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We study the approximate sources of China's business cycles in an estimated dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model with housing and banking. The model replicates well the volatility and cyclicality of key macroeconomic variables observed in the past two decades in China. A host of shock decomposition exercises demonstrate that, among the shocks being considered, both financial and housing shocks are driving China's business cycles, accounting for a particularly large fraction of the variance in most macroeconomic and financial variables at the business cycle frequencies. In particular, the capital quality, housing demand, and loan-to-value shocks display prominent contributions to the business cycle fluctuations. Moreover, there exists substantial interactions between the banking and housing sectors in China, where the collateral constraint and the financial constraint amplify with each other. The results shed new light in the understanding of China's business cycles, and may serve as a useful benchmark for future quantitative analyses of China's macroeconomic fluctuations using DSGE frameworks.  相似文献   

《China Economic Review》2002,13(1):53-64
The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of foreign and domestic factors on the business cycle of Taiwan. Using a structural vector-autoregressive model of a small open economy (OE), we examine how the influences of these factors differ as a result of trade flows and liberalization efforts. The results suggest that Taiwanese output has remained quite immune to global shocks in spite of the financial liberalization of the 1980s. Furthermore, as Asia has become Taiwan's major trading partner, so too has Asia become the major foreign influence on Taiwan's business cycle. Indeed, in many ways Taiwan appears to have gained resilience from foreign shocks, rather than forfeited domestic stability.  相似文献   

There is an apparent theoretical discrepancy between the effects of monetary policy shocks on economies with differently competitive banking sectors. We employ cross-country data to investigate this hypothesis with two different approaches. First, using aggregate data we analyze the correlation between two indices: (i) a cumulative impulse response function providing an index of the effect of monetary policy shocks; and (ii) Panzar and Rosse's H-statistic as an index of the state of bank competition. Second, using disaggregated data we regress bank lending on the interaction of bank competition and monetary policy shocks. The first approach does not provide any evidence of a relationship between monetary policy shocks and bank competition. However, the second approach suggests that competition in the banking industry leads to smaller monetary policy effects on bank lending.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the welfare consequences of international policy cooperation by simultaneously introducing the following three elements in a standard two-country general equilibrium model: (i) general degrees of exchange rate pass-through, (ii) nontradable goods and their sector-specific productivity shocks, and (iii) general weights on goods in Cobb–Douglas consumption indices. There are two channels for possible mutual welfare gains from policy cooperation: First, cooperation can compensate for insufficient changes in the terms of trade when the degree of exchange rate pass-through is intermediate. Second, countries can cooperate in reaction to shocks in the nontradable goods sectors. This second channel is revealed by deriving an analytical condition for welfare gains under full pass-through and this condition is characterized by the weights in the consumption indices and the variances of sector-specific productivity shocks. Numerical evaluation demonstrates that when the two countries are symmetric and equal weights on consumption goods are assumed, welfare gains from cooperation increase as symmetric pass-through elasticity increases, which implies that the second channel dominates the first, whose effect on welfare gains is nonmonotonic in pass-through elasticity.  相似文献   

本文在SMART模型框架下建立了一个局部均衡模型,基于HS6分位数据模拟中日韩三国间不同的阶段性双边关税减让方案和长期内关税的全部减让对三国经济的影响。结果表明,中日韩自由贸易协定启动后,三国的农业部门、日本和韩国的纺织品部门以及中国的汽车部门将受到来自其他两国较为明显的冲击。机电产品及其零部件的区域内贸易增长潜力有限,但三国在该领域的垂直专业化分工尚具备进一步拓展的潜力。中日韩自由贸易区谈判首先要克服来自当前高度保护部门的阻力,而在机电产品领域应重点促进区域内投资和技术贸易的便利化,运用发达的地区分工网络提升各国在后危机时代的全球竞争力。  相似文献   

This study investigates the sources of Japanese business fluctuations since the 1990s, taking into account both external shocks (e.g., risk premium and foreign demand shocks) and domestic supply and demand shocks. We use the sign-restricted VAR model based on the theoretical model to identify these shocks. The presented results show that approximately 30–50% of the forecast error variances in output can be explained by external shocks. Further, we demonstrate that supply shock is the main influencing factor in Japanese business fluctuations throughout the sample period and that the role of external shocks has been growing in the post-Lehman period, including the effect of the Great East Japan Earthquake.  相似文献   

