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Commercial surf tourism is recent in origin but is now a significant component of the worldwide adventure tourism sector. There are over 10 million surfers worldwide and a third of these are cash-rich, time-poor and hence potential tour clients. Most travelling surfers visit mainland destinations and are not distinguished from other tourists. Specialist surfing boat charters and lodges are most prevalent in Indo-Pacific islands. In the smaller reef islands, growth in tourism carries risks to drinking water and subsistence fisheries. There risks are easily overcome, but only if appropriate waste and sewage management technologies are installed. In the larger rock islands, nature and adventure tourism may provide an economic alternative to logging and plantation agriculture. Cultural impacts can occur in either type of island. As with most types of adventure tourism, the commercial surf tourism industry in the Indo-Pacific is strongly linked to the clothing, fashion and entertainment industries, and marketed through specialist surfing magazines and surfing media. From a tourism development perspective, the trend is towards integrated ocean sports destinations which attract entire families as well as individual surfers. Currently, however, marketing crossovers with other specialist ocean sports such as diving are far smaller than with other boardsports such as snowboarding.  相似文献   

可持续旅游开发多中心管理模式研究——以湖泊旅游为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
许峰 《旅游学刊》2006,21(10):39-44
旅游开发必须建立在科学的管理模式下,才能确保资源环境的可持续利用.而作为常见的旅游开发形式,湖泊旅游具有较强的环境敏感性和生态脆弱性.本文以此为着眼点,系统论述了可持续目标下的旅游开发过程中的多中心管理模式,阐明了各行为主体的职能与关联,并就我国当前湖泊旅游开发管理的若干关键问题提出了建议和对策,尤其深入地针对一些流行观点进行了再认识.  相似文献   

Tourist destinations are under market pressure to offer a green product, including the Caribbean, one of the world’s most tourism-dependent regions. A decade after the Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States convened in 1994, sustainable tourism remains a priority for Caribbean countries. This paper, using Barbados as a case study, attempts to establish if sustainable tourism policy existed, if so, how was it being implemented, and if not, what were the main areas of weakness. It found that although there was a vacuum in sustainable tourism plans and policies, the government was indirectly influencing sustainable tourism through regulatory mechanisms such as land use and infrastructure planning and market instruments. Additionally, industry was playing its part through voluntary compliance with green certification. There was a clear indication of government-industry cooperation. However, despite these measures and approaches, key infrastructure was inadequate, environmental impact assessments for potentially damaging tourism projects were not required by law and public participation was weak. The paper concludes that there are challenges for Barbados and other similar SIDS in attaining sustainable tourism in the long haul.  相似文献   


For more than fifty of the world's poorest countries such as Thailand, Zambia, and Egypt, tourism is ranked first, second or third in terms of their economies, and tourism is the only service industry to show a positive balance of trade with flows from first world countries to developing countries exceeding those in the opposite flow by US$ 66 million. Yet tourism has only very recently been recogised by some aid donors, some international funding agencies, and some segments of the industry as an appropriate instrument for poverty reduction (WTO, 2000).

This article addresses the role of tourism as a development strategy in poverty alleviation, discussing the possible strategic senarios for future tourism in South Africa with special focus on local community involvement.  相似文献   

This article examines the responsiveness of Macau's tourism planning approach in coping with the rapid urban changes and economic boom that have mainly resulted from the liberalization of the casino licensing system in 2002 and the implementation of the Individual Visitation Scheme in 2003. The results indicate that Macau's traditional top-down and progrowth driven tourism planning approach is not responsive enough to cope with these fast-changing circumstances. The shortcomings of this approach are identified, such as the lack of a clear vision of the city's position, the overconcentration of planning power in the hands of a few senior government officials, an absence of planning laws and detailed guidelines guiding developments, poor coordination among government departments, and a lack of planning expertise and knowledge. The article provides solutions for a more sustainable tourism planning approach, including diversifying Macau's economy away from its casino industry to avoid one particular economic sector holding too much bargaining power; formulating a comprehensive set of consistent and transparent planning missions, strategies, and detailed planning guidelines; creating a task force to foster coordination among government departments; and empower local citizens to participate in the tourism planning process.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an alternative approach to rural tourism that returns to a more traditional model of development: large, flagship attractions that act as a ‘growth pole’ for the local economy and community. It questions some of the accepted beliefs about sustainable rural tourism development current in recent years. It is based on a case study of Alnwick Garden in Northumberland, England. It suggests that, under certain circumstances, flagship or mega-attractions can not only increase substantially the number of visitors to rural areas but also, through appropriate policies and processes, can underpin the longer-term, sustainable development of those areas.  相似文献   


The academia competitive landscape has made research increasingly important. Extant literature has studied specific dimensions of research performance and conducting good research. This exploratory study examines the habits and routine behaviour in conducting good research, guided by a constructivist grounded theory approach. Thirty-six semi-structured interviews were conducted with academics of different seniorities from six tourism schools, followed by content analyses and drawing relevant theories from calling, grit and self-determination, leading to a theory-based emerging framework. Five habits and twenty-seven routine behaviours were identified with implications on academic career management, institutional planning, and recruitment.  相似文献   

