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This paper describes anticipatory algorithms for the dynamic vehicle dispatching problem with pickups and deliveries, a problem faced by local area courier companies. These algorithms evaluate alternative solutions through a short-term demand sampling and a fully sequential procedure for indifference zone selection. They also exploit an unified and integrated approach in order to address all the issues involved in real-time fleet management, namely assigning requests to vehicles, routing the vehicles, scheduling the routes and relocating idle vehicles. Computational results show that the anticipatory algorithms provide consistently better solutions than their reactive counterparts.  相似文献   

Emerging transportation technologies have the potential to significantly reshape the transportation systems and household vehicle ownership. Key among these transportation technologies are the autonomous vehicles, particularly when introduced in shared vehicle fleets. In this paper, we focus on the potential impact that fleets of shared autonomous vehicles might have on household vehicle ownership. To obtain initial insights into this issue, we asked a sample of university personnel and members of the American Automobile Association as to how likely they would consider relinquishing one of their household's personal vehicles if shared autonomous vehicles were available (thus reducing their household vehicle ownership level by one). For single-vehicle households, this would be relinquishing their only vehicle, and for multivehicle households (households owning two or more vehicles) this would be relinquishing just one of their vehicles. Possible responses to the question about relinquishing a household vehicle if shared autonomous vehicles are present are: extremely unlikely, unlikely, unsure, likely, and extremely likely. To determine the factors that influence this response, random parameters ordered probit models are estimated to account for the likelihood that considerable unobserved heterogeneity is likely to be present in the data. The findings show that a wide range of socioeconomic factors affects people's likelihood of vehicle relinquishment in the presence of shared autonomous vehicles. Key among these are gender effects, generational elements, commuting patterns, and respondents' vehicle crash history and experiences. While people's opinions of shared autonomous vehicles are evolving with the continual introduction of new autonomous vehicle technologies and shifting travel behavior, the results of this study provide important initial insights into the likely effects of shared autonomous vehicles on household vehicle ownership.  相似文献   

This study addresses the problem of wasted transportation capacity in Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) systems. We propose a two-tier transportation model that integrates PRT and capillary transportation systems. We study a related multi-objective empty vehicle redistribution problem that attempts to minimize empty movement and the number of vehicles used. Furthermore, we design a hybrid multi-objective genetic algorithm that integrates multiple crossover operators and linear programming techniques to solve the proposed problem. Evaluations indicate that our algorithm produces satisfactory results, and simulations confirm the efficiency of our proposed two-tier transportation system.  相似文献   

Adoption of electric vehicles by transport companies remains limited although major European cities should reach CO2-free city logistics by 2030. This paper explores therefore the vehicle choice behaviour of transport companies through a conjoint-based choice analysis.The results showed that the benefits of battery electric vehicles are less valued than their disadvantages. However, a majority of respondents agrees that authorities should encourage the use of battery electric vehicles. Based on the preferences of transporters, we conclude that the most important measures are to develop a larger charging infrastructure and implement financial incentives through subsidies or tax exemption.  相似文献   

This paper studies the heterogeneous fixed fleet vehicle routing problem (HFFVRP), in which the fleet is composed of a fixed number of vehicles with different capacities, fixed costs, and variable costs. Given the fleet composition, the HFFVRP is to determine a vehicle scheduling strategy with the objective of minimizing the total transportation cost. We propose a multistart adaptive memory programming (MAMP) and path relinking algorithm to solve this problem. Through the search memory, MAMP at each iteration constructs multiple provisional solutions, which are further improved by a modified tabu search. As an intensification strategy, path relinking is integrated to enhance the performance of MAMP. We conduct a series of experiments to evaluate and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we address a large-scale freight transportation problem for maximizing the profit of a carrier. We propose two solving algorithms using a decomposition of the problem into three main steps: construction of the network, filling vehicles with commodities and construction of the vehicle plannings. The resolution of these steps involves heuristic schemes, Mixed Integer Programming and Constraint Programming techniques. To evaluate the model and the solution algorithms, we produce instances based on a study of real-life data. The results show that the methods without transhipment provide solutions with a good computation time/quality trade-off.  相似文献   

