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华尔道夫饭店(Waldorf AstoriaHotel)为希尔顿酒店集团旗下最奢华的品牌。旗下的酒店与度假村分布在全球20多个标志性目的地,各自拥有着魅力独特的风格、恒久的建筑与深厚的历史,非凡之最彰显其中。在每一个华尔道夫酒店中,您都能感受到无与伦比的贴身服务和细致入微的关爱。在这里,奢华品味所蕴含的一切让您留下一个个难以忘怀的瞬间。上海外滩华尔道夫是目前亚洲唯一一家华尔道夫品牌酒店。上海外滩华尔道夫酒店坐拥举世闻名的上海外滩核心地带,完美的结合了周边街区的历史文化与21世纪温文尔雅的情调。酒店由两栋大楼组成,一栋新落成的现代化塔楼连接着一栋全套房的历史建筑楼。曾经是具有传奇色彩的上海总会,也  相似文献   

中国人心目当中的购物天堂一定会定格在香港。人们去香港购物,一方面是出于免税的考虑,更重要的原因还是为了去购买奢华。其实,如果单纯为了购买奢华何必去遥远的香港呢?上海绝对可以满足所有人的胃口!过去上海人常说,外地人逛南京路、上海人逛淮海路。现  相似文献   

海若 《旅游时代》2013,(2):35-37
上海涌现出很多大牌的新酒店。当国内其他地方仍在用五星级酒店作为城市新名片时,上海的酒店业也在朝一个更深的方向蜕变。无论是重新回归的外濉半岛、颇具文化味的朗廷,或者是号称城市绿洲的璞丽,都致力于回归旅行文化的本质,为顾客提供一段被精心设计的住宿体验。  相似文献   

素食,作为一种全新的环保、健康的生活方式,表现出了回归自然、回归健康和保护地球生态环境的返璞归真的文化理念。随着人们生活水平的不断提高,大碗喝酒,大块吃肉的生活早已不再是大多数人追求的生活方式了。相反,由于过多的食用大鱼大肉,很多人年纪轻轻  相似文献   

This study examines the significant differences in shopping for luxury goods among Western, Asian, and Hispanic tourists and, in particular, the perceived importance of different types and characteristics of the luxury consumer and travel goods tourists buy on vacation. The results show that Western, Asian, and Hispanic tourists‐shoppers significantly differ in the perceived importance of luxury consumer and travel goods and their characteristics. Western and Asian tourists attach more importance to buying “gifts for others” than Hispanic tourists. Asian tourists attach more importance to buying “golf equipment,” “health spa/wellness treatment,” “luxury cruises,”and “luxury yachts/rentals” than Hispanic tourists. Western tourists attach more importance to “fine dining” than Hispanic tourists. Implications of the study results and recommendations for future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

青雾 《旅游时代》2012,(12):94-98,100
人类在滑雪中体验到的快感,根植于本能中对速度的追求。而滑雪是一种不需要借助外力就能让我们跑得更快的简单方法。千百年前,当挪威的居民还在苦恼怎样在齐膝深的大雪中能像平常一样行走时,不知道哪个顽皮的孩子,拣起两块木板绑在脚下,一下一下地,慢吞吞地向前蹭着。不一会儿,他发现熟练了之后,居然可以比大人们走得更快,步伐也更流畅。就这样,人类学会了滑雪,也找到了在冬季体验速度乐趣的最好方法。滑雪可谓是冬季最佳的运动方式,穿越群峰之间的快感令人回味穷,流连忘返。下面就为您介绍世界十大滑雪爱好者的朝圣之地。  相似文献   

This study examines the motivations and lived experiences of Israeli descendants of Holocaust survivors who set out on family roots trips to heritage sites and sites of atrocity accompanied by their survivor parents. Post-trip semi-structured interviews disclose the marginalization of historical heritage and post-tourist identity work. Instead, descendants highlight pathos-filled familial sociality. Co-presence in sites of atrocity enables the performance of survivor emotions tacitly present in the home thereby evoking descendant empathy and identification. Emergent “we-relationships” and family “home-making” while away calls for the deconstruction of binaries such as: ordinary/extraordinary, mundane/sacred, and home/away. Findings problematize the mystification of dark tourism and suggest the ‘domestication’ of secular pilgrimages. Finally a re-presencing of the family in mainstream tourism research is called for.  相似文献   

马自达6中级车一直是马自达的核心产品。东京车展上,马自达曾推出一款Takeri概念车,它就是2014款马自达6的原型车。新马6采用Kod0魂动设计理念,结合Skyactive创驰蓝天技术,拥有时尚、动感、领先的外形设计,车身线条更加流畅,在中级车细分市场独树一帜。新车采用全新马自达轻量  相似文献   

追求个性渐渐成为了这个时代的其性,各式各样个性十足的主题餐厅也逐渐走红。近日,重庆江北区北滨路出现了一家飞机舱主题餐厅,其包房尽量模仿飞机客舱氛围,可谓是赚足了眼球。不买机票、不上飞机,也能坐在机舱用餐?这种奢想不难实现。装修:舷窗、阅读灯一个都不少走进餐厅大门,你的确会有登上了一架飞机的感觉:银灰色的飞碟状总台、座位旁边标准的方形舷窗、软软的地毯,甚至连走道上一排闪着蓝光的地  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify information search behaviors of college student travelers by applying the concept of specialization. Dividing the college travelers into groups of high‐, medium‐, and low‐leveled specialization, the research investigated the perceived value of information content and information sources, and identified the main information sources used to obtain information for their recent spring break trips. It was observed that the different specialization groups assigned different values to information content and sources. The differences in the choice of information channel also appear to be substantial. As a result, the findings of this study supported the idea that the specialization concept can be used as an alternative approach to segment travelers in a more comprehensive way, which combines past experience, prior knowledge, and involvement that are important to classify travelers.  相似文献   

北京市旅游委自去年成立之后首次大规模的景区质量等级复核工作,给北京A级旅游景区建设注入动力。北京市旅游委在2月9日召开的2011年北京市旅游景区质量等级复核总结会上宣布,北京16家A级景区被取消资格或限期整改。被认为是近年来规模最大、标准最严、要求最高的一次复核  相似文献   

不知何时开始,人们对酒楼食肆的喧嚣开始厌倦,热爱美食者钻进横街窄巷,寻找美味佳肴,还有那份流失已久的恬淡心情。近几年,高档餐厅逐渐出现一股集约化、个性化的趋势,无大厅、少房间、多厨师,采用精耕细作的经营模式,无论环境的装修与布置,还是在出品的结构上,更突出无省界、无国界的概念,所以有专家断言,吃文化的时代正在拉开序幕。所谓私房菜,就是在私密的自家厨房里烹制而成、无所谓菜系,无所谓章法,只要味道独特。一个世纪前,北  相似文献   

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