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第二次土地调查数据更新维护对策探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二次土地调查数据是今后国土资源管理最基础的数据,与第一次土地调查数据相比具有数据量大、数据类型复杂、数据格式多样、数字化程度及信息化程度高等特点,采用传统地籍变更办法已不能适应第二次土地调查数据及时动态更新。为促进地籍成果在国土资源管理工作中的应用,保证地籍数据现势性,在传统地籍变更办法的基础上提出城乡一体化的地籍管理信息系统建设、城乡一体化地籍数据更新机制、基于现代测量技术内外业一体化地籍变更模式,与传统变更办法相比大大提高了工作效率。  相似文献   

研究目的:研究采用工作流和ArcSDE技术建立地籍管理信息系统,明确系统设计原则,确定系统设计路线,并建设功能模块。研究方法:以杭州市地籍管理信息系统建设为例,构建C/S、B/S结合等三层混合体系架构,采用宗地内部标识和时间维度实现宗地关联与历史回溯等关键问题。研究结果:(1)基于ArcSDE和工作流技术,采用C/S、B/S结合的三层混合体系架构,能很好地满足图文一体化地籍管理的日常应用需要;(2)将城、乡地籍管理业务数据统一管理和地籍日常业务审批自动化紧密结合,实现了城乡一体化数据图属关联和实时更新。研究结论:基于工作流和ArcSDE技术较好地解决了日常地籍业务办公与地籍空间数据动态管理同步和城乡一体化管理问题,具有较广泛的应用意义。  相似文献   

杨童超 《山西农经》2021,(5):167-168
为适应城镇发展建设的相关要求,强化土地资源管理效能,政府部门投入大量资源,加大地籍测量、确权与变更管理的力度,旨在实现地籍信息的量化管控。探讨了城镇变更地籍测量的基本方法,梳理了地籍调查与权属变更中现代测绘技术的实施流程,该技术从技术准备、控制测量与碎部采集等角度,为加强地籍信息管理提供了基础信息支持。  相似文献   

基于"3S"技术的土地资源管理的应用与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"3S"技术是对地观测系统中空间信息获取、存储管理、更新、分析和应用的3大支持技术,近年来引起了人们的普遍关注和研究.本文首先阐述了3S技术的特点与优势,探讨了"3S"技术集成应用于土地资源管理,最后对"3S"技术集成的意义和优势进行分析.  相似文献   

第二次全国土地调查实现了城乡一体化的土地利用现状分类,规范了城乡土地调查的数学基础和数据库建设标准,形成了城镇地籍数据库与农村地籍数据库.在此基础上,分析城乡一体化地籍管理系统实现的技术基础,提出系统建设的技术路线,论述工作流程和方法,研究系统建设的关键技术,最后得出通过设置城镇范围内数据的打开和关闭功能建立城乡一体化地籍管理系统的方法是当前形势下比较理想的一种方法.  相似文献   

"支撑管理、服务社会"是新形势下地籍管理工作的出发点和落脚点。淄博市国土资源局紧密结合实际,着眼管理与服务,以宗地统一代码为引领,加强数据库建设,运用信息化技术,创新地籍管理新模式,构建城乡一体化地籍管理系统,实现了土地  相似文献   

地籍数据库管理模式研究——以徐州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地籍数据库是国土资源基础数据库中重要的一个子库,地籍数据库的有效管理是地籍管理信息系统应用及可持续发展的一个基础保障.在对徐州市地籍数据库管理的实践基础上,总结经验,并探索改进的方法,从地籍管理信息系统权限管理模块、地籍数据库长效变更机制的建立、地籍数据库变更情况统计分析功能以及电子档案等方面对地籍数据库的管理模式进行探讨.  相似文献   

提要本文分别论述全球定位系统在地籍控制测量、地籍图测绘、土地利用变更调查和动态监测中的应用以及新的GPS定位技术在地籍测绘中的应用与展望。  相似文献   

被誉为祖国“镍都”的甘肃省金昌市,以城市地籍信息系统建设为重点,不断夯实土地管理基础工作。该市从1999年开始,积极筹备资金,依靠自己的技术力量,开展了市区地籍信息系统建设,完成了市区建成区18平方公里、409宗地初始地籍调查和17平方公里、613宗地区域变更地籍测量,完成了11000地籍图130幅,1500地籍图16幅,整理输出7个街道42个小区1225宗地的宗地界址成果,输出市区土地分类面积、分类街道土地分类面积汇总等成果资料,建立了比较完整的数字化图形数据库,建立了市区数图一体化地籍信息化管理系统,为甘肃城市地籍信息系统建设起到了较好的…  相似文献   