Researchers and public agencies have proposed consolidation policies as an alternative to increase truck payload utilization and mitigate externalities produced by freight transportation. Understanding and enhancing the economic mechanisms that lead to freight consolidation can ease the implementation of these strategies, increase profits for shippers and carriers, and reduce freight-related negative externalities. An important mechanism that has recently been studied for cost reduction in the freight industry is combinatorial auctions. In these auctions, a shipper invites a set of carriers to submit bids for freight lane contracts. Carriers can bid for individual lanes or bundles of them according to their operational characteristics. These bids are constructed considering direct shipments (Truckload operations) and several biding advisory models have been proposed for this purpose. However, there are economies of scale that can be achieved if shipments are consolidated inside vehicles, which have not been explored in the construction of competitive bids. This paper investigates such benefits and provides insights on the competitiveness and challenges associated to the development of consolidated bids (suitable for Less-Than-Truckload operations). Consolidated bids are constructed using a multi-commodity one-to-one pickup-and-delivery vehicle routing problem that is solved using a branch-and-price algorithm. The numerical experiment shows that non-consolidated bids are dominated by consolidated bids, which implies that this type of operation can increase the likelihood of a carrier to win auctioned lanes, while increasing its profits margins over truckload companies (non-consolidated bids), and keeping the reported benefits that combinatorial auctions represent for shippers.  相似文献   

In maritime transportation of automobiles, roll-on/roll-off (ro–ro) shipping companies operate liner shipping services across major trade routes. Large ro–ro shipping companies are well placed to offer end-to-end integrated logistics services to auto manufacturers engaged in international trade of vehicles. Therefore, we present a new mixed integer programming model for fleet deployment including inventory management at the ports along each trade route. Due to the complexity of the problem, a rolling horizon heuristic (RHH) is proposed. The RHH solves the problem by iteratively solving sub-problems with shorter planning horizon. Computational results based on real instances are presented.  相似文献   

This paper models a novel and practical bi-objective hub-location problem under a centralized carrier collaboration framework between one holding company and multiple carriers. The holding company first establishes a hub-and-spoke network in order to locate p hubs and to assign the center nodes to the located hubs. Then, it allocates the transportation routes of the hub network to the carriers. In contrast, the carriers should select an appropriate vehicle type to serve the transportation requests in a green hub network. The carriers are also able to meet the transportation requests within a certain time-window based on a soft time-window mechanism. Moreover, aiming to emphasize green transportation, a vehicle emission model is used to take into account CO2 emissions of the vehicles where the fuel consumption is a function of speed level. Aiming to identify a win–win deal between the holding company and the carriers, a dual lexicographic max–min (LMM) approach is used in order to optimize their profits in a fair way. Finally, some numerical experiments are presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methodology. The computational results show that not only the holding company and the carriers can better generate a fair profit contract among themselves using the LMM approach, but also both can obtain more profit in the worst case for their businesses rather than using the max–min approach. In addition, sensitivity analyses show that increasing the size of the soft time-window leads to a reduction in the delivery schedule violations, while results in raising the total profit. Moreover, the tax cost of fuel consumption as well as the number of potential vehicles has a substantial impact on both the fuel consumption and carrier’s profit.  相似文献   

This paper presents several heuristics for a variation of the vehicle routing problem in which the transportation fleet is composed of electric vehicles with limited autonomy in need for recharge during their duties. In addition to the routing plan, the amount of energy recharged and the technology used must also be determined. Constructive and local search heuristics are proposed, which are exploited within a non deterministic Simulated Annealing framework. Extensive computational results on varying instances are reported, evaluating the performance of the proposed algorithms and analyzing the distinctive elements of the problem (size, geographical configuration, recharge stations, autonomy, technologies, etc.).  相似文献   

