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A formal model of the development process is constructed in order to arrive at a better understanding of the land development process, the change in land prices over time, and the effects of public policy on these variables. The relationship between the rate of interest and the rate of price appreciation on land is shown to depend upon development costs, agricultural opportunity costs, market structure, and the level of Ricardian rents on land. The effects of a land tax and a capital gains tax on the rate of development are also analyzed.  相似文献   

C A Nelson  J R Wolch 《Socio》1985,19(3):205-212
Small community-based residential facilities have increasingly supplanted large-scale institutions as treatment settings for mentally and physically disabled, indigent, elderly and ex-offender populations in the United States. Because the intrametropolitan assignment of these service-dependent populations and their community care facilities has not been purposively planned, most facilities and clients have clustered in inner cities, resulting in the formation of service-dependent population ghettos. This paper outlines a goals programming approach to the client/facility assignment problem. The model provides a basis for an intrametropolitan distribution of residential service facilities that balances equity and efficiency goals and that protects both client and community rights. A regional fair-share plan that incorporates negotiation and arbitration techniques is offered as an institutional mechanism for implementing the goals programming framework.  相似文献   

城市居住空间分异与住区规划应对策略   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
针对当前我国大城市开始出现的不同收入阶层居住空间分异的趋势 ,从理论上分析了居住空间分异现象产生的机制 ,并对这一现象引发的社会效果进行了分析 ,从城市住区规划的角度提出了若干应对策略  相似文献   

An efficient land use is one in which land is divided between residential activity and roads so as to minimize aggregate transportation costs. We analyze such an allocation for the case in which each consumer is in equilibrium. The problem synthesizes the approaches in the Mills-de Ferranti analysis and the Solow analysis. In Solow's analysis consumers were in equilibrium but land was allocated by rule of thumb; in that of Mills and de Ferranti land was efficiently allocated in aggregate but each consumer was allocated a fixed area for his residence. Our efficient allocation has a Nash equilibirum characterization. The efficient land allocation is characterized by declining convex functions of distance from the CBD for density on roads and for land rents. The nature of the pattern of land in road use is investigated.  相似文献   

文章把网络计划管理运用在采矿实际生产实践中,并结合相关软件进行运算,确定好生产工程的最早开始时间、最迟开始时间和总时差,计算出了工程的关键路径。  相似文献   

This paper decomposes the growth in land occupied by residences in the United States to give the relative contributions of changing demographics versus changes in residential land per household. Between 1976 and 1992 the amount of residential land in the United States grew 47.7% while population only grew 17.8%. At first glance, this suggest an important role for per-household increases. However, the calculations in this paper show that only 24.5% of the growth in residential land area can be attributed to state-level changes in land per household. 37.3% is due to overall population growth, 22.6% to an increase in the number of households over this period, 6% to the shift of population towards states with larger houses, and the remaining 9.6% to interactions between these changes. There are large differences across states and metropolitan areas in the relative importance of these components.  相似文献   

针对如何编制居住区的绿地规划,文章总结了多年的工作实践,提出编制居住区绿地规划时应注意绿地的基本要求、类型、布置方式及空间组织。  相似文献   

Richard W. Judy 《Socio》1969,2(2-4):179-199
The paper has three objectives: (1) to illustrate how systems analysis may aid university planning; (2) to display some applications of systems analysis to a specific university planning situation; and (3) to indicate how some of the difficulties of decision-making in universities pose the need for further development of systems analysis. The CAMPUS type models were employed in a major planning problem at the University of Toronto's Faculty of Medicine. The models were used to study the cost and resource implications of alternative enrolment projections, curriculum designs, research programs, and staffing policy. Results of computer-aided analyses were provided to decision-makers and committees within the Faculty. Major stress is placed on an interaction between university decision-makers and systems analysts. A number of specific results of the analysis are displayed in the paper.  相似文献   

The urban residential land rent function has been studied extensively in the field of urban economics, and the land rent function of Muth and Mills is considered to be one of the typical functional forms which is used in empirical studies. However, the model of Muth and Mills simply assumed the demand function for housing services to be a power function of income, which gives rise to a question. The main purpose of this paper is to derive an alternative form of the urban residential land rent function which is consistent with the utility maximization behavior of consumers and to discuss the estimation procedure of the derived land rent function.  相似文献   

