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从“社区参与”走向“社区增权”——西方“旅游增权”理论研究述评 总被引:37,自引:5,他引:32
增权是目的地获得可持续发展的重要前提.缺乏关于政治和权力关系的分析,仅将社区参与作为一个经济和技术过程而不是政治过程,是当前社区参与旅游发展在实践中不能取得真正进步的原因.本文对西方增权理论以及旅游研究中有关增权的研究成果进行了介绍和分析,认为旅游增权这一新兴理论的提出必将对未来发展中国家的旅游实践产生深刻的影响.文章剖析了西方旅游研究者仅仅关注于社区增权模式的局限性,提出个人增权先于社区增权的观点,并指出在把增权理论应用于中国的旅游实践时,除了西方学者倡导的信息增权和教育增权外,还需要将增权的范围扩展到"个人权利"的增进和制度增权,通过国家政治制度的建设保障个人权利和社区增权的合法性. 相似文献
《Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism》2013,12(1):37-67
ABSTRACT For more than fifty of the world's poorest countries such as Thailand, Zambia, and Egypt, tourism is ranked first, second or third in terms of their economies, and tourism is the only service industry to show a positive balance of trade with flows from first world countries to developing countries exceeding those in the opposite flow by US$ 66 million. Yet tourism has only very recently been recogised by some aid donors, some international funding agencies, and some segments of the industry as an appropriate instrument for poverty reduction (WTO, 2000). This article addresses the role of tourism as a development strategy in poverty alleviation, discussing the possible strategic senarios for future tourism in South Africa with special focus on local community involvement. 相似文献
Brendan Canavan 《Leisure Studies》2017,36(3):409-422
Research in the Isle of Man, British Isles, reveals limited and dysfunctional collaboration between stakeholders, and in particular between public and private sector actors. Power and influence over tourism decision-making is generally felt to be restricted to a small and opaque network. Moreover, different levels of interest in and support for tourism further divide stakeholders. Various negative consequences are shown to arise from this absence of collaboration, including a lack of shared vision or future strategy for local tourism, and high levels of mutual mistrust between stakeholders. Resulting conflict, wasted resources, lost enthusiasm and lack of strategic direction appear to undermine the current and future management of island tourism. Emphasised by research is the importance of stakeholder collaboration to sustainable tourism management and underlying factors which may enhance or undermine. Focus on describing dysfunctional collaboration within an untypical small island setting makes a unique contribution to the existing literature. 相似文献
浅议社会表象理论(Social RePresentation Theory)在旅游学研究中的应用 总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13
旅游作为一门跨多个学科领域的应用科学,其学科发展往往会涉及社会学、心理学、人类学、地理学等各相关学科的研究成果。而目前旅游学研究中具体实证研究有余而基础理论工作相对不足的局面已经阻碍了旅游学作为一个学科体系的确立、完善和向前发展。本文试对社会心理学中新兴的“社会表象理论”(Social Representation Theory)以及近年来国外学术界将该理论引入旅游学研究的基本情况作一个简单的介绍,以期能够为国内旅游学界的相关研究工作起到一点参考作用。 相似文献
《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》2013,21(5):483-502
Models of sustainable tourism consider not only the aspects of the physical environment but also the dimensions of the social and cultural environment of destinations. During the past two decades a number of researchers have made the case that local residents must be involved in tourism development decisions if support for, and thereby sustainability of, the industry is to be maintained. Minority ethnic and racial groups, however, are often differentially influenced by tourism within a community. This study investigates the differences between Hispanic and Anglo residents with respect to their perceptions of tourism and quality of life framed with the context of ethnicity marginality theory. 相似文献
低碳旅游:一种新的旅游发展方式 总被引:95,自引:0,他引:95
随着人类生态文明建设进程的推进,低碳经济、低碳技术、碳汇机制、低碳消费方式正日益影响和诱导着人类的生产和消费方式。旅游作为人类文明进步的产物,具有响应低碳经济模式、运用低碳技术、推行碳汇机制、倡导低碳消费方式的先天优势。以营造低碳旅游吸引物、建设低碳旅游设施、培育碳汇旅游体验环境和倡导低碳旅游消费方式为主要实现路径的低碳旅游发展方式,是旅游响应低碳经济发展方式的具体行动,为生态文明新时代背景下的可持续旅游发展方式提供了新的发展指向。 相似文献
Paul J. Hensel Julie Z. Sneath 《International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration》2013,14(4):358-376
