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Radha Sinha 《Intereconomics》1982,17(5):218-224
It is now acknowledged even by US officials that Japan's recent efforts to liberalize trade have been remarkable. Our author, who has recently published a book on “Japan's Options for the 1980s”, argues that the continuing EEC complaints about Japan's behaviour as a trading partner are unjustified: Japan is simply being made a scapegoat for the EEC's own failures.  相似文献   


Following a brief discussion of the “invention” of simulation games 5,000 years ago, this article discusses developments in the field of management simulations during the past forty years, with particular emphasis on international management simulations.

The author believes that the recent history of management games can be sub-divided into three periods. During the first period (dubbed the “Pioneering Period”) from 1955 to 1969, North American schools were the most active users of simulations. During the second period, (termed the “Development Period”), from 1970 to 1984 management simulations became much more international in both their authorship and use. Mainframe computers began to be used in North America simulations during this period. During the most recent period, from 1985 to the present, (and titled “The Hi-Tech Period”), a significant number of international management simulations have appeared, and microcomputers are now widely used in management games.

Following a discussion of various predictions regarding of management simulations in general, the author makes a number of additional observations with respect to their future use in international education and training.  相似文献   


Around the world “public relations” is confused with “propaganda.” Although “propaganda” has negative connotations today, the authors examine the history of propaganda studies, which is tied to the government-sponsored study of communication. Then they offer a recent example of how the U.S. government used children as messengers of propaganda. By abandoning our prejudices against propaganda, the authors argue we can reconnect public relations with a tradition of scholarship on communication audiences, public communication campaigns, and government propaganda efforts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate (1) if online celebrities can directly emotionally influence consumers, and (2) if the other audiences of the same livestream can indirectly emotionally influence consumers to increase their willingness to buy the products recommended by the online celebrities. Therefore, to understand the reasons for the successes of livestreaming e-commerce. Two studies have been conducted: in Study 1, a questionnaire-based survey has been used for data collection and AMOS version 17.0 software was used to analyze the data of the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM); in Study 2, a web data crawler for data collection was developed using python software, and the collected data were processed by ICTCLAS text splitting tool and analyzed by Stata/MP 13.0 software for the econometric model constructed in this paper. This study found that the performance of online celebrities can stimulate consumers' emotions, and thus enhance consumers' purchase intention regarding the products recommended. This study also found that pleasure, arousal, admiration, and emotional trust can influence purchase behavior for cosmetics and clothing. For food products, only pleasure emotion, arousal emotion and admiration emotion can increase the willingness to purchase such products. For other audiences who watch the same Online celebrity for food products, the pleasure, arousal, and admiration emotions can increase searches for, and purchases of the products recommended. This study identified that online celebrities' performances can emotionally influence consumers' willingness to purchase products recommended by online celebrities directly. In addition, the emotions of audiences watching the online celebrities can indirectly influence consumers' willingness to purchase products recommended by the online celebrities.  相似文献   

Reality television programming (RTVP) was once simply an innovative entertainment phenomenon. But RTVP also has recently evolved into a mainstream promotional platform. Two new forms of celebrities arose during this progression: “reality” and “celebreality” stars. This study, which is grounded in connectedness theory, addresses an unresolved issue related to the use of celebrity endorsers, that is, how endorsers’ status as reality or celebreality stars influences viewers’ perceptions of, beliefs about, and purchase intentions toward products they endorse. These relationships were examined through SEM, as were the effects of viewers’ connectedness to RTVP stars and their perceptions regarding whether RTVPs are authentic. Four primary findings emerged. The observation that reality impacted viewer connectedness and that connectedness and authenticity impacted viewers’ purchase intentions (endorsement effectiveness) revealed various practical and theoretical contributions, as did the observation that endorsers’ celebreality or reality star status moderated each of these relationships.  相似文献   

Retail supply chains must be responsive to consumer demand and flexible in adapting to changing consumer preferences. As a result, suppliers are often expected to deal with time pressure demands from retailers. While previous research demonstrates that time pressure can have longer term relational costs that reduce collaborative behaviors and overall relationship quality, this mixed‐methods study goes further by accounting for attribution effects to explain why the time pressure occurs. Specifically, supplier perceptions for the reason of time pressure being within or beyond a retailer's control, rather than time pressure itself, appear to have a stronger effect on relational outcomes. By investigating time pressure through the lens of attribution theory, this research opens a new inquiry of research that moves away from examination of outcomes themselves (the “what”), to examining “why” the outcome occurred.  相似文献   

