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Despite the well-accepted synergy between shopping and tourism, co-branding between hotels and retail brands has not been realized by either academia or practitioners. Considering the international recognition of retail brands, hotel and retail co-branding may be a sustainable competitive advantage, especially in shopping destinations such as Hong Kong. Using a one-shot cross-sectional design, this study investigated potential consumer reactions and preferences about likely hotel and retail co-branding in Hong Kong and mainland China. Findings indicated several opportunities as well as threats for hotels and retail brands as well as the need to understand specific markets, especially mainland Chinese before venturing into hotel and retail co-branding. Practical implications and future research suggestions are provided.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to examine the information search behavior of Hong Kong's inbound tourists, in particular business and leisure travelers. The study clearly shows that business and leisure travelers demonstrate different information search behavior. ‘Personal experience,’ ‘Travel agency/tour company,’ ‘Airlines’ and the ‘Internet’ are most frequently relied upon by business travelers in searching for travel information, while leisure travelers prefer ‘Travel agency/tour company,’ ‘Friends or relatives,’ ‘Travel guide books,’ and ‘Personal experience.’ The study also reveals that the total number of information sources used and the length of pre‐trip planning lead‐time are significantly different between these two groups of travelers. First time travelers also have a longer pre‐trip planning lead‐time than repeat travelers. Furthermore, business and leisure travelers perceive the levels of influence of several information sources, including ‘Corporate travel departments,’ ‘Friends or relatives,’ ‘Travel guide books,’ and the ‘Internet,’ differently. These information sources were classified into five different dimensions, including ‘Media,’ ‘Neutral,’ ‘Retail,’ ‘Interpersonal,’ and ‘Personal experience.’ Analysis based on travelers' purpose for traveling and demographic information was performed. Leisure travelers perceive the level of influence of ‘Neutral’ sources as significantly higher, and those with lower household incomes perceived the level of influence of ‘Personal experience’ as lower. The results of this study will allow marketers in Hong Kong to better understand travelers’ information search behavior so that they can more effectively tailor their marketing strategies to these two major markets.  相似文献   


This article advances the proposition that sustainable tourism can be achieved through recognition that the public and private sector, the host communities and the natural environment are interdependent stakeholders in a complex tourism ‘domain’, where no single individual, agency or group can resolve strategic tourism issues by acting alone. The planning and management of this domain for the purpose of achieving sustainability requires moving away from traditional approaches towards dynamic collaboration among the stakeholders of the tourism development and planning domain. Collaboration provides a flexible process which evolves over time, enabling stakeholders to disseminate and manage problems or issues on an interactive basis. It offers an attractive alternative to adversarial problem solving methods in tourism planning and management, when inter or multi‐sectoral participation is required. The paper commences with a discussion of the shortfalls of traditional tourism planning processes and models, followed by an overview of collaboration ‘theory’. Examples are given which illustrate collaborative approaches in several mountain resort areas. An exploratory case study of tourism development and planning issues in the mountain community of Canmore, Alberta (Canada) is then presented, leading to a discussion and conclusion regarding the theoretical and practical applications of collaboration toward achieving sustainable tourism.  相似文献   

By using “crisis of identity” as background, this study analyses how post-colonial Hong Kong relies on myths that are grounded in its complex, centuries-old socio-cultural political heritage to convey through tourism an identity different and separate from that of China. This qualitative inquiry, which relies on both online and printed promotional documents reinforced by primary data collected through in-depth interviews, proposes an explanation of the symbolic representation of tourism through four sequential myths. The article concludes that Hong Kong exploits its colonial past to create an identity that enhances its “local Chineseness” with a Western flavor and positions the territory to assume an increasingly hybrid identity to avoid being just another Chinese city.  相似文献   


The sporadic domestic political instability during the last decade, compounded with the ongoing international war on terrorism in Afghanistan and beyond, has created a substantial decline in tourist visits to Nepal. Safety and security are important aspects of travel destination choice and the perceived risk within Nepal and the South Asian region has mired the pace of international tourist arrivals. The objectives of this paper were to examine the state of tourism in Nepal and the negative repercussions of the political instability and international conflict that has thwarted the potential for growth.  相似文献   


This paper presents the early findings from a qualitative investigation conducted to examine how participation is practiced in a community‐based tourism program which offers homestay experience to tourists in Kedah, Malaysia. The first objective of the study was to determine where on the spectrum of participation (Pretty 1995) does the homestay program fall. The second objective was to explore the variables that may influence the extent of community participation in this program. Findings from the present study indicate that participation in community‐based tourism is influenced by community members’ motivations to participate. An important implication from this finding is that community‐based tourism projects must include awareness programs among its members so as to educate them about the project and to motivate them to participate.  相似文献   

