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用人单位对员工权利的限制,有其存在的合理性和必然性,法律应对此予以认可。同时法律应确立相应的权利限制 的正当性标准,以对用人单位限制员工权利的行为加以必要的规范和指导。对劳动者实行倾斜立法,只能是立法的技巧,而不 能是立法的理念,法律必须兼顾用人单位的经营利益。  相似文献   

This study explores the properties and development of the matching technology in the Czech Republic during the transition to a market economy. Nonparametric additive modelling allows us to assess flexible functional forms, which comprise for instance CES and trans-log specifications. This enables us to evaluate the matching process locally for each combination of unemployment and vacancies rather than being restricted to global coefficients. Special interest is devoted to analysis and economic determinants of regional variation in the returns to scale of the matching function. Non-linearities are found in the partial adjustment process of unemployment outflows, and a negative coefficient on vacancies in some years. Moreover, increasing returns to scale in job-matching are found locally. Returns to scale are found to be negatively correlated to the share in employment in services and to outmigration, positively correlated to the employment share in industry, the unemployment rate and various measures of active labour market policies.  相似文献   


Most of the transition economies are already members of or in the process of accession to the WTO. Therefore their investment incentive regimes need to be compatible with the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures in the WTO. This study compares the fiscal investment incentives in the transition economies provided to foreign investors and shows which are expected to be phased out soon owing to their inconsistency with the current WTO regulations. It would be to their own benefit for these economies to make their investment policies consistent with the relevant WTO provisions, to take steps to eliminate subsidies prohibited in the WTO system and to try not to waste their resources, considering that the incentives may be subjected to countervailing measures by WTO members.  相似文献   

宋琛 《经济与管理》2007,21(9):52-55
社会责任对于和谐营销的意义在于:赢得消费者的支持和尊敬,提升企业和谐营销效益;提高企业的凝聚力,促进和谐营销团队建设;实现企业、消费者、社会共赢,企业长久发展。在和谐营销中实施社会责任从根本上讲,是构建企业以社会责任观念为核心的企业价值观和企业文化,营造社会责任氛围,开发社会责任产品,把承担社会责任作为企业战略实现和谐营销与社会责任的统一,使消费者利益、企业利益、社会利益在更高的层次上达到和谐统一,进一步降低消费者、企业、社会的发展成本,是建设和谐社会中发挥企业责任和作用的最佳途径。  相似文献   

We analyze the role of leadership in a multi-sided market as search advertising, assuming quantity competition and different entry conditions (with barriers to entry or endogenous entry). The model can be microfounded taking into account network effects, multi-homing on the advertising side and scale in search. If there are barriers to entry and the network effects are strong, there is an incentive for the leader to exploit them and attract more consumers to monopolize advertising. Under barriers to entry, the leading platform has also a strategic incentive to exploit scale in search, to manipulate search results to divert search traffic from other platforms, and to introduce limits to multi-homing, with the aim of expanding its market share and deny scale to competitors.  相似文献   

Financial constraints are common in developing countries where financial systems are underdeveloped. In China, firms report that access to finance is the most important obstacle in the business environment. This is related to firms that fail to gain access to the credit market. We examine the likelihood of gaining access to credit by firms, and find that size and exporting appear to be the key characteristics. Credit constraints are significant for investment decisions. Together with size, access to credit is among the firm characteristics with the greatest impact on the likelihood to invest.  相似文献   

Financialization challenges Karl Polanyi’s thesis of double movement, the thesis that efforts to extend the market evoke efforts to protect humans, nature, and means of production from market forces. Financialization refers to the increased power of financial institutions. The government protects the incomes and assets of financial institutions, but it does little to protect the incomes and assets of households, which are necessary for people to afford healthcare, education, emergencies, retirement, and so on. Polanyi criticized nineteenth-century civilization for transforming land, labor, and the means of production into commodities, using economic insecurity to motivate humans. The development of intangible property allowed business to expand the market in two ways: (i) restricting output to drive up profits and (ii) liquefying consumer assets to provide credit to consumers to increase spending. The implications of that process manifested themselves in the financial crisis of 2008. Market capitalism represented the attempt to organize commodities based on economic rationality. Similarly, the twentieth- and twenty-first-century capitalism represents the effort to “rationally” organize society according to the value of intangible assets. Both efforts failed, indicating the continued relevance of Polanyi’s thesis.  相似文献   

