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本文基于面板数据的空间计量模型方法,研究中国和周边国家(地区)FDI流入之间的相互关系。空间计量结果表明母国和东道国的GDP、开放度以及区域一体化规模的增加都会增加东道国FDI流入规模,东道国与投资国签订FTA也有利于本国吸引FDI。但周边国家的经济总量增加和开放度的提高会挤压本国FDI,周边国家通过FTA形成的区域一体化范围越大,对本国吸纳FDI的负面影响越大。东亚地区FDI存在空间正相关性,中国吸引外资并没有挤占周边其他国家和地区吸引外资的空间,而是促进了在该地区的互补性投资。  相似文献   

国际投资协定中的母国措施及其对FDI流动的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
外国直接投资的流动一般涉及到资本的投入方、资本输入的东道国和资本输出的母国。有关国际投资的讨论大多集中在跨国公司和东道国层面,尤其是跨国公司为什么投资?在东道国的行为方式如何?以及吸引FDI的东道国因素和东道国如何对待外国投资者等方面,这些问题已成为当今国际投资问题讨论的重点。但是,与FDI有关的母国法律、法规和政策在当今国际问题的讨论中却很少涉及。在国际投资措施中,母国措施(HCMs,是指影响FDI输出的国家法律、法规和政策。过去对这一措施关注有限,因为母国措施属于发达国家政府的单边权利,其主要作用就是促进母国…  相似文献   

沈玉良  陈颖 《财经研究》2008,34(5):98-109
文章运用理论模型研究基于成本节约和技术进步动因的跨国公司离岸服务如何通过生产力效应、相对价格效应和劳动力供给效应三条渠道影响母国和东道国劳动力的工资水平。文章认为不同类型的离岸服务对母国和东道国不同技能水平劳动力的工资水平会产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

周凌霄 《经济前沿》2007,(2):125-128
东道国文化环境因素在跨国公司进行对外投资决策时的作用越来越大,尤其是对跨国公司的投资区位和投资进入模式选择产生了重大影响.东道国与跨国公司母国间的文化差距越小,跨国公司在当地投资的风险相对越小.中国企业在进行对外直接投资时同样必须对东道国的社会文化环境予以足够的重视.  相似文献   

东道国文化环境因素在跨国公司进行对外投资决策时的作用越来越大,尤其是对跨国公司的投资区位和投资进入模式选择产生了重大影响.东道国与跨国公司母国间的文化差距越小,跨国公司在当地投资的风险相对越小.中国企业在进行对外直接投资时同样必须对东道国的社会文化环境予以足够的重视.  相似文献   

跨国公司在华股权战略的变化趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跨国公司在东道国的股权战略是跨国公司全球战略的一个组成部分,它既要服从跨国公司全球战略的总体安排,同时也取决于跨国公司在具体东道国对公司进入和经营风险的判断、公司对经营活动控制的需要以及东道国有关外资所有权的管制政策的变化。当公司进入和经营风险较高时,跨国公司一般采取低股权战略,以便降低公司运营资本的风险暴露。随着公司在东道国的进入和经营活动的开展,特别是东道国市场规模的迅速扩展,公司在该东道国的经营业务在公司全球战略中的地位提升,以及东道国有关外资股权参与的管制降低时,跨国公司就有可能采取高股权战略,…  相似文献   

国际资本外撤是一个极为复杂的经济现象。梳理和介绍有关国际资本外撤研究成果,论述跨国公司在华撤资的原因,包括:经营不善,未达到预期投资回报目标;母公司全球范围内的归核化战略以及跨国公司母国和东道国政治经济环境的变化。  相似文献   

中间产品进口的技术溢出是国际贸易影响熟练劳动与非熟练劳动之间工资不平等的一个重要机制。本文运用中国制造业的面板数据,实证检验了中国制造业从R&D资本存量丰富的发达国家进口中间产品及其技术溢出对中国工资不平等的影响。结果表明,由于物化型的技术溢出,中间产品进口既通过实现熟练劳动力与国际先进R&D资本互补效应,又通过技能偏向的知识学习效应和劳动生产率效应,提高了中国制造业熟练劳动力的工资和就业份额,扩大了熟练劳动力与非熟练劳动力之间的相对工资差距,加剧了工资不平等。随着熟练劳动力供给的增加,工资不平等呈现出先上升后下降的趋势。  相似文献   

文章将制度约束禀赋和生产要素投入禀赋列为对中国经济产出产生影响的两个部分.使用中国2002-2018年省级面板数据,构建固定效应模型,研究制度约束禀赋在生产要素禀赋的控制下对中国经济产出的影响.研究发现:(1)技术创新仍然是推动中国经济产出的主要驱动因素,并且资本要素和劳动力要素对经济产出的影响面临着规模报酬递减的经济...  相似文献   

东道国文化环境因素在跨国公司进行对外直接投资决策时的作用越来越大,尤其是对跨国公司的投资区位和投资进入模式选择产生了重大影响。东道国与跨国公司母国间的文化差距越小,跨国公司在当地投资的风险相对越小。中国企业在进行对外直接投资时同样必须对东道国的社会文化环境予以足够的重视。  相似文献   

The effects of trade among similar countries and that among dissimilar countries on the relative wage are examined. Product quality is a choice variable by firms. Quantity production is assumed to satisfy constant costs, while quality production is more skilled-labor intensive than quantity production and obeys increasing costs. Compared to autarky, free trade, by fostering more competition, leads to quality improvement, which in turn tends to increase the relative wage. Trade among similar countries increases the relative wage in all trading countries, while trade among dissimilar countries, in a two-country model, increases it in one country but may increase or lower it in the other.  相似文献   

