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本文根据1997年和2002年的投入产出表数据计算了中国35个工业行业的物质投入外包和服务外包比率,并以面板数据模型检验了不同形式的外包对全员劳动生产率的影响,最后考察了外包对生产率影响的行业差异性。研究结果表明,在我国工业行业中,外包有利于企业劳动生产率的提高,而且服务外包对生产率的影响程度大于物质投入外包:高技术、低开放度以及大规模行业中国际外包对生产率的促进作用更为显著。本文有两个原创性贡献:一是区分了物质投入外包和服务外包对中国工业行业劳动生产率影响的差异;二是发现行业性质影响国际外包对生产率作用程度的大小。  相似文献   

近年来,国际大型制药企业纷纷将新药研发业务外包到中国,推动着我国研发外包服务产业的发展.北京市作为国内科技资源和高技术人才比较集中的地区,也成为国外大型制药企业、研发机构选择在中国建立研发中心或寻找合作伙伴的首选.本文根据北京技术市场管理办公室登记的涉外合同数据库,分析了北京市医药研发外包行业的现状、特点、优势领域以及存在的问题,并提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

为不断提高我国知识产权的创造、管理、实施和保护能力,完善现代知识产权制度,以促进经济社会发展目标实现总体谋划,我国将实施知识产权战略。 根据国家知识产权局局长王景川的介绍,我国知识产权战略具体分为国家、地方、行业和企业等几个  相似文献   

国际外包陷阱产生机理及其跨越研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文以全球价值链分工体系下发展中国家承接国际外包实践为背景,从承包企业所面临的风险角度审视国际外包,认为承包活动将伴随着陷阱,并提出了分析国际外包陷阱的一个初步理论框架。国际外包陷阱描述了承包企业陷入长期低水平接包而难以自拔的一种状态,其在理论溯源、概念假设、形成机制及产生效应等方面区别于比较优势陷阱。承包企业对发包企业技术上的严重依赖和对低劳动力素质的过度依赖是前者极易落入国际外包陷阱的主要原因,落入国际外包陷阱的后果则是从长期看承包企业人力资本积累缓慢、缺乏技术创新能力积累导致与发包企业间技术差距和边际生产率差距同时不断扩大。基于以上理论框架,本文构建了国际外包陷阱产生机理的数理模型,阐明了承包企业内部技术积累及外部需求推动两大跨越国际外包陷阱的途径,归纳了国际外包陷阱跨越的"单脚"、"双脚"及"跳跃型"三种模式,并对承包企业发展战略和发展中国家相关产业政策制定提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,随着贸易壁垒和行政壁垒的逐渐消失,国外企业纷纷运用专利构筑技术壁垒来限制我国企业产品进入国际市场.欧美等创新型国家已拥有较完善的知识产权制度,为维护其市场地位和经济利益势必要运用知识产权来打压中国企业.我国企业要认清形势,积极学习借鉴外国企业知识产权战略,研究制定本企业知识产权战略,加快培育拥有自主知识产权的关键技术、知名品牌,增强企业市场竞争力,主动参与国际竞争,进而增强国家核心竞争力.  相似文献   

银行业务流程外包服务的快速发展,使得相关的派驻式项目员工群体迅速扩大。因其行业特点及职业特点,派驻式项目员工流失现象日益严重。而银行业务流程外包行业与银行日常运营息息相关,因此项目员工的流失直接影响到银行业务流程外包服务企业的生存和发展。所以企业的管理者必须关注一线员工的流失问题。  相似文献   

我国粗放型的外贸增长方式难以为继,必须实现根本性转变,实现外贸出口结构的优化,承接服务外包是促进其转变的重要途径和举措。全球新一轮以服务业为主导的国际产业转移为优化外贸出口结构转变提供了契机。我们应抓住这一机遇,加快服务外包发展,调整外贸产业结构,从而实现质量型的外贸增长方式。  相似文献   

朱传霞  张静  范暖 《内蒙古煤炭经济》2012,(9):148+128-148,128
为适应全球化服务外包和我国会计外包迅速发展的状况,我们努力将会计服务外包理论引入到高职会计专业的教学体系,为会计服务外包企业培养高素质的人才,探索建立适合会计服务外包需求的税务会计课程体系。  相似文献   

推动低碳经济发展的重要驱动因素是政策制度的创新和制定,这是实现我国高碳产业低碳化发展的重要举措。辽宁省要切实推动低碳经济的发展,需要立足于辽宁省能源结构和产业结构,建立并完善一整套多方面、多行业的低碳经济发展制度支持体系:将发展低碳经济上升到规划层面;建立"碳预算"机制;制定税收激励和规制政策;建立财政补贴制度;在知识产权制度上支持低碳经济发展;强化企业社会责任。  相似文献   