This article reviews some recently developed approximation schemes for financial markets with continuous trading. Two methods for approximating continuous-time stochastic securities market models whose exogenously given prices have continuous sample paths are described and compared One method approximates both the paths and the information structure; the other is an approximation in distribution with a Markovian structure. In both cases, the approximating models have a finite state space, discrete time, and possess the same “structural” properties (e.g., “no arbitrage” and “completeness”) as the continuous model. the latter characteristic is an important criterion for judging the merits of the approximations. Taking advantage of the “structure-preserving” characteristic, one can formulate a convergence theory for frictionless markets with continuous trading. the theory provides convergence results for objects such as contingent claim prices, replicating portfolio strategies (hedging policies), optimal consumption policies, and cumulative financial gains (i.e., stochastic integrals), which are constructed along the approximation. the convergence theory enables one to combine the intuitive appeal of discrete models and the analytic tractability of continuous models to provide new insight into the theory of modern financial markets. We survey the current state of such a convergence theory and illustrate the results with some examples of well-known continuous securities market models.  相似文献   

The minute advances of health policy in the developing countries and the cost explosion which has hit the health services in the industrialized countries have created an urgent problem. The main culprit is often thought to be the “common-burden principle” which most states apply to the financing of their health services. Possible alternatives are the “user principle” which is more in line with market methods and the “originator principle” which is known from its use in the environmental sphere and is now also being discussed in the health sector. It could be applied to products which are injurious to health (cigarettes, sweets) and harmful production processes (piece-work, water pollution). The author examines the possibilities of curbing health-care spending and drawing nearer to health-policy aims by turning away from the “common burden principle”.  相似文献   

跨国公司的技术关联性及我国吸引外资政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁启华 《国际贸易问题》2005,21(8):74-77,87
跨国公司的FDI和技术转移与技术的关联性有关,本文首先对相关技术和衍生技术做了新的界定,然后在新熊彼得学派曼斯菲尔德对外直接投资与技术转移的选择理论及邓宁的“三优势模式”等理论基础上,进一步剖析技术关联性对跨国公司FDI和技术转移的影响机理,提出了我国吸引外资的政策建议。  相似文献   

Stremersch (2021) and Wierenga (2021) provide valuable reactions to our ideas in Kohli and Haenlein (2021). We highlight some of their suggestions we found particularly helpful and use this opportunity to clarify some of our ideas. In particular, we like the concept of a “project funnel,” the notions of “vertical drift” and “lateral drift,” and a “Universal Marketing Knowledge Classification System.” We clarify our ideas relating to the role of “supplying” or foundational disciplines, importance of theory, selfidentities of scholars, evaluation of research rigor, and learning about marketing phenomena.  相似文献   

“一带一路”是我国在新的形势下提出的国家战略。共建“一带一路”的核心是以“五通”为主要内容的合作,这为我国包括零售业在内的企业“走出去”提供了巨大的空间选择和市场机遇。我国零售业海外目标市场选择、市场进入以及海外投资风险管理等关键的战略决策,与“一带一路”战略规划在理念上高度契合,在内容上高度重叠。为此,应该积极探索中国零售业“走出去”与“一带一路”两个战略的联动发展问题。文章基于零售业国际化的文献分析,结合“一带一路”建设的具体内容,构建中国零售业“走出去”对接“一带一路”的理论模型可以从融入途径、融入模式、融入战略、融入策略以及融入保障等方面来加以考虑。  相似文献   

This study seeks to offer additional insights regarding why positive “nostalgia effects” in advertising may be observed, that is, why nostalgic ads tend to elicit more favorable consumer responses than do non-nostalgic ads. Using the personal relevance component of advertising involvement as a theoretical foundation, the study supports hypothesized expectations that nostalgic ads are capable of inducing greater levels of self-reflection and advertising involvement. Furthermore, hypothesized effects were shown to be more pronounced when a “personal” nostalgia-themed ad (eliciting “a yearning for a realized, lived past”) was used, as opposed to when an “historical” nostalgia-themed ad (eliciting “a yearning for a distant past, never experienced”) was used. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed and directions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Three studies attempt to better explain how celebrities are used effectively as conditioned stimuli in the associative learning process. Study 1 establishes that direct affect transfer can occur using celebrities via conditioning. Study 2 suggests that celebrity conditioning will be more effective when there is an appropriate fit (belongingness) between the celebrity and the product endorsed—also known as the match‐up hypothesis. Finally, Study 3 examines whether attitudes toward brands paired with celebrities are resistant to efforts to extinguish them using extinction procedures. The findings suggest that conditioning with celebrities yields brand attitudes that are robust and enduring. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Portrayals of women and minorities advertising have long been of interest to advertising scholars. While research has found that the overall representation of these groups has increased, some stereotypes persist, and so do questions about the quality and prominence of portrayals. This study examines portrayals of minorities and women in Super Bowl advertising, the main “pop culture” showcase for US advertising. A content analysis of 10 years of Super Bowl ads is conducted and a multinomial logit regression model is employed to delve deeper into the content analysis results. Findings show that while the overall representation of women and various minority groups is strong, a deeper analysis shows that these groups are seldom depicted as primary characters by themselves and that some subtle stereotypes persist. We also find that ads featuring female principal characters are more likely to feature home settings, sexual appeals, emotional messages, and music as a major element and that it is less likely for female (vs. male) celebrities to be used. Minority principal characters are more likely to be celebrities and be included in ads with music or for technical products but are less likely to be included in ads featuring corporate social responsibility messages.  相似文献   

