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根据云南省地质环境信息化管理工作要求,对全省地质环境数据进行分析,结合Web GIS技术,采用B/S模式构建地质环境信息化系统,并对系统建设中的空间数据模型和数据转换关键问题进行探讨。系统由数据采集、数据转换和地质环境信息管理三部分组成,设计为应用层、业务层和数据层三层分布式体系,利用Arc Object、Arc GIS Engine及.Net Framework完成系统功能模块。  相似文献   

目前城市地质环境质量评价理论和评价方法仍处于探索阶段,并且城市地质环境信息与城市规划信息的相互传输不够.通过对城市地质调查成果的综合分析评价,解决城市地学研究与城市规划之间的信息传输问题.以杭州市为例,运用GIS技术,综合考虑了地貌类型、坡度、场地土类别、工程地质结构分区、全新世饱和软土埋深、地下水富水性、地下水咸化度、地质灾害程度等多项因子,并对评价因子赋予不同的权重,进行建设用地地质环境适宜性评价.最后,根据评价结果,探讨建设用地地质环境适宜性与城市规划发展的关系,并对项目区建设用地的优化布局提出建议.  相似文献   

研究目的:基于土地立体利用趋势,剖析秉承三维思维的产权管理,以期为土地领域的实践问题解决提供思路.研究方法:文献分析法,归纳演绎法,对比分析法.研究结果:传统土地管理不能精细化描述、界定和管理三维产权空间,需法律界定空间权利、三维宗地、立体土地一级开发、空间供应、立体相邻空间利用关系、已出让用地的空间范围和空间登记等规则;需从编制立体空间规划和优化空间管理等角度变革行政程序;需三维地籍、三维土地核查、立体可视化技术和三维管理信息系统等技术支撑.研究结论:应加快土地立体利用专门立法,优化行政审批流程,并以三维地籍为核心,开展相关技术和标准规范研究,创新三维认知理念,以推动土地立体利用及其产权管理.  相似文献   

正贵州省地质环境监测院是全省地质环境管理的技术支撑单位,实行责州省国土资源厅和责州省地矿局共管体制,履行保护地质环境、防治地质灾害职能。主要承担省内地下水(热矿水)环境、矿山地质环境、地质灾害、地质遗迹(公园)、城市地质环境与农业地质环境调查与监测,汛期地质灾害气象预报预警和地质环境信息发布,组织实施和管理地质灾害调查与区划,地质灾害防治施工项目的质量监督与检验,为政府部门编制年度地质环境公告、地质灾害防治方案、地  相似文献   

三维地籍形态分析与数据表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
研究目的:建立三维地籍模型,描述三维地籍产权体并兼容二维地籍宗地,实现不同维度土地权属的统一管理和登记。研究方法:结合中国城市发展的实例和地籍管理需求,分析三维地籍基本形态,比较各类三维空间数据模型。研究结果:提出适应三维地籍管理功能需求的三维地籍空间数据模型及其相应的数据自动组织方法和思路。研究结论:三维地籍通过地理空间坐标这个“基因”来管理不动产,为土地和房产的统一登记提供了统一的技术框架,是对现行不动产管理技术的升级和超越。  相似文献   

由于地质环境影响土地利用的功能分区、用地选择与布局,为有效避免城市土地利用中可能因地质环境导致的损失,提高中心城区土地利用规划的科学性,采用GIS和层次分析法等技术方法,在全面分析地质环境诸要素的基础上,建立了地质环境评价指标体系,并对肥城市中心城区地质环境综合质量进行了评价,分析了中心城区的土地利用适宜性,提出了针对性的规划建议。  相似文献   

地质环境是人类生活与生产活动的基础,为经济社会发展提供资源和环境支持,也是生态文明建设的重要内容。在对我国地质环境和管理工作现状进行梳理基础上,分析了地质环境工作面临的一些问题:地质灾害危害大,环境问题不容乐观,社会对地质环境认识不足,管理工作缺少专门法律,监测预警网络和标准体系建设继续加强。针对存在的问题结合当前形势,建议从法制建设、标准建设、技术提升、队伍建设、体制创新等方面推进地质环境工作。  相似文献   

文章分析比较了地质环境侵害同传统侵权行为的异同,依据《民法通则》和《环境保护法》,详细阐述了作者对地质环境侵害的概念、特点、法律责任以及处理地质环境侵害的民事法律责任适用原则的认识与思考  相似文献   

开展地质环境经济研究,是构建社会主义和谐社会的具体体现。文章从地质环境经济学的内涵、研究对象出发,提出地质灾害环境经济学作为一门新兴学科,应成为当前地质环境经济学研究的重点。并讨论了地质灾害环境经济学的研究内容,地质灾害与和谐社会的关系,建议加强地质灾害的调查、评估、预防和治理,增强和提升人们对自然的认识,提高构建社会主义和谐社会的能力。  相似文献   

