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Managing the global supply base through purchasing portfolio management   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
‘How to source globally’ has become a critical strategic decision for companies competing on a global basis. Despite an increased focus on global sourcing and supply chain management, little is known about the challenges and solutions surrounding such sourcing practices. Extant literature points at the critical importance of developing and sharing knowledge in multinational companies (MNCs). However, little work has been undertaken to examine the organizational mechanisms used by MNC headquarters for knowledge leveraging across subsidiaries, especially in the area of purchasing and supply management. Based on an in-depth case study, focusing on a chemical company, the actual buying systems for managing the global supply base are explored. Kraljic's purchasing portfolio approach appears useful, both for developing effective purchasing strategies as well as for managing a global supply base.  相似文献   

Kraljic's purchasing portfolio approach has inspired many academics to undertake further research into purchasing portfolio models. Refined models typically recommend one purchasing strategy for each portfolio quadrant. Yet, it has been shown that purchasers make a clear distinction between alternative purchasing strategies within each quadrant. The fundamental assumption of portfolio models seems to be that differences in power and dependence between buyers and suppliers exist. Still, little is known about how these concepts influence the choice for a specific purchasing strategy. In this paper, ‘relative power’ and ‘total interdependence’ for a number of portfolio-based purchasing strategies have been quantified empirically, using data from a comprehensive survey among Dutch purchasing professionals. The survey data largely confirmed the hypotheses that were deduced from the literature.  相似文献   

Project selection problems are inherently complex problems with multiple and often conflicting objectives. The complexity of project selection problems is due to the high number of projects from which a subset (portfolio) has to be chosen. Various analytical methods, ranging from the simple weighted sum to complex mathematical programming have been proposed to solving these problems. We propose an integrated approach for strategic and sustainable project portfolio selection, which is composed of two distinct but interrelated modules. In the first module, we use the strategic planning and sustainability concepts to select a set of promising projects. In the second module, we use a project portfolio selection procedure to choose among the promising projects identified in the first module. A structural equation model is used to analyze and explain the relationships among different factors in the proposed framework. More specifically, we investigate the effects of: (1) strategic level performance on sustainability, post‐implementation, and overall performance; (2) implementation performance on post‐implementation and overall performance; (3) portfolio selection performance on implementation and overall performance; and (4) post‐implementation performance on overall performance. A case study in investment banking is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed model and exhibit the efficacy of the procedures and algorithms.  相似文献   

Purchasing competence, the level of strategic integration and alignment, is a key determinant of the purchasing function's impact on overall corporate success. Previous research has revealed that the implementation of a mature purchasing performance measurement system (PPMS) can be a means to attain a high level of functional strategic integration. In this research, we develop five propositions on how PPMS should be designed to facilitate strategic integration. We challenge these propositions using data gathered from four case studies with German companies from different industrial sectors. While each of these companies pursues multiple strategic objectives within Purchasing, the PPMSs designs focus heavily on cost-related strategy and performance dimensions. Thus, our findings indicate the need to develop PPMS schemes allowing a direct linkage between financial performance and non-financial performance measures in order to incentivize the desired multiple strategic goals beyond periodical cost reduction. Moreover, such measurement systems need to be adapted at the category level of purchasing practices to obtain the desired level of pre-defined strategic performance dimensions. Hence, the level of purchasing competence is determined at category level and a PPMS must transform strategy into measurable goals at this level.  相似文献   

Strategic sourcing has long been utilized by organizations to maximize budget efficiency. The process includes a spend analysis, which historically has been performed by identifying the commodities and services purchased that resulted in the greatest spend, and establishing contracts with suppliers for these items in an effort to decrease the overall price through quantity discounts. This process restricts the data used in the spend analysis process to basic transactional information, and has not considered corporate social responsibility objectives as part of the strategic sourcing process. This paper modifies an existing spend analysis process framework, and applies the framework in a case study that uses additional data points to identify opportunities that allow an organization to simultaneously achieve both strategic purchasing and social responsibility objectives. The case study uses healthcare purchasing data from eight Department of Veterans Affairs medical centers. The goal of the model generated using regression analysis in the case study is to determine the buy characteristics that are most likely to generate mandated savings within the medical centers, in conjunction with achieving sustainability goals. The extensions of the regression model were examined to determine how collaborative buyer/supplier relationships can achieve organizational strategic objectives.  相似文献   

Little or no attempt has been made to integrate the tools of financial investment appraisal with that of corporate strategy, despite the centrality of both of these disciplines in corporate resource allocation. This paper offers one approach which sets out, through a computer model, to explore the location of DCF values on a strategic portfolio matrix. The modelling took the BCG matrix as the basis of its text together with BCG's own assumption. It was found that the resulting DCF contours suggests a different emphasis compared with BCG's investment advice based on the matrix. The authors do not pretend, however, that the model provided is an immediate, more rigorous, solution to practical strategic analysis. Nor do they argue that the BCG advice may not be appropriate under a wider set of assumptions. The model is offered as suggesting one direction in which work might be conducted in order to link financial investment appraisal with strategic analysis portfolios in order gradually to convert the very general advice usually offered by the use of such matrices to a more precise form.  相似文献   

