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广告是通过说服来影响人们消费态度改变的,青少年是消费市场上庞大的生力军,他们深受流行文化的影响,流行文化左右着他们生活的方方面面,巧用流行文化,提高广告对青少年消费者的说服效果,这是每个广告人应该重视的.  相似文献   

广告传播与消费文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汤志耘 《中国广告》2007,(4):148-151
文章认为广告传播的深层目的乃推行消费文化,并提出了广告推行消费文化的途径:广告把商品使用价值转化为符号价值,借助符号价值使消费者仿佛“生活在别处”,消费者变得消极和顺从,成为沉默的“大多数”,被广告控制操纵,消费文化形成。在推行消费文化的过程中,广告和大众传媒合谋。跨文化传播中,广告推行消费文化的深层目的不变,表现出多样性。  相似文献   

王毅  杨欣  阚迪 《消费导刊》2012,(4):2-2,6
在当今社会,广告和消费涉及每一个人,广告是人们无法忽视的营销手段,它在人们的消费决策中扮演着日益重要的角色。广告引导着人们的消费,同时,广告也反映出人们消费意识的发展变化。本文以中国消费者的饮食消费为例,解析广告如何反映出消费者饮食消费意识的转变,在引导消费的同时,满足人们的日益增长的心理及文化需求  相似文献   

设计一则广告只有针对消费者的心理需求,想消费者之所想,才能赢得广大消费者的青睐。企业若想在竞争中取胜,先得征服消费者;欲要征服消费者,必先征服消费者的心。人的心理活动直接支配着消费者的购买行为,怎样使消费者的心理活动变为消费行为呢?在商品所有其他因素相同的情况下,以及商品品牌相差无几时,究竟是什么令广告“说服”了顾客?本文试图通过顾客心理特征及其范例的分析,阐述广告对消费者消费心理的影响机制及原理。  相似文献   

情感消费时代的到来使许多商家越来越注意情感营销的作用,情感广告是说服消费者购买商品的一种方式。文章从情感广告的定义谈起,通过对成功情感广告和异议情感广告的分析,归纳出进行情感广告创意应注意的要点。  相似文献   

<正> 消费过程,实际上是个心理过程。要成功地传递广告信息,首先必须使广告内容能刺激消费者的视觉,这就是所谓的"攻眼"。而引起注意只是广告成功的手段,完成"攻眼"及"攻心"的过程才能打动消费者。广告又是一门说服艺术,在了解消费者购买动机形成的心理过程的基础上,进行有效的广告说服——"攻心"。一、攻眼——引起受众注意如何使消费者注意广告?捉住其"眼睛"和"耳朵"是广告的第一步。引起注意是广告成功的起点。  相似文献   

广告,从商业经营的角度看,是一种商品经销活动或方式、手段。为了达到这个目的,广告必须要能吸引消费者,并最终说服消费者,否则广告就没有效果,因此现代广告人都在谈"创意"、研究"创意",即一种说服消费者的方法。我们知道,无论是现在,还是从广告一产生开始,广告就从来没有,也不可能离开传播媒体——非大众的和大众的,这实际上已经清楚地告诉我们,广告是一种信息,也就是说广告尽管从  相似文献   

浅议广告的诉求方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广告犹如孔雀开屏,要把商品最美丽的一面展现给消费者.那么什么样的广告才是好广告?什么样的广告诉求才是有效的广告诉求?广告诉求就是广告与消费者的沟通,是广告说服消费者接受广告所宣传的产品或服务的一种说服策略.要使广告达到有效的诉求目的,就必须明确诉求对象("对谁说")、诉求信息("说什么")和诉求方式("怎么说").因此,广告诉求方式如果具有科学性、逻辑性和鼓动性,就能产生巨大的市场冲击力.在实际运用中,广告诉求方式主要有以下三种:  相似文献   

