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张倩 《经济论坛》2010,(9):128-130
本文回顾了国内外关于银行业危机预警研究的文献,对已有研究成果在预警方法和预警指标选择上做了总结和分析,结合此次国际金融危机中银行业危机的特点,对银行业危机预警系统的改进提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

作为一种新的外部危机形式,国际资本流动"突然中断"在新兴市场国家频繁发生,对经济造成了沉重打击。构建"突然中断"的预警系统,对于完善已有的危机预警体系具有重要的现实意义。文章在"突然中断"理论研究的基础上选择合适的预警指标,采用Probit模型和KLR信号法构建了预警指标体系,并进行了预警能力的考察。结果表明,单项指标与综合指标均具有良好的预警能力。与货币危机的预警指标体系相比,文章结果突出了国际金融市场指标和资本账户结构指标的重要作用,说明"突然中断"是一种与国际投资者行为密切相关的特殊危机形式。  相似文献   

针对中小企业人力资源管理现状,提出了危机预警的重要性和迫切性,明确了危机预警的两层含义,一是对目前状态的诊断和识别,分析是否达到了危机临界区域,及达到的程度,制定相应的措施,事前预防、事中调整,抑或是进行事后补救.另一方面是根据现在的状况,判断将在什么时候发生危机,即预测功能.本研究构建了中小企业人力资源管理危机预警系统,该预警系统由警源信息收集子系统、危机预警诊断与评价子系统、危机预警与报警子系统构成,并对各子系统的功能进行了定义;在此基础上,对预警系统的特点、预警系统的运行机制以及危机预警的级别确定等问题进行了讨论,其中,针对危机预警的级别确定,提出了一种基于预警指标发生的概率、损失及可控制性等三要素的预警级别确定的方法,给出了预警级别计算步骤,通过对历史数据的分析,结合预警指标获得预警级别.  相似文献   

基于Logistic模型的上市公司财务危机预警研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着市场竞争的日益激烈,企业财务危机预警显得尤为重要。近年来,国内外学者进行了大量研究,取得了丰硕成果。但过于注重方法的改进而忽略其在实践中应用的可行性这一不足却日益凸显。鉴于此,以我国上市公司(A股)为研究对象,试图以"增强研究的适用性"作为主导思想,通过预警方法的合理选择,构建预警模型及预警重点指标观测体系,以期实现有效预测及防范危机的目标。  相似文献   

企业危机预警涉及面广,可以从很多角度建立预警指标体系.应用平衡计分卡理论从战略层次进行预警指标的构建,并利用基于AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) 标准化区间权重向量的定性指标筛选方法对指标进行了筛选,建立了企业危机预警指标体系.  相似文献   

刘夏 《时代经贸》2009,(6):144-145
美国次贷危机重创了美国金融业的同时,敲响了各国防范金融风险特别是流动性风险的警钟,本文在借鉴国际上研究银行风险主要流派的基础上,分析了我国银行业流动性风险的特殊原因,建立了我国银行流动性风险预警指标,并进行了回归分析,给出了在我国目前的经济形势和经济运行中防范流动风险应该采取的主要措施。  相似文献   

谷宝华 《经济研究导刊》2015,(8):227-228,242
分析危机预警含义,制定网络舆情危机预警指标,提出三级评价监控指标体体系.利用层次分析法和模糊评价法建立网络舆情危机预警监控模型,对企业网络舆情危机进行预警监控,并为完善企业网络舆情危机管理提出建议方案.  相似文献   

论构建我国货币危机预警机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐道宣 《经济师》2007,(9):31-33
文章阐述了建立货币危机预警指标体系的必要性与可行性,介绍了货币危机预警理论,构建了适合中国的货币危机预警指标体系,对亚洲国家预警指标进行了实证分析,提出了构建我国货币危机预警机制需要解决的问题。  相似文献   

在对常用的房地产预警指标体系选择方法及筛选指标流程进行研究的基础上,采用2003—2012年的房地产各指标数据进行实证研究。先运用头脑风暴法及类比法选择出预警指标,然后运用主成分分析法确定指标权重,最后建立昆明市房地产预警指标系统,并对各年昆明市房地产运行情况进行研判。  相似文献   

