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This paper draws three conclusions from a regression study of disaggregated commodity arbitrage between the U.S. and Canada: (1) Inability to detect commodity arbitrage characterizes a majority of commodity classes, which can potentially be described as nontradeables. (2) Commodity arbitrage is never perfect. (3) When commodity arbitrage is detected, Canadian prices invariably respond as much or more to the exchange rate as they do to U.S. prices.  相似文献   

Are firm entry and fixed exporting costs relevant for understanding the international transmission of business cycles? We revisit this question using a model that includes entry, selection to exporting activity, physical capital accumulation and endogenous labor supply. We determine that once the stochastic process for exogenous productivity is calibrated to consider the endogenous dynamics in TFP created by the number of firms and the time series volatility of entry is calibrated to the data, our model yields minimal departures from the Backus et al. (1992) benchmark. The richer model shares all of the successes of the previous model in terms of the volatilities of aggregate quantities, as well as its failures, in terms of replicating patterns of international co-movement and the volatility of international relative prices.  相似文献   

Are firm entry and fixed exporting costs relevant for understanding the international transmission of business cycles? We revisit this question using a model that includes entry, selection to exporting activity, physical capital accumulation and endogenous labor supply. We determine that once the stochastic process for exogenous productivity is calibrated to consider the endogenous dynamics in TFP created by the number of firms and the time series volatility of entry is calibrated to the data, our model yields minimal departures from the Backus et al. (1992) benchmark. The richer model shares all of the successes of the previous model in terms of the volatilities of aggregate quantities, as well as its failures, in terms of replicating patterns of international co-movement and the volatility of international relative prices.  相似文献   

Assessing the impact of communication costs on international trade   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Communication costs are frequently cited as an important determinant of trade costs. We test this relationship by incorporating alternative measures of communication costs in a model of bilateral trade. We find that international variations in communication costs indeed have a significant influence on trade patterns. Furthermore, estimates using disaggregated data reveal that communication costs are more important for trade in differentiated products than for trade in homogenous products.  相似文献   

A two-country, two-sector new geography model where workers are imperfectly monitored is used to examine the relationship between falling trade costs and unemployment. It is shown that as trade costs fall over time the world naturally falls into an industrialized core and an agricultural periphery. Globalization has a positive effect on employment in the core in both the short and long term. The periphery suffers employment losses in the short term but can gain in the long term.  相似文献   

This paper develops a two-sector model in which the firms in one sector are heterogeneous due to differences in the level of ability between entrepreneurs. Changes in prices lead to entry or exit of marginal firms and changes in the size of infra-marginal firms. The effects of endowment changes and output price changes are shown to depend on factor intensities of marginal and infra-marginal firms. Conflicts between entrepreneurs may arise over commercial policies if factor intensities differ sufficiently in the heterogeneous sector.  相似文献   

Trade booms, trade busts, and trade costs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
What has driven trade booms and trade busts in the past and present? We employ a micro-founded measure of trade frictions consistent with leading trade theories to gauge the importance of bilateral trade costs in determining international trade flows. We construct a new balanced sample of bilateral trade flows for 130 country pairs across the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania for the period from 1870 to 2000 and demonstrate an overriding role for declining trade costs in the pre-World War I trade boom. In contrast, for the post-World War II trade boom we identify changes in output as the dominant force. Finally, the entirety of the interwar trade bust is explained by increases in trade costs.  相似文献   

Corporate organization varies within countries and between countries. We develop a theory which explains the variation in levels of decentralization across firms and links it to the trade environment that firms face. We introduce firms with internal hierarchies in a Melitz and Ottaviano (2008) model of international trade. We show that international trade increases the conflict of interest between CEO/owners and middle managers within firms and these eventually lead to decentralized corporate hierarchies. We test the theory with original data on the internal organizations of 2200 Austrian and German firms and find that the empirical evidence is consistent with the model's predictions.  相似文献   

国际金融市场汇率变动无常,给国际贸易的发展造成了一定的困难。汇率的暴涨暴跌使进出口贸易不易准确核算成本,因此进出口双方不仅要考虑商品的价格等条件,而且要慎重选择计价货币,并积极做好计价货币的风险防范。否则,一不小心就会造成巨大的经济损失,我们通过对以下一则案例的分析,可以从中得到启示,并吸取一些经验教训作为前车之鉴。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce diminishing returns to scale in Brecher's model of international trade with unemployment and then investigate some issues embodied in the theory of international trade. Our principal results are that tariffs need not improve a country's terms of trade and that capital accumulation also need not result in a predictable change in the terms of trade.  相似文献   

国际保理在国际贸易中的作用与我国的对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济全球化时代的到来,市场主动权逐步由卖方转向了买方,导致世界贸易市场的竞争日趋激烈.随着买方市场的形成和不可逆转,出口商为扩大出口,并力求使自己的商品占领国际市场,除了以高质量、低价格作为竞争手段外,尤其重视在结算方式上向买方提供更有竞争力的贸易条件.  相似文献   