北京故宫可持续旅游调查研究--一个现代服务管理的视角   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
可持续旅游已成为旅游界广泛关注的一个话题,特别是以遗产地(世界文化遗产、世界自然遗产等)为旅游目的地的可持续旅游,更是众多国际学者研究的重点.本文以北京故宫的旅游服务调查为切入点,从旅游服务的角度分析了游客对景点服务的态度和需求,同时也探讨了服务与可持续旅游的关系,并给出了一个解决此问题的工具--服务质量.同时对故宫的旅游管理也提出了一些建议,其目的是从社会、环境和经济等方面的均衡发展来达到故宫的可持续旅游.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to assess the problems and prospects of sustainable tourism development in developing countries with special reference to the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Using both secondary and primary data sources, this paper points out that tourism in developing countries does not always adhere to the principles of sustainable tourism development. In the Okavango Delta, the tourism industry is designed to meet the interests of tourists from developed countries and is dominated by foreign safari companies. The tourism industry in the Okavango Delta does not significantly take into consideration the sociocultural, economic and environmental needs of the host economy. It is characterised by: the marginalisation of local companies and investors; leakages and repatriation of tourism revenue from Botswana to developed countries; the failure of tourism to promote rural development and poverty alleviation; and, the failure to observe local environmental regulations to conserve the Okavango Delta as a natural ecosystem. This paper argues that, despite these problems, such destinations have the potential to contribute to sustainable tourism development. This requires a planning process that satisfies the needs of tourists and tour operators while being sensitive to the sociocultural, economic and environmental needs of host countries and destinations.  相似文献   

旅游发展规划评审是赋予旅游发展规划权威性和合法化的核心环节,目前,我国旅游发展规划评审主要以定性为主,且存在"走形式"不规范现象。文章从旅游发展规划评审规范性、科学性、可行性和创新性4个层面构建了25个指标的评价体系,并以陕西省秦岭旅游发展专项规划为例进行了实证研究。研究发现:①旅游发展规划评审系统由旅游发展规划编制主体系统、规划对象系统和管理系统3部分构成,旅游发展规划评审利益相关者分为核心利益相关者和边缘利益相关者。②可行性指标权重最大,处于核心地位;科学性指标权重次之,成为评审工作重点审查对象;创新性指标权重居第三,规划内容和技术创新受到关注;规范性指标权重最小,与规划形式和内容体系发展密切相关。③旅游发展规划评审应增加旅游发展成果论证环节,实行定性、定量和定级相结合的评审方式,开发旅游发展规划评审管理系统。  相似文献   

影响京郊旅游业持续发展的主要产业环境问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京郊区是当前扣未来北京旅游业发展所依托的最重要地区。随着郊区旅游业与经济社会的快速发展,一系列正在危害郊区旅游业持续发展的环境问题凸现了出来。概括起来,主要有三方面。一是长期对郊区旅游业发展将形成制约的关键资源供给短缺厦由此引发的资源矛盾问题,二是已经扣正在对郊区旅游业发展构成危害的郊区非旅游产业不同环境效应所导致的各种资源厦环境问题,三是不客忽视的郊区旅游业自身所存在的许多不可持续性环境问题。  相似文献   

连玉銮 《旅游学刊》2005,20(3):13-17
四川平武白马地区旅游开发的实践表明,大众旅游的开发模式会给自然和文化生态相对脆弱的民族地区带来较大的冲击。进行小规模的生态旅游实践,在旅游开发与环境保护和社会文化协调发展之间建立起良性的互动机制,是民族地区旅游可持续发展的适宜路径。  相似文献   

Due to its rich stock of heritage assets, extraordinary pace of market liberalisation, and its political administration, the People’s Republic of China is at a crossroads in terms of the management of its heritage assets. In order to better understand the threats and opportunities that market liberalisation may pose for cultural heritage assets as future tourism products, this study examines two examples in the Beijing municipality; the Hutongs and the section of the Great Wall at Huanghua. These case studies are used to investigate the coordination of policy to balance modernisation and conservation of heritage assets in Beijing, and place it against a general model of stakeholder roles that can drive the sustainable use of heritage assets. Teasing out the nature of these roles has identified where tourism development aids or detracts from existing heritage conservation policies. Without better coordination of roles in policy implementation, the sustainability of many heritage assets as future tourism products is in question.  相似文献   