By applying the structural factor analysis developed by Foerster et al. (2011), we decompose the fluctuations of Japan’s industrial production (IP) into sectoral shocks and aggregate shocks, taking input–output relationships between sectors into account. Our results show that, except for the global financial crisis period, sectoral shocks explain, on an average, nearly half of the quarterly variations in Japan’s IP. Although the relative importance of sectoral shocks declined during the global financial crisis period, it increased again in the recent post-crisis period and, at this time, it contributes to the increased volatility of Japan’s IP. Specifically, our analysis suggests that the intersectoral spillovers brought about by disruptions of supply chain networks in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the declines in domestic production (or production capacity) in some sectors, as a result of a deterioration in global competitiveness, and a shift to overseas production have contributed to the recent increase in fluctuations of Japan’s IP.  相似文献   

Trade, Capital Mobility, and the German Labour Market. — This paper sets up three structural variants of a general equilibrium model of a small open economy with three sectors (exportables, importables, non-tradables) and three factors (internationally mobile capital and immobile skilled and unskilled labour) in order to analyse the employment and wage effects of globalisation shocks. The model is numerically implemented for West Germany in 1980 on the base of input-output tables and employment data from a random sample of social security accounts. Overall this study indicates that the globalisation process does not have strong effects on unemployment and/or the wage differential in West Germany.  相似文献   

This paper studies the sectoral mechanism of shock propagation in business cycles by performing a case study. After we transform business survey indices of different industries into comparable metrics, we trace and compare them before and after reference dates. From these observations, we show that manufacturing industry leads the peak and the trough of the most recent business cycle in Korea; and six sectors are major players in manufacturing industry, i.e. ‘food products and beverages,’ ‘chemicals,’ ‘machinery,’ ‘motor vehicles, etc.,’ and ‘basic metals,’ and ‘fabricated metals.’ In conclusion, the heavy and chemical sectors may be the key to understanding recent business cycles in Korea.  相似文献   

This paper presents an equilibrium theory that accounts for how cyclical patterns of employment and real wages vary between genders and across industries. Workers' self-selection of industrial sectors, gender differences in comparative advantage among sectors, sector-nonneutral shocks, and resulting mobility of workers across sectors play the key roles in explaining wage and employment cyclicality by gender and by industry. Numerical simulations demonstrate that reasonable parameter values exist under which the current model accords with several stylized facts. These parameter values are characterized most importantly by men's comparative advantage in the sector subject to larger cyclical demand shocks.  相似文献   

This paper offers two points on the impact of uncertainty and exchange rate shocks. (1) A conceptual model where behavioural frictions – rational inattentiveness and bounded expectations – interact with uncertainty, generating aggregate fluctuations. Central banks can target these behavioural frictions to stabilise output and prices. (2) Empirical findings from a panel of advanced and emerging economies. Output and inflation slow in response to uncertainty shocks. Government bond yields moderate and exchange rates depreciate, suggesting within-country and between-country flight-to-safety respectively. Exchange rate appreciation shocks generate similar responses. The Malaysia-specific analysis finds divergent responses in employment and output, likely reflecting compositional effects in more productive tradable and less productive non-tradable sectors.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the role of financial intermediation malfunction in macroeconomic fluctuations in Japan. To this end we estimate, using Japanese data, a financial accelerator model in which the balance sheet conditions of entrepreneurs in a goods-producing sector and those of a financial intermediary affect macroeconomic activity. We find that shocks to the balance sheets of the two sectors have been quantitatively playing important role in macroeconomic fluctuations by affecting lending rates and aggregate investments. Their impacts are prominent in particular during financial crises. Shocks to the entrepreneurs’ balance sheets have played a key role in lowering investment in the bubble burst during the early 1990s and in the global financial crisis during the late 2000s. Shocks to the financial intermediaries’ balance sheets have persistently lowered investment throughout the 1990s.  相似文献   

This paper implements a spatial vector autoregressive model that takes into account both the time and the spatial dimensions of economic shocks. We apply this framework to analyze the propagation through space and time of macroeconomic (inflation, output gap and interest rate) shocks in Europe. The empirical analysis identifies an economically and statistically significant spatial component in the transmission of macroeconomic shocks in Europe.  相似文献   

How a fast-growth country like Taiwan can develop its economy under restrictive energy constraints is an interesting and important research subject. This paper describes the impact of energy pricing policy, such as changes in the prices set by the state for oil or gas, on Taiwan's economy. In order to understand the interrelationships between the energy price shocks and the economy of Taiwan, a computable energy general equilibrium model (EGEM 1.1) is set up to study the problem. In this CGE model, the economy is divided into 13 industrial sectors, 2 primary input sectors, and 4 final demand sectors. There are 16 commodities of interest, 7 of which are major energy commodities. The results in this paper may be useful for providing important recommendations to the government of Taiwan and to other developing countries in Asia.  相似文献   

