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On November 29, 2006, CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei and Chairman of ltalian Trade Commission jointly signed the Memorandum of Cooperation. After the signature ceremony, Mr. Ambassador Umberto Vattani, President of Italian Trade Commission (ICE) awarded a gold medal to Mr. Wan Jifei, in order to praise the great contributions he has made in promoting the trade relations between China and Italy. He pointed out that the gold medal was just coined in three pieces and with great significance. Davide Cucino, Chairman of China-ltaly Chamber of Commerce, and Italian Embassy officials participated in the signature ceremony. Following, China's Foreign Trade interviewed the Italian Chairman and Mr. Wan Jifei.  相似文献   

On the afternoon of June 27,CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei met with German entrepreneur delegation of Asia-Pacific Economic Committee,led by Mr.Heraeus(chief of China Dept.)Wan said that CCPIT has worked closely with business associations throughout Germany.The priority for both sides at present is to encourage qualified Chinese enterprises to invest  相似文献   

50 years before, the Ministry of Foreign Trade published magazine named Foreign Trade of The People s Republic of China. The first issue was published in December of 1956. In December of 1958, the magazine was taken over by CCPIT(China Council for the Promotion of International Trade). Up to today, the magazine has been published in many languages including Chinese version, English version, etc., with huge influence in domestic and overseas economic and trade societies. It has played a significant role in promoting the trade communication and coopperation between China and foreign countries. It has been appraised as outstanding magazine by the State Press Office, and has won high praises by the leaders of the CPC and the government.  相似文献   

On November 29, 2006, CCPIT Chairman Wan Jifei and Chairman of Italian Trade Commission jointly signed the Memorandum of Cooperation. After the signature ceremony, Mr. Ambassador Umberto Vattani, President of Italian Trade Commission (ICE) awarded a gold medal to Mr. Wan Jifei, in order to praise the great contributions he has made in promoting the trade relations between China and Italy. He pointed out that the gold medal was just coined in three pieces and with great significance. Davide Cucino, Chairman of China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, and Italian Embassy officials participated in the signature ceremony. Following, China's Foreign Trade interviewed the Italian Chairman and Mr. Wan Jifei. By Editor  相似文献   

Austria implements the system of medals in order to cite the personages with great contributions. According to the ranking and status of the people to award, the medals are divided into ten grades, from "Grand Gold Medal" to the "Bronze Medal". The "Grand Gold Medal" conferred to Chairman Wan Jifei by Austria is the highest medal rewarded to chairmen of chamber of commerce in foreign countries or those foreigners who have great influences in the international economic and business circles.  相似文献   

Belarus is an important trade partner of China. In January, a Belarus trade delegation, headed by Uldimir N. Bobrov, President of the Belarus Chamber of Commerce, visited China, and signed a series of agreements for economic and trade cooperation with CCPIT. When interviewed by China's Foreign Trade, he stressed that Belarus was ready to strengthen its commitment to comprehensive cooperation with China in many spheres.  相似文献   

2007 was a year of enormous change in China’s economy, especially in foreign trade. Many changes were made regard- ing reform and opening-up,as well as the overall economic develop- ment strategy,and further adjust- ments were also made in the eco- nomic and foreign trade policies. However,last year the interna- tional economy and trade industry developed in an unpredictable way. While China’s foreign trade has forged ahead,internal and external pressures were felt,including ap- preciation of the RMB and other  相似文献   

2007 was a year of enormous change in China's economy,especially in foreign trade. Many changes were made regarding reform and opening-up, as well as the overall economic development strategy, and further adjustments were also made in the economic and foreign trade policies.  相似文献   

2006 is the fifth anniversary of China's WTO Accession ,As we have seen ,China's foreign trade has witnessed rapid development ,We now have to be aware of some potential difficulties:trade surplus has increased gratly,  相似文献   

The visits by Chinese Kuomintang (KMT) Party Chairman Lien Chan and People First Party (PFP) Chairman James Soong from Taiwan to the mainland during the end of April and the early days of May can be regarded as fruitful and have won the focused attention from all of the world. The two visits not only end a 60-year of isolation, but also mark the first step toward a new era of the cross-Straits relations.  相似文献   

In recent years, as the economies of China and Mongolia grow rapidly, bilateral trade increased accordingly. Many organizations played an active role in the process. For this reason, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Mr. Zhang Qingyu, Vice Chairman of Mongolian Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry. Mr. Zhang described the investment environment, trade and work conditions in Mongolia.  相似文献   

Italy is a modern, industrialized nation which has managed to preserve its traditional culture intact. It is China's old friend, and its long-time trade partner. In 2006, the Year of Italy in China, various measures were taken to broaden the scope of China and Italy's relationship, not only in terms of economic cooperation and trade, but also concerning historical and cultural awareness. What sort of new opportunities for cooperation will we be seeing in the new year? China's Foreign Trade interviewed Antonino Laspina, Commissioner of the Italian Trade Commission's Beijing office, about this question and more.  相似文献   

Poland is an important trade partner for China in East Europe. During mid-November, a Polish trade delegation headed by Andrzej Kaczmarek, Polish Economics Ministry Vice Minister visited Beijing. During the visit, China's Foreign Trade exclusively interviewed Andrzej Kaczmarek, and invited him to give comments on bilateral trade relations between China and Poland. By Editor  相似文献   

With the New Year's bell ready to ring, representatives from enterprises all over the country and overseas offices all over the world met in Beijing, to gather up the threads from 2008, and make plans for the future. The 2009 National Trade Promotion Conference was hold at the Jingxi Hotel from January 4th to the 5th, with over 300 people in attendance.  相似文献   

Belarus was one of the 15 member countries of the former Soviet Union. It has achieved independence since 1991. Belarus is situated in the center of Europe and the main drag of the Europe-Asia Continental Bridge. It takes the leading position in many economic indicators in the CIS. In the passing years, the bilateral trade relations between China and Belarus have witnessed a great development, for instance, according to the statistics of Belarus, in the past 5 years, the Belarus-China trade has increased for 2.9 times, among which the export has increased for 2 times, the import has increased for 5.9 times. In early September, China's Foreign Trade interviewed Igar Babak, Trade and Economic Counsellor of Belarus Embassy. He stated that since 1992 when the diplomatic relations were established, the relations between Belarus and China have witnessed a rapid development, especially in politics, economy and trade, science and technology, culture, education, etc..The follows are the content of the interview. By Editor  相似文献   

The cooperation between China and ASEAN has become a hot issue concerned by international economic and trade circles and Chinese enterprises. In order to completely introduce the prospect of China-ASEAN cooperation (“10 1” Meeting), Mr. Lu Kejian,Deputy Director General of Department of Asian Affairs, Ministry of Commerce accepted our reporters‘ exclusive interview. Focusing on four questions, Mr. Lu gave us clear answers.In the aspect of economic and trade cooperation with Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, he also made an introduction.  相似文献   

Bangladesh is the friendly neighbor-ing country of China. Since twocountries established diplomatic re-lations 30 years ago, along with theconstant development of friendly relations, thetrade and economic cooperation between thetwo countries has been clos…  相似文献   

With long history and outstanding cultural achievements, China and Egypt have good cooperation in politics, economy, tourism, andeducation, Focusing oneconomy, what complementarities do you think our two countries have? What kind ofpotentials could be discovered and in which aspects could we enhance economic and trade cooperation?  相似文献   

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