Utilizing a destination governance and social capital conceptual framework, the research examines opinions concerning goals and outcomes in regards to the Jamaican Ministry of Tourism's Ten-Year Master Plan to enhance tourism and increase shared governance. In addition to secondary sources of information, researchers use primary data obtained through an email survey sent to 540 Jamaican managers and executives, 18.3% of whom (n?=?99) completed the survey. Study findings may be deemed contrary to destination governance theory and best practices. However, upon closer examination, they are wholly consistent with theory and models that examine governance issues in developing nations. Arguably, Jamaica tourism may not be ready to fully embrace a network-based model of destination governance, but instead is in the process of evolving toward that model. The findings should be useful for the Jamaican and other developing nation's tourism industries. Further, it should spark discussion regarding governance differences between developing versus developed destinations. 相似文献
Penny Yim King Wan Francisco Vizeu Pinheiro 《International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration》2013,14(1):78-102
This article examines the responsiveness of Macau's tourism planning approach in coping with the rapid urban changes and economic boom that have mainly resulted from the liberalization of the casino licensing system in 2002 and the implementation of the Individual Visitation Scheme in 2003. The results indicate that Macau's traditional top-down and progrowth driven tourism planning approach is not responsive enough to cope with these fast-changing circumstances. The shortcomings of this approach are identified, such as the lack of a clear vision of the city's position, the overconcentration of planning power in the hands of a few senior government officials, an absence of planning laws and detailed guidelines guiding developments, poor coordination among government departments, and a lack of planning expertise and knowledge. The article provides solutions for a more sustainable tourism planning approach, including diversifying Macau's economy away from its casino industry to avoid one particular economic sector holding too much bargaining power; formulating a comprehensive set of consistent and transparent planning missions, strategies, and detailed planning guidelines; creating a task force to foster coordination among government departments; and empower local citizens to participate in the tourism planning process. 相似文献
旅游人类学家谈中国旅游的可持续发展 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
2005年6月下旬至7月下旬,美国加州大学柏克莱分校的纳尔逊·格拉本(Nelson H.Graburn)教授和厦门大学彭兆荣教授在北京出席学者俱乐部性质的"国际旅游研究院双年会"(2005 Biennial Conference of International Academy for the Study of Tourism)后,赴四川、贵州和广西进行了为期20天的调研.借此机会,彭兆荣对格拉本教授进行了专访,内容涉及到中国旅游发展的可持续性,少数民族地区的旅游发展特点及潜在的危机,农业旅游与生态旅游的发展空间,旅游人类学研究中的"真实性",传统民族志在旅游研究中的范式问题等. 相似文献
可持续旅游开发多中心管理模式研究——以湖泊旅游为例 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
旅游开发必须建立在科学的管理模式下,才能确保资源环境的可持续利用.而作为常见的旅游开发形式,湖泊旅游具有较强的环境敏感性和生态脆弱性.本文以此为着眼点,系统论述了可持续目标下的旅游开发过程中的多中心管理模式,阐明了各行为主体的职能与关联,并就我国当前湖泊旅游开发管理的若干关键问题提出了建议和对策,尤其深入地针对一些流行观点进行了再认识. 相似文献
从缺失到凸显:社区参与旅游发展研究脉络 总被引:35,自引:3,他引:35
国内外的研究者目前都逐渐把社区及其居民作为旅游发展的主体,社区参与也因之成为旅游可持续发展的关键要素.本文在对社区参与研究脉络和走向进行分析的基础上,揭示出社区参与理论共识的达成经历了"从缺失到凸显"的过程.在对社区参与的关注方面,中国和西方的研究具有各不相同的历程. 相似文献
旅游发展背景下政治不信任的形成因素及其影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
信任或者不信任的动态关系变化对于理解现代社会、社会关系和发展过程是十分重要的。信任可以影响到旅游发展的成功或者失败,但是旅游学者很少关注到信任话题。文章以广东汕尾红海湾为例,采用质性研究方法,分析旅游发展背景下政治不信任是如何形成的,又是如何进一步通过空间实践影响旅游发展的过程。研究发现,政治不信任受到权力关系、收益成本感知、政治经济绩效、人际信任和文化导向5个因素的影响,是在特定的制度环境、社会互动和历史文化的复杂关系中交织形成的。政治不信任的存在,使得地方政府与地方社区之间拒绝社会交换以及社会资本的断裂,增加了旅游政策运行成本,延缓了旅游发展进程。研究一方面把政治信任理论视角引入国内旅游研究,另一方面修订和补充了旅游发展与政治信任的理论框架,并提出对政治信任研究的批判性思考。研究有助于推动从旅游管理过程的关注向旅游开发起点的关注,即政治信任问题一定程度上先天奠定了旅游发展的成功或失败,这为当下旅游开发中的善治问题提供了实践参考。 相似文献
隐性旅游资源显性化的概念和应用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
“隐性旅游资源显性化”是指原来不曾被认知为旅游资源的客体而现在被认为是具有开发价值的旅游资源的总过程。文章分析了我国“隐性旅游资源显性化”的类型、特征和支撑“隐性旅游资源显性化”的三大内在动力。提出了“隐性旅游资源显性化”理论在实践中的四个方面的应用价值。 相似文献
文章以杭州市萧山区、余杭区、富阳区、临安区、桐庐县、淳安县、建德市7个郊区为研究对象,构建基于区域社会资本和乡村旅游系统16项指标的区域社会资本与乡村旅游综合评价指标体系,通过变异系数法和耦合协调度模型对2012~2017年杭州市7个郊县的面板数据进行分析,探索其发展特征及演化规律。研究表明:2012~2017年杭州市郊县整体社会资本与乡村旅游发展耦合协调度持续上升;社会资本水平呈波动增长态势;乡村旅游在2012~2015年快速发展后趋于平稳。此外,区域社会资本与乡村旅游发展耦合协调关系存在协调发展类和濒临失调衰退类两种状态和同步型、滞后型、损益型、共损型4种表现。 相似文献