The most valuable asset of a professional service firm is its people. Owing to the high labor turnover, staffing decision is very critical in its operations. We take engineering consultancy as a professional service and emphasize the importance of developing knowledge stock of skilled consultants in a planned manner for efficient productivity management. Our focus is management of knowledge-mix, which is the mix of consultants at different productivity levels. Our model is designed to determine the steady-state number of consultant-mix to meet demand at a desired service level. This is done through the use of control theory and chance constrained programming.   相似文献   

现行的城乡规划和管理单一强调建设用地,忽视了对整个区域起生态支撑作用的非建设用地,对城乡生态环境产生了很大的负面影响。提出应重新审视建设用地与非建设用地之间的关系,探索相应的规划思路。总结了快速城市化进程中城乡非建设用地面临的困境,并分析了其原因。在辨析城乡非建设用地的用地类型和构成要素的基础上,总结了城乡非建设用地的识别方法。最后,基于城乡一体化理论,探索了城乡非建设用地的规划框架。  相似文献   

“剪刀差”概念源于20世纪20年代前苏联的超额税,是对不合理的工农业产品价格的概括,其实质是工农业产品的不等价交换。随着我国城市化和工业化的不断推进,地价“剪刀差”这一现象开始在我国土地市场领域中出现,而且这种差异呈现不断拉大的趋势。然而,学者们较多关注的是政府廉价征地和高价出让土地之间的地价“剪刀差”现象,对不同用途土地价格的‘剪刀差”现象研究得很少。因此,对近几年我国重点城市的居住地价和工业地价的“剪刀差”现象进行一些研究,分析不同用途土地价格‘剪刀差”存在的原因并提出解决方法,很有必要。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,小城镇在规划管理和土地利用方面取得了积极进展,但仍存在一些不容忽视的问题,本文在对东部地区小城镇调研的基础上从规划管理和土地利用的角度阐述了规划与建设脱节、土地利用不合理、政府对企业的盲从以及规划管理、工业区建设和农民利益等深层次问题,并针对诸多问题提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

在对居住空间概念及其特征梳理的基础上,分析了我国城市居住空间现阶段存在的突出问题,进而从空间视角和公共政策属性两个维度探索了城市规划调控居住空间和谐、"共生"和可持续发展的策略。  相似文献   

城市规划对合理利用土地与环境资源的引导   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
如何在城市建设过程中实现土地与环境资源的合理利用,并使之始终处于经济、社会、环境协调发展的目标控制之中,城市规划的导引作用不容忽视.文章从城市规划观念与编制方法切入,提出在规划设计中建立市场意识,树立效益型环境价值观,探寻合理的规划理念与方法,实现环境有偿享用,回收环境区"外泄收益"、卸载周边"外摊成本",以合理的规划创造高价值区位;深化规划编制内容,通过阶段性公共绿地的"换位"规划,酝酿城市发展潜力,制定"未来旧城改造计划",挖潜土地价值,促进城市土地的集约利用与持续开放.  相似文献   

论述了提高住宅建筑安全性的意义.在提出生命住宅概念的基础上,提出了实施生命住宅的建议和对策,认为实施生命住宅工程,是促进人类住区可持续发展的重要基础.  相似文献   

近年来城镇居住用地价格持续高涨给地方政府带来可观收入,但其引发的弊端广泛而深远,包括助长房价高涨和贫富分化、地产投机与土地闲置、城镇化战略受阻与区域竞争力下降、虚拟经济膨胀和金融风险加大、政府行为扭曲和公共形象受损等五个方面。充分认识这些弊端的消极影响,是以科学发展观为指导,调整房地产调控思路的必要前提。  相似文献   

A city tax model based on the analytic hierarchy process is developed. This model allows city officials to explicitly take into account the existence of multiple decision criteria in selecting new tax options. Opinions from tax experts are used to relate tax plans to decision criteria. The paper explores the feasibility of applying commonly available decision tools to facilitate and improve decision making in local government.  相似文献   

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