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Maori retained high levels of self determination under the Treaty of Waitangi in 1840, although much of the subsequent history of the 19th century involved attempts both formal and informal by the colonial powers to subvert the Act. Therefore, while tourism has brought significant economic advantages for some tribes (iwi), and promises economic returns for others, Maori are insistent that they retain control over the process. The paper describes some of the significant impacts of tourism on Maori culture, but it is concluded that the truths of tourist impacts are plural, and can only be understood within an understanding of Maori cosmology. As such, Maori are adept at distinguishing between the signs and symbols of tourist artifacts.  相似文献   

TOURISM AND CULTURAL PROXIMITY: Examples from New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While tourism products based on Maori culture are popular among some overseas tourists to New Zealand, there has been little research as to their appeal to the domestic market. This paper discusses notions of indigenous tourism and the role of cultural and spatial difference in European conceptualizations of the exotic other. It argues that although there is a common cultural antecedence between non-Maori and European culture, the lack of spatial distance between Maori and tourists means that European New Zealanders are not drawn to Maori culture as an attraction in the manner that those from Europe and North America are. The paper discusses “kiwi culture” and familiarity as determinants of tourist demand.  相似文献   

Tourist arts with ethnic content are at the nexus of changing tourism, ethnicity and art in the modern world. This paper explores the range of varieties of tourist arts, the dynamics of change between various types of artifacts, and the interaction between tourist arts and notions of ethnic self-perception. The analogy between language and art is pursued to illuminate the nature of the various communication codes embodied in tourist and ethnic arts. The paper concludes by stressing that tourist arts are not an end-point, but one possibility within the fluid relationships between material symbols, outsiders' demand, and the defense and reformulation of ethnicity. It also concludes that the evolution of ethnic awareness, combined with increased education and travel opportunities, is bringing a uniformity of attitudes towards tourism, material heritage, and museums among the middle classes of all nations. Thus minority ethnic symbols have become the manipulated “totems” of touristic identity.  相似文献   

This paper reports findings from a survey of 763 Auckland residents. The research examined attitudes towards the resort town of Rotorua as a short-break destination with specific reference to the role that Maori culture plays in the formation of perceptions of Rotorua. The Te Arawa Maori people have been closely associated with tourism for over 140 years and this is recognised by the domestic market. However, the Maori component of Rotorua is found not to be an attraction. Rather, tourists are drawn to other facets of the product. While this is evidence for the fact that Rotorua is a multi-use product in tourism, given the role that travel is supposed to play in bridging gaps between cultures, tourism seems to be failing in this respect. It is suggested that an emphasis upon 'traditional authenticities' aimed at certain overseas segments misses the contemporary vibrant nature of Maori music and dance performance that might in fact have a wider appeal, including the domestic tourism market.  相似文献   

Indonesia is a popular tourist destination. Tourism creates jobs and generates revenue but can have negative impacts on culture, society and human rights. This study of one island community in Indonesia explores the relationship between the growth of tourism and the impacts on a local community. A quantitative survey, combined with in-depth interviews, examined perceptions of residents to tourism development. Residents perceived that tourism created jobs and improved access to goods and services. However, tourism has reduced social cohesion and decreased adherence to traditional customs. Conflict between the private sector and residents over ownership and access have also caused violence.  相似文献   

International volunteering is increasingly recognised as a form of alternative tourism. However, the nature of the ‘alternative’ experience gained, and the ensuing narrative between host and volunteer, remains under-explored in published research, especially in volunteer tourism research within a cultural context in a developed nation. This paper examines the nexus between volunteer tourism and cultural tourism in the search for alternative and sustainable experiences through tourism. Qualitative research using in-depth interviews, diaries and participant observation was conducted to examine the pre-, during and post-trip experiences of 12 Australian visitors undertaking organised volunteer activities in an indigenous Maori community in the North Island of New Zealand during January 2005. Members of the indigenous Maori community were also interviewed to provide an important host perspective. Findings suggest that the nature of the interaction and cultural experiences gained were perceived as mutually beneficial and seemingly different from those gained from traditional cultural products. In particular, the volunteers experienced an alternative Maori cultural product and engaged in a different narrative with their Maori hosts through their volunteer work, one rich in authentic cultural content, genuine and reflective of modern Maori life in New Zealand society.  相似文献   

