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11月6日,住房和城乡建设部印发《住房保障档案管理办法》,要求住房保障档案应真实完整记录住房保障实施情况,全而客观反映住房保障管理状况。住房保障档案分为住房保障对象档案和住房保障房源档案,纸质档案应同步建立电子档案,  相似文献   

基层劳动保障工作平台是劳动保障部门最贴近群众的服务窗口,是开展劳动保障各项工作的前沿阵地,也是实现劳动保障服务功能全覆盖的重要载体。几年来,铁岭市积极推进基层劳动保障工作平台建设,平台从无到有,从小到大,各方面得到长足发展,在加快劳动保障城乡一体化进程中发挥了重要作用。但劳动保障工作平台建设是一项新生事物,在发展中还存在着一些问题,亟待解决。而服务功能比较薄弱的乡镇、村级劳动保障平台建设又是当前工作的难点和重点,那么如何进一步加强基层劳动保障平台建设,是我们必须认真思考和解决的课题。  相似文献   

王俊 《乡镇企业科技》2013,(31):176-177
文章通过分析人权保障的理论根据,为保障罪犯人权提供了理论支持;通过调查研究,我们看到我国罪犯人权中存在很多不足之处,并分析造成我国罪犯人权保障不足存在的障碍性因素,同时,通过提出保障我国罪犯人权的对策,使我国罪犯人权的保障不断完善。  相似文献   

顾岩  张亮 《物流科技》2008,31(6):76-77
随着现代战争对保障能力要求的不断提高,构建配送式后勤保障新模式势在必行。从现代战争特点出发,阐述了实施配送式保障的必要性,然后深入分析了我军实施配送式保障面临的主要障碍,最后,提出了发展配送式保障的具体建议,对我军保障能力现代化改革具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

我国人才权益保障还存在不少亟待解决的问题,在国家治理法治化的大背景下,人才权益保障的法治化是创新政府人才队伍建设的必然选择。对此,一要养成运用法治思维提供人才权益保障,二要完善人才权益保障的现有法律体系,三要转变政府关于人才权益保障的执法方式,四要创新人才权益保障的司法机制。  相似文献   

军地一体军用物资应急采购保障方式研究是一个具有重要现实意义的全新课题。顺应形势发展要求,要紧紧围绕军地物资采购机构功能拓展,保障设施设备配套,保障实施程序优化,保障力量整体联动,保障关系协调顺畅等方面,进一步加强研究和实战运用。  相似文献   

崔浩  周庆忠  何浩 《物流技术》2010,29(15):139-142
通过对信息化战争一体化油料保障方式方法的概念分析,从一体化油料灵活组合的支援保障、功能集成的整体保障、多点全维的聚焦保障、无缝链接的精确保障和军地一体的综合保障方式行为进行了研究;再从一体化油料基线保障、设点辐射保障、投送保障、伴随保障、交替超越保障和直达保障方法进行了研究,从而全面阐述了信息化战争一体化油料保障方式方法。  相似文献   

住房保障是重大民生。近年来,在党中央、国务院领导下,国务院有关部门和各级地方政府做了大量工作,制订了住房保障规划,明确了保障工作重点,加大了财政支付力度,增加了住房保障方面土地供应,整个住房保障工作,包括棚户区、工矿区改造,取得了重要进展,也积累了很好的经验和做法,社会反响很好,尤其受到城镇中低收入住房困难家庭欢迎。  相似文献   

日前,新的《经济适用住房管理办法》和《廉租住房保障办法》相继发布,各地也频频制定加大住房保障力度的相关措施。按目前的思路,各阶层对号入座,根据收分别对应商品房,两限房、经适房、廉租房,事三项为保障性住房,两限房和经适房属于保障“有住房”,而廉租房是保障“有房住”,对于住房保障。我们不妨听听不同的声音——  相似文献   

近年来,住房保障工作得到了中央和地方政府的高度重视,保障性住房建设规模迅速扩大,大中城市的住房保障信息化建设现已普遍趋于成熟。莱州市是县级城市,住房保障工作始于2008年,当时主要是手工操作,随着住房保障群体的不断增加,住房保障中心的管理工作量也急剧增长,住房保障信息化便提上议事日程。  相似文献   

高小六 《价值工程》2014,(34):107-108
本文针对二等水准网在地下工程中的应用进行具体的阐述与说明,对二等水准网的精度进行详细的评定,对二等水准网在地下工程中的变形和沉降观测提出具体的方案,并根据二等水准网在地下工程中的实际应用效果,对二等控制网的改进和完善提出了相关的建议和意见。  相似文献   