Using firm-level R&D data with regional international talent data, we find that international talent increases the R&D investment of Chinese manufacturing firms, a result that is further confirmed with patent data and under a number of robustness checks. These findings stem from two mechanisms: international talent boosts human capital accumulation and provides a diversified labor force. Further, the R&D promoting effect is stronger if firms are located in eastern China rather than in other regions, of small and medium-sized rather than large-sized, of domestic ownership rather than foreign ownership. The policy implication is, the introduction of international talent can be a new way to promoting R&D investment, especially for skilled-labor constrained countries.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of international trade on expropriation in a setting where law enforcement is costly. We show that, in general equilibrium, trade liberalization can reduce expropriation activities and have a first-order effect on the gains from trade. One interpretation of our results is that unskilled-labor abundant countries facing popular militia or rebel groups will experience amplified gains from trade, as expropriation levels and cost of enforcement decline with trade liberalization. However, the model also admits the possibility that globalization causes an increase in crime, particularly for skilled-labor abundant countries.  相似文献   

This study analyses the role of knowledge transfers via bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI) among 31 Asian economies. We make three distinct contributions to the literature on the drivers of FDI by: (1) applying the knowledge-capital model to FDI among Asian economies for the first time, using a comprehensive data set, and comparing it to an empirical gravity-type model of FDI; (2) conducting model selection tests to choose between alternative empirical specifications and estimation methods; and (3) modelling both the FDI participation decision and the decision on the amount of FDI. The main findings are: (1) while vertical FDI, driven by seeking low-cost unskilled labour, appears to be the dominant type of intra-Asian FDI, overall the knowledge-capital model is not supported by the data; and (2) conventional gravity variables (e.g., size, distance, common language) provide a better explanation of intra-Asian FDI and, therefore, a more suitable vehicle for future research.  相似文献   

The Role of Multinational Firms in the Wage-Gap Debate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The observation of an increase in the ratio of skilled to unskilled wages in the high-income countries and in some cases in low/middle-income countries has led to considerable discussion and controversy as to its cause. Virtually none of the analyses have considered a role for multinational investment in explaining the wage-gap phenomenon. This paper adapts the authors' earlier work to consider what role multinationals might play in factor markets. It identifies circumstances under which investment liberalization is likely to raise the wage gap in both the skilled-labor abundant and the unskilled-labor abundant country.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of conversion of one type of physical trade restrictions into another on the intra-country wage inequality in a standard 2 × 2 × 2 Heckscher–Ohlin–Samuelson model. It shows that a conversion of an import-quota into an equivalent voluntary export restraint raises wage-inequality in the country importing the unskilled-labor intensive good and lowers the wage-inequality in its trading partner. This result does not depend on whether the unskilled-labor intensive good or the skilled-labor intensive good was initially subject to an import quota. Conversion of the import-quota into an equivalent import tariff, on the other hand, may lead to a rise in wage inequality in both countries. The driving force behind these results is the real income effect that conversion of one type trade restriction instrument into another results in.  相似文献   

We model the relationship between bilateral foreign direct investment (FDI) and the level of corruption in multinational firms’ (MCNs’) home and host countries. We construct and test a model of bilateral FDI between countries that differ in their levels of corruption. FDI is affected negatively both by the level of corruption in the host country and by differences in home- and host-country corruption. Our model emphasizes that MNCs develop skills for dealing with home-country corruption, and these skills become a competitive advantage in similarly corrupt host countries. We test the model using data on bilateral FDI stocks among a large number of home and host countries, using a variety of specifications and estimation strategies to provide robustness. Our results show that the effects of host-country corruption and of differences in corruption levels between home and host countries are statistically and economically significant.  相似文献   

Previous studies on home country effects mainly focused on FDI from large developed economies to other countries. But today's super recipient is a relatively larger economy than its investors and many of these investors are not classified as “developed economies.” A simple Ak type model implies that a small and more developed country investing in a large and less developed country will experience decreases in both employment and income disparity (compared to the recipient country) as the less-developed recipient country gains the higher technology of production through FDI inflows. The empirical results for the Four Tigers (source countries) and China (recipient country) are consistent with our theoretical model of FDI outflows. We also find that FDI outflows to China decrease the ratio of exports to GDP only for small source countries, even though a higher investment in China raises the share of these countries' exports-to-China to China's total imports.  相似文献   

中国未来经济增长及其国际经济地位展望   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
论文在分析国内外历史资料和经济增长因素的基础上 ,对中国和目前经济总量世界排名前五位国家的未来经济增长率、国内生产总值以及中国人均国内生产总值进行了预测 ,得出以下基本结论 :中国国内生产总值将于 2 0 0 5年超过法国 ,2 0 0 6年超过英国 ,2 0 1 2年超过德国 ,本世纪中叶 ,有可能超过日本 ,成为世界第二经济大国 ,但在本世纪内很难超过美国 ,成为世界第一经济大国 ;2 0 50年中国人均国内生产总值将达到中等发达国家 2 0 0 0年的水平。  相似文献   

In this paper I present a North-South endogenous growth model in which the impact of globalization on production location and growth can be analyzed. In the model the skilled-labor abundant North is the only innovator in the world. Using the model, I illustrate a scenario that is particularly interesting. Globalization (a reduction in trade costs) leads to a relocation of production to the South in a differentiated-product sector. As a result, more resources are shifted to R&D in the North, and the growth rate in the world increases. The model has several empirically consistent implications, such as rising relative wages of skilled to unskilled labor under globalization in both the North and South. I also discuss the welfare impact of globalization in this model.  相似文献   

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