<正>人与人交往需要“谈资”,有共同的话题,才能聊在一起。消费是现代人生活必不可少的一部分,广告就免不了进入日常谈资之中,一代又一代的消费者更替,广告是他们必不可少的记忆。随着移动互联网时代的到来,人与人的交往有很大一部分从线下转到线上。在社交氛围浓厚的微信朋友圈中,用户以广告为“谈资”开展线上社交活动,他们在共同出现的朋友圈广告下面追赞和相互评论,甚至越“扯”越远。此时,广告作为用户在朋友圈开展社交互动载体的功能,甚至大于广告自身的说服功能。  相似文献   

广告表现的诸多手法中,“意识形态”算是最有渗透力的一种形式。它通常以个性化的语言表现与抓人眼球的视觉冲击力呈现在消费者的面前。它不会告诉消费者,我的产品质量好,性价比高,但却在传达一种精神意志上的理念,在无形中渗透进消费者的思维意识中去,从而占据至高无上的消费心理地位。“我不交朋友只交死党;我不追流行让流行追我。“我不要两个人的世界,我要全世界!——麦斯威尔”。当人们不仅在消费选择上更在价值观念和生活方式上依赖意识形态广告的时候,此时广告所代表的就不再是产品和消费,而是一种无形的霸权和专制。而这种专制的霸…  相似文献   

旅游广告宣传及其对旅游动机影响分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
杨延风  刘啸  马瑛 《商业研究》2006,(3):203-206
旅游业作为21世纪一大产业,越来越受到各国和各地区的重视。旅游产品以无形服务为核心,其产品质量不能像有形实物那样可以在购买前加以判别,其价值、质量的鉴定只能由旅游者购买之后做出辨别。而旅游动机具有易变性、依附性、追求时尚性等特点,这一切都决定了旅游与广告有着天然良好的切入点。  相似文献   

This exploratory research investigates the relationship between the degree of westernization of urban consumers in India and their perceptions toward American origin print advertisements versus print advertisements of Indian origin of the same products. The study also explores the relationship between the advertising perceptions and the behavioral intention to buy the advertised product. The results indicate that the educated, middle-class, urban respondents, irrespective of their degree of westernization, seem to like both the Indian as well as the American advertisements. The findings seem to favor the case of standardization of advertising messages. The results also indicate that there is a positive relationship between the attitude towards the advertisement (Aad) and the behavioral intention to buy (BIB) the advertised product.  相似文献   


Matte surfaces, that is, those that are dull or lusterless not glossy and shiny, are a current trend in packaging. But does packaging surface affect what consumers think about the product inside it? We focus on consumers’ perception of packaged food products at the point of sale. Using three experiments, we show that food in matte packaging can be perceived as more natural. Notably, the effect of matte packaging only holds for rather artificial products. When matte packaging increases perceptions of product naturalness, consumers also expect the product to be tastier and are more likely to buy it.


Copy-testing methods must be both valid and informative if they are to assist in the selection and revision of advertising content. Current methods often fail to fulfil one or both of these requirements. Tests are likely to be valid when they measure purchase behaviour in natural settings using completed advertisements. Such market tests are valuable for choosing between alternative copy but at this stage they are often made too late to be of help in modifying advertisement content. Some tests based on responses to the advertisement appear to be informative but fail to predict purchase or purchase intention. Theories of advertising effect are reviewed. Whether advertisements work informatively, through persuasion or through post-purchase reinforcement, it is likely that intention to buy will indicate advertising effectiveness better than other subjective criteria will. A method of belief analysis is proposed, based on attitude-behaviour theory. In this procedure, intention to buy is used to predict purchase, and measures of beliefs about purchase are used to reveal the likely determinants of purchase intention. Experimental tests show which purchase-related beliefs change when potential consumers are exposed to product information via storyboards, videotapes, group discussion, product presentation or completed commercials. This method identifies the relevant factors most closely related to buying intention and measures their potential for change.  相似文献   


