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从进退壁垒角度看煤炭产业市场结构调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、进入壁垒、退出壁垒现实经济是典型的非完全竞争,企业进入或退出某一产业存在各种障碍。市场集中度和产品差别化反映了产业内已有企业的市场关系,反映的是市场中现实的竞争企业的数量和竞争强度。而进入壁垒是从新企业进入市场的角度来考察市场关系的调整和变化,考...  相似文献   

差别产品的动态完全竞争   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现有经济学理论认为完全竞争是社会福利达到最大的市场结构,但完全竞争又只在每个厂商都生产同质产品时出现。对异质的差别产品来说,这个论断存在着内在矛盾:产品差别化更符合消费者的需求偏好,但不利于实现社会福利最大。随着市场格局从卖方市场向买方市场、社会生产从大规模制造向规模定制的剧烈转变,上述矛盾变得愈加突出。本文通过引入需求方市场结构及其特征的概念,构建了供求互动的市场结构演化模型,结果发现在收入增长、资本积累和技术进步的共同持续充分作用下,供求双方内部都会趋向基于差别产品的动态完全竞争。  相似文献   

产品差别化对市场结构的形成有很大的作用,经典的豪特林模型只得出了产品差别最小化和最大化原则,由此模型得到的市场结构为完全竞争市场和寡头垄断市场,但垄断竞争市场却无法得到。文章在豪特林模型的基础上构造出统一框架,不但分析产品最大和最小差别情况,而且提出中间程度差别化的分析模型。得出所时应的三种市场结构。尤其是中间程度的差别化对应的垄断竞争市场。对这三种市场结构进行社会福利分析,得出在消费者不同质时,相对于完全竞争市场,垄断竞争市场是相对较好的选择。  相似文献   

竞争肯定是越来越剧烈,出口的利润空间也是越来越小的,这是纺织行业调整过程中的必然现象.如果这个行业一直都能轻易赚钱,那这也是一个不正常的现象.当出口纺企的平均利润空间越来越小,行业的调整包括国家政策的调整和企业自身结构的调整就会出现了,像此次出口退税下调即是例子.  相似文献   

涤纶是化纤领域的重要产品,其规模和产量多年居榜首地位。但随着市场的激烈竞争和国际上对我国纺织品出口的种种限制,过去以规模和产量取胜的各大化纤企业销路变得越来越紧张。于是,一些化纤企业开始另辟出路,在差别化品种方面寻找商机并获得新的利润增长点。  相似文献   

所谓“货品化”,是指在产品的生命周期中,高利润的新产品逐渐由于竞争的加剧和进入成本趋低而变成稀松平常且利润微薄的产品,最终可能会出现新晋厂商的低价攻势与资深公司捍卫利润的一场持久战。因此,对于诸多企业而言,“货品化”的确是一个挥之不去的梦魇。那么,企业应该如何尽量避免陷入“货品化”的泥泞?  相似文献   

电力企业的服务营销   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
电力企业服务营销的必要性进入20世纪70年代后期,西方学者撰文《从产品营销中解脱出来》,由此产生了服务营销的理论,不仅为蓬勃兴起的服务业提供了营销理念与策略,而且推进了制造业等其它行业开拓出服务这一新的竞争领域。直至90年代后期,由于中西方学者的深入研究,赋予服务营销许多新的内涵与外延,越来越被理论界与企业界所关注。如今,在服务营销这一新的理论指导下,企业已从价格竞争、质量竞争逐步转变为服务竞争。服务营销是21世纪企业竞争的焦点,是企业提高市场竞争力的现实要求。电力企业服务营销的必要性表现为:(…  相似文献   