A portfolio approach in the e-purchasing of materials   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
By improving the procurement process purchasing departments are becoming more and more strategic in order to increase overall companies performances. In the last years, web-based tools have effectively supported this trend by offering to buyers useful tools in order to help their activities. Purchasing departments have now to choose the right tool for the right purchase in the right supply market; for this reason it is important for them to adopt a portfolio approach exploiting all the different solutions offered by the technology according to the different situations.In this perspective, this paper identifies four most common purchasing approaches adopted by companies, which drivers are considered to choose among these, and which level of performances companies achieve through the identified approaches.Empirical evidence is based on a survey research involving 162 US companies.  相似文献   

文中首先阐述了战略采购定义和内涵、战略采购对企业战略实施的价值,然后通过分析我国企业战略采购存在问题,提出了实施企业战略采购的对策建议。战略采购对企业采购具有重要的意义,要做好战略采购,建议从采购计划、供应商的选择和管理、采购组织和业务流程重组、战略采购目标管理体系构建等方面着手实施。  相似文献   

Information technology (IT) purchasing is covering an increasing part of companies’ expenditure. Scholars mainly investigated IT purchasing in terms of make or buy drivers from an IT perspective. Similarly, companies have been focusing on make or buy decisions and specifications definition in relation to technological characteristics. This often resulted in failures related to the goods/services purchased due to e.g. lack of negotiation skills, contracting, and suppliers’ relationship management. Accordingly, IT purchasing might require new structures and processes management.The purpose of the paper is to investigate what are the possible configurations for IT purchasing, and how these configurations are characterized in terms of purchasing process (i.e., strategic purchasing, sourcing and supply) and organization (i.e., roles involved, level of centralization, and span of control). Furthermore, the paper asks how IT relevance and purchasing maturity might affect these configurations. Through 12 case studies of leading international companies, four main configurations of the organization and the purchasing process for IT purchasing were identified, namely neutral (no specific approach is in place), IT oriented (the IT department takes the lead over the purchasing department), purchasing oriented (the purchasing department manages the whole IT sourcing process) and IT strategic (IT and purchasing departments jointly manage the IT purchasing process). The choice of the configuration is driven by IT strategic importance (low for neutral and purchasing oriented) and purchasing maturity of the company (low for neutral and IT oriented).  相似文献   

Purchasing groups were first created in the healthcare sector, which has faced unprecedented challenges in terms of cost control for over two decades. Purchasing groups are indeed supposed to generate additional savings and more efficient purchasing processes. However, although various aspects of purchasing groups have been studied since the early 2000s, both their performance measurement and the influence that this measurement has on inter-organizational dynamics have been neglected. In purchasing groups, the dynamics between the group itself and its members often results in tensions between both parties. Performance measurement within purchasing groups could alleviate those tensions, since “objective” data could then be used to improve communication.Based on a case study, this research sheds light on performance measurement in a purchasing group, on the dynamics between the group and its members, and on the interaction between performance measurement and inter-organizational dynamics. Results indicate that measuring performance impacts the dynamics between both parties, but that the relationship is also the other way around, and that the inter-organizational dynamics is quite complex. In addition, this paper proposes a framework summarizing the research findings.  相似文献   

Recently Ramsay (Eur. J. Purchasing Supply Manage. 7 (4) (2001) 257) applied the resource-based view of the firm (RBV) to argue that purchasing is a largely irrelevant activity from a strategic management point of view. In this paper it is argued to the contrary since there is a wider theoretical base underlying strategic management, more recent developments in the RBV suggest that purchasing is indeed a strategic activity, and much empirical evidence demonstrates that purchasing and supply management contribute to sustainable competitive advantage. A systematic set of criteria is then put forward, which helps purchasing management researchers to assess whether studied phenomena have strategic impact.  相似文献   

The competitive advantage purchasing provides has been debated for decades. For a novel perspective we derive a theoretical framework grounded in the knowledge-based view in order to examine how purchasing knowledge and purchasing integration impact cost and strategic performance. The derived hypotheses are tested based on extensive secondary data from a large European multinational utility company. The 179 studied ‘purchasing-internal client relationships’ contain real contracted savings data and internal client ratings of purchasing knowledge, purchasing integration and strategic purchasing performance. We show that purchasing knowledge is a major antecedent for both savings and strategic purchasing performance. This effect is further amplified by purchasing integration. With this study, we extend the understanding of the purchasing knowledge–performance link. We conclude that purchasing knowledge becomes particularly valuable when combined with other functions' processes through purchasing integration. This causal chain is also supported through general knowledge-based view theory. Moreover, we provide numerical evidence of the value of knowledge creation and integration processes to purchasing professionals in our managerial implications based on results obtained from actual purchasing savings data.  相似文献   