论旅游目的地联合营销的理论基础及其对中国的启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
时于以旅游经济为支柱的地区来说,目的地营销一直是一项极具挑战性的任务.联合营销可能为目的地旅游组织解决这一挑战提供有效的路径.本文以组织关系理论为基础,探讨和阐述旅游目的地联合营销的先决条件、动机成因、合作过程和预期成果,并对其理论和实战两个层面的影响进行阐述. 相似文献
Stefan Gössling 《Journal of Sustainable Tourism》2017,25(7):1024-1041
ABSTRACTConsiderable attention has been paid in recent years to the fundamental changes in the global tourism system related to the emergence of information technologies (IT), and, specifically, the rise of social media. Opportunities to search travel-related information, to reserve and book, evaluate and judge; to receive travel advice and to communicate one's mobility patterns have all profoundly changed the practices of performing tourism, with concomitant repercussions for the management and marketing of businesses and destinations. This paper provides a discussion of the implications of these changes for the sustainability of the global tourism system. Based on an exploratory research design, key changes in the tourism system are identified and discussed with regard to their environmental, socio-cultural and psychological, as well as economic significance. The paper concludes that IT affects the tourism system in numerous and complex ways, with mixed outcomes for sustainability: while most changes would currently appear to be ambivalent – and some outright negative – there is considerable potential for IT to support more sustainable tourism. Yet, this would require considerable changes in the tourism system on global, national and individual business' levels, and require tourism academics to probe many new issues. 相似文献
To develop and manage a tourism destination sustainably, it is important for all stakeholders to understand the interrelated tourism dimensions and activities within a destination. One way of determining the conditions of a destination's “health” is to establish a process by which existing data on various aspects of a destination can be assessed. For this purpose, this paper presents the development processes of the Hawaii Tourism Dashboard (HTD), an online information clearinghouse for multiple stakeholders and a diagnostic tool to monitor the conditions of Hawaii's tourism. As a joint effort between the industry and academia, it is hoped that the HTD can play an important role in increasing public awareness about tourism's multifaceted characteristics and in assisting decision-making and policy development by the government and the industry. 相似文献
旅游的基本属性及其对旅游社会关系和旅游立法的影响 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4
本文从关于旅游的AIEST定义以及学者和政府旅游主管机构对该定义的理解入手,分析了旅游的基本属性、旅游基本属性所决定的旅游社会关系的特点以及旅游基本属性对旅游立法的影响.旅游的基本属性体现为旅游是市场经济的产物、旅游是综合性的社会现象、旅游的本质是文化、旅游具有非实体性、旅游因运动而存在、旅游是一种多元系统网络结构.这些基本属性对旅游立法的影响主要有4个方面,即对旅游立法调整范围的影响、对旅游法律法规基本原则确定的影响、对旅游法权利义务实现效果认定的影响和对旅游法律责任承担形式的影响. 相似文献
Edieser Dela Santa 《Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research》2013,18(8):913-933
To examine the complexity of tourism policy implementation, this paper considers the case of Pamilacan Island, the Philippines. It uses the advocacy coalition framework (ACF) and network analysis. Consistent with policy process theories, findings show that individual policy beliefs might lead to implementation networks, but the degree of network integration determines progress in policy execution. The study reinforces the importance of key factors pertinent in policy implementation such as knowledge and resources of actors, as well as contextual conditions including ties of solidarity. Mediating them are micro-implementation processes and informal codes of conduct. This paper not only increases the number of in-depth case studies on tourism policy and clarifies issues in the policy process, but also stresses that there are multiple policy executions when a particular policy decision is implemented. Finally, it adds a layer of complexity to the ACF and calls for its re-examination when applied to a developing country. 相似文献
民族村寨社区参与旅游开发的利益保障机制 总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30
民族村寨作为一类特殊社区,是我国乡村旅游开发的重要区域.社区参与是民族村寨旅游可持续发展的前提,而社区旅游利益的保障是社区有效参与的决定性因素.本文从旅游利益分配现状及其原因出发,基于开发的基本理念和目标提出了民族村寨社区参与旅游的利益保障机制. 相似文献