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Coupons increase the buying power of consumers. Businesses use coupons to increase sales, new products adoption, and repeat buying. Billions of coupons are distributed annually via different methods. However, consumers redeem only a small fraction of these, thereby forgoing the potential cost savings. The authors investigated several factors that motivate coupon redemption. The data were obtained by surveying 353 U.S. consumers. Price consciousness, pride, and satisfaction in using coupons, and value consciousness were found to increase coupon use. The perception that the savings are not worth the effort decreased their use. The results suggest ways for managers to boost coupon use.  相似文献   


Will customers' intention to return to a restaurant increase with coupon promotion? To answer this question, this study examines the hypothetical effects of coupon promotion on return visits to restaurants. Based on a literature review, three hypotheses were developed to test the effect of a coupon, its face value, and a patron's prior dining experience on return intention. The authors found that neither coupon use nor coupon face value contributed to explaining respondents' return intentions. However, repeat customers have a greater likelihood of returning to the restaurant than new customers. The study also showed that the quality of food and service were key indicators of return intention.  相似文献   

印象管理的研究文献中迄今几乎没有从道德的视角研究员工对印象管理的运用。本文借用道德理论和社会影响理论来提出如下命题:(1)道德认知发展水平高的员工运用印象管理策略的可能性要低于道德认知发展水平低的员工。(2)员工对道德推理的使用在道德认知发展水平与印象管理策略运用之间的关手上起到调节作用。(3)使用印象管理策略的员工比不使用者达到所希冀的结果的可能性要大。(4)道德领导在印象管理策略对所希冀的结果的作用上起到调节作用。  相似文献   

4月,鲁渝经贸牵手,重庆·山东周在渝启动,一个是沿海经济大省,一个是焕发青春的直辖市,双方在彼此的合作交流中,也在相互学习,重庆和山东,都面临城乡发展、区域发展不平衡的问题,重庆的探索,或许会给山东的发展,启发一些思路。时隔几年之后,《商周刊》记者再次踏足重庆这片充满激情的土地,留下的仍然是更新的重庆——  相似文献   

Pricing tactics persuasion knowledge (PTPK) is a relatively new concept that seeks to extend the research on persuasion knowledge to the pricing domain. Pricing tactics persuasion knowledge refers to the persuasion knowledge of consumers about marketers’ pricing tactics. Employing an acquisition–transaction utility theoretic perspective, this study examines the differential effects of value consciousness and coupon proneness on the accuracy, confidence, and calibration of consumers’ pricing tactics persuasion knowledge. The study finds that coupon proneness is negatively related to accuracy, confidence, and calibration of PTPK, while value consciousness is positively related to accuracy, confidence, and calibration of PTPK. The implications of the study are outlined.  相似文献   

Paul Bond is a lawyer who overheard two other lawyers at his office discussing the proposed purchase of a company by one of their clients. He proceeds to buy shares of this company. Would you rate Bond’s behavior completely fair, acceptable, unfair, or very unfair? I posed this vignette to samples of university students in China, Taiwan, and the U.S. Most students in the U.S. and Taiwan samples rated Bond’s behavior unfair or very unfair while most students in the China rated Bond’s behavior completely fair or acceptable. Perceptions of fairness are part of the culture of a country and culture affects business practices. I discuss culture, perceptions of fairness, and business practices in China, Taiwan, and the U.S.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the quality of climate information disclosed by companies and the impression management strategies they have developed to justify or conceal negative aspects of their performance. The study is based on a qualitative content analysis of the sustainability reports of 21 energy-sector companies that use the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) with A or A+ application levels over a period of 5 years (n = 105). It contributes to the literature on climate disclosure by demonstrating the ineffectiveness of the external assurance process in ensuring the quality and representativeness of the data. Significant non-compliance with GRI standards was identified in 86 of the 93 reports audited by a third party. In addition, six of the 21 companies surveyed were found to disclose increasingly opaque information over time, concealing information on the measurement and methodology used. Through this study, four impression management strategies were identified. These are employed either to justify certain information (by minimizing impacts, excuses and commitment) or to conceal it (through strategic omissions and manipulation of figures). In exposing the high incidence of non-compliance in GRI reporting and the use of impression management strategies by companies, this study shows that it will be difficult or impossible for stakeholders to reasonably assess, monitor and compare companies’ climate performance on the basis of these reports.  相似文献   

迎接2019来临的欣喜,仿佛还在昨天,2020却已悄然来临。2019注定是不同寻常的一年,国际环境风起云涌:法国闹罢工,英国谈脱欧,日本换天皇改年号,美国持续“退群”,中美经贸反复磋商……国内全面深化改革持续推进,新修订的《中华人民共和国个人所得税法实施条例》正式实施,粤港澳大湾区规划发布,庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年大会举行,中共十九届四中全会召开,澳门回归祖国20周年……身为会展人,2019年大家都关注了哪些事情?本期专题我们以热词梳理的方式串起会展人的“印象2019”。  相似文献   

