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彭乐力 《金卡工程》2009,13(3):128-129
随着市场经济改革的深入,企业合作相关问题的研究受到了越来越多的关注。供应链中的信任作为企业间合作的前提得到了深入的研究。本文通过对信任这一概念的回顾,阐述了供应链中信任机制的定义和建立方法的研究综述。最后提出了研究前景展望。  相似文献   

为解决新机会主义带来的供应链信任危机问题,创新性地将区块链技术运用于供应链系统信任管理中,结合区块链技术原理和供应链信任硬性管理、柔性管理机制,构建集区块链合约层、共识层和数据层为一体的供应链信任管理机制,并逐层揭示区块供应链信任管理的运行机理。这有助于供应链建立高度的信任氛围,推动供应链系统向智能化方向升级。  相似文献   

论商业银行供应链金融的风险防范   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨晏忠 《金融论坛》2007,12(10):42-45
供应链理论将企业的经营看做是一个价值增值的过程,主张上下游企业间的合作.而供应链金融是指对一个产业供应链中的单个企业或上下游多个企业提供全面的金融服务,以促进供应链核心企业及上下游配套企业"产-供-销"链条的稳固和流转顺畅,并通过金融资本与实业经济的协作,构筑商业银行、企业和商品供应链互利共存、持续发展的产业生态,以有效解决中小企业融资难的问题.本文在对商业银行供应链金融面临的风险和表现形式进行分析的基础上,对如何防范供应链金融风险提出了具体的方法及应对措施,以期达到减少和防范风险,从而实现商业银行可持续发展的目的.  相似文献   

供应链理论将企业的经营看做是一个价值增值的过程,主张上下游企业间的合作。而供应链金融是指对一个产业供应链中的单个企业或上下游多个企业提供全面的金融服务,以促进供应链核心企业及上下游配套企业“产—供—销”链条的稳固和流转顺畅,并通过金融资本与实业经济的协作,构筑商业银行、企业和商品供应链互利共存、持续发展的产业生态,以有效解决中小企业融资难的问题。本文在对商业银行供应链金融面临的风险和表现形式进行分析的基础上,对如何防范供应链金融风险提出了具体的方法及应对措施,以期达到减少和防范风险,从而实现商业银行可持续发展的目的。  相似文献   

信任问题是供应链战略联盟成败的关键.本文通过对供应链节点企业间博弈过程中信任问题的研究,建立“囚徒困境”模型,阐述其陷入“囚徒困境”的过程并发现其中原因,提出解决信任的“囚徒困境”的具体方法.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的快速发展,供应链金融应运而生,并逐渐受到各行各业的广泛关注,其出现主要是为了解决中小企业融资压力大等问题,同时为这部分企业的发展提供新路径。但在供应链金融实际运行过程中,面对的风险极为复杂、多元,要想充分发挥供应链金融的价值,相关企业尤其是金融企业必须积极探索风险防范路径,以有效防范与控制各类风险。基于此,文章首先阐述了供应链金融的概念,然后从外生风险和内生风险两个方面分析了供应链金融风险类型,并探讨风险存在的原因。最后从风险管理体系、成员准入管理、抵质押物选择等方面积极探索风险防范路径,旨在有效防范供应链金融风险,助力我国企业健康稳步发展。  相似文献   

基于供应链主体维度,运用扎根理论构建养老服务供应链风险识别框架。结果表明:来源于政府、集成商、提供商和老年人不同主体的政策风险、流动性风险、供给风险、管理风险与信任风险是养老供应链面临的主要风险。鉴此,政府应提供资金支持,缓解企业运营压力;规范老年照料劳工市场,解决“护工荒”难题;加快建立养老服务标准,提高老人信任度与满意度;加强集成商的核心竞争优势,维护养老服务供应链稳定;完善提供商准入机制和监督机制,从源头为服务质量把关。  相似文献   