This article examines the transmission of UK and global shocks to the Irish economy over the period 1922–79, using annual data for consumer prices and real GDP in a structural vector autoregression (SVAR) model. UK aggregate demand and supply shocks have large and significant effects on Irish CPI, but smaller effects on Irish real GDP. A historical decomposition indicates that UK aggregate supply and demand shocks played a more important role than domestic shocks in the evolution of Irish CPI. In contrast, the evolution of Irish real GDP is driven more by idiosyncratic domestic shocks than by UK shocks.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the impacts of technology shocks on the recent Japanese business cycles, we construct an aggregate technological measure from industry-based data. Our approach is to estimate production function by industry, by controlling for the returns to scale factor and unobserved factor utilization. We find that positive technology shocks result in a contraction of labor input on impact. This result implies that the standard real business cycle (RBC) model is not supported and the new Keynesian model or the labor reallocation model is a candidate to explain the Japanese business cycles. From further empirical studies, we find that the labor reallocation model is plausible for explaining the Japanese business cycles.  相似文献   

陈利锋 《南方经济》2016,34(4):1-23
政府支出对于一国经济波动具有显著性影响。基于我国的现实数据,向量自回归模型的脉冲响应函数证实:(1)生产性政府支出与消费性政府支出对于总产出具有不同的冲击效应,并且生产性政府支出对于产出具有相对较大的影响;(2)无论是政府生产性支出还是消费性支出,其对于不同部门的产出均具有不同的冲击效应,即政府支出的冲击效应具有部门依存性特征。在此基础上,文章建立了一个包含不同部门与政府支出不同构成成分的多部门经济NK-DSGE模型,考察了政府支出冲击的不同构成成分对于我国经济波动的影响。贝叶斯脉冲响应分析的结果支持了经验证据,并且模型主要变量的周期性特征与现实数据较为接近。在此基础上,贝叶斯冲击分解的结果指出,相对于消费性政府支出而言,生产性政府支出冲击对于各宏观经济变量的波动具有更大的推动作用。因此,在使用支出政策熨平经济波动时,政府需依据现实经济情况及时调整政府支出的构成。  相似文献   

This paper investigates a pattern of price revision by firms in Korea and sheds light on the cause of price stickiness by providing reliable statistical estimates for calibration of the parameters of the widely‐used macro‐models. Based on firm‐level survey data and using a probit model, we identify the firm characteristics or market conditions that discourage firms from carrying out state‐dependent price adjustment. We also estimate the factors driving firms to engage in state‐dependent adjustment rather than wait until the next scheduled revision under three different shocks: demand, general cost and exchange rate shocks. We find a few interesting features, as follows. First, price revision by Korean firms tends to be time‐dependent rather than state‐dependent, with a sizable dispersion across sectors and firm sizes. Second, the pattern of price revision in Korea is not significantly different from that in selected advanced economies. Third, the reason why firms favor time‐dependent price adjustments appears to be endogenous, accounted for by a number of market institution variables. Fourth, in response to shocks, Korean firms tend to wait until the next periodically scheduled revision rather than make a state‐dependent price adjustment, unless marginal costs are affected significantly by the shock, and state‐dependent revisions are often significantly delayed when they do occur.  相似文献   

We show that a flex-price two-sector open economy DSGE model can explain the poor degree of international risk sharing and exchange rate disconnect. We use a suite of model evaluation measures and examine the role of (1) traded and non-traded sectors; (2) financial market incompleteness; (3) preference shocks; (4) deviations from UIP condition for the exchange rates; and (5) creditor status in net foreign assets. We find that there is a good case for both traded and non-traded productivity shocks as well as UIP deviations in explaining the puzzles.  相似文献   

Japan's electricity industry is now in the process of regulatory reform. This industry consists of three sectors: generation, transmission, and distribution. The reform phases out the entry barrier in the first sector, while keeping the latter two as they were with a rate-of-return (ROR) regulation. To simulate this regulatory reform, we employ a computable general equilibrium model, which distinguishes these three sectors and is equipped with the ROR regulation and substitution among various energy sources. Our numerical simulations show a potential for significant welfare improvements and substitution among energy inputs even if the reform scope is limited.  相似文献   

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