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FoundedinJuly1988,ChinaChamberofCommerceforImportandExportofMachineryandElectronics.Products(CCCME)isalegalcorporateentitywhichhasregisteredinChinabyJlaw,obtainedtherightofhandling1importsandexportsandiscomposedofeconomicentities(includingforeignfund...  相似文献   

Although workplace bullying is common and has universally harmful effects on employees’ outcomes, little is known about workplace bullies. To address this gap in knowledge, we draw from the tenets of social exchange and displaced aggression theories in order to develop and test a model of workplace bullying that incorporates the effects of employees’ individual differences (i.e., entitlement), perceptions of their work environments (i.e., felt accountability), and perceptions of supervisory treatment (i.e., perceptions of abusive supervision) on their tendencies to bully coworkers. The results of mediated moderation analyses that examine responses from two samples of working adults (n Sample 1 = 396; n Sample 2 = 123) support our hypotheses. Specifically, we find evidence of an indirect relationship between entitlement and coworker bullying through perceptions of abusive supervision that is stronger for employees who report lower levels of felt accountability than employees who report higher levels of felt accountability. This study makes important theoretical and practical contributions to abusive supervision research, bullying research, and organizational efforts to promote ethical work environments devoid of interpersonal mistreatment by providing novel insight into how employees’ entitlement and felt accountability combine to influence their tendencies to perceive themselves as victims of abusive supervision and culprits of coworker bullying.  相似文献   

The Chinese government promulgated the Decision of Accelerating Science and Technology progress in May 1995, aiming at accelerating economic construction through science and technology progress, labour quality improvement and more investment in science and technology. Ms. Zhu Lilan, the Standing Vice Minister of the State Science and Technology Commission, provided a detailed introduction on this.  相似文献   

History In 1949,The Chinese People's Politi- cal Consultative Conference(CPPCC)was established. The CPPCC held its First Plenary Ses- sion from September 21st to 30th,1949,in Beiping(now Beijing),in which exercised the functions and powers of the National  相似文献   

From November 5 to 7,Vice Chairman of the CCPIT,Mr.Yu Ping led a delegation attending the meeting of leaders of the chambers of Com- merce and Industry of China,India and Russia.During the meetings, Yu pointed out that the successful holding of the 1st China-India-Russia  相似文献   

From November 5 to 7,Vice Chairman of the CCPIT,Mr.Yu Ping led a delegation attending the meeting of leaders of the chambers of Commerce and Industry of China,India and Russia.During the meetings, Yu pointed out that the successful holding of the 1st China-India-Russia Entrepreneurs Conference in New Delhi, capital of India in December, 2007, has a remarkable influence on the business circles of China, India and Russia, whose ministers of foreign affairs spoke highly of the conference's significant role in enhancing exchanges and cooperation between the enterprises and suggested it be made regular when they met in Yekaterinburg,  相似文献   

The export of China's arts and crafts has a long history. Its origins can be traced back to the ancient silk road. Arts and crafts are the epitome of China's splendid national culture of several thousand years, playing an important part in the economic, trade and cultural exchanges between China and the rest of the world. China's arts and crafts represented by paintings, embroidery,cloisonn(?) and ceramics are Well known all over the world. China is one of the largest producers and exporters of paintings,  相似文献   

For China and Mexico,the just past July 2008 is their"honey- moon",as their relations have been consolidated by a series of big events.Only three days later after Mexican President Felipe Calderon Hi- nojosa met his counterpart Hun Jintao at G8,he paid an official visit to China on July 9,and agreed with Chinese top lead- ers on some significant issues.It was the first China tour that Calderon paid since he took office in December 2006.  相似文献   

China'scurrentinvestmentandfinancingsystemcontinuestofeaturecharacteristicsofaplannedeconomyandmayresultinhighfinancialrisksifallowedtoremainunchanged,accordingtoaseniorofficialinchargeofthemonetarypolicy.ComparedwithEuropeanandAmericancountries,China'sfinancingSyStemisnotstrongenoughforitinsmallscale.Mostinvestmentbanksarelackofrisksense,riskcontroltechnologyandmoderninvestmentculture.EvenifChina'scapitalmarketisfullyclosedtotheforeigncountries,foreigninvestmentbankscompletelymonopolizedint…  相似文献   

Many enterprises are go- ing abroad,such as China Pe- troleum,Sinopec,China Min- metals,Lenovo and Huawei. All these manufacturers have achieved success in the inter- national market,however there are also many enterprises with roots in the domestic market that are developing overseas with additional capital.When the market develops to a cer- tain point a merger is the only way for some companies to  相似文献   

Since the Import and Export Commodity Inspection Law of the PRC went into effect on August 1, 1979, commodity inspection institutions in China have conducted inspection and supervision in accordance with the law, and fulfilled the duties and tasks set by the state, thus promoting the  相似文献   

The cooperation between China and ASEAN has become a hot issue concerned by international economic and trade circles and Chinese enterprises. In order to completely introduce the prospect of China-ASEAN cooperation ("10 1" Meeting), Mr. Lu Kejian,  相似文献   

The cooperation between China and ASEAN has become a hot issue concerned by international economic and trade circles and Chinese enterprises. In order to completely introduce the prospect of China-ASEAN cooperation (“10 1” Meeting), Mr. Lu Kejian,Deputy Director General of Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Commerce accepted our reporters‘ exclusive interview. Focusing on four questions, Mr. Lu gave us clear answers.In the aspect of economic and trade cooperation with Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, he also made an introduction.  相似文献   

The first stage of the Uruquay Round, the focus of world attention, was completed by the mid-December last year after seven years of difficulty and intense talks. The final agreement was endorsed on April 15 this year in Morocco. Li Zhongzhou, deputy director of International Economic and Trade Relations Department of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, was one of the chief members oftbe Chinese delegation to the Uruquay Round of conference.  相似文献   

The social sciences in general and consumer research in particular have been detrimentally hampered by the presumption of self‐interest as an exclusive foundation of human behavior. As a result, conduct that fails to conform to the self‐interest paradigm has often been ignored, or worse, grossly twisted to fit the dominant categorizations. This article attempts to revisit the self‐interest assumption and renegotiate the subsequent interpretations of other‐centered behavior. An open dialogue concerning these pressing issues involves investigating the fundamental conceptions of self, other, and identity. Such a discussion enables a critical review of existing consumer research of other‐centered behavior and invites new lines of consumer research. More important, it compels one to openly consider the place of self/other relationship in contemporary consumer culture(s).  相似文献   

The anti-dumping duties imposed on China have long been a subject of intense dispute. According to statistics released by the WTO, China is the country most frequently targeted by other countries for anti-dumpinginvestigation against its exports.  相似文献   

With the full implementation ofthe country's strategy ofreinvigorating the nationthrough science and education and thestructural reforms in scientific research,China's scientific and technological strengthhas been boosted markedly, narrowing itsgap with the developed countries. In the reform of scientific researchinstitutions, 869 of the formerlygovernment-affiliated scientific researchinstitutions or academies were incorporatedinto enterprise groups, or transformed intoenterprises by the e…  相似文献   

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