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Carrying capacity has been a long-standing issue in management of parks, outdoor recreation and tourism. Contemporary carrying capacity frameworks rely on formulation of indicators and standards of quality to define and manage carrying capacity. This paper describes a programme of research to support estimation and management of carrying capacity of Alcatraz Island, an historic site within Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California, USA, and a heavily visited tourist attraction. Research included: (1) a survey of visitors to Alcatraz Island to identify indicators and standards of quality for the visitor experience; and (2) development of a computer simulation model of visitor use to estimate maximum daily use levels without violating standards of quality. Study findings are used to estimate a range of carrying capacities for the prison cellhouse and for the island as a whole.  相似文献   

This paper considers the development of redundant coal mine sites into industrial heritage attractions as a process compatible with sustainable development objectives. An overview of literature in this field outlines existing social, environmental and economic perspectives on the sustainability of this form of tourism development. The economic aspect of the analysis includes an exploration of the sustainability of UK mining heritage attractions as viable tourism enterprises, using findings from a survey of UK mining heritage attractions undertaken in 2002.  相似文献   

旅游景区生态化100招   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从生态旅游概念的界定出发,就旅游景区生态化提出了100招。  相似文献   


This article evaluates the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) as a tool for measuring the economic benefits of the provision of non-marketed tourism products. CVM was used to measure skiers' willingness to pay (WTP) for an environmentally friendly ski destination. Skiers from three different nationalities were surveyed, and although they were more likely to visit a resort that is environmentally responsible, not all of them would pay more for the privilege. Use of the CVM indicated a strong correlation between WTP and the cost of the holiday, level of income, and level of environmental conscience. The authors conclude that although CVM can provide useful data for tourism decision-makers, it does have its limitations.  相似文献   

刘德谦 《旅游学刊》2012,27(5):32-40
在WEF《旅游竞争力报告》的分析中,中国的“旅游亲和力”表现出惊人的滞后,这不能不让我们警醒.文章意在探寻旅游服务构成元素中“旅游亲争力”的所在及其产生和培育的机理,并从而在中国各地不平衡的发展中寻找出更多的积极因素.为此,文章选取杭州作为有益的实例进行了分析,从城市、旅游供给、市场促销、公共服务等层面给以了一定的追踪,以期能够供旅游城市在建设和经营管理中参照思考.  相似文献   

社会学视角下的旅游吸引物及其建构   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
西方的旅游研究表明,旅游吸引物是一个系统,它往往是人为建构的结果.而旅游吸引物之所以成为吸引物,不仅因为它具有某种特殊的客观属性,同时还因为它具有人为建构的符号属性.本文在分析旅游吸引物的符号属性的基础上,提出旅游吸引物的概念内涵,并从社会建构的角度对其符号化过程进行分析.本文认为,社会学视角下的旅游吸引物建构的过程实质上是意义和价值建构的过程,同时也是旅游吸引物的符号化过程.这一过程随着社会主流价值与理想的变化呈现出不断变化的动态特征.  相似文献   

景区是介于旅游资源和旅游产品之间的一种中间形态,区域内景区的构成直接影响到区域旅游产品的结构。为了更好地对区域内景区的构成情况进行分析,文章引入了区域景区群落多样性的概念,提出了计算模型,并以天台县旅游开发为例对其景区群落多样性进行了分析。文章总结了对区域景区群落多样性分析的意义,并对现存的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Studies of competitiveness have been most often conducted at the destination rather than the attraction level. However, a destination is an aggregation of tourist attractions plus supporting infrastructure and services, and many attractions are small-scale destinations in themselves, providing visitors with multiple opportunities. This paper, by examining the environmental strategies adopted in the development process of Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone, the most visited attraction in Hainan, China, shows that the image, and hence the competitiveness of tourist attractions can be enhanced through sound environmental management practices.  相似文献   

This study links the concepts of brand equity, culinary attraction, and tourist satisfaction from the perspective of foreign tourists at the night market. Specifically, this study posits that culinary attraction mediates the relationship between brand equity and tourist satisfaction and that the sub dimension of brand image mediates the relationship between brand awareness and utilitarian value. A survey of 456 foreign tourists who have experience with Taiwanese night market tourism is analyzed to test the hypotheses. Mediation tests procedure provides support for the hypotheses, and an extension of structural equation modeling is used to confirm the results of this study.  相似文献   

宁泽群  金珊 《旅游学刊》2008,23(3):57-62
本文从中外游客的需求动机和偏好的调查入手,利用实证分析的方法,分析了北京798艺术区成为北京著名的文化旅游吸引物的特征,指出文化旅游吸引物的形成关键在于它自身的特质,而这种特质是当地社会生活自发形成的产物,不是人为规划的结果.旅游的发展应该更加注重旅游目的地的这种特征的发现和保护,这样才能保证旅游的可持续发展.  相似文献   

It is common in tourism and leisure literature to define and approach tourism subgroups in terms of the presence of the tourists in certain spaces. This approach is challenged in the present paper. It is argued that the understanding of heritage tourism should be based on the link between the individual and the space, namely tourist perceptions of a site relative to their own heritage. Based on a study dealing with visitation patterns to places where historic artefacts are presented, it is suggested that tourist perception is key to the understanding of visitation patterns. It is not so much the artefacts the tourists see or observe, but the meaning they ascribe to them. The theoretical implications of this argument are discussed in terms of tourism in general and heritage tourism in particular, as well as the practical applications to cultural heritage management.  相似文献   

