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为了适应越来越激烈的竞争市场,稳固房地产企业的地位,保证房地产企业稳固发展,就要从战略的眼光出发对房地产项目开发进行管理。因此,文章分析并研究了战略导向型的房地产项目开发管理,并从供应商、房地产项目、客户这三方面出发,提出基于战略视角的房地产项目管理办法。  相似文献   

利用波特的竞争模型,对作用于独立学院的供应商压力、客户压力、潜在进入者、替代品、行业竞争力量进行分析,得出结论:独立学院"转设"是国家的政策导向,向民办普通高校"转设"是独立学院的根本出路,这种新形势既是挑战也是机遇。  相似文献   

我国大型零售业竞争环境分析与竞争战略重构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近几年来,我国大型零售企业经济效益呈年年下滑趋势。零售业将如何摆脱困境,提升经济效益?本文提出,关键是须改变企业竞争环境,培育商业企业的竞争力优势,加强学习与修炼,注重竞争、激励与合作。  相似文献   

李涛 《商场现代化》2007,(29):261-262
行业环境分析是产业外部环境分析的核心和重点。波特五力模型为我们分析体育产业的竞争环境提供了理论范式。本文运用该模型对体育产业的竞争环境进行分析,并在此基础上提出竞争策略。旨在明确体育产业竞争环境中存在的机会和威胁,进而为体育产业的发展制定相对客观正确的战略决策提供依据。  相似文献   

我国经济型酒店行业竞争环境分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
龙凡 《商业时代》2008,(12):101-102
近年来,随着国内旅游业的蓬勃发展以及国外大众化游客的不断增多,以满足大众化消费需求为宗旨的经济型酒店的发展逐渐成为业界关注的热点,同时也为经济型酒店的发展带来了商机.为适应经济型酒店在国内高速发展的需要,本文基于此.对我国经济型酒店面临的行业竞争环境进行分析,以期对经济型酒店管理提供借鉴.  相似文献   

我国实行开放国策三十多年来,社会经济得到了显著的提升。企业是国民经济的重要组成部分,为解决我国就业问题做出了巨大贡献。但由于国内、国际经济环境已经发生深刻变化,在一定程度上使得企业面临更多的市场竞争压力。文章结合目前我国多数企业的发展现状。对企业市场竞争环境进行分析。  相似文献   

邢志军 《致富时代》2011,(8):252-254
改革开放以来,随着公路和民航等各种运输方式的高速发展,我国铁路运输行业在运输市场的激烈竞争中面临市场份额下滑,竞争力下降的局面。同时,根据入世时的协定,2007年铁路所有客货运输服务也全部向外资开放。这种内忧外患的环境都对铁路运输企业带来竞争压力和挑战。  相似文献   

对企业爱成长最关键的社会因素依次为鼓励创新的社会激励机制、政治环境、市场环境、企业家职业化、法制环境、企业家的职业教育、社会化环境、企业化。为此,社会必须进一步优化政治环境、市场环境、法制环境、社会化环境等。  相似文献   

北京时间9月11日凌晨,苹果公司在美国加州总部召开发布会,新款的iPhone手机问世,中国也成为了新款iPhone的首发地之一。  相似文献   

本文介绍了代驾行业起源和整体发展现状,并重点分析了中国代驾市场发展现状及竞争环境,初步总结了代驾服务面临的风险及规避措施。  相似文献   

Although prior studies suggest that technology competencies play a significant role in firm innovation and competitiveness, what and how technology competencies interacted with competitive environment affect firm innovation has not been fully understood. This paper fills this research gap through a questionnaire survey of 165 firms together with a number of interviews drawn from the Taiwan's information and communication technology (ICT) industry. The results suggest that capabilities of exploring or exploiting technological opportunities, core technology capability, and autonomy of R&D decisions are particularly important to firm innovation in a highly competitive environment, whereas over commitments to existing technologies may constrain a firm's innovation especially in such environment. Moreover, different types of competitive environment require different types of technological competencies to enhance firm innovativeness. This paper contributes to the existing theory by examining the joint effect of technology competency and competitive environment on a firm's innovation.  相似文献   