This paper examines individuals motivations when purchasing vehicles, focusing upon what factors would encourage individuals to purchase hybrid electrical vehicle (HEV) or alternatively fuelled vehicle (AFV). AFVs in this paper refer to any cars run on alternatives to petrol and diesel. This research attempts to ascertain whether reductions in fuel costs, vehicle registration tax (VRT), or green house gas emissions would encourage individuals to purchase a HEV or an AFV instead of a conventional vehicle. VRT is an Irish tax that is levied on the purchase of new vehicles. One of the motivations to conduct this research was to examine a new car tax and VRT scheme introduced by the Irish government in 2008. This new policy rewards the purchase of environmentally friendly cars, with lower VRT and car tax rates. To understand individuals’ perceptions of these new taxes a survey was sent to recent customers of a car company in Ireland. The survey asked respondents about their recently purchased vehicle and how important they considered vehicle attributes such as environmental performance, fuel cost, and safety, before making their car purchase. The survey also contained a number of stated preference experiments that were designed to ascertain what factors influence individuals’ decisions when purchasing their new car. The results showed that respondents did not rate green house gas emissions or VRT as crucial attributes when purchasing a new vehicle. The vehicle attributes that respondents rated most highly were reliability, automobile safety, fuel costs, and the cost price. The majority of respondents agreed that HEVs and AFVs are better for the environment, cheaper to run than conventional vehicles and would be the vehicle of choice in ten years time.  相似文献   

The greening of organizational transportation fleets, especially trucks and automobiles, has gained increasing attention by companies in a variety of industrial sectors. The reasons for this concern and attention are due to regulatory and competitive pressures, but also increasing costs of fossil-fuels. Surprisingly the amount of research and modeling for fleet management overall has been rather limited, with the focus on managing green vehicle investments virtually non-existent. In this study we develop a two-stage game theoretic model that helps evaluate, from both policy and organizational perspectives, the implications of greening of transportation fleets. Various parameters are evaluated including factors such as innovations in green vehicle technology, levels of service differences, cost of fuel, adjusting tax policy, regulatory compliance requirements, and adaptation costs. This evaluation provides practical insights into actions that could be considered by regulators and organizations to encourage environmental investments.  相似文献   

We consider the carrier’s optimal bid generation problem in combinatorial auctions for transportation procurement. Bidders (carriers) employ vehicle routing models to identify sets of lanes (origin-destination pairs) based on the actual routes that a fleet of trucks will follow in order to maximize profit. Routes are constructed by optimally trading off repositioning costs of vehicles and the rewards associated with servicing lanes. The carrier optimization represents simultaneous generation and selection of routes and can incorporate any existing commitment. We employ both column generation and Lagrangian based techniques for solving the carrier optimization model and present numerical results.  相似文献   

The green vehicle routing and scheduling problem (GVRSP) aims to minimize green-house gas emissions in logistics systems through better planning of deliveries/pickups made by a fleet of vehicles. We define a new mixed integer liner programming (MIP) model which considers heterogeneous vehicles, time-varying traffic congestion, customer/vehicle time window constraints, the impact of vehicle loads on emissions, and vehicle capacity/range constraints in the GVRSP. The proposed model allows vehicles to stop on arcs, which is shown to reduce emissions up to additional 8% on simulated data. A hybrid algorithm of MIP and iterated neighborhood search is proposed to solve the problem.  相似文献   

This article deals with the refueling-station location problem for alternative fuel vehicles in a traffic network. Alternative fuel vehicles can be characterized by the vehicle range that limits the travelable distance with fuel at full capacity. I propose an efficient formulation of the refueling-station location problem using an optimal property and prove that the problem is NP(Non-deterministic Polynomial)-complete in the strong sense. I consider a special case of the refueling-station location problem in which the construction costs are equal for all nodes. In this case, the problem is to determine refueling station locations to minimize the total number of stations, while making the possible multiple predetermined origin–destination round-trips. I propose an optimal algorithm applicable when no refueling stations currently exist in a traffic network and a dynamic programming based algorithm applicable when a set of refueling stations already exists. I apply the algorithms to a traffic network to study the diffusion of refueling stations and predict the speed and range of station establishment. The computational experiments show that the speed of diffusion depends on the vehicle range and the sequence of the origin–destination demands considered in the diffusion process.  相似文献   

