propose the Protected Area Visitor Impact Management (PAVIM) framework as an alternative to carrying capacity and other frameworks such as Limits of Acceptable Change. We use a set of evaluation criteria to compare the relative positive and negative attributes of carrying capacity, other decision-making frameworks and the new framework, within the context of their actual and potential use in Central and South America. Positive attributes of PAVIM include simplicity, flexibility, cost effectiveness, timeliness and incorporating input from stakeholders and local residents. Negative attributes include diminished objectivity and cultural sensitivity issues. Further research and application of PAVIM are recommended.  相似文献   

Little has been written in tourism on what happens once sustainable limits have been set and met. This paper introduces 'demarketing' as a policy option and management tool, outlining the literature in this field. First coined by Kotler in the early 1970s, it was presented as an aspect of the marketing mix. Demarketing has been applied successfully (if somewhat controversially) in the health sector as a means for reducing smoking and inappropriate health careconsumption. However, the strategy itself can be taken beyond health and marketing and applied to tourist management and planning. The implications for the tourism industry are enormous, providing fresh ways to consider the management of mass tourism and the environment and culture on which it relies. While aspects of demarketing have been used unconsciously in tourism operations such as man-made attractions and national park management systems, this paper looks at demarketing's potential as a conscious policy tool within the built and natural environmental management spheres, specifically in relation to visitor management and tourism. Studies of the planning and management of selected tourism environments in Australia and North America demonstrate the potential of demarketing as a management tool.  相似文献   

The damage to tourism caused by a crisis or disaster may not only have serious implications for a national economy but also threaten the livelihoods of many in the destination. The monitoring of crisis indicators could allow intervention to minimise the crisis and offers a chance of protecting tourism for the benefit of all stakeholders. This paper evaluates the role of crisis indicators in sustainable tourism development, and shows why this is closely connected to issues in sustainable tourism. The author challenges the conventional classification of crises and suggests that grouping them according to their triggers is more useful in predicting and managing a potential crisis. Empirical data gathered during interviews with senior Malaysian public and private sector representatives highlight some of the practical issues associated with the identification and monitoring of appropriate indicators. The paper concludes that the new classification allows crisis management to be more cost-effective and may also be a key to indicator development for other aspects of sustainable tourism. The travel trade may hold the key to indicators of market trends, but there would be issues in obtaining the necessary information for reasons of confidentiality.  相似文献   

The United Nations Environment Programme’s Principles on Implementation of Sustainable Tourism suggest that implementing sustainable tourism must include monitoring visitor use of protected natural areas and directing it to areas where the environmental and social impacts of tourism are minimised. Thus, sustainable tourism management requires information about the spatial and temporal flow of visitor use in protected natural areas to help identify potential tourism-related threats to the natural and cultural resources of an area and the quality of visitors’ experiences. Recent research has identified at least four ways in which simulation modelling of visitor use can facilitate more informed planning and management of sustainable tourism in protected natural areas, including (1) describing existing visitor use flows; (2) monitoring the condition of ‘hard to measure’ indicator variables; (3) testing the effectiveness of alternative visitor use management practices; and (4) guiding the design of research on public attitudes. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate, using findings from studies conducted in the Inyo National Forest and Isle Royale National Park, USA, each of these four potential contributions of computer simulation to sustainable tourism management and planning. The paper concludes with an assessment of the limitations of existing applications of computer simulation to nature-based tourism and recommendations for future research.  相似文献   


The academia competitive landscape has made research increasingly important. Extant literature has studied specific dimensions of research performance and conducting good research. This exploratory study examines the habits and routine behaviour in conducting good research, guided by a constructivist grounded theory approach. Thirty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted with academics of different seniorities from six tourism schools, followed by content analyses and drawing relevant theories from calling, grit and self-determination, leading to a theory-based emerging framework. Five habits and twenty-seven routine behaviours were identified with implications on academic career management, institutional planning, and recruitment.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the premise that revenues from tourism can provide economic sustainability for the management of both the Dzanga-Sangha Special Dense Forest Reserve and the Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, both in the Central African Republic. Second, the paper examines the impact of tourism on the local economy. The results demonstrate that the present form of tourism has so far been unable to become self-financing. In particular, if investments and depreciation are taken into account it becomes evident that private commercial financing of similar investments is unlikely to be viable. Tourism alone provides insufficient revenue to cover the operating costs of the Park and Reserve. The impact of tourism on the local economy, however, is substantial. Revenue from tourism contributed to the acceptance of the Dzanga-Sangha Project by the local population and has probably contributed to an increase in effectiveness of law enforcement. The Dzanga-Sangha Project tourism programme has at least been partially successful in providing an alternative economic option to more environmentally destructive activities, but it needs to raise additional revenue. The Project should also pursue alternative funding mechanisms, such as trust funds, and generate additional income through gorilla tourism, safari hunting and sustainable forestry.  相似文献   