利用波特[1]的五力模型和零散型产业的概念,对我国的水处理化学品行业的竞争格局进行结构化分析,勾画出水处理化学品行业内企业的竞争战略群组.指出我国的水处理化学品行业属于典型的零散型行业,而克服零散对该行业和某些业内企业来说可能孕育着重要的市场机会,并对行业内的关系营销等特点进行了简单概括.跟踪世界水处理化学品行业的发展趋势,找出我国水处理化学品行业存在的不足和面临的困境,结合行业结构分析提出该行业未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

This study explores the effects of market structure characteristics and exogenous market interventions on competitive reaction intensity over time. It is found that moderate growth rate and moderate concentration induce greater competitive reactions. The effect of the exogenous intervention in the industry studied appears to have a dampening impact on competitive responses. Our research inquiry addresses some issues raised on competition, in general, by Weitz (1985) and specifically on competitive responses by Robinson (1988) and Gatignon, Anderson, and Helsen (1989). The authors express their appreciation to Lee Cooper, Imran Currim, Hubert Gatignon, Avijit Ghosh, Jagmohan Singh Raju and Bill Robinson for their helpful comments and to Mark Parry for his computer programming assistance. The authors gratefully acknowledge research support from the College of Business Administration, University of Georgia, and Graduate School of Management, Rutgers University.  相似文献   

This paper explores the positioning and creative communication tactics (approaches) employed in the UK plastic card service industry. Using content analysis, the findings provide considerable evidence to suggest that there is an appreciation of the use of creative communication tactics and positioning strategies. Furthermore, the study reveals that, whereas creative communication tactics have patchy attention given to some aspects of it, there is an even spread of the frequency of usage of positioning strategies. The study also provides some generalizations as to the applicability of generic positioning strategies in service industries. Discussion of the shortcomings of the study and future research directions are provided.  相似文献   

近几年来,我国在利用外资方面一直处于发展中国家的首位,利用外资金额逐年增长,发展势头良好。黑龙江省作为中国最北的资源型老工业基地,虽然在利用外资上也呈现着良好的发展态势,但和全国其他地方尤其是先进省份相比仍有很大差距。本文对黑龙江省投资环境进行了研究,在找出它不足的同时,也提出了相应改善黑龙江省投资环境,促进黑龙江省经济发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

最近几年,A股市场行业差异明显,在结构性行情的背景下,凸显出行业基金的配置价值.股票型医药行业基金通过研究精选个股,使得业绩大幅领先于同类基金的平均水平.  相似文献   

近年来股票型医药行业基金的业绩大幅领先于同类基金的平均水平,具有投资价值。此外,医药行业未来前景向好,投资者可以选择长期持有该类基金。  相似文献   

自媒体的发展为社会组织运用网络新技术进行公益传播带来了新的变革。目前,国内关于社会组织运用自媒体进行公益传播现状的研究很少。本文通过对成都市101家社会组织的运用自媒体即微博、博客、微信及机构网站主页进行公益传播现状进行分析,探讨社会组织如何运用新媒体进行公益传播来提高社会组织透明度,提升社会组织的公信力。  相似文献   

Global competition means that firms are under pressure to systematically develop the efficiency of their manufacturing processes. However, little has been said in the international business literature about how firms, especially those subject to severe barriers, can search for knowledge within and across national boundaries to help in the development of process innovation. We build on key aspects of the innovation and search strategy literature to develop our conceptual model and hypotheses, which we test in the context of a less-developed, isolated, and closed economy, using data from 171 automotive component suppliers in Iran. We find that foreign knowledge search is positively related to process innovation, even in an economy that operates under severe economic sanctions. This contributes to the international business field by providing evidence that, while economic sanctions are increasingly used in modern geopolitics by the world’s most powerful countries, these actions may fail to achieve their goals with respect to individual businesses.  相似文献   

This article examines the implications that the moment of market entry has for the effect of capabilities and competitive tactics on firm performance, using a sample of 253 companies from the information and communications technology industry. The results show that technical capabilities and low cost orientation are learning factors in the firms' performance, regardless of the moment of entry into the market. The study shows how the two perspectives of competitive strategy and resource-based view complement each other to incorporate different competitive factors in a coherent model for the study of entry timing. The study takes the sustainability model of competitive advantage further, by demonstrating that certain capabilities and competitive tactics can allow pioneers and early followers to achieve and maintain superior performance in a dynamic, hostile and with high level of imitation industry. This study also shows that the availability of a combination of marketing capabilities and low cost orientation will allow late followers' firms to take advantage of early entrants' mistakes.  相似文献   

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