The current paper explores how male Instagram users' (MIU) perceptions of body image and behavior are affected by the exposure to fitness hashtags, and the consequences on their wellbeing. For this purpose, in-depth interviews were conducted with #fitfam MIU with different levels of engagement. Low-engagement MIU with low body-esteem long for the “instabod” and engage in body transformation efforts to follow the fitness trend popularized by Instagram, to emulate peers and Instagram celebrities, to gain popularity and to appear successful. Instagram community members use positive and negative reinforcements to strengthen body internalization. The body transformation effort motivates low-engagement MIU to engage more, which has various effects on wellbeing: on one side, they feel anxious and in competition with other peers which often leads to muscle dysmorphia symptoms; on the other side, they feel more masculine with higher self-confidence, they have higher motivation to stay fit and to eat healthily.  相似文献   

Currently, online retailers evaluate whether chatbots—software programs that interact with users using natural languages—could improve their customers' satisfaction. In a retail context, chatbots allow humans to pose shopping-related questions and receive answers in natural language without waiting for a salesperson or using other automated communication forms. However, until now, it has been unclear which customers accept this new communication form and which factors determine their acceptance. In this paper, we contrast the well-known technology acceptance model (TAM) with the lesser known uses and gratifications (U&G) theory, applying both approaches to measure the acceptance of the text-based “Emma” chatbot by its target segment. “Emma” was developed for the prepurchase phase of online fashion retailing and integrated into Facebook Messenger by the major German online retailer Zalando. Data were collected from 205 German Millennial respondents in a usability study. The results show that both utilitarian factors such as “authenticity of conversation” and “perceived usefulness,” as well as hedonic factors such as “perceived enjoyment”, positively influence the acceptance of “Emma”. However, privacy concerns and the immaturity of the technology had a negative effect on usage intention and frequency. The predictive power of both models was similar, showing little deviation, but U&G gives alternative insights into the customers’ motivation to use “Emma” compared to the TAM.  相似文献   

A recurrent challenge in applied ethics concerns the development of principles that are both suitably general to cover various cases and sufficiently exact to guide behavior in particular instances. In business ethics, two central approaches—stockholder and stakeholder—often fail by one or the other requirement. The author argues that the failure is precipitated by their reliance upon “universal” theory, which views the justification of principles as both independent of their context of application and universally appropriate to all contexts. The author develops a contextual interpretation of “constructivism” as an alternative approach, and argues that this alternative meets the above challenge.  相似文献   

Public service organization's increasingly are considering diversification into new “for-profit” or “high-profit” enterprises. Such undertakings offer a number of potential benefits to both the organization and the public. They also have potential problems. This article examines some of the major types of benefits and problems in hopes that both public service managers and public policy makers will give a balanced consideration to these diversification efforts.  相似文献   

Consumers frequently rely on online reviews, a prominent form of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), before making a purchase decision. However, consumers are usually confronted with hundreds of reviews for a single product or service, as well as rich information cues on online review websites (review texts, helpfulness ratings, author information, etc.). In turn, consumers face more information cues on online review websites than they can or want to process, and are likely to proceed selectively. This paper investigates selective processing of such eWOM information cues. Results of Study 1, an exploratory study using verbal protocols, confirm that consumers display selective eWOM processing patterns and are able to articulate them. Study 2 develops and applies a measurement instrument to capture these patterns. A subsequent cluster analysis on members of a large-scale online panel (N = 2,295) indicates five prominent eWOM processing types, termed “The Efficients”, “The Meticulous”, “The Quality-Evaluators”, “The Cautious Critics”, and “The Swift Pessimists”. Insights of this research can help firms to better understand consumers' eWOM processing and improve the user-friendliness of online review websites.  相似文献   

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