土地立体利用与三维地籍   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人口和产业在城市的集聚导致城市人地矛盾日趋紧张,为了集约和节约用地,土地利用的立体化趋势越来越明显.这使得人们对土地的理解也从二维变为三维,土地三维权利和建筑物区分所有制度也逐步确立.不同的产权单元在空间上叠加,抽象的产权束在空间上的表现形态为复杂的产权簇或产权层.但传统的地籍是以地表权利为核心的,不能满足实际需求,有必要建立三维地籍.从各国的实践经验看,三维地籍的主要问题是现行法律对三维产权规定的缺位以及一些技术问题.随着我国不动产空间权利设定的进程,三维地籍的建设要从法律和技术两方面人手,逐步过渡到完全的三维形式,以满足国家(政府)层面和普通层面的需求.  相似文献   

Identifying the processes in the cadastre enables understanding the principles on which the cadastre works. Processes in cadastre define the way how the cadastre manages information and what are the prerequisites for the data to be stored in the appropriate data structure. In order to explicitly specify cadastral procedures and workflows to support their automatization, we developed a process model for Serbian cadastre. The main reason for developing the process model is to ensure the framework which will provide possible integration and interoperability with other systems outside traditional cadastral system and between cadastral subsystems themselves. The process model is based on hierarchical decomposition of two basic groups of processes: processes for changing cadastral data and processes for displaying cadastral data. Each group of processes is further decomposed step by step until the workflow of a single process is shown. The developed process model is an abstract model, i.e. it is independent of the implementation. However, in order to instantiate such process model, it is necessary to provide binding of the abstract process model to its underlying implementation. Cadastral registration of spatial units may be beneficial for activities that relay on land administration, such as taxation, spatial planning, obtaining a building permit or legalization of buildings. This relation to the processes under jurisdiction of other organizations justifies the use of cadastral process model and its implementation into SOA environment. Traditionally, cadastral processes include alphanumeric data and 2D spatial data on cadastral maps that contain 2D borders of parcels and buildings. However, recent advancements in 3D technology bring the opportunity to enhance such processes with 3D information. In particular, the aim is to extend current 2D process model to support data maintenance and transactions in the upgrade towards 3D cadastre. Therefore, these 3D data supported workflows are introduced to the process model. For the processes that include 3D information the choice has to be made which specifications will be used and how representations of 3D spatial units will be resolved. In this paper, we first develop an abstract process model of Serbian cadastre. After that, we extend the process model to include 3D information, discuss the options for using the encodings of 3D spatial units (legal spaces) and select buildingSMART openBIM IFC standard for this purpose.  相似文献   

Underground space is being considered as a sustainable development resource, especially in heavily urbanized areas such as Seoul, in Korea. However, regarding 3D underground property, uncertainties and gaps exist between cadastral system and real property registration system. In Korea, cadastral system is able to deal with only 2D surface parcel, on the contrary, real property registration system is able to register and manage legal status of 3D underground properties. The mismatch between these two systems causes various types of problems for underground properties such as a vertical boundary disputes between aboveground and underground ownerships, administrative confusion and dual-compensation problems for new underground construction, reconstruction and haphazard development for underground space due to the lack of systematic registration procedure. In order to overcome these problems, this research proposes a 3D underground cadastral data model, which is associated and integrated with classes in ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) developed by the Technical Committee 211 of the International Organization for Standardization. The proposed 3D underground cadastral data model comprises two packages: 3D underground parcel package, and 3D underground surveying and mapping package. It would support a better service for land administration by providing reliable and accurate spatial information on 3D underground property. In order to validate the proposed 3D underground cadastral data model, the prototype is developed and implemented in real-world situation for the first time. The proposed 3D underground cadastral data model can register various types of 3D underground properties including architectures such as shopping mall, public walkway, parking lot, and etc., and civil infrastructures such as subway, road, water supply, sewage, common utility tunnel, and etc. The results show that the proposed 3D underground cadastral data model could be applicable for other information system such as land valuation and taxation system, urban planning system, construction and facility management system.  相似文献   

3D cadastres aim to record, manage, and visualise spatial dimensions of volumetric legal objects in a 3D digital information environment. Definition of the geometry and topology of volumetric representations of legal objects is predicated on solid modelling approaches which are widely used in 3D modelling applications. Some solid modelling approaches are more user friendly for constructing legal objects while others enable the creation of 3D legal objects with a higher level of spatial complexity. This study aims to assess the capabilities of solid models in managing the geometry and topology of 3D legal objects with various spatial complexities. The assessment was conducted based on identification of the fundamental principles for defining geometry and topology in 3D cadastres. Various 3D legal objects with different geometric shapes were examined according to the topological principles for ensuring both internal and external validity of 3D legal objects. The identified geometric and topological principles were used to propose a new framework based on solid modelling for 3D cadastres. Our suggested framework would provide the basis for modifying land subdivision policies to adopt solid models in upgrading current cadastral systems into 3D digital environments.  相似文献   