以非参数模型为主要建模工具,采用亚行开发的VIEWS系统①中内嵌的信号法,该方法在预测货币危机方面已被证明为有效框架,得到了广泛应用。实证分析表明,该方法在预测银行危机方面同样具有良好的表现,预测能力优于其他研究中提出的技术方法。本模型将"银行危机"定义为不良贷款的持续大面积暴露,从时间序列中识别出三次不良贷款增长高峰期作为"危机事件",将危机窗口设定为危机事件前30个月。根据噪信比至少小于1和经济合理性原则筛选出25项先行指标,并以此构建综合预警指标,得出不同时点的危机概率。实证表明,该模型能够以较好的准确性和先行时间预测样本内的三次危机,并在样本外的2009—2010年发出了持续较强的预警信号。其中,金融部门的整体预警表现最好,信贷增速等先行指标的预警能力最为突出。此外,还以线性回归作为辅助手段,并将检验结果与信号法模型作对比分析。  相似文献   

有很多原因促使银行危机成为最近一段时期理论界研究的热点。这些原因包括银行危机在国际范围内的频繁爆发,银行危机和货币危机、债务危机交织在一起,以及银行危机对一国生产造成的巨大损失等方面。本文将结合国际社会对于银行危机的判定标准以及我国银行体系的实际情况,重在阐述这样一种观点:虽然目前银行危机由于政府提供了大量的隐性担保而得以抑制,但在长期内,银行危机仍有可能从越来越多的银行失败蔓延开来。消除隐藏在我国银行体系内潜伏的巨大风险,将银行危机扼杀在萌芽阶段,将是下一步金融体制改革的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

Several studies indicate that financial liberalization increases likelihood of a financial crisis without distinguishing between a normal period, unstable period preceding the onset of banking panics and crisis/post period. We explain in this paper the relationship between financial liberalization and banking sector vulnerability. Then, we argue that banking sector turmoil is most likely to occur after an intermediate degree of liberalization. Using a recently updated dataset for financial reforms, we find an inverted U-shaped relationship between liberalization and the likelihood of banking crisis for a sample of 49 countries between 1980 and 2010. We used a multinomial logit model in order to take into account what is called the ‘post crisis bias’. We ask whether the relationship remains when institutional characteristics of countries and dynamic effects of liberalization are considered. The empirical results indicate that the relationship between liberalization and banking sector stability depends strongly on the strength of capital regulation and supervision. With very weak regulation and supervision, the probability of banking crises is increasing with liberalization but this relationship is reversed as regulation and supervision become significant. The most important type of liberalization in relation to banking crises seems to be operational. A policy implication is that positive growth effects of liberalization can be achieved without increasing the risk of a banking fragility if appropriate institutions are developed.  相似文献   

Different types of capital inflows have varied effects when predicting banking crises in emerging and developing economies, and these relationships have meaningfully changed over time. In a sample of 29 developing and emerging economies over the period 1976–1991 increases in short‐term debt inflows raised the probability of a banking crisis while increases in inflows for long‐term borrowing by the private sector had the opposite effect. Conversely, over the period 1992–2007 increases in inflows for long‐term borrowing by the private sector and for equity investment both increased the probability of a banking crisis. The findings suggest distinct optimal capital account liberalization policies between the two periods.  相似文献   

The Basel Accords promote the adoption of capital adequacy requirements to increase the banking sector's stability. Unfortunately, this type of regulation can hamper economic growth by shifting banks' portfolios from more productive, risky investment projects toward less productive but safer projects. This paper introduces banking regulation in an overlapping-generations model and studies how it affects economic growth, banking sector stability, and welfare. In this model, a banking crisis is initiated by an aggregated shock (in the risky sector) in a banking system with implicit bailout, and banking regulation is modeled as a constraint on the maximal share of banks' portfolios that can be allocated to risky assets. This model allows us to evaluate quantitatively the key trade-off, inherent in this type of regulation, between ensuring banking stability and fostering economic growth. The model implies an optimal level of regulation that prevents crises but at the same time is detrimental to growth. We find that the overall effect of optimal regulation on social welfare is positive when productivity shocks are sufficiently high (for example, in the subprime banking crisis episode) and economic agents are sufficiently risk-averse. Finally, we find that there is a trade-off between regulating the economy upfront (i.e. before the shock) and facing the challenge of making a huge bailout after the crisis.  相似文献   

