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Agency Costs, Risk Management, and Capital Structure   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The joint determination of capital structure and investment risk is examined. Optimal capital structure reflects both the tax advantages of debt less default costs (Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1963)), and the agency costs resulting from asset substitution (Jensen and Meckling (1976)). Agency costs restrict leverage and debt maturity and increase yield spreads, but their importance is small for the range of environments considered. Risk management is also examined. Hedging permits greater leverage. Even when a firm cannot precommit to hedging, it will still do so. Surprisingly, hedging benefits often are greater when agency costs are low.  相似文献   

In a recent JACF article, Prakash Shimpi proposed a new way of calculating a firm's cost of capital that incorporated a concept of "risk capital" as well as operational capital. The premise of the Shimpi approach was that purchasing hedging instruments effectively "releases" equity that is no longer needed to ensure the firm's creditworthiness.
This article shows that Shimpi's cost of capital calculations incorporate this released equity in a misleading way, exaggerating the capital base and underestimating its true cost. It also demonstrates how conventional cost of capital approaches can be modified to integrate risk capital, thereby avoiding such distortions and accurately representing the cost of capital of a company with a policy of active risk management.  相似文献   

The role of risk in the capital structure decision of firms is a vast topic in finance. Commonly, models of the interrelationship between risk and capital enumerate as many risk factors as possible by appropriate proxies, with the goal of detailing their individual effects. In this study of the life insurance industry for 1994 through 2000, we take a broader, holistic view of enterprise risk, identifying two groups of insurer risk factors that arise from the major activities of life insurers: investing and underwriting. We call the group of risk factors associated with investing asset risk, and the group associated with underwriting product risk. After specifying other important determinants of capital structure as controls, we allow all other risk factors to find expression in residual error. Within this framework, our focus is to compare two candidate measures for the role of proxy for asset‐related risks. One measure, called regulatory asset risk (RAR), derives from the regulatory tradition of concern with solvency and is related to the C‐1 component of risk‐based capital. The other measure, called opportunity asset risk (OAR), is motivated by traditional finance concerns with market risk and reflects volatility of returns. Product‐related risks are proxied by underwriting exposures in different product lines. We employ structural equation modeling (SEM), which uses longitudinal factor analysis. SEM is an innovative technique for such studies, in dealing effectively with multiple structural equations, autocorrelated panel data, unobserved underlying factors, and other issues that are not simultaneously addressed in other methodologies. We find that RAR and OAR are not equivalent proxies for asset risks. Although overlapping to some extent, each illuminates different aspects of the asset risk–capital interrelationship. In particular, RAR does not seem to affect the capital structure decision of small firms, although OAR does. We interpret this to suggest that small firms as a whole are not as sensitive in their capital decisions to the proxy of regulatory concerns as to the proxy of market opportunity. This contrasts with large insurers, for whom both RAR and OAR have significant effects on capital that comport with the finite risk hypothesis. More detailed analysis suggests that the lack of effect of RAR for small insurers may result from RAR's proxying some factors that induce finite risk for part of the small insurer sample, and other factors that favor the excessive risk hypothesis.  相似文献   

In a corporate agency problem, perquisites and risk interact to produce novel, complex comparative statics. For example, even if additional debt induces risk-neutral insiders to increase risk, they never seek to increase the market value of their stock; instead, insiders decrease the present value of their subsequent, conditionally optimal perquisites. Also, the firm's optimal capital structure includes a risky bond with an agreement to remove insiders whenever the bond defaults. However, the optimal sharing rule between corporate claimants cannot be supported solely by standard securities such as bonds, stocks, options, and their hybrids.  相似文献   

In empirical research related to the property-casualty insurance industry, studies commonly focus on either insurers or reinsurers. However, in many cases, the definition used to make the distinction between the two groups is often not clearly defined and/or the definition varies across studies. This variation could result in a substantially different group of firms being included or excluded from the study, thereby affecting the empirical results obtained. This study builds upon Chen and Hamwi , who compare the performance of U.S. insurers and reinsurers. The objective of the study is fourfold: (1) to compare the definitions of insurer and reinsurer commonly used in prior research to identify differences, (2) to expand upon the traditional methods of classifying insurers and reinsurers, (3) to compare the individual firm-level characteristics of insurers and reinsurers to detect potential variation across categories and across definitions, and (4) to analyze the impact of different definitions on the results of multivariate analyses exploring common research questions. The univariate results indicate that there are some variations in the characteristics of the firms based on the categorization of insurers and reinsurers arising from different definitions. In addition, we find that there are significant differences in the regression results when comparing models based on various definitions of reinsurers utilized in prior research and when professional reinsurers and incidental reinsurers are grouped together. As such, it is possible that the definition used to include or exclude reinsurers from the sample can impact the results.  相似文献   

