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每位教师都承担着教书与育人的双重任务,在大学英语教学过程中也应该渗透德育教育,英语教师应该以教材为载体,以多种方式和途径在各个教学环节融入德育教育,以培养出符合社会需要的合格人才。  相似文献   

本文着重阐述中等专业学校中体育教学与身体素质教育的关系以及在实施素质教育的过程中对体育教学的要求.本文采用文献资料研究调查,问卷调查等研究方法,对中专体育现状及教学内容、方法、组织形式和教育评价进行了相关研究.提出当前普通高校体育教育的不足和影响体育教学的主要因素.并在此基础上提出:体育教学应以健康第一为指导思想,以育人为目标,以终身体育为主线推进当前体育教育改革.  相似文献   

文章就实验场所思政内容建设、实验教师队伍建设以及教学各环节思政元素的融入等为研究内容,着力构建实验实训教学课程思政体系,努力将实验教学和德育教育完美融合,培养学生勇于探索和创新的思辨精神,实现全方位育人。  相似文献   

梁建勋 《河北工业科技》2009,26(2):82-85,94
采用整群抽样的方法从河北科技大学在校本科生中随机抽取3个大班共594人,通过问卷的方式对学生进行调查,并对问卷结果进行统计分析。结果表明体育隐蔽课程在体育场地设施及布局、体育教师的教学行为与方式、体育教学过程中的心理氛围、教师个人素养等方面对体育教学的影响很大,学校应重视体育文化活动与规章制度的建立健全;通过聚类分析把体育隐蔽课程从各方面对体育教学的影响分为3类,由这3类分析结果说明体育隐蔽课程的各方面对体育教学的影响是很大的,但认识程度不同,应加大体育隐蔽课程建设的力度,从而更好地实现体育课程的基本目标和发展目标。  相似文献   

以人为本,构建和谐社会,加强高校德育教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建和谐社会,以人为本,是党和国家的新的发展观.因此,加强高校德育教育,培养高素质人才,是时代的需要.当前高校德育工作取得了很大成就,但总体上没有达到令人满意的程度,学校德育依然处于困境之中.甚至有人认为,当今在学校教育中最令人困惑的就是德育教育.教师们为道德教育的实效性而烦恼,学生们又往往把思想品德课作为不喜爱课程的首选,社会对青少年的思想素质也多有责难.本文谈了对如何正视高校德育教育存在的问题和走出德育教育困境的认识.  相似文献   

高校是国家培养各类人才的摇篮,而体育教学则是培养新世纪人才的关键性基础。合格的人才除要有渊博的专业知识之外,还必须有健康的体魄;而体育教学可以有效地改善和提高人体健康状况的水平。高校的体育教学应当不失时机地对学生加强主体意识的培养,强化终身体育观念,提高独立锻炼身体的能力,  相似文献   

陈嘉宇 《玩具世界》2024,(2):253-255
户外活动是幼儿园教育中经常开展的一类活动。在户外活动中,体育玩具既是不可或缺的教学工具,也是十分重要的教学资源。因为不少体育玩具都能自制,所以教师可利用一些自制体育玩具辅助户外活动的开展。文章主要对幼儿园户外活动中如何自制体育玩具进行研究,探索了自制体育玩具在幼儿园户外活动中的作用和应用策略。  相似文献   

随着计算机的广泛应用,计算机教学日益成为现代教学的重要方法,在教学中如何让学生更好、更快地学会计算机课程,我在多年教学实践的基础上,总结了几条行之有效的教学经验,以供大家参考.  相似文献   

一、进一步提高学术活动的质量和水平 学会作为学术性社会团体,要把学术研讨、交流放在首要地位,学术活动是学会工作的生命线,是提高我们学会工作水平,加强凝聚力的核心。作为工程学会,我们面向的对象是广大从事于企业、学校、科研单位的设备管理与维修工作者,是从事设备工程领域的研究、开发、教学、生产等方面的科技工作者,因此,学会要为  相似文献   

快乐体育是一种教育方法,倡导在体育运动或者体育教学过程中唤醒学生深层的心理快感或成功感,让学生在体育运动中体验到参与、理解、掌握以及创新运动的乐趣。文章阐述了快乐体育背景下幼儿园自制体育器材的开发利用原则,具体分析了开发策略和利用办法,以期帮助幼儿在幼儿园成长阶段体会运动的乐趣,形成运动习惯。  相似文献   

