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理性经济人的假设是经济学研究的基本假设.而理性假设也经历了由完全理性到有限理性的发展,与人们的现实生活更为贴近.完全理性是主流经济学的理论前提,而有限理性假设的发展是随着新制度经济学、演化经济学和行为经济学的发展而发展的.本文首先论证人的本性并非绝对利己,利他主义是合理并存在的,接着对理性这一概念进行界定,最后对理性假设的发展以及其对经济研究方法的转变进行综合分析.  相似文献   

理性是经济学的核心假设。本文阐述了新古典经济学 (主流经济学 )中工具理性、理性行为和经济人的含义 ,以及三者之间的逻辑关系 ,总结出新古典经济学 (主流经济学 )的经济理性的四个特征 :工具理性、愿望目标、性状良好的偏好和最优化。  相似文献   

基于马克思经济学逻辑的相对理性经济人假设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
相对理性经济人假设是在马克思经济学逻辑基础上提出的,这一假设主要强调了人的行为与外部约束条件的动态交互以及约束条件的动态变化,并在此基础上建立了评价相对理性程度的多要素动态评价体系。这一研究不仅试图挖掘、提炼出马克思经济学关于经济人以及理性分析的科学内涵,而且还将对构建一个更为贴近现实、更为客观、对现实社会更具有指导意义的经济学方法论体系有所贡献。  相似文献   

行为经济人的三个基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕保军 《经济学家》2006,76(5):12-18
当代西方主流经济学的经济人假设越来越成为反主流学派批评的重点,固守经济人假设被认为是主流经济学在许多领域无能为力的原因。行为经济学运用认知心理学的研究成果和实验经济学的研究方法对经济人进行了全面验证,发现经济活动中的人事实上具有“有限利己”、“有限理性”、“有限意志力”的特征,我们把行为经济学的这一系列发现概括为行为经济人假设,并且认为行为经济人为经济学开拓新视野、研究新问题提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

“经济人”的嵌入性视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济学理论是建立在人性假设的基础之上,自亚当.斯密的“经济人”假设问世以来,学术界对人性假设的争论一直没有停止,尤其是对“经济人”孤立于社会的个体行为的批判,对此,文章提出了自己的看法,认为亚当.斯密的“经济人”是基于人的经济行为建立的假设,并不是脱离社会孤立地存在,其利己心、现实的经济理性和利益最大化之间不仅是相辅相成的关系,而且正是“经济人”的社会性造就了“经济人”的利己心、现实的经济理性和利益最大化目标。  相似文献   

"理性人"假设是西方主流经济学一个最基本的假设,是西方主流经济学的理论研究基础。通过对"理性人"假设的探究,对"理性人"假设提出了异议。同时,重构了"理性人"假设,将新的假设命名为理性人假设,通过一个实验分析将假设二字去除,实现了"理性人"到理性人的转变。通过对理性人的分析得出,政府应该采取必要的干预措施来引导经济发展,而非像理性预期学派所提倡的彻底的经济自由主义。  相似文献   

对经济学基本假设的反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王鹏举 《经济与管理》2003,(7):61-61,63
以往经济学依靠的是“理性经济人”假设,认为人生来就是追求个人利益最大化,而且总是理性思考。但现实中既没有单纯追求经济利益的“经济人”,也不存在纯理性思维的“理性人”。由于基本假设的偏颇,导致当代经济学的发展与现实距离越来越远。因而,我们不得不回过头来对经济学的发展历程重新反思,并对其基本假设和研究思路重新定位。  相似文献   

在经济学中对人性的假设存在“有限理性”与“无限理性”的假设,在制度经济学中,“有限理性”已经成为新制度经济学三大理论基石之一。而知识和制度都与“有限理性”假说存在密切的联系。作为制度设计的理性假设包含两层含义。一层含义包括人的理性能力究竟有多大;另一层含义是,人的行为是否一定可以根据行为规律做出推断,根据过去的行为对未来做出推断。通过分析我们可以得出这样的结论:有限理性是制度产生的前提,制度可以扩展人的有限理性。  相似文献   

亚当·斯密开创的经典经济学里经济人的逻辑的起点 马歇尔1890年在<经济学原理>中提出"经济动机不全是利己的"的命题(1964,P42)对斯密的"经济人"思想进行了修正,新古典经济学于是提出了按效用最大化原则行事的理性人作为经济学的逻辑起点,随后西蒙又提出"完全理性和有限理性"的概念,对理性人假定的合理性提出了疑问,尤其是随着进化博弈论的发展,一时间经济学大厦似乎在风雨中飘摇.难道理性人假定真的错了吗?经济人、理性人以及理性究竟应该是什么含义?经济学的逻辑起点又该是什么呢?  相似文献   

古典经济学最重要的贡献就是在"人性恶"假设的基础上提出了"理性经济人"模型,本文从"理性经济人"的元假设"人性"出发展开批评,分别从个体层面,群体层面的道德、社会、人性和阶层四大维度以及生物层面揭示了"理性经济人"的缺陷,并指出其对个人选择、学科走向以及社会政策和制度制定的巨大意义,以期对我国走出现代化压破下的"外向依附型"道路有所启迪.  相似文献   

Taking our cue from certain recent advances in experimental psychology, the authors propose a plausible theory of conflict between rationality and inherent behavioral biases of investors. In this theory no investor is fully rational or fully behavioral at all times. An investor faces a continuum between behavioral and rational positions. A movement toward rationality is a choice; it is costly to be fully rational which requires serious mental calculations. On the other hand, there could be some benefits to rationality in special circumstances that compensate for the costs. Using a unique and extensive investor-level database, the authors show that the degree of nonrationality decreases as rational behavior becomes more attractive. In the empirical setting, the proxy for rational behavior is investor's use of private predisclosure information during earnings announcement periods, while the disposition effect they display serves as an estimate of their behavioral bias. The paper contributes to the existing literature in several dimensions.  相似文献   