贫困问题始终是困扰人类社会进步的一个重大问题.贫困的定义和测定在思想上最初强调对市场上可以买到的物品的支配能力,随后扩大到包括生活标准在内的其他方面,再进一步发展到一种反映对脆弱性和风险的关心、对没有权力和缺少发言权的担心.贫困涵义的扩展加深了人们对贫困和穷人的理解,推动着减贫战略选择,从为穷人提供更多的经济机会向着为穷人提供社会服务转变,针对脆弱性和发言权制定减贫策略.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the effect of alternative institutional arrangements on the conservation of endangered species and economic activity on private land. Because a landowner does not capture the full value of species conservation, her preferences on land use will not coincide with social preferences. Under current law, the landowner has incentives to invest in lowering conservation value and to deny access to regulators in order to prevent collection of information. Paying compensation corrects many of these perverse incentives. An alternative approach is to limit the ability of landowners to affect the regulatory outcome. Whether it is better to entice landowners to make socially efficient decisions by paying compensation or to limit the ability of landowners to affect outcomes through changes in the regulatory regime depends on both practical implementation difficulties and distributive justice considerations.  相似文献   

The value of genetic resources for R&D is placed within the framework of discussions concerning sustainability. We assess the extent to which society is able to invest now in order to prepare for future risks and uncertainties in the arrival of biological problems. Each of the approaches to valuation is discussed within this setting. Weitzman's approach to measurement is seen to be one that considers society's current objectives and information to be little relevant to future risks and uncertainties. Sedjo, Simpson and Reids' search-theoretic perspective is seen to reduce future uncertainties to highly tractable and known problems. Goeschl and Swanson's bio-technological approach also constrains the problem to be one without any real uncertainty, and focuses on the need to maintain genetic resources in order to maintain control over the problem. Kassar and Lasserre place uncertainty at the core of the problem, and assess the extent to which additional value is added by this feature. In sum all of the approaches to the problem evince a pessimism regarding the capacity of future technological change automatically to resolve these problems. Given this, the value of genetic resources depends on beliefs concerning the ability of current objectives to anticipate future risks and uncertainties.  相似文献   

循环经济的本质与我国发展循环经济的路径选择   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文从循环经济的基本理论入手,探讨了循环经济概念的渊源,指出循环经济是一种全新的发展模式,并且论述了发展循环经济的必要性,分析了中国发展循环经济面临的问题,最后提供了推进循环经济的路径选择:加大宣传发展循环经济的重要意义;不断调整和优化产业结构;建立和完善循环经济政策和体制;为循环经济发展提供有力的技术支撑;探索建立绿色国民经济核算体系;加强国际合作,追踪先进理论和科技等八项措施.  相似文献   

Hedonic pricing with quasi-linear preferences is shown to be equivalent to stable matching with transferable utilities and a participation constraint, and to an optimal transportation (Monge–Kantorovich) linear programming problem. Optimal assignments in the latter correspond to stable matchings, and to hedonic equilibria. These assignments are shown to exist in great generality; their marginal indirect payoffs with respect to agent type are shown to be unique whenever direct payoffs vary smoothly with type. Under a generalized Spence-Mirrlees condition (also known as a twist condition) the assignments are shown to be unique and to be pure, meaning the matching is one-to-one outside a negligible set. For smooth problems set on compact, connected type spaces such as the circle, there is a topological obstruction to purity, but we give a weaker condition still guaranteeing uniqueness of the stable match.  相似文献   

One reason firms exist is to serve as knowledge repositories. Firms compete against other firms and need profits to survive. Firms must be entrepreneurial to discover and act on profit opportunities. Knowledge required to spot profit opportunities is disbursed among economic actors and often is tacit knowledge that can only be obtained by those in close proximity. This gives rise to agglomeration economies, which can be leveraged within firms. In a competitive economy people have an incentive to keep knowledge from people in other firms, but to share it with those in their firm. One role of the firm is to act as a repository of knowledge for those within the firm’s boundaries, and to lower the cost of obtaining knowledge about profit opportunities. Entrepreneurs need firms to contain and capture the profits from their innovations.  相似文献   