目的 加强草原生态环境监测体系建设对于草原生态环境保护具有十分重要的意义。国际草原生态环境监测和信息服务体系建设,已经开始以数字化管理技术为切入点,实现网络化、空间化、智能控制为主的全面信息化阶段,能够提供系统的数字信息和实用的数字化产品。方法 文章通过文献综述的方法对美国、澳大利亚、欧盟等草畜业先进国家的草原生态环境监测体系现状和发展特点进行了分析。结果 通过对国外草原生态环境监测体系现状进行分析可以归纳出如下5条值得我国借鉴的经验做法:(1)从政策大局上转变养殖方式,保护生态环境;(2)构建完善的草原生态环境监测评价体系;(3)加强草原信息化体系建设;(4)设立专门的资金项目加大专业人员的培训及与科研机构的合作;(5)促进畜牧生产的可持续发展。结论 提出我国草原生态环境监测体系发展建议,对完善我国草原信息服务体系和推动我国草原畜牧业现代化、产业化进程具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Much of 3D cadastre research and development targets high valued urban land, including condominiums, apartment buildings, and office complexes. The value of the land and the economic activity generated from transactions in this urban space potentially support the cost and time spent on establishing and maintaining a 3D cadastre. Methods for data acquisition and for construction and maintenance of the 3D cadastre are also simpler in the regular and formally planned and surveyed structures of the high value urban environment. Low-income, urban areas of informal tenure and informal development, however, also need and can benefit from a land administration system supported by a 3D cadastre but are neglected in the 3D cadastre research. Mechanisms are required for quick and cost effective construction of a 3D cadastre in this type of area to support land management and regularisation procedures, and to provide security of tenure. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is one technology that may be examined to differentiate structures in densely occupied environments where limited information and limited resources must be able to be used for managing the land and also protecting informal rights.This paper initially posits the need for 3D cadastres in low-income but densely structured urban settlements. It then tests the ability of an existing LiDAR dataset together with orthoimagery, derived to be low cost so therefore having limited specifications, for capturing sufficient definition of 3D occupation in the low-income, densely structured case study area of Laventille in Trinidad and Tobago.The difficulties of manually or automatically discriminating between close and overlapping structures and boundaries are highlighted and it is found that there is still a need for adjudication and verification of boundaries on the ground, even when physical features can be discerned from the software.  相似文献   

从农业发展特性、合作社组织特性和信息化角度出发,认为合作社服务功能的影响因素包括产品特性、成员构成、经营条件、制度环境和信息化程度。通过多元回归模型进一步验证了假设。研究认为合作社应在规模产业的发展、自身机制的建立、营销人才的引进、信息化指导等方面予以优化。  相似文献   

The users' movements in the indoor environments differ based on the condition of the environments. During an indoor emergency, an efficient evacuation is required to help the users to move to the safe areas. Many types of incidents could impact the movements of users and this requires studying the behavior of the people during the evacuation. The reaction of the users to the incidents could affect the evacuation procedures and that could lead to several types of injuries or death. Each user understands and perceives the indoor environment differently and this plays a critical role in the evacuation. Furthermore, the users of the indoor environments have different rights to access the indoor spaces, which affects the movements of the users during an incident. This paper aims to support the evacuation of a building (educational building) in a crisis by using the integrated model of LADM-IndoorGML and the representation of the 3D model of the building. This research is presenting the initial assessment based on real world application. To reflect evacuation cases, we extended the conceptual model of LADM-IndoorGML to define the access rights for users of indoor environments during crisis. An evacuation exercise has been held at the Faculty of Applied Science at TU Delft to study the access rights during an incident. During the evacuation, Wi-Fi data has been collected for the users of the building for further analysis. A 3D model has been built for the Faculty of Applied Science to analyze the movement of the users. The collected data of the Wi-Fi access points have been structured and imported into the freeware database PostgreSQL/PostGIS. Furthermore, the geometry of 3D model was used to visualize the users’ movements as individuals and groups of users according to their connection to Wi-Fi access. Appropriate visualization has been created using QGIS. This paper demonstrates the entire process of analysis and visualization of users’ movements based on the Wi-Fi logs by using the extended LADM-IndoorGML. The outcome of the research has showed that the results for individual users and group users attached to the same access point differs. The study has also exhibited the importance of the time resolution on Monitoring the movements of a single user or group of users. The completed study clearly demonstrates that with the proposed extension, the integrated LADM-IndoorGML model is able to support the decision-making process during an incident in educational building.  相似文献   

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