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Nonprofit volunteer motivations have been widely researched and discussed as the sector is volunteer-dependent. For nonprofit, community-based events, volunteers frequently fulfill multiple roles, yet motivations across roles are infrequently studied. This study explores managers’ views of volunteers across roles for Open Gardens Australia and whether existing typologies for leisure motivations and generic volunteering can be used to classify volunteer motivations. Examining managers’ perceptions is important as managers deliver volunteer-driven events by designing strategies to attract and manage volunteers’ experiences. Results suggest that existing typologies do not adequately capture the motivations of volunteers for these events with additional motivations of significance for some roles being - Obligation, Inertia, Filling a Personal Void or Gap, Elitism and Competitiveness. Of the 14 motivations found, many overlap and more than half may be simultaneously altruistic and egoistic, suggesting complex interactions within and across the different motivations, although motivational differences across volunteer rolesare limited.  相似文献   

当前国际汇率理论的局限性及其发展方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有汇率理论的局限性表现在对外汇交易量的放大效应、远期汇率的预测偏差、汇率的过度波动以及汇率决定等问题的解释力低下,用宏观经济学的理论体系构筑起来的现有汇率理论正陷入危机之中,需要进行变革。汇率理论的未来发展,将沿着宏观经济学的微观基础理论、金融市场微观结构理论和国际金融政治经济学三个方向发展。  相似文献   

浅析学术交流的成本分类及成本控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术交流成本就是指学术交流主体在一定时间内为进行学术交流活动所支付的全部费用。它是考核学术交流投资效益的前提条件,也是计量和预测教师劳动报酬和进行学术交流规划、管理、监督与决策的依据。依据支出性质、使用目的和主体的不同,它可以分为直接与间接、计划与实际、社会与个人、物质与人员、制度和精神等若干成本类别。在学术交流活动中,我们可通过成本计划制定、成本项目设置、成本形成的过程控制等措施,对学术交流成本实施控制。  相似文献   

在制造商服务化进程日趋加剧的背景下,集成解决方案提供商的成长却面临着制造商-客户关系资源依赖的现实瓶颈。基于国内外集成解决方案、资源依赖理论两方案的研究成果,本文提出基于制造商-客户关系资源依赖的制造商服务化进程影响机制模型及其假设。一是从组织外部视角研究制造商服务创新问题,二是应用资源依赖理论解释趋于纯市场关系的组织行为。这为更好地解释我国制造商服务化进程中的现实问题提供了独特的思路,也为后续的定量研究奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

Dyadic commercial relations during service interactions are not possible without exchange of emotions between the interactional partners. The study theorizes social exchange theory of affect and explores triggers of emotions from customers and service agents that enable rapport during promotion of products. The study conceptualizes that service agents deliver overall authentic service delivery, which is a composite of authentic emotions and affective service delivery. These delivered emotions are reciprocated by the customers who are high on agreeableness. The study also validates the link between rapport, customer satisfaction, and future buying intentions of the customers. Data were collected through between subjects experimental design on 120 participants. The results were analyzed and structural model was developed using partial least-square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique. Results indicate that customer employee rapport is best predicted when overall authentic service delivery and customer agreeableness mutually interacts. The study is limited to outbound promotional services and its validity for other kinds of services and inbound calls awaits exploration.  相似文献   


To effectively compete in today's competitive business environment, nonprofit organizations need to operate as open systems developing strategic alliances with key actors. To help managers of nonprofit organizations develop such relationships, open systems theory is explained, the phrase “strategic alliances” is defined, and a system of alliances is presented as a tool for identifying and analyzing potential relationships.  相似文献   

国家外汇投资公司的筹备成立标志着我国外汇储备管理模式的根本变化,文章认为外汇储备投资除满足收益性和缓解国内流动性过剩的使命外,应重点保障我国资源需求的战略目标;资源战略储备的形式除实物储备外,还可以直接购买或参股资源矿藏、购买资源类企业的股票以及通过国际期货市场进行运作.  相似文献   