货币政策、信贷渠道与资本结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马文超  胡思玥 《会计研究》2012,(11):39-48,94,95
我国金融市场以银行体系为主,在企业融资研究中,考察货币政策的影响具有重要的现实意义。依据"信贷观"下的贷款渠道及信贷配给理论,分析表明,当货币政策变化影响到信贷供给时,未受约束企业的资本结构在政策紧缩时受影响较小,而受约束企业的杠杆率随着政策的紧缩(宽松)而减小(增大)。考察我国2003-2009年的非金融类上市公司的资本结构,在政策紧缩时经验证据与理论分析一致;但在政策宽松时资本结构的调整与"信贷观"并不一致,受约束企业的杠杆仍然较小,未受约束企业的权益及债务均较大。研究结论对于解释我国货币政策效应及企业融资决策,改进金融监管均具有重要的借鉴。  相似文献   

资本结构也就是财产所有权的结构安排,而财产所有权往往最终与收益权对应,所以资本结构又牵系着产权安排,或者说资本结构决定了产权安排结构。这样作为股权资本与债券资本比例关系的资本结构,反映的是市场经济条件下企业的金融关系,即以资本和信用为纽带,通过投资与借贷构成的股东、债权人和经营者之间相互制约的利益关系。  相似文献   

A risk‐averse manager's overconfidence makes him less conservative. As a result, it is cheaper for firms to motivate him to pursue valuable risky projects. When compensation endogenously adjusts to reflect outside opportunities, moderate levels of overconfidence lead firms to offer the manager flatter compensation contracts that make him better off. Overconfident managers are also more attractive to firms than their rational counterparts because overconfidence commits them to exert effort to learn about projects. Still, too much overconfidence is detrimental to the manager since it leads him to accept highly convex compensation contracts that expose him to excessive risk.  相似文献   

This study examines effects of pertinent features of hospital capital payment policies on hospital capital structure decisions in a one-period stochastic, value-maximization model. Separate models are developed for for-profit and not-for-profit hospitals. Hospital debt-to-assets ratios are analyzed empirically using a cross-section of data from the American Hospital Association. Although the effect on capital structure of hospital reliance on cost-based reimbursement cannot be signed theoretically, in both for-profit and not-for-profit cases, a higher cost-based share leads to higher leverage. Factors associated with high bankruptcy risk (e.g., earnings volatility) cause hospitals to take on less debt.  相似文献   

Estimating the Cost of Equity Capital for Property-Liability Insurers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents new evidence on the cost of equity capital by line of insurance for the property‐liability insurance industry. To do so we obtain firm beta estimates and then use the full‐information industry beta (FIB) methodology to decompose the cost of capital by line. We obtain full‐information beta estimates using the standard one‐factor capital asset pricing model and extend the FIB methodology to incorporate the Fama–French three‐factor cost of capital model. The analysis suggests the cost of capital for insurers using the Fama–French model is significantly higher than the estimates based upon the CAPM. In addition, we find evidence of significant differences in the cost of equity capital across lines.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the effect of capital regulation on the risk taking behavior of commercial banks. We first theoretically show that capital regulation works differently in different market structures of banking sectors. In lowly concentrated markets, capital regulation is effective in mitigating risk taking behavior because banks’ franchise values are low and banks have incentives to pursue risky strategies in order to increase their franchise values. If franchise values are high, on the other hand, the effect of capital regulation on bank risk taking is ambiguous. We then test the model predictions on a cross-country sample including 421 commercial banks from 61 countries. We find that capital regulation is effective in mitigating risk taking only in markets with a low degree of concentration. The results remain robust after accounting for financial sector development, legal system efficiency, and for other country and bank-specific characteristics.  相似文献   

While discounted cash flow techniques, such as net present value, are the primary normative models of capital budgeting recommended by finance theory, our survey suggests that one of the so-called ‘naive methods’, the payback (PB) criterion, is widely used in practice. About 85% of the responding firms make some use of the payback criterion. Almost 50% of the responding firms indicate that the payback method plays a relatively important role in capital budgeting decisions, and the degree of the importance varies among firms. This study uses path analysis to empirically identify links between the use of payback and management compensation contracts. Controlling for uncertainty in estimating future cash flows and firm size, we find that the use of the payback method is positively related to the degree to which management compensation depends on accounting earnings. Furthermore, this study finds two indirect links between management compensation and the use of payback. The more management compensation depends on accounting earnings: the more important management perceives the earnings objective and, consequently, the greater the use of the payback method; and the less important management perceives the shareholder wealth objective and, consequently, the greater the use of the payback method. We conclude that owner-management conflict and management's self-interest behaviour induced by employment contracts are factors that promote the use of payback method.  相似文献   

This study finds shortcomings in empirical tests of the capital structure irrelevance hypothesis. The alternative hypothesis is that firms choose value maximizing mixes of debt and equity on account of bankruptcy costs and the tax deductibility of interest payments. Based upon the cross-sectional implications of the tax shelter-bankruptcy cost hypothesis, an alternative test of the irrelevance hypothesis is performed. The test examines the relationship between failure rates and leverage ratios for 36 lines of business. The results are inconsistent with the irrelevance hypothesis.  相似文献   

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