在分析利用期权合约规避价格波动风险的原理的基础上,分别给出存货购销两个环节中可以运用的期权策略,然后利用均值方差模型计算使投资组合达到效用最大化时所对应的最优期权合约交易量及其对经营利润的影响,研究发现:在存货采购环节,企业可以通过购入看涨期权、购入看涨期权同时售出看跌期权两种策略控制采购价格波动的风险,在存货销售环节,企业可以通过购入看跌期权、同时购入看跌期权并售出看涨期权两种策略来稳定销售利润;从最优期权合约交易量及其对企业经营利润的影响来看,期权工具在控制存货采购价格、稳定销售利润中可以发挥良好作用。  相似文献   

The Balanced Scorecard (BSC), as a strategic management and control tool with an integrated set of leading and lagging performance measures, can secure successful implementation of purchasing strategies. However, the quality of the BSC itself as well as the effectiveness of the process to set up, implement, and use the BSC are crucial. Recognizing the growing importance of the purchasing-BSC (P-BSC) combined with the problems companies are facing, the authors emphasize the necessity for a better management process for purchasing strategies, introduce the P-BSC concept as a means to improve implementation success, and study the main barriers companies are facing when they initiate and use P-BSCs. This study and the recommendations how to overcome these barriers are based on seven in-depth case studies which derived from an action research project with European multinational firms.  相似文献   

A number of authors within business marketing and purchasing, have stressed that the heterogeneity of relationships in customer and supplier portfolios are a source of managerial problems and opportunities. This paper looks at the use and development of firms’ capabilities in the context of relationship portfolios. Two case studies about producers of moulds are used to illustrate how their contrasting trajectories in terms of degree of specialisation can be related to the variety found and sought in their portfolios of relationships. Our study suggests that portfolio interdependencies are best understood in the context of the development of idiosyncratic capabilities, which include interpretations and experiences in using and influencing that variety.  相似文献   

Governments sometimes impose restrictions on local investors which effectively prevent them from purchasing overseas equities. Reasons for doing this, from the government's point of view, would include increasing the availability of risk capital to local companies and lowering its costs. The paper analyses this argument in terms of modern portfolio theory. It is shown that, under certain circumstances, domestic equities and overseas equities may be complements rather than substitutes. In this case the effect of the restrictions would be to lower prices on the domestic stock exchange and to raise the cost of risk capital to local companies. Indications are given of the circumstances in which this effect is likely to occur. Policy makers who are not aware of the risk-spreading motives which underly much international portfolio investment in equities are likely to overstimate the benefits to local industry from forcing local equity investors to keep their funds at home.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of how purchasing managers can develop the purchasing department's legitimacy within an organization. A qualitative exploratory approach based on six cases has been used since: (1) there has not yet been a research performed on this topic; and (2) an analysis of internal legitimization strategies must take into consideration the context and the nature of the relationships among departments. Our analysis shows that in order to create, maintain or increase the purchasing department's internal legitimacy, purchasing managers have to do very well about two complementary strategic orientations: (1) identify and attract the best suppliers; (2) identify and implement collaborative processes and coordination mechanisms that cannot be duplicated by competitors. In fact, supply managers actually develop legitimization strategies based internally and externally, since a higher level of internal legitimacy can also be supported partially by external stakeholders, who then influence the other departments' and top management's perceptions.Our study also shows that the strategies used by purchasing managers take different forms depending which legitimacy dimension (cognitive, pragmatic, or moral legitimacy) they are trying to influence. Moreover, a purchasing department's legitimacy strategy is developed based on a few important factors: (1) where the purchasing department stands at a given time in terms of the contribution perceived, similar to a "balance sheet" evaluation; (2) the purchasing personnel's technical and relational competencies; and (3) the extent of their implication in the strategic choices leading to the development of a competitive advantage for the organization they work for. It seems that any effort to take steps based on coherent legitimization strategies could help improve both a purchasing department's legitimacy level and its development level. From this standpoint, this study also shows that the purchasing department's internal legitimacy is a crucial driver of purchasing practices.  相似文献   

Five potential drivers of green supply management performance were identified in the literature review: green supply management capabilities, the strategic level of the purchasing department, the level of environmental commitment, the degree of green supplier assessment, and the degree of green collaboration with suppliers. These constructs were used to form a structural model explaining the environmental performance and the purchasing performance. The model was analysed with SmartPLS 2.0 using data collected among German purchasers. The results suggest that the degree of green supplier assessment and the level of green collaboration exert direct influence on environmental performance. These two practices are driven by the strategic level of the purchasing department and the level of environmental commitment of the firm. Whereas commitment influences green assessment directly, the impact of commitment on green collaboration is mediated by the capabilities of the purchasing department. Furthermore, the results show that environmental performance has a positive impact on purchasing performance.  相似文献   

The covariance matrix plays a crucial role in portfolio optimization problems as the risk and correlation measure of asset returns. An improved estimation of the covariance matrix can enhance the performance of the portfolio. In this paper, based on the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix, a Stein-type shrinkage strategy for portfolio weights is constructed under the mean-variance framework. Furthermore, according to the agent’s maximum expected utility value, a portfolio selection strategy is proposed. Finally, simulation experiments and an empirical study are used to test the feasibility of the proposed strategy. The numerical results show our portfolio strategy performs satisfactorily.  相似文献   

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