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This paper explores how Facebook effectively used crowdsourced translation to accelerate its rapid internationalization. We apply the learning perspective of internationalization theory to unpack what the firm learned in order to mobilize crowd-based knowledge to facilitate internationalization in the virtual context, and how it did so. Increasingly, global activities are conducted in virtual space and virtual markets and thus the paper offers insights into successful expansion in this new terrain. The findings highlight two key points: (1) the firm used cognitive/explicit learning to acquire external and codified knowledge, rather than the experiential knowledge traditionally suggested in the literature on the process of internationalization, and (2) the firm's success rested on its ability to use virtual learning tools and incentive systems to acquire, articulate and integrate knowledge from communities of internationally dispersed users – the “crowd” – to accelerate its internationalization in cyberspace. This empirical study extends internationalization theory regarding knowledge and organizational learning.  相似文献   

Bootstrapping in small firms: An empirical analysis of change over time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While bootstrapping is widely utilized as a strategic practice of small firms and has been regarded in the entrepreneurship literature as an important topic of study, little has been done to link bootstrapping to organizational theory. This paper presents hypotheses and an empirical study regarding bootstrapping and organizational development for small firms. The results of the study indicate that different types of bootstrapping are utilized at different periods in the life of a small firm, and that the methods utilized coincide to some extent with organizational theory predictions.  相似文献   

An important factor facilitating the internationalization of product-oriented companies is an appropriability regime allowing a firm to become the sole or dominant provider of specific products. The challenge for service firms is that many appropriability mechanisms, such as patents, are traditionally targeted at protecting tangible products and processes from imitation. In this study, we address this issue and examine the role of appropriability conditions as a facilitator of internationalization in the service sector. The results collected from the analysis of 209 firms suggest that a strong appropriability regime (especially in terms of formal mechanisms) positively affects the internationalization of service industry firms.  相似文献   

The literature on international business and international entrepreneurship provides multiple explanations for early internationalization. Using fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis, this study examines the antecedents of early internationalization for small firms based in a small economy, focusing on entrepreneurs’ attitudes toward the economic opportunities available in their domestic market, the risk of internationalizing, and the profitability of entering foreign markets. Three additional antecedents are examined: unsolicited orders, existence of underutilized capacity, and the behavior of competitors. The study uncovers three distinct combinations of antecedents that are equifinally linked to the early internationalization of small enterprises, and contributes to the literature through a multi-causal, configurational approach.  相似文献   

Research concerning the influence of human capital (HC) on internationalization strategies typically highlights skills displayed by business executives. This article is one of the few studies that examines the values, attitudes, and capabilities related to the HC of international companies. Our study attempts to understand the role that HC plays in the international commitment (IC) achieved by family and nonfamily firms and whether the HC of family firms (FFs) can be considered a source of competitive advantage in pursuing an international strategy. Partial Least Squares method is used for analyzing data collected from 270 Spanish firms. Results show HC differs between family and non‐FFs and plays a crucial role in the international strategy of FFs. Specifically, professional experience, training, and educational level, the degree of market and industry knowledge, specific skills to work in international markets, and concern for employees are superior in FFs, resulting in the achievement of higher levels of IC when compared to non‐FFs. The results should encourage managers and/or owners of these companies to exploit and effectively govern specific human resource strengths when they enter and experience growth in other markets.  相似文献   

The internationalization of firms has led to boards becoming more international as well. In this study, we investigate the consequences of board internationalization. In particular, by drawing on research on language and board dynamics, we identify theory-based reasons why board internationalization could increase, or decrease, earnings management practices. We use agency theory, stressing how board internationalization may positively or negatively affect monitoring quality of boards. Next to agency theory, we use theories explaining how language differences in the boardroom complicates communication and how differences in language structures (referred to as linguistic relativity in the literature) affect directors’ perception and detection of earnings management practices. Using a sample of 3249 firm-year observations representing 586 non-financial listed Nordic firms during 2001–2008, we find that the presence of non-Nordic foreign directors on the board is associated with significantly higher levels of earnings management. Our analysis indicates that this effect is driven by language-related factors, as well as by the level of foreign board members’ accounting knowledge.  相似文献   

This case study on Zara elucidates the expansion strategies used by both born-global and gradual global fast-fashion retailers based on theories of internationalization. Aspects related to knowledge sharing, resource-based theory, and psychic distance are overlaid with Zara's internationalization strategies to advance understanding of the role fashion plays in dynamic internationalization. Zara employs a high-risk, high-reward model of internationalization to defend its unique merchandise and retail position by remaining completely vertical. Zara's born-global expansion strategy engendered a psychic distance paradox in that it was very successful in distant markets early on. It is proposed that fashion retailers may take note of Zara's success through the proposed ‘dynamic strategic planning process’ for expansion in international markets. Researchers can test the proposed framework empirically to investigate the theoretical constructs for both gradual- and born-global firms.  相似文献   