Behavioral economics (BE) examines the implications for decision-making when actors suffer from biases documented in the psychological literature. This article considers how such biases affect regulatory decisions. The article posits a simple model of a regulator who serves as an agent to a political overseer. The regulator chooses a policy that accounts for the rewards she receives from the political overseer—whose optimal policy is assumed to maximize short-run outputs that garner political support, rather than long-term welfare outcomes—and the weight the regulator puts on the optimal long run policy. Flawed heuristics and myopia are likely to lead regulators to adopt policies closer to the preferences of political overseers than they would otherwise. The incentive structure for regulators is likely to reward those who adopt politically expedient policies, either intentionally (due to a desire to please the political overseer) or accidentally (due to bounded rationality). The article urges that careful thought be given to calls for greater state intervention, especially when those calls seek to correct firm biases. The article proposes measures that focus rewards to regulators on outcomes rather than outputs as a way to help ameliorate regulatory biases.  相似文献   

Multiemployer health funds are being hammered from several directions. While it is difficult to find a silver lining in the situation, plan sponsors are far from helpless. They should immediately begin to take concrete steps to help stabilize plan costs in order to be able to continue to offer their members meaningful health coverage.  相似文献   

People have a tendency to procrastinate when faced with aversive tasks—but they also procrastinate in relation to beneficial matters whose rewards are instantaneous. If agents value present anticipations of future consumption, revision of consumption plans may be viewed as a benign form of self-deception. We consider a minimal generalization of the Samuelson discounted utility model to allow for utility linked to next period consumption. Agents are assumed to vary with respect to their sophistication. In this context, commitment and self-control are obstacles to the pursuit of increased utility. We also examine different environments that are likely to facilitate repeated revisions.  相似文献   

Reed Olsen 《Applied economics》2016,48(60):5931-5940
This study utilizes state-level data from 2001 to 2009 to estimate the impact of the 2007 financial crisis upon health care expenditures. Higher death rates are consistently found to have a positive and statistically significant impact on health expenditures. While mental health and COPD are not generally found to impact expenditures, increases in the percentage of the population diagnosed with cholesterol and obesity tend to increase health expenditures. Increases in health expenditures slowed considerably after the financial crisis. Even though recessions (high unemployment rates) are generally found to have a positive impact on health expenditures, the post-financial crisis time period is estimated to have much lower health expenditures than in other time periods. Our results can be used to give insight into the conditions under which the slower rate of increase in health expenditures can be expected to increase. More research will be needed to be able to more completely explore not only the reasons for these changes in health expenditures but also whether they are likely to continue into the future.  相似文献   

Educational Policy: Egalitarian or Elitist?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper uses a general-equilibrium model of production and predation to explain observed differences across countries in educational policies. This model predicts, in accord with the facts, that countries in which the government is willing and able to enforce a collective choice to allocate resources to guarding against predators choose to have egalitarian educational policies, which serve to decrease the amount of guarding required to deter predation. In contrast, countries in which individual producers, or small subsets of producers, choose the amount of resources to allocate to guarding against predators, taking the ratio of predators to producers as given, choose to have elitist educational policies, which can serve to decrease the number of potential predators.  相似文献   

滨海新区形成高层次服务产业结构的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郎东  王述英 《现代财经》2008,28(2):63-66
滨海新区欲做到高起点、高层次、高水平发展关键在于充分认识现代服务业在城市经济发展中揪的主导作用,着力构筑高层次产业结构,突显现代服务业的主导地位,选择能够充分发挥后发优势的加快发展现代服务业的路径.  相似文献   

Formal volunteering refers to an individual's unpaid contribution of time to the activities of a charitable or non-profit organization. While the physical presence of these organizations is usually required for citizens who want to volunteer, neighbourhoods vary with respect to the amount of volunteering opportunities available. We are the first to geo-code information on the location of registered charities and the location of individuals, using full six-digit postal codes, to examine how the physical proximity of charities affects the decision to volunteer. We carefully address the possibility that proximity to charities might be endogenous: organizations and volunteers may respond to similar unobservable factors when deciding where to locate. Our results imply that access does matter for the decision to volunteer: one more charity within a 1 km buffer around an individual's residence increases the predicted probability of volunteering by 0.8%. The impact of an additional charity on the likelihood of volunteering decreases with distance from the individual's residence and is more pronounced for urban dwellers, providing further evidence that the location of charities matters when it comes to nudging individuals to volunteer.  相似文献   

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