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肖崎  王迪 《财经科学》2015,(2):42-51
本文基于我国央行的资产负债表对其财务实力进行分析和测算.结果表明:近十年来,我国央行资产负债结构发生较大变化,受到汇率风险、冲销成本及“准财政”职能等多种因素的影响,央行收益在下降,成本在上升.在2002-2013年期间,如果不考虑汇兑损益,央行会计利润仍为正值;如果考虑汇兑损益,央行的利润整体成下降趋势,波动剧烈.财务实力的削弱将会影响央行独立性及货币政策的有效性.我国央行需要加强财务管理,降低汇率风险,增强财务实力.  相似文献   

我国央行票据货币冲销的成本研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在中央银行发行央行票据进行货币冲销的过程中,过高的成本一直被国内外学者认为是央行票据不能作为长期冲销工具存在的一项重要理由。本文考察了近三年的有关数据,从有形成本和无形成本两个角度出发,认为次贷危机的爆发使得全球经济形势发生巨变,央行的冲销成本是在动态变化的,对经济增长的“挤出效应”也不太明显。  相似文献   

近年来,随着资本账户开放度和金融发展水平的不断提高,我国外汇冲销的有效性不断下降,冲销成本日益上升,人民币汇率稳定目标与货币政策独立性兼顾难度加大。因此,应构建以国债为主、央行票据为辅的公开市场操作债券体系,实施差异化的存款法定准备金率政策,遏制外汇储备的增长势头,以增强外汇冲销的效果。  相似文献   

曾秋根 《财经研究》2005,31(5):63-72
在我国现行的外汇管理体制下,为应对大量的投机性外汇资金涌入我国,央行采取了发行央行票据的方式来对冲外汇占款,目的是为了同时实现稳定人民币汇率和避免通货膨胀的双目标.但文章认为,在投机性外汇资金持续涌入我国的条件下,央行票据对冲外汇占款的政策存在两个缺陷,即对冲成本太高以及有可能导致经济"滞胀"现象的发生.这就意味着从长期的政策操作效果来看,以央行票据来对冲外汇占款是很难同时实现稳定人民币汇率和避免通货膨胀这双重目标的,也说明冲销干预政策难以具有长期的可持续性.  相似文献   

文章采用1994~2007年的季度数据计量检验了基于抵消系数和冲销系数模型的中国国际收支双顺差与央行货币供给动态关系,采用递归参数方法估计了中国的动态冲销系数,并讨论了央行冲销政策工具的有效性,得出结论:自2001年以来,央行净国外资产的增加成为国内流动性过剩的绝对重要来源;2004年以来,我国央行的冲销系数发生了结构性变化,2004年前维持在-0.6左右,2004年后央行的冲销干预接近于完全冲销(-1),这在一定程度上保证了货币供给的独立性,实现了货币政策的数量目标;受限于利率尚未市场化、资本市场不发达等影响,央行票据成为冲销流动性的最重要工具,法定存款准备金率成为央行常规工具,且还具有一定的操作空间。  相似文献   

中国正面临越来越大的三元悖论困扰,即在维持有限的汇率制度弹性以及货币政策自主性的同时,持续面临着大规模的国际资本流入。实证研究发现,在面临大规模的外汇资本积累后,央行的外汇冲销水平在2006年第3季度后下降了,但总体上看,中国货币供应还存在一定的自主性。由于外汇冲销存在一定成本,央行应提高成本较低的回购操作比重,降低成本较高的央行票据操作比重。考虑到十二五规划已经制定了扩大内需战略,来自经常项目盈余的外汇流入会持续下降,中国对外国直接投资进行了有针对性地控制和引导,限制热钱流入应该是中国今后应对外汇资本流入的重点。而只有人民币成为国际信贷货币,才能从根本上消除外汇积累的货币效应以及货币错配风险。  相似文献   

冲销干预对中国货币政策独立性的影响表现出长短期不一致的特征,在短期内有助于保持货币政策的独立性;但在长期内,冲销干预不仅会制约货币政策的操作空间,削弱其独立性,累积金融风险,导致恶性后果。对此,应优化央行票据的期限结构,完善以国债市场为核心的公开市场操作,发展外汇掉期交易,建立外汇平准基金制度,增强货币政策独立性。  相似文献   

通过建立央行反应函数以及对冲销系数的估计,发现我国央行在1994-2008年第三季度所采取的各种冲销政策手段,包括再贷款、再贴现、调整准备金率以及公开市场操作等干预手段,在一定程度上有效地对冲了由大量国际收支双顺差所带来的被动增加的货币供给;而且随着公开市场操作的逐步成熟,冲销力度有所加大.这在一定程度上保证了汇率水平的相对稳定和货币政策的独立性.  相似文献   

本文采用修正的BGT模型,实证研究了国际资本流动影响因素以及央行在面对国内外资本市场波动、金融体系变迁等情形下,货币政策实施方式及其效果。结果显示,随着意愿结售汇制度的实行和人民币汇率弹性的增强,央行的货币自主性得以加强;在开放环境下,国际资本流动受国内外利差、资本市场溢价、货币政策及汇率制度和外汇管理制度的影响。面对这些国内外冲击,央行进行了央票冲销或调整准备金率等的反向货币政策操作,以实现货币政策目标。  相似文献   

我国的央行票据发行与公开市场操作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
央行票据是由中国人民银行发行、用以对冲外汇占款的短期债券,是我国实施公开市场操作的主要工具.它是我国外汇大量持续流入、国债市场不发达、央行资产负债结构不合理的产物.央行票据这种替代性操作工具和国债相比,利息成本的承担机制不同.央行票据的利息支付构成了新的货币扩张因素,呈现“反对冲”效应,增大通胀压力,其对冲操作效率也不断降低.与发达国家相比,我国目前还不存在成熟的公开市场操作,未来我国应努力建设多层次发达的国债市场,以提高公开市场操作的效率和货币政策的有效性.  相似文献   