Why do governments employ inefficient policies when more efficient ones are available for the same purpose? We address this puzzle in the context of redistribution toward special interest groups (SIGs) by focusing on a set of important policies: tariffs and non-tariff barriers (NTBs). In our policy choice model a government can gain by committing to constrain tariffs through international agreements even if this leads to the use of less efficient NTBs; commitment has political value because it improves the bargaining position of a government that is weak relative to domestic SIGs. Using detailed data we find support for several of the model's predictions including: (i) tariff commitments in trade agreements increase the likelihood and restrictiveness of NTBs but not enough to offset the original tariff reductions; (ii) tariff commitments are more likely to be adopted and more stringent when the government is weaker relative to a SIG. Thus, the results can explain the use of inefficient policies for redistribution and suggest that the bargaining motive is an important source of the political value of commitment in international agreements.  相似文献   

Countries that trade more with each other tend to have more strongly correlated business cycles. Yet, traditional international business cycle models predict a much weaker link between trade and business cycle comovement. We propose that fluctuations in the number of varieties embedded in trade flows may drive the observed comovement by increasing the correlation among trading partners' aggregate productivity. Our hypothesis is that business cycles should be more strongly correlated between countries that trade a wider variety of goods. We find empirical support for this hypothesis. After decomposing trade into its extensive and intensive margins, we find that the extensive margin explains most of the trade–productivity and trade–output comovement. This result is striking because the extensive margin accounts for only a fourth of the variability in total trade. We then develop a two-country model with heterogeneous firms, endogenous entry, and fixed export costs, in which the aggregate productivity correlation increases with trade in varieties. A numerical exercise shows that our proposed mechanism increases business cycle synchronization compared with the levels predicted by traditional models.  相似文献   


This paper aims to investigate the relationship between trade flows and transport costs. In previous studies the cost of transport was considered as an exogenous variable. However, an expanding volume of trade also reduces the unit cost of transport and, therefore, the causal relationship between trade and transport costs may be operating in both directions. A transport-costs equation is estimated using data on transportation costs from the International Transport Data Base (BTI). The relationship between transport costs and trade is then analysed by applying a gravity model for sectoral imports for five Latin American Countries from the European Union. We investigate the endogeneity of the transport cost and trade variables by estimating simultaneously both equations. Our results show that, while higher distance and poor importer's infrastructure notably increase transport costs, a higher volume of trade has the opposite effect. Moreover, trade is significantly deterred by higher transport costs and fostered by cultural similarities.  相似文献   

《The World Economy》2018,41(1):337-356
With tariffs largely negotiated away, trade facilitation issues such as custom delays and border costs are one of the next key barriers for trade policymakers to address. One important trade facilitation issue is the de minimis threshold (DMT )—a valuation ceiling for imports below which no duty or tax is charged and the clearance procedures are minimal. Customs assessments are costly and low thresholds can hinder trade flows. We offer a detailed analytical approach to assess the direct economic effects of raising the DMT . We focus on Canada, which has one of the lowest DMT s among developed countries. We utilise a unique data set and find that raising Canada's DMT would have positive effects for consumers and businesses, particularly small businesses because the cost saving for smaller entities is disproportionately large. For the government, foregone duty and tax revenues are outweighed by the cost saving, resulting in a fiscally neutral or even positive effect for government revenues.  相似文献   

杨昌荣 《大经贸》2001,(12):88-89
最新资料显示,信息技术产业贸易在全球商品留易中已占20%,明年这一比重将提高到30%。年均增长将超过20%,到2005年世界光电子信息产业贸易将占全部信息产业贸易的四分之一。  相似文献   

Increasing returns,monopolistic competition,and international trade   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
This paper develops a simple, general equilibrium model of noncomparative advantage trade. Trade is driven by economies of scale, which are internal to firms. Because of the scale economies, markets are imperfectly competitive. Nonetheless, one can show that trade, and gains from trade, will occur, even between countries with identical tastes, technology, and factor endowments.  相似文献   

It is suggested that trade credit can be a substitute for bank loans for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have little access to external funding sources. Using unique cross-sectional survey data of Japanese SMEs, we conduct a deep investigation into the substitutability between bank loans and trade credit. This survey contains rich information on the suppliers of trade credit to SMEs, thus enabling the examination of the channel through which credit is provided from suppliers to customers. We find that SMEs with little access to bank credit depend more on large suppliers for trade credit. We also find that when a purchase is made from a large supplier, more credit is indeed provided in the form of trade credit. Furthermore, this channel of credit from large suppliers to SMEs is only observed for solvent customers, not for insolvent customers. Our findings suggest that trade credit plays an important role for entrepreneurial firms over the financial growth cycle. For young and small firms with little access to bank loans trade credit is an important funding source.  相似文献   

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