Despite increasing research on outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) by firms from emerging economies, our understanding of the relationship between domestic operations and international diversification of these firms is still limited. Using a unique dataset of Chinese listed firms, we examine the impact of domestic diversification on their international diversification. We find that international diversification is positively affected by firms’ domestic industrial and domestic regional diversification. We also find that top management team (TMT)’s previous international experience strengthens the impact of domestic diversification on firms’ international diversification, whereas TMT's prior political connections weakens the impact of domestic diversification on international diversification.  相似文献   

In this research we use a data-base that reveals the propensity for contractual ventures and direct investments (1051 operations) of the clothing Italian companies during the period 1987–1991, on a national (342 operations) and international level (709 operations). The latter were analyzed with reference to the internal (412) and external growth strategies (297), cooperative (362) and non-cooperative (347) deals. Our analysis focuses on the different strategies that SMEs, on one hand, and large companies, on the other hand, show in the internationalization process. Main results of the study are:
  • the international growth of the SMEs takes place mainly through contractual agreements (68%), more so than with non-cooperative operation (32%), whereas in large companies the non-cooperative strategies slightly prevail (54%). Consequently, the external growth strategy is very important for the SMEs (72%) and somewhat less important for the large companies (54%);
  • the cooperative growth is usually seen by SMEs as an expansion both of the commercial (48% of the operations involves commercial purposes) and of the production areas (48% of the cases). This could indicate that SMEs try to organize on an international level the same network model used in Italy: SMEs decentralize their production within the country through networks of companies and industrial districts, whose horizontal connections (among SMEs themselves) and vertical connections (with large companies) provide flexibility and low costs;
  • large companies' expectations of the Single European Market have brought a great number of international operations in Europe (24%), notwithstanding the notable importance of Japan (23%) and U.S. (17%); on the contrary, SMEs focus on “niche and rich markets” as Japan (40%); but as far as the contractual agreements are concerned, both types of firm privilege the Japanese market: almost 50% of SMEs' international agreements are directed towards Japan (33% in the large company's case);
  • large companies and SMEs in the middle and high segments of the market carry out more operations than companies operating in the low quality and casual segments;
  • generally speaking, in Italy there is an urgent need for industrial policies promoting SMEs access to cooperative instruments (“learning by cooperating”).
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    Political risk analysis primarily receives attention for foreign direct investment (FDI) but only rarely for exporting. We examine how exporters and foreign direct investors evaluate the relative importance of political risk factors. We provide a rationale for exporters to evaluate political risk factors for FDI and for foreign direct investors to evaluate political risk factors for exporting. Survey data were collected from Canadian exporters and foreign direct investors and capture the distinctive nature of salient factors for exporting and FDI. We offer unique insights on the evolutionary character of political risk that are of practical value for both exporting and FDI. Copyright © 2007 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    This study uses institutional theory to explore the driving force for internationalization of firms in emerging economies. It posits that the internationalization practices of firms are driven not only by efficiency consideration, but also by the desire to conform to institutional isomorphic pressures exerted by the social environment. The impact of three types of institutional isomorphic pressures – coercive pressure, mimetic pressure and normative pressure – on the intensity of internationalization is investigated. Analysis using survey data collected from 174 Chinese firms shows that all three institutional pressures have positive and significant effects on the intensity of internationalization. We also examine the interaction between institutional pressure and firm capability. Results suggest that firm capabilities enhance the effect of coercive pressure on internationalization, and weaken the effect of normative pressure on internationalization.  相似文献   

    Prior work has established the importance of degree of internationalization for understanding the performance of multinational enterprises. Despite all efforts, however, the relationship between degree of internationalization and firm performance (I-P) is still the subject of ongoing debate following inconclusive findings. We suggest that the international business literature has largely overlooked MNE cultural diversity as an essential determinant of the I-P relationship. We argue that the impact of the degree of internationalization on MNE performance is contingent on MNE cultural diversity. The impact of the degree of internationalization on performance is positive for MNEs that operate in culturally similar countries and negative for MNEs that operate in culturally diverse countries. Our study is among the first to examine the impact of MNE cultural diversity on the I-P relationship with a unique panel dataset from European multinationals. The results provide convincing support for our approach to the study of the degree of internationalization and MNE performance.  相似文献   

    This paper presents a model with monopolistic competition, productively heterogeneous firms, and business cycle aggregate shocks. With firm-specific productive heterogeneity, weaker firms quit when faced with a negative aggregate shock. Consequently, trade does not always increase firm-level aggregate productivity as negative shocks on the home market can be compensated for by positive shocks elsewhere. Weaker firms, which would otherwise quit in autarky, can continue to operate by exporting. Despite this, trade can still improve welfare for the risk-averse consumer by reducing aggregate price fluctuations.  相似文献   

