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The 1997 conference of the International Society of Travel and Tourism Educators (ISTTE) was held from October 23–26, 1997 in San Diego, California, USA. More than 150 travel and tourism educators and industry professionals gathered at the Mission Valley Hilton Hotel to attend the society's ninth annual event. Delegates represented over 80 tow‐ and four‐ year colleges and universities, private travel schools, and high school in Australia, Canada, Korea, Japan, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United Sates. Also present were representatives of nearly 30 companies from various sectors of the travel and tourism industry. Special to this year's conference was the theme of “The Pacific Rim: Tomorrow‐Today” —a recognition of the region as the fastest growing inbound and outbound market of international tourism. It was the first time the society chose a region as the center stage of its biggest annual event. It also was the first conference held after the society adopted its present name. At last year's conference in Ottawa, Canada, the Society's Board of Directors recommended, and members voted, to add “International” to its original name to reflect the increasing representation of international membership in the organization. This year's conference was presided over by Dr. Kaye Chon, President of ISTTE and Professor of Conrad N. Hilton College of Hotel and Restaurant Management, University of Houston, USA.  相似文献   


The increase in number of international tourist arrivals, the holding of the Olympic Games in Sydney in 2000, and a solid domestic tourism industry has had an effect on the meetings, incentive, convention, and exhibition (MICE) industry in Australia, worth A$7 billion in 1996/1997. To meet this increasing demand from the industry to train professionals for the tourism and hospitality industry, some institutions are offering specialized subjects to prepare students for employment in the MICE industry. One of the inherent problems in teaching such a subject is to introduce a practical and experiential element. This has been addressed successfully over the past two years by offering students an opportunity to take part as delegates attending a specifically designed conference while spending a night at one of the many 5-star international hotel properties with convention facilities on the Gold Coast. In 1999, 135 students stayed at an international 5-star hotel, with the hotel cooperating with the university to provide a full-day conference on conference management, including hotel inspections and workshops. Students were assessed on their experiences at the hotel with the completion of a semester report and a questionnaire on the perceptions of their stay. Almost three-fourths of the students surveyed responded that they had benefited from the visit by being able to apply theoretical concepts to real life scenarios and that this enhanced their individual understanding of the subject.  相似文献   

在信息通信技术与旅游业发展日益紧密结合的背景下,国际信息技术与旅游业联盟(IFITT)应运而生,并展开了一系列相关交叉研究。作为探讨信息和通信技术在旅游行业中应用与影响的组织,IFITT每年召开的ENTER会议是西方相关学者交流的重要平台。文章以ENTER会议论文集(2005~2012)为研究对象,从文献的时间分布、作者及机构、所属国家/地区、研究议题、演进规律等方面来展现国外信息技术与旅游的交叉研究现状和发展轨迹,并进一步归纳出国外旅游与信息技术交叉研究发展特点,并提出研究展望,以期为国内相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

为适应旅游业高速发展对旅游人才的大量需求,以学院建制开办旅游管理专业的办学模式已成为我国高等旅游教育发展的趋势之一。本文在分析全国53所旅游学院建制旅游管理专业办学模式发展及存在问题的基础上,以上海师范大学旅游学院为例,探讨了学院建制旅游管理专业办学运行机制暨教学与课程体系创新模式。  相似文献   

文章在分析和总结北京联大旅游学院 2 5年办学历程的基础上 ,针对新形势下旅游院校普遍关心的“校企合作办学”问题提出了一些新的思考 ,认为校企合作不应只是院校与某一特定企业或企业集团的合作 ,而应是面向整个产业界的广泛合作 ,旅游院校要抓住旅游业快速发展的大好时机 ,进一步加强旅游教育与旅游产业的紧密联系 ,多方寻求资产融合 ,形成多元混合资产纽带 ,逐步实现多元化办学。  相似文献   

The need to recognize the overlap between leisure, tourism and social change was emphasized at the conference of the Commission on the Geography of Tourism and Leisure, held in January in Edinburgh. Sponsored by the Scottish Tourist Board, several regional councils and commercial firms and held under the aegis of the International Geographical Union, the conference attracted 75 delegates world-wide and has produced a wealth of information on subjects as varied as leisure lifestyles, tourism planning, social change, community development and environmental impact. J.T. Coppock of the University of Edinburgh reports.  相似文献   


Competition amongst conference tourism destinations has intensified. Understanding the factors influencing delegate attendance thus becomes increasingly important. This paper aims to extend the current body of academic knowledge by examining motivators and inhibitors deriving from not only previous academic research but also contemporary industry reports. Delegate expectations relating to new and established factors influencing conference attendance are explored, while motivating and inhibiting factors are ranked in order of importance. Proactive management and organization responses to these factors are proposed. The research findings are important to destination managers in prioritizing the investment of their limited resources aiming to address the higher-importance factors. This allows such destinations to improve in their competitiveness in attracting conference tourism and conference delegates.  相似文献   