Using the theoretical lens of social capital, this paper examines the role of small tourist food businesses and their impact on the sustainability of the destination and local food supply chains. The paper analyses the experiences of small business owner-managers highlighting the complex and subtle nature of the socially responsible strategies used to progress sustainability in a tourist destination. The findings show that authentic lifestyles, motivated by intrinsic not just extrinsic rewards, are driving disruptive social change upstream and downstream in the tourist food supply chain. Small food business owner-managers are catalysts for “common” good, and as supporters for ethical and sustainable food chains have considerable local tourism influence and impact. Social capital strengthens their sense of destination ownership and fuels an obligation to protect their fragile tourist resources. The intersection between social capital, authenticity and responsibility among small food businesses in the tourist industry is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Focusing on the island of Crete, the study on which this paper is based recognises the importance of tourism for the economy. Due to extreme resource utilisation by mass tourism developments, insufficient planning and limited co-ordination and collaboration between the bodies involved in tourism activities, tourism can have a negative impact and conflicts may escalate. These conflicts are mainly related to the concentration of tourist arrivals in time and space, inappropriate use of resources, and limited incorporation of the community in the development and planning process. To offer solutions, various policies and strategies have been proposed/adopted at regional level. However, it is questionable whether the actions currently undertaken are efficient enough for the amelioration of tourism problems. A regional master plan is necessary in order to eliminate costs and ensure future balanced development.  相似文献   

史艳兰 《旅游学刊》2012,27(7):57-63
文章在人类学田野调查基础上,以云南石林景点导游作为旅游景观的建构为切入点,梳理20世纪80年代以来政府对民族身份、性别在导游准入、导游管理中的认识和变化,以及导游自身的文化展演和符号行为等,以此呈现人、人的景观被规范到自然景现中,从而成为共同旅游景观的这一实践过程,并透过这一过程反映当地人的旅游实践.同时,在中国的文化背景和脉络下,对大众旅游表现出的不同意涵,该个案希望能提供一些有意义的启示.  相似文献   

张进福 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):134-146
旅游吸引物在旅游系统中扮演着基础性作用,但却面临着语义的不明和来自理论内部与旅游实践的双重挑战。文章从边界与内涵出发,借助"旅游吸引物"与"旅游资源"的比较、旅游吸引物与旅游吸引物系统的转变,剖析旅游吸引物之为吸引物的意义生成与社会建构过程,重新思考旅游吸引物之属性及其在当下旅游实践中的作用,探讨其社会建构所反映的旅游与社会的关系问题。文章认为,旅游吸引物兼具自然属性、社会属性和符号属性等多重属性,吸引力特性是其本质属性;旅游吸引物属性及其社会建构有深刻的社会基础。旅游吸引物边界及其属性的理论反思,在旅游席卷全球的当下,兼具学理价值与现实意义;在火热的乡村旅游实践中,对守护乡土景观亦有特殊意涵。  相似文献   

历史街区承载了城市的历史信息和文化印记,主要表征为特色鲜明的文化景观。过去40年,快速城市化和工业化改变了城市面貌,也影响了历史街区保护利用的进程。历史街区一旦变成旅游景观,符号化就成为了历史街区进行旅游发展和空间重构的主导逻辑。本研究以前门大街为案例地,通过对马蜂窝网站中游客分享照片的检索和整理,利用符号学和扎根理论方法分析了旅游利用背景下历史街区文化景观符号的意义表达,并对此过程中的符号建构与解读机制进行剖析。本研究从主客体两视角出发,深化既有研究并得出以下结论:前门大街通过指索符号、建筑符号、街道符号和商业符号共同表征这一空间。街道功能多样化和城市地位转变是符号建构与解读的具体语境,符号系统的建构存在多个权力主体,不同价值的符号其建构方式也有所不同。符号的解读需要旅游者的身体参与,当旅游地建构的符号与旅游者获得的符号存在一致性的时候,意味着文化景观符号意义被正确地接受和解读。  相似文献   