One of the projects currently underway at the Institute for the Future is attempting to survey and assess the utility of teleconferencing in postsecondary education, both now and in the near future.  相似文献   

This paper explores the issue of how students might learn about sustainability in technology––education classrooms and the relevance of problem-solving in that learning. One of the emerging issues in technology education research is the nature of problem-solving specified in curriculum documents and the kinds of learning activities undertaken by students in technology education classrooms. In parallel with our developing understanding of the characteristics of good technology education programs is the inclusion in recent curriculum documents of the concept of sustainability or sustainable development. However, as yet there is little information about how technology students think about sustainability and how they might best learn about it. This is of particular interest because in technology education, sustainability is often described in curriculum documents as an issue that is intended to be integrated within design projects and activities, rather than being the topic of a classroom lesson as might happen in a subject such as environmental studies. This paper explores current understanding of the issue generally and within technology education. It concludes that the design, problem-solving approach that is common to technology education classrooms provides many affordances to students engaging meaningfully with ideas of sustainability and of developing strong understandings of its scope and significance.  相似文献   

Integration of standardization into different levels of technology education has surfaced as a critical issue for educational practitioners and policy makers at national and regional (APEC, EU) level. In this paper, we describe and analyze empirical data collected from 118 educational experiences and practices about technology standards and standardization in 21 countries of a regional variety. Specifically, this research examines standardization education programs these countries have implemented, and explores suggestive indications for the design and development of an educational policy for standardization. Online surveys, offline interviews, face-to-face meetings and case studies have been used to determine the way these standardization education programs are segmented and implemented in different contexts. The findings are consolidated into a framework for standardization education. The framework presents an applicable combination of target groups (who), appropriate learning objectives (why), probable program operators (where), prospective contents modules (what), and preferred teaching methods (how). This framework may contribute to planning and implementing more inclusive standardization education programs.  相似文献   

Conclusion All the issues raised in this paper converge in one major aspect which is at the heart of almost all of the anxieties and the critiques. It is simply that, in modern societies, technology equals power. As Bernstein (1975) observed, the outcomes of the decisions on whom to give access to knowledge, at what level of content and difficulty and for what accreditations substantially determine who holds power in the next generation. As technology teachers we must realise that we have a large part of the most fundamental power of all — the distribution of power in future society.The responsibility is formidable. This paper has sought to make it more visible and to facilitate its more effective exercise by demonstrating the nature of the process and to advocate its implementation with understanding. In that way teachers may open a broader path to integrity and justice — both professional and political — in both schools and society.An edited version of the Maurice Brown Memorial Lecture presented at the National Design and Technology Exhibition 1993John Eggleston is Professor of Education at the University of Warwick and Chairman of Judges of the Young Electronic Designer Awards  相似文献   

Reflection has become a buzzword in the educational profession. Its meaning, however, frequently remains vague. In this paper the meaning of reflection for technology education is elaborated on three levels. The first is a philosophical and educational level. The idea of Bildung, conceived as the formation of an autonomous personality, becomes a central category for instruction about technology. The second level is the realm of curriculum development and teachers' planning. The reference to Bildung implies that technology education should be based on technological key problems that apply to all members of society. On the third level, the meaning of reflection will be elaborated in the context of a qualitative research approach on teacher thinking in technology education. It resorts to the categories of the curriculum model and is illustrated by a case study on teacher planning in computer education.Dr K.-H. Hansen is a researcher at the Institute for Science Education (IPN) in Kiel. After some years of experience as a technician he studied sociology and graduated in education. He has published in computer education with an emphasis on pedagogical, historical, and social aspects. His research work comprises qualitative and quantitative studies of the educational uses of computers. His current research interests are the conceptual role of technology in integrated science and in STS education.  相似文献   

‘Telematics’ refers to the transmission of information over a distance. In the context of three theoretical perspectives - technological determinism, symbolic interactionism and information theory - the author discusses the impact of telematics in education on the learner, the content learned, and the learning process.  相似文献   

开征教育税,理顺教育事业费的来源渠道,对规范教育收费体制,普及九年制义务教育,支持基础性教育工作有着十分重要的意义.本文就教育费附加及有关教育性收费改革为教育税进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

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