靳中美 《时代金融》2011,(30):109+121
供应链融资是在整个产业供应链的范围内进行综合授信的一种交易方式,是贸易融资同供应链整合相结合的一种融资方式创新。供应链融资在我国是一种新兴事物,它在给我国企业发展带来便利的同时,也存在着一定的风险,本文就供应链融资存在的风险及其防范对策进行分析与论述,文章首先阐述了供应链融资的概念,继而分析了供应链融资存在的风险,然后提出了供应链融资风险的防范对策,最后对全文进行了总结,以期能够对我国当前供应链融资风险的控制与防范问题提供一点可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

本文从融资企业、核心企业、第三方企业及外部风险4个方面对商业银行供应链融资进行风险评价,从供应链融资的角度考察第三方企业风险并提出风险指标,通过对融资企业及核心企业的考察,将功能相似的指标进行删减并将外部性作为独立的风险源。通过建立评价机制来衡量供应链融资风险,从而为商业银行提高信贷质量、降低坏账比例、完善供应链融资系统提供参考。为降低供应链融资过程中的风险,商业银行应建立银行间融资企业数据库和专业供应链融资平台、加强与第三方企业合作、对存贷系统的管理及对合作真实性的考察。  相似文献   

目前,中小企业融资难问题是学者和业界关注的一个问题。供应链金融正是商业银行为满足企业供应链管理需要而创新发展的金融业务,其目的是为了实现供应链中的核心企业、上下游企业、第三方物流企业及银行等各参与主体的多方共赢。本文分析了供应链金融的出现动因、运作模式及其风险,并在此基础上提出相关风险防范措施。  相似文献   

打造弹性供应链   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在新的经济环境下,企业广泛采用“精益生产”、全球采购、业务外包、集中化等策略,使得现代供应链比以往任何时候都更容易遭受风险的影响。由于中断风险是供应链的一项固有特性,要完全避免是不可能的。正确的做法是增强供应链的弹性,使供应链发生中断后能迅速恢复过来。本文论述了供应链弹性的基本含义,对“鲁棒”供应链与弹性供应链的特性进行了比较,探讨了供应链弹性创造竞争优势的机理。最后,详细阐述了打造弹性供应链的策略。  相似文献   

Supply chain risk management (SCRM) has become a popular topic over the past decade. It is not a surprise that the automotive industry has been a motivating arena for research within this field; however, the few existing empirical studies reveal that SCRM practices within this industry are still in their infancy. Because the identification of risks can be viewed as the trigger for SCRM, attempts to develop a risk profile for this industry that could serve as a guide to start the SCRM process are needed. This research identifies the main risks along the automotive supply chain by investigating their manifestation in three supply chains in Brazil and offers an initial risk profile for the Brazilian automotive industry. Although the importance of SCRM has been recognised by all analysed companies, the research findings underline the lack of preparedness regarding either identifying risk or considering risk-mitigation strategies and risk assessment. In this context, this study identifies the main risk in which a supply chain can be exposed, through the analysis of real-life manifested risks along different supply chains, as a way to help the supply chain start a SCRM process.  相似文献   

Supply chain vulnerability (SCV) and its counterpart supply risk management are increasingly researched in recent years. SCV is often quantifiable and can be effectively monitored if practices are implemented on a systematic basis. It is essentially more important to extend the research in supply chain risk management so as to address certain traits where the companies perform poor or areas where they overlook their performances. Here, we introduce the concept and property, the so-called pseudo resilience in supply chains where supply chains pretend to perform better in its risk management capabilities, but are essentially vulnerable. Pseudo resilience is an incessant nature of many supply chains to overlook concomitant risks. Typical traits of pseudo resilience were identified in this research and a brief analysis of the disruptions and its effects was done. This research is a maiden effort in the direction of addressing the property of pseudo resilience in supply chains. It is imperative for managers to identify the traits of pseudo resilience in their supply chains so as to avoid the ill effects resulting from it. Further quantitative and qualitative researches are recommended for evincing the property of pseudo resilience in supply chains.  相似文献   