人和动物的和谐关系是野生动物旅游可持续发展的关键。本文从动物伦理观出发,将网络评论作为数据源,运用文本挖掘、社会网络分析以及IPA模型分析方法,对不同伦理取向野生动物旅游景区的游客具身性体验差异进行分析。研究发现:(1)不同的伦理取向会影响野生动物旅游景区的运营;(2)在具身理论视角下,野生动物旅游体验是一种涵盖身体性体验、情境性体验与感知性体验的多维、复杂性体验,呈现出三层六个维度的特征;(3)不同伦理取向的野生动物旅游景区因供给方面的差异,游客的体验存在着以感知性体验为主和以身体性体验为主的具身性结构差异。  相似文献   

Constructions of home are powerful from both heritage and tourism perspectives, as ‘home’ suggests a certain type of heritage precedence while also providing a competitive tourism advantage over rival locations. Sport tourism sites also disseminate notions of home as part of their narrative, both to create and solidify particular heritage claims as well as to enhance the tourism potential of a location. Home narratives are used, in particular, during stadium tours, where tourists go ‘behind the scenes’ at a famous sports venue. Tour narratives at Twickenham Stadium were examined in this study. At Twickenham, it was found that the stadium was represented as ‘home’ during tours in three different ways: as the literal home of the English National Rugby team; as the spiritual home of the sport of rugby; and as the home of particular notions of English identity. These representations were created as a means of claiming cultural propriety, particularly with regard to the sport and its heritage, as well as in recognition of the venue's role as an international tourism destination. However, the employment of home narratives, which espouse notions of stability and continuity, also mask wider heritage and tourism anxieties, in particular competition from rival sites.  相似文献   

With reference to virtue ethics and ethics of care, this paper discusses ethical challenges of tourism consumption and the last chance tourism marketplace. Survey results and a visitor segmentation of travellers to two climate threatened destinations show that most visitors are not willing to engage in carbon offsetting, and that willingness is related to their sense of connection to a destination. Findings extend current discourses on last chance tourism by situating visitors' lack of care for climate threatened destinations as a response to a tourism market that normalizes the consumption of socio-ecological decline. This paper also enhances understandings of stewardship promotion within the last chance marketplace by advancing a visitor segmentation approach and six distinct last chance tourist profiles.  相似文献   

Tourism and food production in the Caribbean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Foreign-exchange leakage through food imports for tourist consumption reduces the net economic impact of tourism in the Caribbean. Yet little is known on the interface between tourism and local food production. Tourism's competition for agricultural labor and land, and its impact on land values, land use and food prices, are disputed by researchers and are poorly understood. Thorough studies are needed on the nature and extent of tourism food imports and associated foreign-exchange leakages; the reasons a large proportion of the food for tourist consumption is imported; and the variation in food supply patterns according to quality, size, ownership, and location of tourist establishment. Further research will help formulate policies designed to increase the net economic impact of tourism.  相似文献   