利用格兰杰因果检验方法,对我国外汇储备与经济增长关系进行实证分析。从检验结果来看,短期和长期外汇储备的增长源于经济增长,但外汇储备只能在短期内促进经济增长。由于外汇储备对经济增长的促进作用只是短期行为,要真正促进经济增长还需要依靠其他政策综合发挥作用。  相似文献   

为了测算人民币均衡汇率,本文在购买力平价理论的基础上建立均衡汇率理论模型,该模型回归货币购买力的本质,克服了在经济发展水平不同国家之间选取可比较一篮子商品的困难。经对人民币均衡汇率及失调状况的实证检验发现:2005-2010年间人民币兑美元汇率,除2007年、2008年基本处于均衡状态外,其他年份均被高估;2012-2014年间,人民币兑美元汇率一直被低估,只是各年的低估幅度不同;2015年人民币兑美元汇率被高估。人民币兑美元名义汇率的均值相对于实际汇率的均值在总体上被高估28.03%,名义汇率在中长期存在贬值趋势。人民币兑美元实际汇率的各年度变化幅度在两国产出水平变动幅度小于ΔM2变动幅度时,主要受ΔM2的变动影响。以上结论对央行对外汇市场进行干预提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

In a previous review article [Brown, James R. and Dant, Rajiv P. (2008a), “Scientific Method and Retailing Research: A Retrospective,” Journal of Retailing, 84 (April), 1-13], we had discussed the substantive domains, the methodological approaches, and the inferential tools that researchers used to test their conceptual frameworks in 164 articles published in the Journal of Retailing during 2002-2007. In this article, we continue this introspective process, by reviewing the theories used in 173 articles published in the Journal of Retailing in the 2004-2009 (to Issue 2) time period, and classifying those theories according to their application to various substantive issues. A total of 119 different theories were used across these 173 articles, which we sub-grouped into twelve broad-based theoretical categories: (1) marketing theories, (2) microeconomic theory, (3) consumer choice theory, (4) social exchange theory, (5) information processing theory, (6) satisfaction theory, (7) reference price theory, (8) competitive theory, (9) attribution theory, (10) other psychological theories for individuals, (11) other social psychological/sociological theories, and (12) other theories. We also examine the methodological approaches and tools used to test those theories. A number of research gaps are identified for future retailing scholarship.  相似文献   

汇率制度选择问题的理论之争及评析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汇率制度的选择是国际金融领域的重要理论问题一在对“固定”与“浮动”、“两极”与“中间”两种汇率制度选择理论上的争论进行评述的基础上,文章认为,汇率制度的选择是一个受多种因素影响的动态体系,汇率制度选择是一国具体情况的相机抉择,任何一种汇率制度都不可能适合于所有国家和一个国家的所有时期。  相似文献   

文章从国内和国际两个层面上建立了人民币汇率改革的完全且完美信息动态博弈模型,采用逆推归纳法归纳总结了各种条件下人民币汇率博弈中构成子博弈完美纳什均衡的策略组合,并在此基础上分析了促成2005年人民币汇率改革的条件.结论是:人民币汇率的调整以及调整的幅度和速度,主要取决于以中国政府为代表的一方与以美国政府为代表的另一方的相互利益博弈的结果.  相似文献   

Motor carriers’ operational safety affects multiple stakeholders including truck drivers, motor carriers, insurance companies, shippers, and the general public. In this article, I devise and test theory regarding motor carriers’ longitudinal performance for three classes of safety behaviors linked to carriers’ accident rates—Unsafe Driving, Hours‐of‐Service Compliance, and Vehicle Maintenance—tracked by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration as part of the Compliance, Safety, and Accountability (CSA) program. Specifically, I draw on core concepts from sociological agency theory and resource dependency theory to devise middle‐range theory that generates never‐before‐tested hypotheses regarding carriers’ longitudinal safety performance for these classes of safety behaviors after the start of the CSA program. The hypothesized predictions are tested by fitting a series of multivariate latent curve models to four years of panel data for a random sample of 484 large, for‐hire motor carriers operating in the United States. The empirical findings corroborate the theoretical predictions and remain after robustness testing. These findings have important implications for scholars, motor carrier managers, procurers of motor carrier transportation services, and public policy makers.  相似文献   