中国旅游高等教育以平均每年 10 %的增幅迅速发展 ,但其毕业生的择业意向却不尽如人意 ,致使管理人员学历普遍不高的饭店业仍然承受着人才稀缺的巨大压力。供需的错位导致人才外流 ,资源浪费。本文以全国首家四年制旅游高校———北京联合大学旅游学院为研究对象 ,通过分析饭店专业高等教育现状 ,研究供需矛盾的成因 ,探讨饭店专业人才的培养方式 ,试图为中国旅游高校饭店专业教育教学的改革提供思路  相似文献   

关于乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游的几点辨析   总被引:109,自引:4,他引:109  
刘德谦 《旅游学刊》2006,21(3):12-19
目前,乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游越来越受到我国旅游业界和学界的关注,但是,包括研究论文、会议发言和旅游规划中的片面理解不仅相当普遍,而且也正在传播.本文作者认为,如果业界、学界能够更广泛的注目业态实践,并在此前人们已有研究的基础上进行更深入的研究,则将有可能对乡村旅游、农业旅游与民俗旅游的理论和实践产生更加积极的作用.本文的几点内容,就是作者试图根据自己近20年的接触对乡村旅游、农业旅游、民俗旅游所做的一点个人的诠释和辨析.  相似文献   

In Beijing from 28 February–4 March 1983. 1000 delegates from 45 countries came together for the first China International Tourism Conference. Sponsored jointly by the China National Tourism Adminis- tration and the Civil Aviation Administration of China, this conference marked an important point in the development of the tourist industry of that country. Chuck Y. Gee, Dean of the School of Travel Industry Management at the University of Hawaii, and author of an article on the tourist industry in China in this issue, attended the conference.  相似文献   

The total disaggregated economic impact that cruise industry tourism has on Dade County is examined in economic terms using a regional input-output model developmen by the Regional Science Research Institute. The analysis indicates that cruise industry tourism at the Port of Miami had a total economic impact on Dade County of $546 million in 1982. The total direct, indirect and induced number of jobs generated by the cruise industry and cruise passengers is 21,627. Wages totalling $271 million were paid in 1982 in Dade County as a result of the total impact of the cruise industry. Finally, the model revealed that cruise industry tourism contributed $264 million to the county's Gross Regional Product in 1982  相似文献   

Cindy Guernsey, C.R. Goeldner and Deborah Eckstein briefly summarize the 18th Annual Conference of the Travel and Tourism Research Association held in Seattle, Washington on 7–11 June 1987 The conference dealt with tourism market research and ways to improve the performance of the tourism industry.  相似文献   

This study makes a unique contribution to the hospitality literature by examining the asymmetric effects of total tourist arrivals in six segments of tourist arrivals (pleasure, business, visiting relatives, conference, study, and others) on Taiwan’s hospitality industry. Regression test results confirm that the contribution of the overall tourist arrivals and both pleasure and visiting relatives segments to hospitality industry growth is not asymmetric, as it is found in periods of expansion and contraction. The beneficial effect of the business segment on hospitality industry growth is asymmetric, existing only in periods of business cycle expansion. However, the conference, study, and other segments make no significant contribution to hospitality industry growth. The study’s valuable policy implications offer guidance to Taiwan’s tourism authorities, hospitality business owners, and managers.  相似文献   


The main principles of the tourism policy as established by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports during 2003–2006 is to develop Thailand to be Tourism Capital of Asia within 3 years starting from 2004 to 2006. To achieve the ambitious government target, the success of any tourism development strategy will be determined to a large extent by human resources, which can deliver efficient, high quality services. The travel and tourism education in Thailand at an undergraduate level was offered in the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University in 1955 under the Bachelor of Commerce Degree with a major field of study in “Travel Management.” Prince of Songkla University (PSU) brought the concept of community college from the U.S.A. to put into action by setting up Phuket Community College by offering 2-year diploma program in Hotel and Tourism Management to meet the staff requirement of tourism industry in Phuket in 1977. The findings of 'Baccalaureate and Graduate Degrees in Tourism and Hospitality Studies in Thailand: The Current Situations, Problems and Future Development' studied by Chaisawat (1997) and Chaisawat (2000) found that the situation of the universities/institutes that offered programs in hospitality and tourism had changed with a lot of quantity improvement in terms of institutions, number of staff, and number of input/output students as well as research projects. But the very important issues that relate directly to the quality of graduates, problems and constraints running in the hospitality/tourism programs still existed. The National Economic and Social Development Board (NESDB) (2004) did an in-depth study of the labour force situation among middle- and high-level personnel within the tourism industry in order to increase productivity and capability of the national competitiveness. Chaisawat and Boonchu (2005) did another study on Baccalaureate and Graduate Degrees in tourism and hospitality studies in Thailand in 2003. Both studies also found that the quantity of graduates from the educational institutions was sufficiently to serve the demand of the industry. However, there were problems in terms of quality since graduates' qualifications were not up to the standards required by the employers. Finally the paper recommended that Thailand should be positioned as a centre for hospitality and tourism studies and training, locating at major tourism destinations. In terms of strategic implementation of tourism development, tourism educations and training institutions should play the catalyst and coordinating roles with the stakeholders in each region or destination.  相似文献   