田琦 《价值工程》2014,(5):265-266
本文阐述了服装外贸跟单员工作岗位的形成,重点介绍服装外贸企业的跟单工作过程,通过将服装外贸跟单员的起源与工作过程相结合,最终对服装外贸跟单的人才培养提出几点建议。  相似文献   

随着经济增长和科技发展,电子产品成为日益增长的消费品,且客户的个性化需求快速发展,使得当今的电子产品制造型企业,为适应激烈市场竞争环境的要求,分解竞争压力,开始将生产经营纷纷转向以顾客订单为导向的按单生产模式,以降低经营风险。在这种生产经营模式下,如何优化订单流程,及时、高效满足客户需求,提高客户忠诚度,成为制造型企业亟待解决的问题。由于订单流是内部供应链的媒介,基于内部供应链进行订单流程优化能够满足企业的需求,通过描述订单流程图,分析现有订单流程中存在的问题,并建立了新的可行性流程。  相似文献   

Generalized order statistics have been introduced in Kamps (1995a). They enable a unified approach to several models of ordered random variables, e.g. (ordinary) order statistics, record values, sequential order statistics, record values from non-identical distributions. The purpose of this paper is to develop conditional distributions of one generalized order statistic given another and to characterize the underlying continuous distribution by different conditional expectations. Well-known results for ordinary order statistics and record values are extended to generalized order statistics. Received: July 1997  相似文献   

This paper employs order-, trade-, and quote-level data to examine the determinants of order choices and the impacts of order choices on execution quality by various investor types in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. We find marketable-quote orders have a higher degree of price aggressiveness, larger order size, higher trade value, shorter duration, and higher fill rate than behind-the-quote orders. There exists a transient order serial correlation. Different types of investors have their own preferences in order choices, while market microstructure factors, such as transitory volatility, spread, market depth, and trading interval, significantly influence stock traders’ order choices. Findings show that marketable-quote orders tend to perform better in terms of order duration. Moreover, institutional investors spend less time on completing their trades than do individuals, particularly for foreign investors after controlling all other factors.  相似文献   

仓储中心拣选作业研究综述   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在仓储中心拣选作业中,以降低人员行走距离、提高拣选效率的研究为对象,对拣选作业中的相关研究问题和解决方案进行了讨论和综述。  相似文献   

Order flow in equity markets is remarkably persistent in the sense that order signs (to buy or sell) are positively autocorrelated out to time lags of tens of thousands of orders, corresponding to many days. Two possible explanations are herding, corresponding to positive correlation in the behavior of different investors, or order splitting, corresponding to positive autocorrelation in the behavior of single investors. We investigate this using order flow data from the London Stock Exchange for which we have membership identifiers. By formulating models for herding and order splitting, as well as models for brokerage choice, we are able to overcome the distortion introduced by brokerage. On timescales of less than a few hours the persistence of order flow is overwhelmingly due to splitting rather than herding. We also study the properties of brokerage order flow and show that it is remarkably consistent both cross-sectionally and longitudinally.  相似文献   

We examine how buyers’ behaviors, sellers’ profits and the social welfare (the total surplus of all sellers and buyers) vary with the order of sellers in sequential auctions where sellers have different reservation values. First, when reserve prices are exogenously set to be sellers’ reservation values, a social planner would order sellers from low to high based on their reservation values, which yields a uniquely efficient order that maximizes the social welfare. However, an auctioneer charged with maximizing the total profit of all sellers would want to reverse the increasing order in certain situations. Second, when reserve prices can be endogenously selected in addition to the order of sellers, the auctioneer would always want to adopt the increasing order for the optimally chosen reserve prices. Sequential auctions with optimally chosen reserve prices and an increasing order are shown optimal among the class of voluntary and incentive-compatible mechanisms.  相似文献   

李诗珍 《物流技术》2006,(7):36-38,84
简述了单品拣货作业的基本方法,以设定的拣货系统为例.介绍了8种低成本的单品拣货模式,为配送中心拣货系统的设计和选择合适的单品拣货模式提供依据。  相似文献   

Prior research into the birth order of entrepreneurs has supported the commonly held belief that entrepreneurs tend to be first–born children. Traditional birth–order theory and our research question this belief and its supporting research for three fundamental reasons. First, conceptually, birth order does not facilitate the prediction of entrepreneurial tendencies nor does it enable us to influence an individual in the direction of entrepreneurial pursuits, two basic goals of social science theory and research. Second, conclusions from research on entrepreneurs and birth order are inconsistent with and do not support the predictions of traditional birth–order theory. Finally, birth–order research in the area of entrepreneurship has been plagued by poor methodological control of intervening variables such as family size, socio–economic level, and education levels. An empirical test using the necessary methodological controls was conducted. As hypothesized, no relationship was found between entrepreneurship and birth order.  相似文献   

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