闭环产品服务系统中,提升价值增值的手段包括产品和服务两方面.在大量生产时代,产品的价值增值主要来自于原料转换的增值过程,这是“大产品小服务”的传统销售模式(服务是产品的附属品).但随着消费市场需求的变化,目前价值增值不但来自于企业品牌形象、产品销售等前市场服务,而且越来越注重产品使用过程中的后市场服务和废弃后的回收再制造服务.产品服务和再制造的增值已经超过传统实体生产的价值创造,开始向“小产品大服务”的商业模式演进(产品成为服务的介体).作为获取持久竞争优势的这一新盈利模式,闭环产品服务系统的提供商需要考虑全生命周期的经济效益和环境效益,涉及产品制造、服务运营和回收再造的交叉新领域研究,这必然会导致正向供应链的关系契约模式变革.  相似文献   

吴钟瑚 《中国电业》2005,(10):34-35
追求利润的最大化,是置身于市场环境中企业经营遵循的基本法则,也是经营者为之奋斗的目标。但是,对于有形产品生产企业,通过扩大生产规模,占据市场较大份额等外部竞争因素,是实现利润最大化的重要途径;而对于发电厂这种生产规模相对固化、市场空间相对狭小和局限(短期内很难完全市场化)的企业,则主要通过加强管理节约资源,降低成本来扩大赢利的空间。  相似文献   

企业在市场上的竞争,表象是产品与服务的竞争,实质是产品技术水平的竞争。国外几乎所有的名牌企业,都靠不断的技术创新来增强企业的竞争优势。在美国几乎所有的名牌企业都有自己的科研开发机构,而且都有自己的领先技术和拳头产品。可以说,谁拥有了在行业中领先的新技术,谁就拥有了国内外市场上的竞争优势。  相似文献   

吴中伦 《工业技术经济》2016,35(10):102-108
本文采用DEA-SBM方法对我国工业企业产品创新效率进行了测评。研究表明,由于纯技术效率水平低下,目前我国各省市工业企业产品创新效率普遍较低。总体而言,东部地区工业企业产品创新呈现规模收益递减趋势,产品创新投入相对过剩;西部地区呈现规模收益递增趋势。技术效率和规模效应的区域差异并不明显,纯技术效率在不同地区间的差异显著。研究结论为我国区域工业企业产品创新提供政策启示。  相似文献   

本文的分析表明“小灵通”现象的发生是市场需求结构、管制放松的路径和管制权力安排共同作用的结果。以拆分原有在位者为主要手段的电信业管制放松,所造成的需求与价格的矛盾为“小灵通”的发生提供了市场机会,而高盈利业务的被剥离,迫使原有在位者利用尚存的垄断势力或优势,以及和管制者的“拆分—补偿”关系,向新运营商的市场进行了局部的渗透。这种行为表面上加剧了中国电信业管制的无序和混乱,但却提高了市场的可竞争性和消费者剩余。  相似文献   

This paper estimates consumer surplus in the Korean mobile telephone services (MTS) market. The Korean mobile telecommunications market has grown rapidly since 1997 when competition was introduced and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) technology was commercialized. Because consumer surplus is relevant to the controversy over establishing an appropriate price level between consumers and service providers, the need for a robust measurement of benefit from MTS is increasing. The measured net consumer surplus estimated by means of elasticities of demand reached about US$48.8 billion in the period 1996–2004 and the changes amounted to about US$8.8 billion during the same period. In particular, after competition was introduced into the market with an accompanying price decrease and increase in the number of subscribers, consumers have benefited greatly. Therefore, it can be inferred that a facility-based competition policy and the reduction in price of access such as handset subsidies all played a positive role in the early diffusion of MTS in Korea. The estimated consumer surplus in this paper does not include network externality (option externality); if this were considered, the total social welfare of the consumer would be larger.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes two business practices on the mobile internet market, paid prioritization and zero-rating. These practices allow the internet service provider to discriminate different content types. With prioritization, the ISP delivers content at different speeds; with zero-rating, the ISP charges different prices. In recent years these practices have attracted considerable media attention and regulatory interest. When the asymmetry between content providers is limited, in particular with regard to their ability to attract traffic or to monetize it, we first show that the ISP can extract more surplus from consumers by privileging the relatively weaker content and restoring symmetry between content providers. Next, we show that the ISP chooses prioritization when traffic is highly valuable for content providers and congestion is severe, and zero-rating in all other cases. Finally, we find that a policy banning prioritization can lead to zero-rating and a reduction in consumer surplus.  相似文献   