The term 'place-making' describes a multi-faceted approach to the planning, design and management of public places for improving urban environments and residents' quality of life. Place-making has since become an institutionalized industry often supported by multi-million dollar budgets, but rarely are communities in control. The emphasis on improved welfare outcomes for communities has frequently omitted tourism benefits as an objective, although the tourism industry is often quick to exploit public space developments. Even though there is an emergent literature on place-making and tourism that has started to analyze this phenomenon, there is still little understanding of the role of place-making in tourism when place-making is the result of a community-led organic process. Five cases of place-making through emic, organic, folkloric, community-driven initiatives that differ markedly from the formal 'industry' of place-making that have achieved tourism-related outcomes even where tourism was not a primary motivation, are explored.  相似文献   

Alternative tourism, particularly backpacker and volunteer tourism, has developed significantly in recent times. This rapid development has contributed to criticism of potential negative effects, notably of the environmental, cultural, economic and social impacts associated with backpacker tourism. Volunteer tourism, by contrast, has been seen in positive terms as more sustainable, combining altruistic motivations with the travel concept. This paper explores backpacker interest in volunteer tourism and identifies overlaps in motivations between the two forms of tourism; 249 self-administered questionnaires were collected from backpackers within backpacker hostels in central Melbourne, Australia. The findings of this study suggest that a motivational overlap exists between backpacker and volunteer tourists, indicating potential for the creation of volunteer tourism products catering specifically for the backpacker market. This may encourage more sustainable tourism experiences within the burgeoning backpacker market, thus addressing some of the negative criticism of the latter. This paper also discusses the implications of these findings for the marketing and development of volunteer tourism products for both the backpacker and volunteer tourism markets.  相似文献   

The satisfaction perceived from the performance of tour guides (TGs) affects tour operators and other services in the tourism industry. As the tour guiding performance becomes more crucial in service quality and tourist satisfaction, education also becomes a critical tool to enhance the tour guiding performance. Using semi-structured, face-to-face interviews with seven TGs in Cappadocia/Turkey and employing content analysis of the data, the Tour Guide Performance Scale (GuidePerf) was developed in this particular study. Reliability and validity of GuidePerf were supported by exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis. The scale was composed of 18 items and three dimensions, namely: “personality and efficiency,” “presentableness,” and “proficiency.” Proceeding to the next step with the approval, the GuidePerf was conducted on the tour participants (TPs) who were guided by three different TG types in terms of the education they had received. The results revealed that there is significance when “presentableness,” and “proficiency” dimensions are considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare a centre‐based adventure programme (CBAP) with an expedition‐based wilderness programme (EBWP) with regard to personal effectiveness. In comparing these two programmes, this study made use of a crossover research design with data collection according to DE Vos. Participants were 28 third‐year students (14 men and 14 women), aged 20 to 23 ( x = 21.6 ± 0.7) from the Northwest University (Potchefstroom Campus) in South Africa. Both interviews and questionnaires (n = 28) were used to gather comprehensive data. Results indicated medium‐(d = 0.5) to‐practically significant (d ≥ 0.8) changes in most of the ROPELOC (Review of Personal Effectiveness and Locus of Control) variables. Each programme offered unique benefits. The EBWP resulted mainly in improvements in terms of the personal aspects of the ROPELOC, whereas the CBAP mainly delivered in terms of its social aspects. Even though both programmes seem to be beneficial for the facilitation of personal effectiveness, each programme should be selected according to the envisaged outcomes and intervention criteria. For the improvement of personal effectiveness, the EBWP seems to be of relatively more value – mainly on account of the impact of the wilderness environment. This translates into unique experiences of solitude, privacy and freedom of choice, spiritual upliftment, and restoration.  相似文献   

This paper examines the backpacker market in Hong Kong, in terms of profile, motivation, preferences, and contribution to sustainable tourism development. The purpose is to provide an understanding of this market to help in marketing and promoting services and products that meet backpackers’ needs as part of expanding Hong Kong’s target market. Currently, Hong Kong relies on tourists from mainland China and recent reports reveal the issue of social conflicts between mainland tourists and Hong Kong residents. Based on a survey of backpackers in youth hostels and hiking trails in Hong Kong, this study revealed that backpackers are pushed by the search for new ideas and pulled by the uniquefood culture of Hong Kong, preferring to experience such a unique food culture in a traditional setting. Moreover, they are less likely to spend on international brands in Hong Kong as part of promoting sustainable tourism development.  相似文献   