洪敏 《北方经贸》2009,(7):49-52
研究分析我国上市公司股权融资和债权融资的财务治理效应发现,目前我国上市公司资产负债比例并不高,同时分布比例也不是很合理,大部分上市公司偏好股权融资,利用债务融资的深度和广度都还不够。没有充分发挥债务融资的优势。这就表明融资契约的财务治理效应的有效发挥需要一定的前提条件:一是要不断完善上市公司的内外部财务治理机制,二是要建立有效的债务契约履行机.  相似文献   

Abstact The emergence and widespread use of collaborative technologies for distributed project management has opened up opportunities for off-shore outsourcing and collaborative development. However, most tools and techniques for project management focus on on-site, long term relationships and sourcing strategies at a time when inter-organizational relationships are becoming more dynamic and geographically dispersed. This paper uses grounded theory to analyze data on virtual teams' projects. The analysis uncovers “effects” in the way in which distributed projects are managed. These effects relate to coordination, communication and adaptation to distributed electronic work environments. Following an analysis of these electronic collaboration “effects”, a model for distributed project management is presented.  相似文献   

As the number of immigration and their later generations grow in the workforce of more developed Western countries, understanding the processes and consequences of acculturation has gained a new level of importance. An old and re-emerging issue is the morality and reparative behavior in Western versus Eastern cultures, as well as its antecedents and consequences. We examined the effects of acculturation on the perception of psychological proximity, the intensity of moral emotions of shame and guilt, and the degree of compensation to victims of one's wrongdoing. Our sample was comprised of a collectivistic group from a shame culture, China, and an acculturated group of Chinese living in a much less collectivistic society of a guilt culture, Canada. Our results indicated that participants' perception of psychological proximity to other people and the level of compensation offered to the victims of transgression were significantly different among the two samples. Furthermore, shame and guilt mediated the relationship between perceived psychological proximity and the decision to compensate differently.  相似文献   

基于知识转移视角,本文采用ERP模拟的实验方法,研究了高管跨企业流动情景下新任CEO的领导风格、沟通能力和管理知识资源转移效果间的关系,发现高管流动是促进管理知识资源跨企业边界转移的重要机制,领导风格显著影响新任CEO的管理知识资源转移效果;相对于任务取向型的领导,关系取向型的领导风格更有利于CEO的知识转移;新任CEO的沟通能力对于知识转移效果作用显著,且高超的沟通能力能够弱化领导风格的影响效应,并成为管理知识资源跨企业边界转移的关键。  相似文献   

随着高阶理论的发展,高管团队断裂带逐渐引起学界的重视。从群体决策理论视角出发,把高管团队断裂带分为任务相关断裂带和社会类别断裂带,引入团队自反性作为调节变量,并分为任务自反性和情感自反性两个维度,构建理论模型,探讨高管团队断裂带对决策绩效的影响,以及团队自反性所起的调节作用。以上海、北京、山东、浙江等省份部分企业的高管团队为调研对象,通过多元回归分析进行实证研究发现:高管团队任务相关断裂带与决策绩效显著正相关,任务自反性和情感自反性均正向调节此关系,而任务自反性比情感自反性的调节作用更强;高管团队社会类别断裂带与决策绩效显著负相关,任务自反性和情感自反性在此关系中未发挥显著调节作用。因此,企业应重视高管团队任务相关断裂带提供的多样化信息,不断丰富重大决策信息渠道,使决策方案呈现多样化,增强决策方案选择的韧性,构建一支异质性程度较高、对决策事项具有深刻理解的高管团队;建立有效的集体决策制度,尽力避免决策偏差,以保障战略目标的实现;在现实国情下,重视集体主义思想建设,增强企业凝聚力。  相似文献   

综述了国内有关开放式基金赎回率影响因素的研究现状,从研究方法、研究样本、期限、研究模型、变量的选取和研究结论等方面进行分类与总结。结合我国开放式基金发展的实际情况,进一步总结在这些方面的研究上存在的问题和改进的方向,为后续研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

To answer the call for more cross-cultural research, this study analyzed the efficacy and work attitudes of employee samples from the U.S. and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand). The results showed that across these two samples, general efficacy had a significant positive relationship with organizational commitment and a significant negative relationship with intention to turnover. Further analysis also indicated that job satisfaction mediated the relationship between general efficacy and organizational commitment and intention to quit in the U.S. sample. The relationship between general efficacy and organizational commitment was stronger in the U.S. than in the three combined countries sampled in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Business ethics attracts increasing attention from business practitioners and academic researchers. Concerns over fraudulent behavior keep attentionfocused on ethics in businesses. The accounting profession pays particularattention to matters of ethical judgment. The profession has adopted a strictcode of conduct and many states require the passage of an ethics exam to gaincertification. The more that is understood about the relationship of gender and ethics, the better chance of education and training programs will bedesigned to improve ethical awareness and sensitivity. Prior studies have found that personal characteristics are an important aspect of cultural norms.This study analyzes the responses of students from eight different countries toquestions on their probable actions to an ethical dilemma.  相似文献   

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