In this paper, we show that individuals’ self-regulatory focus and imagery processing affect the persuasiveness of metaphorical advertisements. Study 1 show that metaphorical advertisements enhance persuasion only among individuals who are promotion focussed. They attenuate brand evaluation among prevention-focussed individuals. In Study 2, a regulatory fit between message frame and regulatory focus results in more favourable brand evaluations only among promotion-focussed individuals when a promotion-framed metaphorical advertisement is presented. In Study 3, the level of imagery processing mediates the interaction effect of metaphorical advertisements and regulatory focus on brand evaluation. Study 4 reveals that brand evaluation is enhanced when promotion-focussed consumers view a metaphorical advertisement without interpretative cues. However, the brand evaluation of prevention-focussed consumers is enhanced when they view a metaphorical advertisement with interpretative cues.  相似文献   

This research examines how heterosexual consumers react to advertising featuring same-sex couples. Across three studies, we find that heterosexual consumers report higher levels of disgust in response to advertising featuring same-sex couples in comparison to mixed-sex couples, which results in more negative attitudes toward the advertisement and the advertised brand. We also find that moral-identity priming reduces disgust elicited by advertising featuring same-sex couples and improves attitudes toward the advertisement and the brand. However, we find that moral-identity priming is ineffective for consumers with high social dominance orientation. For these consumers, portraying same-sex couples as possessing Protestant work ethic traits decreases disgust and improves attitudes toward the advertisement and the brand.  相似文献   

Fashion advertisements with political content are unique in that they go against the accepted strategy of advertising. As fashion advertisements with political content become more prevalent, consumers’ reactions to them become an important subject of research. This study examines consumers’ attitudes towards fashion advertisements with political content with respect to fashion and political opinion leadership, political views, perception of advertisement message and product attitude. Results showed that attitude towards advertisements with political content was influenced significantly by the viewer's political views and agreement with the advertisement message, but not by political opinion leadership. Fashion opinion leadership influenced product attitude only for advertisements without political content. The viewers’ advertisement attitudes were carried over to product attitudes regardless of the presence of political message.  相似文献   

Companies are increasingly attaching more importance to sales promotion within their communication programs. The main reason for the increase in the use of promotions is their immediate effect on the consumers. However, there are some consumers that do not respond to promotions. This study analyses the psychographic traits associated with deal-proneness. A personal survey has been conducted with a sample of 425 individuals who regularly buy package food and cleaning products. In the study, three kinds of deal-proneness are differentiated: proneness towards store flyers, proneness towards coupons and proneness towards in-store promotions. The results prove that there are relationships between some psychographic characteristics of consumers and deal-proneness. In general, price-conscious consumers are deal-prone. However, savings are not the only reason to buy a product on promotion. Deal-proneness is influenced by other aspects as impulsiveness, innovativeness or shopping enjoyment.  相似文献   

胡琼华  周亮 《中国广告》2011,(2):139-141
在我国,对于公众人物在商业广告中传达虚假信息,欺诈、误导消费者,造成消费者的损害,一直没有效的法律对此进行制裁,导致虚假广告泛滥。要维护市场经济下广告市场的正常秩序,就必须构建合理的公众人物虚假广告代言侵权连带责任制度。  相似文献   

While low‐literacy consumers rely heavily on pictorial information when making market‐based decisions, they also do attempt to read relevant information. When the advertisement picture and text are aligned, so too should be the conclusions low‐literacy consumers draw. We ask what happens when the pictures and accompanying text are incongruent. Results of an experiment indicate that low‐literacy consumers misinterpreted an advertisement with text–picture incongruity more regularly than did high‐literacy consumers. Furthermore, low‐literacy consumers demonstrated errors in comprehension that reflect picture‐based processing. However, despite comprehension differences between low‐ and high‐literacy consumers, attitudes toward the advertisement did not differ.  相似文献   

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