Consumer satisfaction related to service quality during the vacation experience is of paramount importance to the travel and tourism industry. This study tests empirically the effects the number of nights spent on a vacation have on the levels of satisfaction recent travelers report for three service aspects of the travel destination: perceived satisfaction with tourism service providers; perceived “freedom from defects” of tourism services; and perceived reasonableness of the cost of tourism services. Differentiation in satisfaction scores between “short-term visitors” (i.e., those who stayed from one to six nights) and “long-term visitors” (i.e., those who stayed seven or more nights) were examined. Significant differences between the two groups of visitors were present for (1) perceived satisfaction with industry professionals delivering the service experience at the travel destination, (2) perceived satisfaction with “freedom from defects” of the actual services at the destination, and (3) perceived reasonableness of the cost of services at the travel destination. Suggestions for how tourism industry professionals can make use of this information are presented.  相似文献   

2008年11月在中国上海召开的国际旅游学会(ITSA)第二届双年会在"奥运后、世博前"的背景下集中探讨了大型会展节事活动对旅游业以及经济、社会、文化等方面的影响,特别是对都市旅游发展的动态影响,对中国、亚洲乃至全世界旅游及会展产业和会展、都市旅游研究产生重要影响.  相似文献   

黎耀奇  傅慧 《旅游学刊》2014,(6):107-116
文章系统回顾了国内外旅游研究中关于企业社会责任的研究现状,发现相对于制造企业,旅游企业社会责任并没有得到学术界和实践界的重视,相关的学术研究和企业实践都较为匮乏。文章通过对比分析企业社会责任对于制造企业和旅游企业的作用和地位,指出无论是学术研究和管理实践,企业社会责任对于旅游企业来说更为重要。在对已有研究述评的基础上,文章结合国内外旅游发展的趋势和现状,重点阐述了旅游学者应该努力的方向,期望能够起到抛砖引玉的作用,引起旅游学者和实践者对CSR的重视,推动CSR在旅游企业中的学术研究研究与实践发展。  相似文献   

曾丽  翁时秀  李丽霞 《旅游学刊》2012,27(10):65-72
旅游专业学生在本行业就业率低的问题一直困扰着旅游学术界、教育界和旅游行业,不少学者从不同角度研究并试图解决这一问题,但却很少从学生择业标准的角度去考虑.文章运用并检验里查得森(Richardson)择业影响因素量表,测量旅游专业本科生的择业标准及其对旅行社的就业认知,结果表明:学生认为旅行社不具备其择业时最看重的因素(“融洽的同事关系”、“喜欢的工作”、“良好的晋升机会”);并且学生认为旅行社具备的主要就业因素是其择业时最不看重的(“出国旅行的机会”、“专业对口”、“职业流动性”);学生认为旅行社存在超工作时间、超工作量、晋升机制不合理、起薪不理想等行业不规范现状,但学生也认为旅行社具有锻造高技能、有责任感人才的就业优势.根据学生择业标准与旅行社的就业认知IPA分析结果,文章提出了相应的对策来改善旅游本科生行业就业率低的问题.  相似文献   


Thailand has some of the finest conference venues in Southeast Asia, and the convention/exhibition industry is important to the development of the nation's overall tourism industry. The convention/exhibition industry is good for the tourism industry, because it helps to enhance the quality of accommodations, hospitality, and services that are located in such an exotic location. Also, it stimulates the convention/exhibition industry investment in terms of associated facilities and services. An analysis of the performance of the convention and exhibition industry in 1996 and 1997 was conducted in this paper. The results solidly suggest that Thailand has a strong convention and exhibition industry which should produce substantial economic impact in the years ahead. Recommendations for future research are also provided.  相似文献   

《Tourism Management》1988,9(3):235-238
Conference tourism is thought to be booming, indeed the term a ‘salesman's dream’1 has been used, but there is actually a dearth of evidence to support this claim. The perceived conference tourism demand is largely derived from ‘informed speculation’. George Hughes, Lecturer in Planning and Tourism in the Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh, describes the types of statistics available and the three basic methods used to generate estimates of demand. The lack of comparability among methods and the non-rigorous sampling procedures make estimates of demand unreliable as indicators of future development.  相似文献   

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