城镇地籍管理系统中GIS技术应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来 ,随着土地管理各项业务工作的全面开展 ,特别是城镇地籍调查业务的完成 ,各种数据、图件、文字资料急剧增加 ,地籍信息量越来越大。相应地日常地籍变更工作也越来越频繁 ,使得传统的地籍信息管理方法已不能满足地籍管理的需要。由于城镇地籍管理的主要对象是空间地理数据及其附属属性数据 ,而GIS则是运用拓扑学知识来处理空间数据及其属性数据间的关系的技术。因此 ,GIS用于城镇地籍管理能将图形数据与相应的属性数据联系起来 ,实现图形的拓扑查询以及图形、属性数据的交互查询 ,同时 ,也可实现地籍管理的科学化和信息化。由此 ,…  相似文献   

Underground space is being considered as a sustainable development resource, especially in heavily urbanized areas such as Seoul, in Korea. However, regarding 3D underground property, uncertainties and gaps exist between cadastral system and real property registration system. In Korea, cadastral system is able to deal with only 2D surface parcel, on the contrary, real property registration system is able to register and manage legal status of 3D underground properties. The mismatch between these two systems causes various types of problems for underground properties such as a vertical boundary disputes between aboveground and underground ownerships, administrative confusion and dual-compensation problems for new underground construction, reconstruction and haphazard development for underground space due to the lack of systematic registration procedure. In order to overcome these problems, this research proposes a 3D underground cadastral data model, which is associated and integrated with classes in ISO 19152 Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) developed by the Technical Committee 211 of the International Organization for Standardization. The proposed 3D underground cadastral data model comprises two packages: 3D underground parcel package, and 3D underground surveying and mapping package. It would support a better service for land administration by providing reliable and accurate spatial information on 3D underground property. In order to validate the proposed 3D underground cadastral data model, the prototype is developed and implemented in real-world situation for the first time. The proposed 3D underground cadastral data model can register various types of 3D underground properties including architectures such as shopping mall, public walkway, parking lot, and etc., and civil infrastructures such as subway, road, water supply, sewage, common utility tunnel, and etc. The results show that the proposed 3D underground cadastral data model could be applicable for other information system such as land valuation and taxation system, urban planning system, construction and facility management system.  相似文献   

地籍管理工作是土地管理的重要组成部分。我国的地籍管理比较落后,已阻碍了土地管理工作的发展。探讨如何在GIS技术下建立地籍管理信息系统及具体步骤、技术方法等一些实际应用的问题,将新技术引入土地管理中势在必行。  相似文献   

Digital 3D cadastres are often envisaged as the visualisation of 3D property rights (legal objects) and to some extent, their physical counterparts (physical objects) such as buildings and utility networks on, above and under the surface. They facilitate registration and management of 3D properties and reduction of boundary disputes. They also enable a wide variety of applications that in turn identify detailed and integrated 3D legal and physical objects for property management and city space management (3D land use management).Efficient delivery and implementation of these applications require many elements to support a digital 3D cadastre, such as existing 3D property registration laws, appropriate 3D data acquisition methods, 3D spatial database management systems, and functional 3D visualisation platforms. In addition, an appropriate 3D cadastral data model can also play a key role to ensure successful development of the 3D cadastre.A 3D cadastral data model needs to reflect the complexity and interrelations of 3D legal objects and their physical counterparts. Many jurisdictions have defined their own cadastral data models for legal purposes and have neglected the third dimension, integration of physical counterparts and semantic aspects.To address these problems, this paper aims to investigate why existing cadastral data models do not facilitate effective representation and analysis of 3D data, integration of 3D legal objects with their physical counterparts, and semantics. Then, a 3D cadastral data model (3DCDM) is proposed as a solution to improve the current cadastral data models. The data model is developed based on the ISO standards. UML modelling language is used to specify the data model. The results of this research can be used by cadastral data modellers to improve existing or develop new cadastral data models to support the requirements of 3D cadastres.  相似文献   

Successful economies rely on effective land administration systems. A key contributor to land administration is the cadastral system and its support for the ongoing definition of boundaries that support secure property rights and effective land management.Cadastral systems are complex and typically have significant differences in legislation, regulation and survey practices between jurisdictions. And yet the high-level objectives of a cadastral system tend to be essentially the same the world over. Comparisons of cadastral systems in different jurisdictions can easily become focused on the technical, legal, or implementation differences. This can obscure commonalities and opportunities to develop common strategies for the efficient maintenance and development of cadastral systems.Changes in technology have significantly altered the way that cadastral boundaries can be marked and located in the real world and then represented or visualised on maps or plans and in databases. The rate of take up of these technologies, and the form of that take up, varies between jurisdictions.A conceptual model to explore the complex relationships between different representations of cadastral boundaries has been developed. This model, which has broad application, is known as the Cadastral Triangular Model (CTM). The CTM is a valuable tool to explore and resolve complex issues facing cadastral systems, for example proposals for the evolution of 3D cadastres. This paper describes the CTM, how it can be used and identifies further applications of this model to address contemporary issues confronting cadastral authorities.  相似文献   