在经济全球化和贸易自由化的条件下,知识产权已成为企业甚至国家之间竞争的重要手段,实施知识产权战略,需要从国家,行业,企业,人才等几个方面综合立体地推进,本文从企业层面介绍知识产权的内容要素,供读者参考。  相似文献   

The globalization of markets and business operations is a trend that will continue strongly in the coming decades. One inescapable aspect of globalization has been the trend toward global outsourcing, especially that of knowledge‐based services. Due to firms' compulsion to reduce costs in the developed world, the issue is not if a particular firm will outsource or offshore work but when it will outsource it and how effectively it will leverage outsourcing to achieve superior competitive advantage. An important implication of the outsourcing of knowledge‐based services is the management of intellectual property (IP). Managers and researchers alike are interested in understanding the effects of global outsourcing of knowledge‐based services on the management of IP. The challenge of accessing, exploiting, and defending IP in global outsourcing relationships is first examined in this paper. IP can be managed by balancing the trust and control and verification in the outsourcing relationship. Given that defending IP is a major concern for outsourcing firms, the moderating roles of multitier suppliers, supplier country legal regimes, and global supplier communities of practice on defending IP is examined in detail through moderating effect propositions. Finally, the paper examines the effect of accessing, defending, and exploiting IP in global outsourcing relationships on the generation of incremental and radical innovation for the outsourcing firm. This research tries to extend current academic research on global outsourcing in three ways. First, it offers a framework to understand the management of the buyer–seller relationship in the global outsourcing of knowledge‐based services and its relationship to the management of IP and innovation generation. Second, the framework takes a broader perspective of outsourcing and innovation generation, including globalization, tiered suppliers, supplier country legal regimes, and global supplier communities of practice on defending IP. Third the research examines the effect of accessing, exploitation, and defense of IP on generation of incremental and radical innovation for the outsourcing firm. Managerial implications of this research and future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和信息技术的飞速发展,全球产业正在经历从制造业向服务业转型,服务外包作为国际产业升级的新态势,已经成为世界各国提升产业竞争力的重要引擎。文章以印度、爱尔兰和以色列三国服务外包的发展经验作为参考,结合天津服务外包产业发展的现状与问题,从政策、人才、企业3个方面,提出了天津加快发展服务外包产业的路径选择。  相似文献   

This paper sets up a model, where multinationals compete in quantities and domestic firms form a competitive fringe. Within this framework, we analyse the relationship between market concentration, international outsourcing and the industry price-cost margin. The empirical results of a panel of 66 industries and the EU12 countries in the 1990s strongly confirm our theoretical hypotheses. Market concentration and international outsourcing are positively related to industry price–cost margins. In a thought experiment, we show that industry price–cost margins would have decreased by 0.4 percentage points more in the 1990s, if international outsourcing had not changed since 1990. In addition, international outsourcing accounts for a convergence in margins across industries in the last decade.  相似文献   

对我国新药研发合同研究组织模式的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为我国的新药研发应采用合同研究组织模式提供参考。方法分析在世界新药研发行业研发外包市场日益增长及研发费用增加的国际环境下,CRO是社会分工更加专业化和风险平均化的产物。结果与结论合同研究组织模式是中国今后新药研发的发展趋势。  相似文献   

上海生物医药研发外包服务支术市场现状分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海生物医药产业的发展非常迅速,而研发外包服务(主要是离岸外包)成为这一产业中最耀眼的明珠。本文根据技术市场管理办公室登记涉外合同交易数据库,分析了上海生物医药研发外包行业的现状、特点、市场规模、优势领域等情况,同时也分析了研发外包服务业在发展过程中存在的一些问题,并提出笔者的一些观点和看法。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the debate regarding the implications of international firms' strategies for their environmental approaches across multiple regions by distinguishing between symbolic and effective environmental operations. Furthermore, we extend previous literature by considering the relevant moderating role of a firm's liability of origin on these relationships. Using panel data of 292 firms in the period from 2011 to 2018 in the energy and utility sectors, our results show that a firm's progressive globalization increases its environmental disclosure but does not affect its environmental performance. Interestingly, our results demonstrate that a weak home country institutional context reinforces a global firm's interest in gaining legitimation through both its environmental disclosure and performance; however, a strong level of home country institutional development reduces its interest in environmental sources of legitimation. Our results contribute to previous literature on how global firms may gain environmental legitimacy using diverse strategies.  相似文献   

中国和印度已成为当今世界医药外包的首选地区。然而,迄今为止,关于中国和印度医药外包产业的规模和特色,以及两国间的差距等问题还鲜有研究。本文通过对中国和印度两国前50强医药外包企业的对比分析揭示两国医药外包产业的相似点和差异点,优势和劣势,以及各自在服务能力方面的长处和短处。  相似文献   

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