近年来,负面事件层出不穷,在网络媒体的推波助澜下,旅游目的地遭遇严重的形象危机。辨识负面事件类型,洞悉负面事件影响机制及动态变化,采取适配性应对策略,是化解旅游目的地负面事件危机的关键。文章基于信任理论和情境危机沟通理论,通过3个情境实验,从动态视角考察负面事件对旅游目的地的影响及应对策略。研究结果表明:旅游目的地负面事件包括能力型负面事件和道德型负面事件。其中,能力型负面事件通过能力信任降低旅游目的地评价,道德型负面事件通过善意信任降低旅游目的地评价。并且,相对于能力型负面事件,道德型负面事件的负面影响更大。能力型负面事件发生后,旅游目的地评价随着时间的推移缓慢回升,而道德型负面事件发生后,旅游目的地评价持续处于低位。根据负面事件的影响趋势,对于能力型负面事件,旅游目的地商家在事件发生第2天正面应对效果最佳;对于道德型负面事件,旅游目的地政府在事件发生第2天正面应对效果最佳。文章引入时间维度,为负面事件的影响及应对策略研究提供了新的视角,为旅游目的地危机处理提供了切实有效的措施。  相似文献   

随着旅游业的持续增长,旅游业本身也面临着日益严峻的环境挑战。有迹象表明,旅游珏发和经营者已经开始寻求或实施有效的对其环境管理业绩进行监测和评价的方法。环境审计被认为是一种有用的、对一个特定的旅游主体的环境业绩进行评估的管理工具。本篇文章提出了一个基本的旅游环境业绩审计方案及其实施过程,以确保旅游业环境管理达到最佳效益。  相似文献   

The Jurassic Coast World Heritage Site, declared in 2001, is Britain's first mainland World Heritage Site (WHS) inscribed for its natural values, and one of only eight in the world designated according to geological criteria. The study of exposed rock strata and dinosaur fossils found here has made – and continues to make – a major contribution to understanding the Earth's history; in addition, the WHS covers fine scenery and several nature reserves. Administratively, management of the site is complex because of its mosaic of owners and occupiers and, as WH status carries no statutory powers in the UK, the partnership approach was the only obvious solution. The Site's coastal towns and their rural hinterl and have been afflicted by economic and social decline in recent decades, and the Jurassic Coast initiative is being used as a tool for regeneration. There has been some success already in efforts by local entrepreneurs and the public sector to exploit the opportunities for a renaissance both of the economy and local morale. This paper examines the planning and early implementation stages of the Jurassic Coast programme, detailing successes and examining the linkages between the theory and practice of collaborative management.  相似文献   

This paper reviews progress in the field of urban tourism, revisiting and challenging the validity of the paradoxes presented in the paper by Ashworth and Page (2011). To do this, the paper examines the expansion of research endeavours in urban tourism in relation to these paradoxes, including the outputs in dedicated journals on city tourism along with the wider range of outputs generated since 2011 in social science. It also revisits the initial proposition set out regarding an imbalance in attention in urban tourism research (Ashworth 1989, 2003) and how this has been addressed through a broader development of thinking at the intersection of urbanism and tourism. It is a selective review of progress in the field, highlighting the challenges of deriving theory from western modes of analysis that need re-thinking in relation to the global south, notably Africa as well as developments in Asia and the Middle East.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情爆发并迅速蔓延,对依赖以人的位移产生综合消费的旅游业的影响是巨大而且全方位的。以云南省为例,从宏观旅游经济运行、中观旅游业态发展、微观旅游企业发展及旅游资本市场四个层次,对新冠肺炎给区域旅游发展带来的影响进行分析与研判。在此基础上,提出区域旅游恢复发展的应对策略。  相似文献   

This paper assesses damage to diving sites off Hurghada and Safaga, Egypt, and examines management responses and options. Data were obtained using the line-intercept-transect method. Using general field observations, a control site comparison and a historical comparison, it was found that the four diving sites studied suffered varying degrees of physical damage and needed management attention. Some transect locations had experienced severe physical damage while others had escaped damage. The most obvious difference between the control site and the four damaged sites (at both 4 and 8 m depths) was the consistently high percentage cover of hard coral (especially Acropora coral) and low percentage cover of soft corals among all transects at the Giftun Canal control site. Total algae percentages were also consistently higher at impacted transect sites versus the control site. From a historical perspective, at the Small Giftun site from 1987 to 1996, percentage hard coral cover decreased by 43% and algal cover increased over fourfold. If the diving tourism industry is to sustain itself in the Egyptian Red Sea, every management effort must be made to minimise controllable sources of stress on the coral reef system. Dive site management programme options, based on peer-reviewed carrying capacity research and stakeholder involvement, are reviewed.  相似文献   

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