In this paper, I revisit the monopolistic screening problem with two types assuming that consumers are boundedly rational. Bounded rationality implies that the revelation principle does not apply and the choice of the selling mechanism entails a loss of generality. I show that if the monopolist restricts attention to the mechanisms that offer menus of two choices, the profits are lower than in the case of fully rational consumers by the term of order ln λ/λ, where λ is the degree of rationality of the consumers. The monopolist, however, can approximate the profits earned when consumers are fully rational by using a more elaborate message game.  相似文献   

郭蓉  王平 《经济学家》2007,(3):22-28
作为价值观念、行为标准的经济理性,是在突破了作为方法论的经济理性的心理学假设层面的基础上,将应用范围不断扩大,而成为一种实践理性.本文分析了实践理性语境下的经济理性的确立历程,即经济理性是随资本主义的诞生而确立的,是在自然经济、商品经济走向现代市场经济的发展过程中而确立的,是资本主义科学理性在经济领域的展开与呈现.实践语境下的经济理性具有计算主义和统计化倾向、个人物质利益至上主义、工具化倾向三大主要特征.经济理性的内在特征将不可避免地使社会陷入现代性的困境,为突破经济理性的思维界限,摆脱经济理性的困境,经济和谐为当下社会的发展提供了一种很好的发展理路.  相似文献   

I. Introduction Ecology is a newly emergent subject. Stemming from natural history and evolutionary biology, ecology came into being at the beginning of the 20th century. Ecology has been strug- gling for its existence as a science, which has involved a s…  相似文献   

From the view of hominine bounded rationalities, this paper analyzes the important relationships between ecology and economics with behavioral finance. With a different focus, this paper adopts a new conceptualization of stock to show how this conceptualization leads to a new measure of the interaction between ecology and economics, based on bounded rational agents. The hierarchical structure of ecological economic system is described with a multi-agent simulation program. This paper also develops an ecological economic model, in which behavioral finance theories are applied to simulating the dynamics system. With the model, this paper confirms that macro-level indicators of sustainability are predictably influenced by behaviors of bounded rational agents at the micro-level. We discuss the significance of these findings in order to better understand the ecological-economic system based on behavioral finance.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to present the basic features that would define a model of behavior suited to an institutional and post-Keynesian approach. To facilitate explanation, human behavior is divided into three phases: motivation, cognition and reasoning and decision-making. Motivation appears as a process directed toward the satisfaction of a complex structure of various needs and wants. The role of emotions and the social and cognitive aspects of motivation are recognized. Moreover, it is also recognized that human beings have limited cognitive and rational capacities, and it is accepted that they are potentially creative. Partly as a consequence of that, cognition becomes a social act and knowledge of reality is subject to fundamental uncertainty. Finally, human rationality (or intelligence) is associated with a search for good solutions, and it includes elements of procedural rationality, creativity and emotional rationality. The role of habits and institutions in all these phases is stressed.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes a pure-trade imperfect-competition model and discusses the rationality problem arising from the fact that agents have to make conjectures about the markets to set prices optimally. The objective is to show that there may be inefficient allocations with the agents behaving rationaly. In the same context Hahn (Rev. Econ. Stud.45 (1978), 1–17) proposed a notion of rationality under which the existence results obtained were negative. This paper argues that Hahn's is a strong notion of rationality that requires the mechanism to be incentive compatible. Thus, an alternative notion that refers exclusively to the rationality of the conjectures is proposed, and positive results on existence obtained.  相似文献   

理性选择向非理性选择转化的行为分析   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:37  
本文针对不确定条件下的人类选择行为提出一个新的可供研究的观点:人的非理性选择在很大程度上是由理性选择转化而来的。文章首先简要评说了早期行为经济学的动物实验和认知心理学,认为人的选择行为是理性和非理性的同构;继而,通过解析丹尼尔·卡尼曼等人创立的前景理论所蕴涵的理性向非理性选择转化的思想,构建了这种转化的抽象模型;最后,作为对本文分析观点的一种联系实际的论证,研究了金融市场中的非理性选择以说明这种转化现象的客观存在。本文的分析可视为对行为经济学非理性选择理论之深邃见解的一种挖掘。  相似文献   

马克思经济学比现代主流经济学更容易发现经济危机,主要源于两个基本特征:一是在社会哲学观上坚持矛盾冲突论,从而发现个人理性与集体理性之间的不一致性;二是在研究方法论上采用平均主义分析,从而更适合使用统计材料和历史材料来考察宏观经济的周期性波动。正因如此,马克思经济学能够充分认识到自由市场经济内含的冲突性,并从收入分配角度揭示了经济危机的内在根源;相应地,解决经济危机的根本措施就是,改变不合理的收入分配制度。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the Defris-Williams inflationary expectations series as a measure of rational expectations for the period 1973(1) to 1980(2). The results show that the series violates the rationality criterion, being an inefficient and biased predictor of inflation. By constructing an ‘information-augmented’ D-W series, the quantitative importance of omitted information available to consumers at the time of making their forecasts is isolated. The key omitted economic variables are found to be lagged monetary growth and unemployment or an indexation dummy which explains 70 percent of the forecast error of the D-W series. These results suggest that a theoretically constructed expectations series may prove to be a superior measure of market expectations of inflation in Australia.  相似文献   

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