本文在考虑消费者支付意愿存在显著差异、消费者和制造商存在不同政府补贴分配比例下,建立再制造博弈模型,探讨政府补贴再制造品对产品价格、需求以及对消费者、制造商、社会总收益的影响。结论表明,政府补贴有利于促进再制造品的需求,消费者剩余效用、制造商收益以及社会总收益都增加;政府补贴时应不允许制造商涨价,在考虑制造商积极性下尽量补贴给消费者;提高消费者环保意识才是促进再制造的根本途径。  相似文献   

I revisit the issue of aftermarkets by developing an infinite period model with overlapping consumers. If the aftermarket is characterized by constant returns to scale, then social surplus and consumer surplus are invariant with respect to aftermarket power. Under increasing returns to scale, however, greater aftermarket power leads to: greater concentration in the foremarket; higher barriers to entry; higher social surplus; and possibly higher consumer surplus.  相似文献   

Higher market complexity and increasing competitive intensity are forcing traditional product-manufacturing companies to change their position in the goods-services continuum by continuously extending the service business. However, the existing literature tends to be somewhat vague in defining service strategies for manufacturing companies wishing to move along the continuum. The purpose of this study is to identify service strategies that correspond with specific environment-strategy fits. Using an exploratory factor and cluster analysis for testing Western European firms, the study highlights four different service strategies. The four service strategies include after-sales service providers (ASPs), customer support providers (CSPs), outsourcing partners (OPs), and development partners (DPs). After-sales service providers concentrate on cost leadership and ensure proper functioning of the product. Customer support providers form a unique value proposition by investing in a strong product and service differentiation. Outsourcing partners combine cost leadership with service and product differentiation to offer attractive prices for operational services. Their goal is to assume the operating risk and full responsibility for the customer's operating processes. Development partners provide research and development services to create a situation in which customers benefit directly from their development competencies.  相似文献   

国内外聚丁二烯橡胶生产消费及市场分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分析了国内外聚丁二烯橡胶(BR)的生产和消费情况,指出目前我国BR的生产能力已经过剩,建议今后不宜再新建装置或进行扩大生产能力改造,应提高技术水平,提高产品质量,降低成本;加大开发力度,开发新品种、新牌号和新的应用;积极扩大出口等.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the relationships between new ventures' ties with service intermediaries (i.e., technology service firms, accounting and financial service firms, law firms, and talent search firms) and their product innovation in the context of a technology cluster. Because service intermediaries sit at the intersection of many firms, organizations and industries, they maintain extensive networks in a cluster. We propose that new ventures' ties with service intermediaries enable the ventures to plug into these networks and contribute to the ventures' product innovation by broadening the scope of their external innovation search and reducing their search cost. Moreover, we argue that the positive relationships between new ventures' ties with service intermediaries and their product innovation will become stronger when search in the networks in the cluster is more important to the ventures' product innovation. Based upon a sample of new ventures in a technology cluster in China, our results support these arguments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate how bundling affects investment in product quality, and derive welfare implications. A monopolist in a primary market competes with a rival in a complementary market. Bundling is the monopolist’s preferred strategy, since it either extracts surplus from the rival’s investment, or forces the rival to provide low quality. Bundling may reduce welfare without foreclosing the rival, but improves welfare when preventing undesirable investment. Since prohibiting bundling is not appropriate, we introduce a price test for bundled offers that preserves efficiencies from both bundling and quality investment, thereby improving welfare relative to the ‘do-nothing’ scenario. We consequently argue that this test should be applied whenever possible.  相似文献   

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