Kenya is an important tourist destination in Africa accounting for over 6% of the total international tourist arrivals to the continent. However, in recent years Kenya's tourism industry has been experiencing problems of poor performance and continuing decline in the number of international tourist arrivals. This study examines the main characteristics of the country's tourism product vis‐a‐vis the changing trends in global tourism market demands. It is argued that the underlying cause of the recent poor performance of the tourism industry relates to the nature of the country's tourism product. Over the years, Kenya has been offering a limited tourism product that is based on beach and wildlife tourism. Also, the marketing of Kenya mainly depends on overseas tour operators who mainly sell inclusive tour packages. Thus, the form of tourism product that is offered by Kenya has not responded to the recent changes and trends in international tourism market demands. Post‐modern tourists, particularly tourists from developed countries, are increasing becoming aware of the negative impacts of mass tourism and are increasingly looking for alternative tourism products that provide a deeper and more meaningful experience. Thus, if Kenya is to rejuvenate its tourism industry there is need for the country to provide a diverse alternative tourism product which is more appealing to the post‐modern tourists.  相似文献   

李淼  谢彦君 《旅游学刊》2020,35(2):121-133
自20世纪90年代起,西方主流旅游研究中呈现出"表演转向"。历经近30年的发展,这一转向至今仍方兴未艾。"performance"(表演)作为一个具有强有力启发意义的隐喻,为西方旅游体验研究的深入推进提供了一条新路径。但国内学者对这一转向关注甚少,甚至对"表演"的理解还停留在通俗层面上。造成这种现状的根本原因在于英文"performance"一词与中文对应词"表演"在各自语言体系中存在着较大的含义差别。理解英文世界中"表演"隐喻的内涵,还需追根溯源,向西方旅游表演转向的理论基础寻求答案。文章对performance一词进行词源考察,探究不同语言环境中"表演"的含义及人文社科学术领域中"表演"的内涵,并且对西方旅游研究中表演转向的理论基础及发展历程进行了梳理,进而提炼出西方旅游表演转向的核心特点。文章最后指出西方旅游表演转向对未来旅游体验研究所给予的启示:第一,国内学界应该寻找一个替代性词语来表达performance在中文语境中部分失效的含义,以弥合语言体系转换所造成的裂隙。第二,表演转向中的温和模式和激进模式并不是替代关系,旅游体验研究不必在二者中选择其一作为立场。第三,旅游体验研究应面向过程,而不是结果。第四,旅游体验研究应面向关系,而不是元素。第五,旅游体验研究方法需要新的突破和尝试。  相似文献   

Recent attention has been dedicated to the relationship between tourism and subjective well-being, however studies have mainly focused on the tourist side. Since residents are an indispensable partner for the success of any tourism program, understanding whether and how tourism affects residents' perceived life-satisfaction is a crucial issue. However, scant attention has been paid to this theme and the majority of studies are cross-sectional. Here we develop a two-step survey, conducted in a seaside resort before and during the tourist season to test for significant differences in residents' perceptions of tourism impact and overall life satisfaction. The results confirm the hypothesis that perceived tourism impact and life satisfaction vary with the tourist season, and that tourism has a hidden cost in terms of perceived life satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper will examine current tourism policies in Cornwall and Devon. Although long established, the tourist industry is in need of restructuring in order to compete in an increasingly discerning and heterogeneous market. Beginning with an overview of the current role and characteristics of tourism in the two counties, this paper will analyze aspects of European, national, regional and local policy. It will be shown that the restructuring of tourism within Cornwall and Devon has resulted in a shift in institutional control over tourist space which is in part a response to a wider context of changes in the nature of commodification and consumption. In conclusion it will be argued that the analysis of tourism policies and strategies cannot be simply reduced to the function of economic imperatives, but needs to be analyzed by conceptualizing such developments as a complex multi-dimensional set of socio-cultural relations and flows.  相似文献   

This paper provides a case study of the nature of the New Zealand heritage trails programme run by the New Zealand Natural Heritage Foundation. Established in 1988, the Foundation has developed a programme of heritage tourism products that seek to integrate environmental and cultural education with the tourist experience. The case study focuses on the means by which stakeholders, particularly the Maori people, were incorporated into the product development and how this has assisted in ensuring that the product is acceptable to both host and guest.  相似文献   

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