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药品不良反应是当前比较严重的公共卫生问题之一,为避免药品不良反应的发生和处理不良反应引起的后果需要消耗大量的社会资源。根据当前的制度环境,从不同决策主体角度分析与其相关的不良反应成本,为决策者提供参考依据,提高决策水平,优化资源的配置。  相似文献   

日本从满目疮痍的战败国崛起为世界经济强国,其经济发展的骄人业绩令世人瞩目,金融体制在其中所起的推波助澜作用功不可没。而上世纪80年代以来,尤其是进入90年代后,日本泡沫经济崩溃,金融危机全面爆发,经济陷入了难以自拔的长期萧条之中。90年代日本的金融困境固然是各种内外因素综合作用的结果,但日本金融体制中存在的结构性缺陷,与变化了的经济环境不相适应,是导致这场危机发生以及之后长达十年经济萧条的根本原因。金融危机的一般表象1.金融机构不良资产问题严重。许多日本银行在泡沫经济膨胀期滥放贷款,以致泡沫经济崩溃后,背上了沉重…  相似文献   

This article discusses how the “decision style” of an administrator influences the adoption and use of particular decision models. Several “interactive” and “analytical” decision models often used to guide decision making are described and critiqued to point out their virtues and deficiencies. Propositions are suggested that contend that “systematic,” “judicial”, “speculative”, and “intuitive” styles have clear-cut preferences for a particular decision model. This model seems to be used, even when another would be more suitable. Effective decision makers are postulated to adapt their styles, or at least to see the benefits of different styles. Mixed-mode models are proposed that seem to simulate the behavior of successful decision makers.  相似文献   

近年以来,原油价格快速攀升并持续维持高位,国际能源争夺愈演愈烈,美日欧加快调整各自的能源战略,昭示着世界能源领域的"政治经济学"日益复杂,全球能源形势正在经历深刻演变,亟需我们从战略上高度重视和深入思考.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a stylized theory that focuses on the determination of the structure of decision making within teams. This structure consists of two elements: the allocation of decisional power among the team members, and the degree of information acquisition on their quality. The suggested approach is applied in the special context of pairwise organizational choice for evaluating the performance of a class of decision rules, the value of participation in organizational decision making, the value of information on the quality of the available decision makers, and the efficiency loss associated with common restrictions on the design of the corporate's structure of decision making.  相似文献   

We study the information preferences and information demand of decision-makers facing uncertainty. We focus on monotone decision problems in which the posterior beliefs induced by the decision-maker’s information can be ordered so that higher actions are chosen in response to higher signal realizations. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for decision makers with different classes of payoff functions to prefer one information structure to another. We also provide conditions under which two decision-makers in a given class can be ranked in terms of their information demand. Applications and examples are given.  相似文献   

外商直接投资的溢出效应:国际经验的借鉴与启示   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
90年代以来,随着全球化进程的加速以及发展中国家的对外开放,外商直接投资的溢出效应越来越多地受到了世界各国的普遍关注。而我国在亚洲金融危机之后已经成为了全球吸引外商直接投资最多的国家,如何最大限度地激励外商直接投资在我国产生溢出效应,同时减少外商直接投资所造成的负面影响,也成为了我国政府和企业所面临的现实问题。瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学的Mag-nusBlomstrom教授是目前国际上该领域最著名的研究者之一,根据他在1996年与其同事AriKokko教授对溢出效应的描述,外商直接投资的溢出效应是指,由于国际企业的进入或参与,东道国本地企…  相似文献   

We examine incentives for network-specific investment and consider the implications for network governance. We model a two-sided market in which participants making payments over a network platform can invest in a technology that reduces the marginal cost of using the platform. A network effect results in multiple equilibria—either all agents invest and use of the platform is high or no agents invest and use of the platform is low. The high-use equilibrium can be implemented if commitment is feasible. When the platform cannot commit to usage fees, investment in the platform-specific technology will be held up, thus implementing the low-investment equilibrium. As a result, governance structures necessary to achieve commitment will be preferred to those necessary merely to achieve coordination. For example, mutual ownership by users of a network platform may emerge where users face risk of ex post renegotiation. Such a governance structure will also be sufficient to avoid low investment attributable to the network effect.  相似文献   