Sustainable tourism development (STD) has recently become a tourism management guideline. STD meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future. It is envisaged as leading to management of all resources in such a way that economic, social and aesthetic needs can be fulfilled while maintaining cultural integrity, essential ecological processes, biological diversity and life support systems (World Tourism Organization, 2004, Concepts & Definitions: Sustainable Development of Tourism Conceptual Definition. Retrieved 12 August 2004 from http://www.world-tourism.org/frameset/frame_sustainable.html). The purpose of this study is to propose an evaluation procedure of STD and illustrate how it can be applied empirically to a specific destination. Green Island in Taiwan, which lies in the Pacific Ocean, was selected to act as our empirical case due to its rich resources but threatened sustainability. First, we collected indicators of STD from the literature about small islands. Second, the Delphi technique was used to refine and identify the final indicators for STD evaluation according to the characteristics of our study case. Third, we calculated the criteria weights by applying the Analytic Hierarchy Process after constructing the evaluation criteria hierarchy. Finally, the measurement of performance corresponding to each criterion was conducted under the setting of fuzzy set theory. The results illustrate that our empirical case still needs more work in order to achieve its goal of sustainable tourism development. We also provide some managerial implications for the stakeholders such as tourism authorities, tourism businesses, local communities and academics.  相似文献   

This paper examines the work of the English National Park Authorities (NPAs) in relation to aspects of the development of sustainable tourism. The NPAs have implicitly sought to achieve sustainable tourism development since the parks were first designated, striving to balance the needs of visitors and the environment within the context of living, working landscapes. Studies have revealed, however, that some NPAs are not fully championing sustainable tourism development. The paper examines the NPA's use of marketing and marketing perspectives in encouraging sustainable tourism, exploring attitudes, roles and activities. A diverse, piecemeal and sometimes underinformed approach is revealed. The paper concludes with ways forward for English NPAs and for other protected area management organisations.  相似文献   

区域旅游可持续力分析的修正方案--以安徽龙岗古镇为例   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
金准  庄志民 《旅游学刊》2004,19(5):77-81
可持续力的研究是进行区域旅游开发的重要依据,但现有区域旅游可持续力分析模型在一定程度上还存在缺陷,主要是忽视了区域自身的调整能力。本文试图提出一个具有修正意义的评价体系,并以安徽龙岗古镇为例进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

我国城乡旅游地居民参与旅游规划与发展研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨兴柱  王群 《旅游学刊》2006,21(4):32-37
综合国内外居民参与研究的成就,本文提出了传统型、行政主导型、居民政府共同参与型和居民全过程主导参与型等4种居民参与旅游规划与发展模式.并从城市和乡村旅游地角度,比较了中山市和四项山旅游地的居民基本特征和居民参与旅游规划与发展的差异.根据居民参与旅游规划与发展差异,四顶山旅游地采用行政主导推动型模式,中山市旅游地采取居民政府共同参与型模式.在此基础上,从政府、规划师、居民教育及信息交流4个方面提出了居民参与实施对策.  相似文献   

本文以香格里拉梅里雪山周边雨崩藏族村的旅游开发为研究背景,分析了该区村民参与旅游开发的轮流制模式,认为这是一个社区主动参与旅游发展,基本实现了经济增权、政治增权、心理增权和社会增权的典型案例。轮流制模式一方面妥善协调与巧妙解决了村民参与旅游开发利益分配的不均衡,控制了外来投资,同时避免了由于无序竞争引起的经济利益过于集中现象,对构建雨崩村社会和谐起着非常大的积极作用。值得注意的是,雨崩村民的增权有一个重要的假设条件,即村民绝对拥有在村境内的住宿、餐饮、租马等经营权。本质上雨崩村的旅游增权是个人增权,一旦有外来旅游企业进入,原来取得的利益均衡和分配制度将会被破坏。从此角度讲,制度增权的缺失又对提高民族地区旅游目的地新农村建设构成了阻碍。  相似文献   

钟洁 《旅游学刊》2012,27(8):95-103
民族村寨旅游产品存在形式单一、缺乏个性特色,难以满足游客高质量体验需求的现象.针对这一问题,文章选择云南西双版纳傣族园、四川甲居藏寨两个典型的民族村寨为游客调查研究点,以国外游憩体验偏好量表为基础,开发设计了旨在适应中国本土化民族村寨游客游憩体验质量的测量量表,并对其加以实证研究.研究发现,民族村寨游客的游憩体验质量存在“享受自然风光、新朋友的结交、心理压力缓解、民族风情氛围、民族知识学习、身体锻炼放松”6个共同因子;并根据其定量评价结果,提供了民族村寨旅游产品的优化策略,以期构建内涵丰富、形式多元、结构合理的民族村寨旅游产品谱系.  相似文献   

冯飞 《旅游学刊》2003,18(4):70-75
本文以携程旅行网和春秋旅游网为例,对两种具有普遍性的B2c旅游电子商务盈利模式建立模型并进行市场调查,比较分析这两种模式的共同点、核心差异、相对优劣和市场对他们的选择倾向,探讨我国B2C旅游电子商务与传统旅游企业结合的合理途径以及未来盈利模式的调整与发展方向,指出市场是判断盈利模式合理性的唯一标准。  相似文献   

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