[目的]文章以江西省某县中心城区为例,利用城镇地籍数据构建一种快速调查低效用地的方法,为实现城镇用地粗放低效利用向精明高效利用转变。[方法]首先根据建筑物三维属性开展城镇三维建模; 然后结合GIS三维可视化、空间分析等方法识别低效用地; 最后采用单因子评价法进行低效用地类型判定。[结果](1)Ⅰ类低效用地的分布与城镇建设程度有关,主要分布在建设程度弱的区域; (2)Ⅱ类低效用地受布局混乱影响,造成周边建设用地割裂,影响土地的综合利用; (3)Ⅲ类低效用地大部分远离城镇中心区域,“粗放式”的土地利用模式导致土地利用强度不达标。[结论]盘活城镇低效用地是现实需要,基于城镇地籍数据三维建模的低效用地调查方法,减少了内、外业工作量,提高了调查效率与可视化程度,为城镇低效用地调查提供一种新技术与方法,有助于增强城镇核心功能,实现土地集约节约利用。  相似文献   

研究目的:利用2DGIS中城镇地籍数据信息快速建立城市三维模型。研究方法:首先对城镇大比例数据进行归类,提取适合三维建模的点、线、面要素,然后对要素进行重新组织,利用ArcScene,依据三维表达的要求,对地形背景建立DEM并与DOM叠加处理,界址点、控制点等点状地物建立三维独立地物符号库,一般建筑物按高度进行拉伸,而对标志性建筑物采用三维建模软件按二维轮廓进行精细模型制作。研究结果:成功地对某市大比例尺城镇地籍数据进行三维可视城市三维模型构建。研究结论:利用2DGIS中城镇地籍数据信息建立城市三维模型方法可行有效,有利于推进三维地籍的发展。  相似文献   

Identifying the processes in the cadastre enables understanding the principles on which the cadastre works. Processes in cadastre define the way how the cadastre manages information and what are the prerequisites for the data to be stored in the appropriate data structure. In order to explicitly specify cadastral procedures and workflows to support their automatization, we developed a process model for Serbian cadastre. The main reason for developing the process model is to ensure the framework which will provide possible integration and interoperability with other systems outside traditional cadastral system and between cadastral subsystems themselves. The process model is based on hierarchical decomposition of two basic groups of processes: processes for changing cadastral data and processes for displaying cadastral data. Each group of processes is further decomposed step by step until the workflow of a single process is shown. The developed process model is an abstract model, i.e. it is independent of the implementation. However, in order to instantiate such process model, it is necessary to provide binding of the abstract process model to its underlying implementation. Cadastral registration of spatial units may be beneficial for activities that relay on land administration, such as taxation, spatial planning, obtaining a building permit or legalization of buildings. This relation to the processes under jurisdiction of other organizations justifies the use of cadastral process model and its implementation into SOA environment. Traditionally, cadastral processes include alphanumeric data and 2D spatial data on cadastral maps that contain 2D borders of parcels and buildings. However, recent advancements in 3D technology bring the opportunity to enhance such processes with 3D information. In particular, the aim is to extend current 2D process model to support data maintenance and transactions in the upgrade towards 3D cadastre. Therefore, these 3D data supported workflows are introduced to the process model. For the processes that include 3D information the choice has to be made which specifications will be used and how representations of 3D spatial units will be resolved. In this paper, we first develop an abstract process model of Serbian cadastre. After that, we extend the process model to include 3D information, discuss the options for using the encodings of 3D spatial units (legal spaces) and select buildingSMART openBIM IFC standard for this purpose.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that the armed conflict is development in reverse that brings about a severe wastage of human capital and infrastructures. The ongoing violence over the last half a decade in Syria has caused serious economic devastation and a massive loss of properties, landlessness, and lack of clarity relating to ownership or use rights. Post-conflict reconstruction is essential as it assigns the future shape of the country, and it is mostly determined by the commitment and capacities of local populations, including national government and civil society, to maintain the process. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the challenges, obstacles, and issues inhibiting the approach of restoring and sustainably developing the current system. Building a potential cadastral system for post-conflict Syria requires practical contributions from all stakeholders to explore possible ideas that may come up with other procedures for solving many legal, political, and technical issues. The design of a clear strategic framework for modernizing cadastral infrastructure will provide more excellent social stability and expand the prospects for economic growth within post-conflict communities. The main objective of this research is to describe a proposed approach for a reconstruction process oriented towards building an electronic multipurpose cadastre in support of sustainable development from an international perspective in line with modern technology. The addressed model ensures unified real estate registration and simplifies the information interchange between agencies.  相似文献   

基于J2EE的集成地籍信息系统总体设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对地籍信息系统建设现状与J2EE技术架构的分析,针对已建成系统的不足,指出了J2EE架构应用于地籍信息系统建设的优势;根据地籍管理业务的特点,提出了基于J2EE的集成地籍信息系统的总体架构。在以上工作的基础上,从多源、多尺度地籍时空数据的组织与集成以及针对不同地籍管理业务特点的应用集成这两个层面,讨论了地籍信息系统建设中的关键技术问题,并给出了相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

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