Much debate about sustainable tourism has focused on how to change business practices which lead to environmental and social damage in tourist destinations. There is much disagreement between campaigners, who wish to make industry more responsible for sustainable tourism, and companies, which fear regulations may damage business performance. Many companies have adopted their own practices of sustainable tourism. Yet these are sometimes criticised by campaigners for being superficial. This paper describes research undertaken to list current practices of self‐regulation adopted by the UK outgoing tourism industry, and to identify how far these satisfy principles of sustainable tourism identified by campaigners. The research also identified perceived obstacles to the adoption of sustainable practices, and how practices could operate in the commercial favour of companies. Results indicated that many companies saw sustainable tourism practices to be of commercial benefit; in particular, they could add value to holiday products, thus allowing companies to compete with each other on more than price alone. However, most sectors of the industry said that host governments, rather than they, were ultimately responsible for sustainable tourism. The survey therefore concluded that the industry was in favour of long‐term regulation, but this was not being achieved by current self‐regulation. A better understanding of the commercial opportunities of sustainable tourism may enable companies to take a more proactive role in seeking change.  相似文献   


This paper provides insights into the relative competitive advantage of Asian regions in tourism. The study employs the shift‐share technique which decomposes the growth in tourist arrivals to selected receiving regions from different generating regions of the world over a prescribed time period. Each receiving region's performance will be compared to the overall performance of the area (i.e., aggregated benchmark). As a result of this comparing decomposition, the relative competitive advantage of each receiving region in attracting tourists can be determined. The results could be helpful to Asian decision makers trusted with the development and implementation of tourism strategies.  相似文献   

This paper investigates and compares the effects of residents' perceptions of the impacts of tourism on community participation and support for tourism development across urban and rural world heritage sites (WHSs). Partial least squares – structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM), has been employed to perform the analysis. The results reveal significant differences between the effects of residents' perceptions and community participation on support for tourism development in urban and rural destinations. However, the findings did not support any differences between the effects of positive perceptions on community participation, and the indirect effects of negative perceptions on support for tourism development. This study makes a significant theoretical contribution to the urban and rural tourism and residents’ perceptions literature by comparing rural and urban WHSs residents. Furthermore, this study has a number of practical implications for the local authorities of rural and urban WHSs.  相似文献   

This study explores residents’ attitudes toward future tourism development based on their community well-being (CWB) and community attachment. Focusing on the case of Gamcheon Culture Village in Busan, South Korea, which was developed during an urban regeneration project in 2009, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. The main findings of this study are: (1) CWB is supported by five variables including income effects, social participation, safety service, infrastructure service, and environmental effect; (2) not only does CWB influence community attachment but attachment also effects residents’ attitudes; and (3) the most effective variable of CWB is income effect, and safety service for community attachment. These results can help to provide effective strategies to encourage residents to have positive attitudes about further tourism development in a community-based tourism destination.  相似文献   

Tourism in East Asia is in transition. One of the most striking movements in international tourism arena in East Asia is the emergence of local initiative toward building a joint network of destination marketing. The East Asia Inter‐Regional Tourism Forum (EATOF) which has been embarked in September 2000 is a concrete example of this sort. Even though a regional association is a newly rising trend in tourism, conceptualizing a model of inter‐regional tourism cooperation has been scarcely attempted. The current paper is devoted to fill the academic lacuna by suggesting a systematic framework of inter‐regional association of tourism promotion. Then the case of the EATOF was critically analyzed and evaluated under the framework of the proposed type of networking. It is argued in this paper that the inter‐regional tourism cooperation is neither irrelevant with the regional situation, nor inconsistent with the theoretical logic.  相似文献   

Tourism markets are heterogeneous, and their performance and effects can be better understood when considered separately. This paper investigates the linkages between tourism demand from several markets and quality of life, using Hong Kong as a case of study. The literature has, initially only considered a unilateral relationship running from aggregate tourism development to residents' quality of life, and a bilateral connection has only recently been recognized. The study contributes to the literature by considering a market-segmented (mainland China, Japan, the U.S., and other markets) approach to tourism demand, using a relatively underemphasized objectively-based method, and by providing building blocks for theoretical propositions. The methodology consists of unit root and cointegration testing, together with the application of the Three-Stage Least Squares method with the Seemingly Unrelated Regression approach on time-series data. The identified market-based differences can help academia and industry in better understanding the diverse markets and building a competitive edge.  相似文献   

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