Global e-commerce has changed the business operation style of the world economy. However, due to its young age, it has encountered various barriers which include social/cultural, political/legal/governmental, economic/commercial, technological obstacles and other relatively minor impediments. Given the global e-commerce's importance and unprecedented growth potential, it is very essential and critical to point out these barriers and give a complete analysis on them. This research report is presented on the basis of a large amount of research, and secondary data are widely used.  相似文献   

This paper studies the complementarity between investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) and the related investment in human and organizational capital. Using firm-level data taken from a large sample of Italian manufacturing firms, an ICT marginal product much higher than its user cost is estimated. It is then argued that missing complementary investments may have acted as barriers to investment in ICT. Results support the conjecture that the marginal product excess over the user cost is due to those firms that did not complement their ICT investment with an increase in the human capital of their labour force and with a reorganization of the workplace.  相似文献   

In contrast to the prevailing view that more effective use can be made of scientific information in public policy formation, several fundamental obstacles to the effective use of science are identified and described. It is argued that any effort to bring scientific information to bear on public policy must show how these obstacles have been removed.  相似文献   

This paper studies efficient programmed hierarchies as introduced by Radner [The organization of decentralized information processing, Econometrica 61(5) (1993) 1109-1146] in which agents cannot process information perfectly. A group of P identical managers has to make a choice between n alternatives. In order to learn which is the best option, the alternatives have to be compared. The evaluation of an alternative takes time and managers are only able to identify the better one of two alternatives with a positive probability. The skip-level reporting tree proposed by Radner is found to be efficient in terms of the dimensions decision cost, decision delay, and decision quality.  相似文献   

While presidents try to allocate resources to their interests in budgeting process, they have limited power to influence because the government budget is approved by the legislative body. This study investigates whether presidents asymmetrically use information on the efficiency of programs to allocate more resources to their interests. Specifically, I focus on leftover funds in the government reporting. Growing leftover funds indicate inefficiency of the programs as they are the results of lack of demand or operational problems in implementation. Using data from the Korean government, I find that the change of leftover funds of programs and the following year’s budget has a negative relation only when the change of leftover funds is negative, which suggests that the efficiency of the program improves. This phenomenon becomes more salient when the programs are related to the president’s political interests. This suggests that presidents allocate resources to the programs of their interests by asymmetrically using the information on efficiency. This study contributes to the extant literature by identifying one of the presidents’ tools to affect the budgeting process.  相似文献   

This paper applies the feminist concept of epistemological communities to the project of promoting pluralism in the economics discipline. I argue that the economics profession does not resemble a unified and coherent epistemological community and is better viewed as many different yet overlapping and intersecting smaller communities. I argue that this reimaging of the community of economists implies a different conception of pluralism. In an environment where theory is developed at different intersections of epistemological communities, pluralism requires distinguishing between the public process of debate that provides critical evaluation of knowledge claims and the private process of determining what is published and it requires different strategies for evaluating work for publication.  相似文献   

中国服务创新障碍分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
杨广 《技术经济》2009,28(2):24-29
从国有经济比重过高、行政垄断严重、企业合作关联缺乏、创新具有不确定性、服务创新政策环境建设落后五个方面分析了阻碍中国服务创新的影响因素,提出了相关的对策建议。  相似文献   

The impact of regulation of the nominal rate of interest for mortgages in the Australian market for housing finance is examined under inflationary conditions. It is argued that the neglected distributional consequences of the induced tightening of non-price rationing of funds militate against the availability of housing finance to low income groups and first home buyers. Policy to increase availability should take account of the institutional features of the mortgage contract.  相似文献   

Barriers to SME Growth in Slovenia   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The paper is based on the findings of a research project which aimed to identify the critical barriers to small business growth and development in Slovenia. The key barriers identified in the research included factors linked to the institutional environment including bureaucracy, and to external financial constraints including the high cost of capital. Internal organisation and resource issues, and social support through local development coalitions were found to be less important. The research was based upon a sample survey of small firms in Slovenia, and on an econometric analysis of the sources of firms' growth. This provided evidence that firms' growth was negatively linked to firms' size, and that growth was reduced by the presence of institutional and financial barriers. The paper concludes with a discussion of the policy implications.  相似文献   

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