基于货币数量理论研究外汇占款对通货膨胀的影响有重大意义。首先采用VAR模型和Granger因果关系模型研究外汇占款、货币供应量和通货膨胀率之间的相互影响状况,同时运用脉冲响应模型和方差分解技术研究变量受系统内变量冲击的反应和波动情况。其次进行货币冲销有效性检验,结果显示:央行的货币冲销政策完全有效,货币冲销力度大约为-0.6,货币冲销弹性大于1,从整体来看,货币冲销有效性呈现弱递减趋势。  相似文献   

崔连翔  张莹 《经济问题》2012,(3):103-106
协整和格兰杰因果检验结果表明,我国外汇储备与物价水平存在协整关系,且外汇储备是物价水平的格兰杰原因,表明外汇储备增加将对通货膨胀形成压力。但从误差修正模型的检验结果看,我国外汇储备对物价水平的影响在短期内较为有限,其主要原因是我国央行短期内进行大量的外汇冲销操作。因此,我国需要采取有效的措施来缓解通胀压力,如加大央行公开市场业务操作、改革外汇管理体制、适当放宽汇率浮动幅度以及合理使用我国现有外汇储备等。  相似文献   

论国际资本流动的货币冲击效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在我国现行的有管理浮动汇率制度下,国际资本流动通过储备资产的变动、资本外逃等途径对中央银行基础货币投放量发生冲击,这种冲击影响着货币政策的有效性,为增强中央银行对货币供应量的控制能力,应该从操作资产、操作目标、操作手段三个方面改善公开市场业务,提高冲销操作的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper extends the theory of demand-led money supply endogeneity to the case of an open economy with a fixed exchange rate. This theory is contrasted to the standard Mundell-Fleming view. In the compensation approach advocated here, central banks are able to set interest rates, even in a fixed exchange rate regime, either because there are automatic market mechanisms that will induce the private sector to act in such a way that changes in foreign reserves will be compensated by opposite changes in central bank claims over the domestic economy, or because the central bank will engage in endogenous sterilization operations in its efforts to enforce its benchmark interest rate. Analyzing the balance sheet of the Chinese central bank, we find that the large rise in foreign reserves on the asset side is compensated by large positive changes in items of the liability side, mainly bonds issued by the central bank. Foreign reserves are not cointegrated with the monetary base, meaning that there is no long-run relationship between foreign exchange reserves and the supply of base money. We also find no long-run relation between foreign exchange reserves and the consumer price index.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper examines the optimal appreciation path of an undervalued currency in the presence of speculative capital inflows that are endogenously affected by the appreciation path. A central bank decides its appreciation policy based on three costs: (i) misalignment costs associated with the gap between the actual and long‐run equilibrium exchange rates, (ii) short‐term adjustment costs due to resource reallocation, and (iii) capital losses due to speculative capital inflows. Our model finds (1) when speculators face no liquidity shocks, the central bank tends to appreciate the currency quickly to discourage speculative capital; (2) when speculators face liquidity shocks, the central bank optimally pre‐commits to a slower appreciation path, and the appreciation takes the longest time when the probability of liquidity shocks takes intermediate values; (3) the central bank tends to appreciate the currency more quickly when it conducts discretionary policy.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to explain exchange rate and current account or net foreign assets behavior under central bank foreign exchange rate intervention. To analyze central bank intervention we use the current account-net foreign assets identity, as well as the long-run monetary exchange rate model. The intervention function is one where exchange rate deviations from equilibrium are governed by nonlinear adjustments. That is, exchange rate deviations from their long-run equilibrium are such that the degree of reversion towards equilibrium increases with the size of the deviation from equilibrium. In this type of nonlinear function exchange rates determine the current account, and the current account in turn determines exchange rates. This iterative duality contrasts with several portfolio balance models where exchange rates are a function of trade, but trade is not a function of exchange rates. This two way causality is slightly more complex, but is also analytically richer than assuming that exchange rates change solely in a one step process as targeted by central banks. Managing exchange rates is posited to be an active iterative feedback process where intervention changes the current account, which may in turn make further intervention necessary.  相似文献   

Central bank independence (CBI) and fixed exchange rates are used by governments to achieve stable prices. This article analyzes the mechanisms through which the two monetary institutions could work: Indirectly via a disciplinary effect on money growth rates or via an additional credibility effect on inflation expectations and the cost of capital. I further explain how both discipline and credibility are affected by the distinct flaws of independent central banks and fixed exchange rates: central banks lack transparency and fixed exchange rates take many shapes and are routinely devalued. The argument is tested with quarterly data from postcommunist countries for years 1991 to 2007. The findings show a strong disciplinary effect of monetary institutions on rates of M2 change and an effect on inflation controlling for money growth, but credibility does not extend to lower real short‐term market interest rates. Political institutions do condition the effect of central bank independence, while the types of fixed exchange rates affect money growth rates and inflation to different degrees.  相似文献   

The zero lower bound (ZLB) may restrict the responsiveness of exchange rates to news. A proxy for central bank communication is added as a determinant in a model of exchange rate movements. Two reserve currencies, the British pound and euro, and two currencies of small open economies, the Canadian dollar and Swedish krona, are examined. Reserve currencies are more vulnerable to the ZLB constraint, while the currencies of small open economies become more responsive to foreign central bank announcements. Certain unconventional monetary policy announcements were found to significantly impact exchange rates at the ZLB.  相似文献   

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