In the vehicle routing problem, a fleet of vehicles must service the demands of customers in a least-cost way. By allowing multiple vehicles to service the same customer (i.e., splitting deliveries), substantial savings in travel costs are possible. However, split deliveries are often an inconvenience to the customer who would prefer to have demand serviced in a single visit. We consider the vehicle routing problem in which split deliveries are allowed only if a minimum fraction of a customer’s demand is serviced by a vehicle. We develop a heuristic method for solving this problem and report computational results on a wide range of problem sets.  相似文献   

Due to the shortage of cargo aircraft, Chinese express companies have to provide transportation services with a hybrid method that consists of “rented bellies and self-owned cargo aircraft”. Because the bellies are rented from air passenger companies and because the cargo aircraft are owned by the express companies, it is important for the express companies to use their cargo aircraft as effectively as possible. This paper constructs a bi-level model to optimize the flight transportation network of an express company. The upper model designs the network and allocates the transportation capacity with the objective of minimizing the total transportation cost, and the lower model calculates the link flows in user equilibrium. Data from ShunFeng (SF) Express Company (China) are used to conduct the case study. Using the model outputs, the flows on links and at nodes are analyzed to illustrate the transportation and transshipment situations.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the perceptions held by for-hire and private trucking company logistics and operations managers about the impacts of congestion on their operations and the feasibility and effectiveness of actual and potential congestion mitigation policies. Responses to an extensive survey of nearly 1200 California-based or large national carriers are examined using confirmatory factor analysis. The method applied facilitates both the grouping of congestion relief policies into classes and the identification of characteristics of companies which lead them to favor one set of policies over others. This research comes at a time when California government leaders and transportation policy analysts are struggling with key resource allocation issues that will impact the short and long term future of goods movement in the state. To the greatest extent possible, insights of commercial vehicle operations users of the transportation network should be included in the policy analysis process.  相似文献   

Research in the field of autonomous vehicle technology focuses on its enhanced safety and convenience for vehicle occupants. The present paper seeks to establish a line of inquiry that addresses the implications of autonomous vehicle technology for nonmotorized road users, in the present case, bicyclists. Studies show that motorized traffic volume and speed affect nonmotorized agents' behavior and facility preference, but the degree to which this will apply to a driverless environment requires further study. We developed a stated-preference survey that had respondents select their preferred facility in a variety of hypothetical scenarios with and without the presence of driverless vehicles and on street types of varying motorized traffic volumes and speeds. A Random Parameters Logit Model is estimated to analyze the links between facility preferences, sociodemographics, street types, and the existence of driverless vehicles. The model results suggest that increases in motorized traffic volumes and speeds correlate with a greater preference for separated facilities. The presence of driverless vehicles amplifies this preference. Controlling for other factors, under driverless vehicle conditions, the odds of selecting protected facilities, such as buffered bicycle lanes and cycle tracks, were more than double the odds found under current conditions. We conclude with recommendations for infrastructure and policy and suggestions for future research in this nascent field of study.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the potential market for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) from different research streams have failed to converge on a single, robust estimate. What these previous research streams share are untested or implausible assumptions about consumer response to new transportation technology. We frame the BEV purchase decision in terms of a household's entire stock of vehicles, car purchase behavior and travel behavior. Within this framework, households which own both electric vehicles and gasoline vehicles are called ‘hybrid households’. Because nearly all consumers are unfamiliar with the characteristics of BEVs, we designed an interactive interview based on week-long travel diaries, which we call Purchase Intentions and Range Estimation Games (PIREG) to explore hypothetical hybrid household vehicle use. Our primary finding is that consumers' perceived driving range needs are substantially lower than previous hypothetical stated preference studies conclude. We find evidence of a viable market for BEVs with 60 to 100 miles driving range.  相似文献   

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