This work aims at contributing to the improvement of the early warning systems of banking crises using a new approach accounting for model uncertainty. We show that a multinomial logit model based on Bayesian model averaging (BMA) is a good strategy to predict banking crisis. To do this, we argue that differences in vulnerability to banking crisis can be largely explained by an asymmetry between financial market evolution and regulation update on a sample of 49 developed and developing countries between 1980 and 2010. When markets are liberalized, competition pushes bankers to take more risks and take advantage of regulatory delays thus increasing crises probabilities. Our empirical evidence supports that crisis probability is higher in country liberalizing their banking system when regulation is not updated. We developed an early warning system for systemic banking crises based on the multinomial logit model. Its main difference to existing prediction models and its contribution to the literature is that it is intended to identify and resolve what is called by Bussiere and Fratzscher [(2006). Towards a new early warning system of financial crises. Journal of International Money and Finance, 25(6), 953–973] as post-crisis bias in binomial models and to develop a new methodology of leading indicators selection based on BMA. Overall, our model predicts all banking crises during our sample period.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impending political determinants of banking crisis in advanced economies. In particular, we consider the impact of domestic credit growth on the likelihood of banking crisis and analyse possible constraints on the part of the governments in curbing the unsustainable credit growth. The endogeneity corrected results reveal that the household credit growth has greater impact on the likelihood of banking crisis than the enterprise credit growth. The political channel shows that if governments are concerned about domestic approval rates, then there is a higher chance of credit boom, which in turn increases the prospect of banking crisis. Interestingly, the findings reveal that the presence of an independent and well-functioning central bank mitigates the crisis probability and reduces the opportunistic behaviour of governments.  相似文献   

Using conditional quantile regressions for a panel of listed firms from euro‐area countries in the 2005–11 period, we explore the impact of banking concentration on firm growth between smaller and larger firms; core and periphery countries; in pre‐crisis and post‐crisis years. Our findings reveal that increasing banking concentration favours high‐growth larger‐sized firms located in periphery countries pre‐crisis. By contrast in post‐crisis years increasing banking concentration impacts negatively on low‐growth smaller firms irrespective of location, revealing their vulnerability.  相似文献   

银行危机与货币危机共生性关系的实证研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 997— 1 998年的亚洲金融风暴中 ,银行危机与货币危机的同时爆发 ,即共生性危机的发生引发国际社会与学术界对这种现象的重新思考 :这种共生性现象是否确实具有普遍性 ?从理论的角度来看 ,银行危机与货币危机之间的确存在着一定的联系 ,但到目前为止 ,很少有研究从实证的角度来证明这种联系的确存在。正是基于此 ,本文从实证的角度出发 ,旨在揭示出银行危机与货币危机之间的确存在着相互影响 ,换言之 ,共生性危机的发生是具有显著性的。具体来说 ,本文以 1 975— 2 0 0 0年期间 53个国家危机的发生情况为研究对象 ,分别运用频率分布、信号法 ,以及概率回归模型来分析两种危机的共生性 ,并得到非常一致的结论 :在新兴市场国家中 ,银行危机与货币危机之间的确存在着明显的相互关系 ,同时银行危机更趋向于作为货币危机即将发生的同步或预警指标 ,而反之则不然。  相似文献   

We study the effect of credit information sharing on the likelihood of banking crises using a comprehensive cross-country dataset for the period from 1975 to 2006. The empirical analysis shows that credit information sharing reduces the likelihood of banking crises and it does more so in low income countries. The effect is statistically and economically significant, and applies to both public registries and private bureaus. Furthermore, we show that credit information sharing reduces the impact of rapid credit growth on banking crises. Specifically, rapid credit growth is less likely to lead to a banking crisis in countries with credit information sharing.  相似文献   

Understanding the implications of increased foreign bank presence is especially compelling in periods of financial crisis. In this paper, we explore this issue by examining the relationship between the involvement of foreign banks in the banking systems and the volatility of key macroeconomic variables in normal and crisis periods. Using a sample of 20 Emerging European countries from 1998 to 2013, we find that an increase in the assets of foreign banks in the banking system reduces output and consumption growth volatility in general but does not significantly affect the volatility of investments. However, these banks were found to play a significant role in increasing output, consumption and investment volatility in 2009. Our findings suggest that foreign banks’ harmful impact during the global crisis was only temporary and that they seem to help Emerging European countries stabilize macroeconomic volatility in normal times and after the global crisis.  相似文献   

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