    Despite a surge of studies examining the role of social capital in the entrepreneurial process, no quantitative assessments exist of the empirical evidence to date. To resolve seemingly conflicting results, we conducted a meta-analysis of the link between entrepreneurs' personal networks and small firm performance and identify new moderators affecting this relationship. Analyses of 61 independent samples indicated that the social capital–performance link was positive and significant (rc = .211). Effect sizes of weak ties were smaller than those of structural holes, while network diversity had the largest positive effect on performance. Results also showed that the social capital–performance link depends on the age of small firms, the industry and institutional contexts in which they operate, and on the specific network or performance measures used. Based on these findings, we develop recommendations for future research on the contingent value of social capital for small firms.  相似文献   

    This paper investigates the survival patterns of Brazilian franchising firms for the period 1994–1999. First, we considered the (percentage) survival of newly created franchisors in the following years. Survival functions were obtained by means of the Kaplan–Meier estimator for the selected sectors and they indicated sharp declines in the survival rates over time but with differential patterns across sectors. Finally, an econometric analysis based on the Cox proportional hazard model considered the explanatory variables pertaining to size, age and support regarding the legal aspects, location choice and training. The evidence indicates that the supports provided by the franchisor have a positive impact on the probability of survival of new firms, whereas there is partial evidence favoring a positive effect of firm size on survival.  相似文献   

    This study examines the effects of information technology (IT) knowledge and media selection on operational performance, measured by balanced scorecard, in small firms. Small firms generally lag behind medium and large companies in adopting and implementing computerization. This study is based on a survey of 698 small firms. The results show that: (1) individual IT knowledge and both traditional and electronic communication methods significantly contribute to the internal process performance of small firms; (2) internal process performance, organizational IT knowledge, and electronic communication methods affect customer performance; and (3) financial performance is affected by process and customer performance. The findings imply that it is imperative for small firms to adopt computerization to achieve improvements in business performance.   相似文献   

    This study contributes to firm internationalization theory by identifying domestic patents and international standards as industry-level attributes that differently affect the ability of firms to internationalize. Firms operating in industries with extensive patenting enhance internationalization via technology-based competitive advantages that allow overcoming liabilities of foreignness (LOFs). Furthermore, firms operating in industries with extensive standardization enhance internationalization via the reduction of LOFs that manifest in transaction costs and information asymmetries. Yet operating in industries replete with both domestic patents and international standards raises challenges for internationalizing firms due to the incompatibility of these attributes with respect to LOFs, thus domestic patents and international standards yield a negative joint effect on firm internationalization. We test these priors by employing panel data on the internationalization of up to 4248 publicly-traded U.S. firms in the manufacturing sector over the 1997–2019 period.  相似文献   

    We employ both organization theory and economic theory for exploring how the effects of high-discretion organizational slack and low-discretion organizational slack impact the degree of firm’s internationalization. We tested hypotheses using longitudinal data (2000–2005) from 179 high-technology publicly listed companies in Taiwan. The results indicate a U-shaped relationship exists between high-discretion organizational slack and the internationalization of firms. In contrast, low-discretion organizational slack presents a positive linear relationship with the internationalization of firms.  相似文献   

    We examine the effect of professional management on innovation in family‐owned firms. Since professionalism is a critical but controversial issue that can influence the innovative capacity of family businesses, we aim to determine if professional management improves innovation outcomes from a comprehensive perspective. Using a sample of 583 Spanish family firms, we demonstrate that professionalism in management exerts a positive influence on innovation from both technological (product and process innovation) and management perspectives. We also find that firms managed by external professionals are willing to develop higher innovative activity and that professionalism contributes positively to persistent innovation. Copyright © 2016 ASAC. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    With the increased participation of emerging economies in the global economy, born globals (BGs) in emerging countries become significant players. However, researches on Chinese BGs are still very limited. The aim of this paper is to explore the key factors that influence the rapid internationalization of Chinese BGs and examine how these factors can explain the successful and quick integration of Chinese BGs into global market. Based on an Anglo-Saxon literature review, we identified six major factors explaining BGs’ rapid internationalization and compared them on two groups of Chinese SMEs (BGs and non-BGs) in an exploratory study. Based on the analysis of the exploratory study, we identified two key factors for the rapid internationalization of Chinese BGs, namely managers and networks. Then, we select four Chinese BGs and conducted a comparative case study in order to examine and understand the role of these two factors in their internationalization process. We conclude this paper with the contribution, implication, and limitation of our study, as well as the perspective for our future research.  相似文献   

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