王磊 《商业研究》2006,(1):102-104
分别从内外两个角度分析了目前的经济形势,得出了人民币面临着双重压力———既有升值的外在压力又有贬值的内在要求这一结论。根据这一结论,提出了缓解双重压力的措施,即保持人民币汇率稳定的对外缓解升值压力,对内扩大内需;接着,提出了人民币汇率制度改革的方向:短期,继续维持人民币汇率基本稳定;中期,改钉住汇率制度为汇率目标区制度;长期,退出汇率目标区制度,实行浮动汇率制。  相似文献   

汇率的贸易收支效应的理论演进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙文莉 《财贸研究》2006,17(4):69-76
本文沿着“弹性学说”理论发展和演进的主线,阐述了它在各个时期关于汇率的贸易收支效应的研究重点和主要成果,以及针对相关问题的理论演进脉络。最后,针对汇率的贸易收支效应问题,从与“弹性学说”相对的“吸收学说”、“货币学说”的角度进行了补充。从中既体现了各学派在某一具体问题的研究中突出和逐步完善自身思想的意图,同时,也能领略到各学派之间思想的日渐融合趋势。  相似文献   

This article extends the economics of exchange for bilateral monopolists to more general situations in marketing channels, that is, exchange between two members with alternatives, by incorporating insights drawn from power-dependence theory, interdependence theory, and the concept of switching cost. It proposes a framework of three factors of channel dependence and reviews the literature on the operationalizations of channel dependence based on the framework. This study concludes that the approaches used by channels researchers, explicitly or implicitly, more or less, capture the three factors of channel dependence. It also notices weaknesses in some approaches, including missing important aspects of a factor, possibilities of inflating or deflating channel dependence, and falling short of being a one-dimensional construct. The article finally draws conclusions and reports implications from the findings of this inquiry and literature review.  相似文献   

增加黄金储备,可缓解我国外汇储备风险,维护国民财富安全,有利于在重建国际金融秩序过程中增强人民币的话语权,也有利于人民币走向国际化,为人民币成为国际硬通货奠定重要基础.文章提出,增加黄金储备应成为优化和调整外汇储备结构的一个重要选择方向.增加黄金储备,应以产业界为主渠道,积极打造增储的战略平台,借助当前有利时机,增储矿产资源性黄金和商品性黄金,并通过一定机制使之转化为金融性黄金.  相似文献   

2005年7月21日汇改后人民币汇率的升值趋势和双向波动特征,给中国进出口企业经营带来了很大的影响,如果不能成功应对,中国进出口企业在国际市场上的比较优势利益将无法实现。只有充分认识和重视汇率波动对企业的影响,才能采取相应的措施,使中国进出口企业在汇率日益波动的背景下立于不败之地。  相似文献   

长期以来我国拥有大规模的外汇储备规模,且这个储备量还在连年递增。我国是否真的需要如此巨大数额的外汇储备,如何评定当前储备规模的合理度,一直是我们关注的焦点。本文运用修正的Agarwal模型,自1994年以来的宏观经济数据推导出较为适度的估计值,同时对比期间真实储备值,得出2001年后我国实际的外汇储备严重偏离估计值的结论。  相似文献   

近年来,资源基础观已成为理解企业竞争优势的重要理论依据。通过回顾以资源异质性为核心的传统资源基础理论,到以人的异质性为核心的企业能力理论的资源基础理论演进历程,分析资源基础观研究对象层次化、动态化和无形化的研究趋势,进一步阐明未来应用资源基础理论可对资源、动态能力和知识之间的关系,以便在公司治理和管理层收购及企业家精神等领域进行更为深入的研究。  相似文献   

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