Many small businesses catering to ecotourists' needs have emerged in response to an increasingly important ecotourism sector, but high turnover rates reduce benefits to owners, communities and visitors. The objective of this study was to compare agency and business perspectives on barriers affecting ecotourism suppliers. Understanding the similarities and differences between the views of agencies and businesses on ecotourism supplier success can help identify some fundamental steps needed to strengthen the ecotourism sector and to more effectively manage the natural resource base. Data were collected through key informant interviews of stakeholders associated with the ecotourism sector in Pennsylvania and Maryland in the United States. Key informants were business owners, tour operators and outfitters, state and local government personnel, natural resource managers working on public lands, and conservation leaders. Forty-five interviews were conducted. Data were qualitatively analyzed using content analysis. Qualitative Solutions and Research, Non-numerical Unstructured Data – Indexing, Searching and Theorising (QSR NUD*IST), a computer-based tool, was used to facilitate the content analysis. Results show that while agency and business interviewees agree on some barriers associated with the success of ecotourism suppliers, differences exist on their perspectives of providers' needs and ecotourism's role in the local economy.  相似文献   

This paper utilises a motive-based segmentation to understand tourists to cultural heritage sites in Arizona, USA. The data for this study were collected through mail survey from a representative sample of 671 tourists to three Native American cultural heritage sites. Using cluster analysis based upon motives for cultural history learning, three distinct segments were found: (1) ‘culture-focused,’ (2) ‘culture-attentive’ and (3) ‘culture-appreciative’ tourists. These groups differed significantly in terms of behaviour, experience and interpretation. The culture-focused segments spent longer at the sites, stayed more nights away from home, considered visiting archeological sites as their primary activity, and placed more importance on interpretation. In addition, the culture-focused groups were more satisfied with their trip, appreciated the preservation of archeological resources and reported more learning experiences. Overall, the study supports the notion that heterogeneity exists within cultural heritage tourist markets. Implications of these findings in conceptualisation, management and marketing cultural heritage tourism are discussed.  相似文献   

经营权出让中的景区类型与经营主体分析   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
张进福 《旅游学刊》2004,19(1):11-15
文章就景区经营权出让中的景区类型、景区经营主体责格两个基础性问题展开论述,认为判断景区类型是否可以出让以及出让的程度应该以景区的目的与宗旨、景区的惟一性与级别为标准。针对企业经营景区中因经营主体引发的诸多问题,文章提出了确定景区经营主体资格的指标与方法。  相似文献   


The present paper attempts to develop theoretical explanation for tourist disposition and behavior, employing the hitherto unused self-monitoring construct and it argues that self-monitoring can provide many valuable insights into our understanding of the tourist. It is developed as sequel to a number of case studies undertaken previously, insights from which are weaved together with available literature to extend the scope of the theory. It examines what self-monitoring can inform us about the sources of tourist satisfaction and dissatisfaction, tourists' complaining and complimenting behavior, differences in attribution, innovation orientation, and loyalty. It also provides a number of potential directions for future research.  相似文献   


Tourism is a booming global industry, seemingly at odds with a degrowth movement seeking to challenge the profit-maximizing model embedded in capitalist expansion. However, the tourism industry is not a homogenous entity, but is instead characterized by diverse forms of distinct tourisms. In Ecuador, the Kichwa Añangu Community has chosen to dedicate their livelihood to community-owned tourism. Añangu owns and operates two lodges, whose management and oversight are administered through communal governance. As a result, tourism is locally embraced as a vehicle for livelihood wellbeing, cultural reclamation, and environmental stewardship. Community-owned tourism will not provide a cure-all answer to the critiques levied against tourism or to the vulnerabilities inherent in the practice of tourism. However, Añangu’s project offers a compelling case study for considering how certain tourisms could become a vehicle for developing a localized degrowth society. The Añangu have decentralized the value placed upon profit in the practice of tourism, replacing it with Kichwa forms of communal organizing guided by their goal for Sumak Kawsay, or the “good life.” For the Añangu, the sustainability of their project cannot be separated from its economic viability, however, success is also measured by how tourism contributes to a number of community-defined goals.  相似文献   

Profiling Taiwanese Ecotourists Using a Self-definition Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous studies have profiled ecotourists but these have been done mainly in the context of North American ecotourists. This study provides one of the few examinations of the rapidly developing Asian ecotourism market in the context of domestic visitation to Taiwan's Taroko National Park. The study uses an innovative self-defined approach to defining an ecotourist. Findings include demographic results, benefits sought, travel motivation, and activities. Comparisons between Taiwanese and North American ecotourists are also made.  相似文献   

国外旅游地居民旅游感知和态度研究综述   总被引:40,自引:6,他引:40  
自20世纪70年代以来,研究旅游地居民对旅游发展的感知和态度逐渐成为国外旅游影响研究的重要课题。本文通过对国外《Annals of Tourism Research》和《Tourism Management》两种SSCI引用的旅游期刊所发表的相关文献的梳理,较为系统地对国外相关研究进行了归纳和评述,其研究焦点集中在居民对旅游影响的感知、居民对某些特殊旅游产品的感知和态度、居民旅游感知和态度的影响因素、相关理论以及基于居民旅游感知和态度差异的群体聚类等五个方面。在此基础上,对我国的旅游地居民旅游感知和态度研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

随着跨文化研究数量的增多,跨文化研究的方法论问题引起了学者们的关注和讨论。与仅在一国内部实施的研究不同,跨文化研究面临着更多的方法论问题。本文对来自12种主要的国际性旅游、接待业管理和消费者研究期刊中的旅游态度和行为跨文化研究使用的研究方法进行了全面的分析。发现:大多数研究对"文化"进行操作化测量时以国籍作为文化变量的替代;被比较的主体数量一般在5个以下;大部分研究没有描述样本等值性、调查实施等值性和测量等值性控制过程;使用的数据分析方法复杂多样,但以少数基础统计方法为主,高级的统计方法使用较少。文章最后还对跨文化研究提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

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