本文以某城市商业银行开展汽车行业供应链融资数据为样本,运用信用计量模型(CreditMetrics)进行信贷资产组合的信用风险度量模拟,将供应链融资中涉及的主要风险和收益转化成整条供应链融资资产组合的在险价值,探讨城市商业银行运用该模型进行信贷风险量化管理的可行路径。  相似文献   

随着传统产业的数字化转型和金融科技的发展,供应链金融正在向互联网供应链金融转型,提炼互联网供应链金融的典型运作模式,分析其缓解小微企业融资难题的内在机理,对于加快传统供应链金融转型升级,缓解小微企业融资难题具有重要意义。本文分析了互联网供应链金融缓解小微企业融资难题的理论机制,并以山东高速信联科技股份有限公司基于“车支付”生态圈构建的供应链金融模式进行案例实证。研究发现,产业生态平台基础和金融科技赋能是互联网供应链金融活动的两大典型特征,极大降低了供应链金融的交易成本和风险,带来了零边际成本和规模报酬的递增,使得基于产业生态平台的供应链金融能够在商业可持续前提下,有效缓解海量小微客户融资难题。  相似文献   

Thirty states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of cannabis for medicinal and/or recreational use by either formally or informally de‐criminalizing its use. However, cannabis remains a Schedule 1 drug under the Federal Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. Sections 801 through 812), leaving federal law in conflict with the laws of over half of the states. As a result, market participants in legal cannabis businesses face risks due to the industry's unique legal status within the United States. We examine the risks and challenges deemed by the cannabis industry as the top risks facing the industry's continued future growth and its sustainability. In addition to general risks inherent in a nascent industry, a legal cannabis business faces additional risks, such as risks in its banking and finance activity, placement of insurance, payment of taxes, and managing its supply chain. These legal businesses also face true legal risk from the possibility of being shut down by the federal government and seizure of assets and product under the CSA. This paper also examines whether the cannabis industry would benefit from a futures market to mitigate price risk.  相似文献   

Supply networks are complex and suffer always from various risks. An effective supply chain management requires suitable strategies to mitigate them. In previous literature, there has been a range of research into risk in firms but little in supply networks. This can be explained due to the huge number of risk variables and their direct and indirect interrelations that may suffer all supply chain partners (firms). Therefore, for better risk mitigation, a risk prioritization step is vital. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to propose a new integrated approach based on two structural modeling tools. Firstly, interpretive structural modeling has been used to present a hierarchical model showing the interrelationships between the risk sources. Secondly, MICMAC analysis has been used to quantify and classify the risk variables based on their mutual influence and dependence. The objective is to ascertain the key risk variables and theirs relationships. These prioritized risk variables provide a useful tool to supply network managers to focus on those key variables that are most essential for effective risk management strategies. A real case study in food industry is provided in order to illustrate the application of the proposed approach. The findings may be useful to the practitioners in risk management and may also interest academicians, since the method used here can be applied in other areas of industrial management as well.  相似文献   

辛华 《济南金融》2011,(12):67-70
集团化是现代银行最突出的特征之一。银行的集团化发展,可达到协同经营的目标,打破传统金融机构的竞争格局,使集团获得经营一体化带来的好处。但另一方面,复杂的股权关系、组织结构、内部往来、业务合作,也使得银行集团暴露于特殊的法律风险当中。在金融危机后,金融监管的严格化和法律环境的快速变化,使得银行集团面临的法律风险更为严峻。  相似文献   

The domino phenomenon that corporate failures occur along supply chain during the recent financial tsunami shows the important effects of the systematic risk of a firm’s supply chain counterparties on its credit risk (or bond yield spreads). It motivates this research to investigate the effects of supply chain counterparties’ macroeconomic risks on corporate bond yield spreads by employing 10,022 American bond observations from 1997 to 2008. The empirical results show that the macroeconomic risks of a firm and its customers are significantly and positively related to the firm’s bond yield spreads while those of suppliers have insignificant effects.  相似文献   

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