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任何组织都面临着外部复杂的环境与内部动态变化的因素的影响和约束。在组织的内外因素发生变化的时候,企业都必将随着环境的变化而不断地调整自我组成要素,以适应未来组织发展的要求。组织变革就是一个旨在推进企业的结构与制度、人员和技术不断变革、更替和进步的方法体系。  相似文献   

企业要适应市场的变化,在激烈的市场竞争中获胜,需进行组织变革。企业组织变革有来自内部与外部的动力,也要面临个人和组织的阻力。企业要克服阻力,实现成功的组织变革,就必须制定科学的组织变革方案,重视领导的作用,加强沟通,做好宣传和动员,并选择合适的变革方式和时机,把握好变革节奏,此外,还应发挥企业文化在组织变革中的作用。  相似文献   

在当今多变的环境下企业的竞争是异常激烈的,为了在竞争中取得优势不被淘汰企业必须不断适应环境进行组织变革。本文从协同论原理出发分析组织变革,探索组织内部各子系统如何相互作用使组织从原有的形态变革成一个新的形态。  相似文献   

互联网的深入应用加深了科层组织结构与外部环境之间的矛盾,降低了组织的决策效率。在此背景下,内部创业作为一种通过授权给组织中能够及时掌握信息的部门和个体,以降低信息成本的组织变革方式,对提升组织适应外部不确定环境的能力具有重要意义。同时,内部创业往往伴随着内部劳动力市场运行机制的创新,这对被授权者的责任意识、自我效能感、组织公民行为、创新行为均具有正面影响。  相似文献   

当今社会,激烈的市场竞争以及国际化趋势推动着企业不断完善内部组织结构.无论各类竞争性社会企业,还是其他准企业性质的社会经济组织(如高校后勤组织),都需要在内部管理机制上有进一步突破和创新,以适应不断变化着的内外环境.然而,变革就意味着破坏,意味着打破传统.组织变革的成败,很大程度上取决于企业的变革思路与变革方案,而最终获得成功的关键还在于实施变革的过程中组织内利益的分配和观念的转变.面对组织变革带来的利益重新分配和组织再造、流程再造、文化再造,组织的人力资源管理部门作为战略参与者应当充分发挥推动者和协调者的作用.  相似文献   

后现代组织的产生和发展是对全球经济一体化和信息化时代的适应,本文基于后现代组织理论,对高职院校现行传统组织结构主要弊端进行了分析,并提出了高职院校内部组织变革应遵循的原则。  相似文献   

战略调整期的企业就好像一辆转弯的汽车,与此相应的组织变革工作则如同“踩刹车”,即必须克服企业日常管理中的“惯性”战略与组织的关系所谓组织变革,是指组织结构在合理设计并实施之后,随着企业外部和内部环境的变化,而对组织结构中不适应的地方进行调整和修  相似文献   

敏捷性组织的概念模型及其支持体系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以企业组织为研究对象,在敏捷性与组织变革的相关性研究基础上,提出了敏捷性组织的概念性模型,并对其基本构成要素——目标、价值、战略、管理者、技术、结构等进行了详细分析,同时探讨了组织实现敏捷性需要的支持体系的构成,主要包括目标价值子系统、战略控制子系统、管理子系统、结构子系统和技术子系统。  相似文献   

传统的大规模生产模式组织构架,不适应大规模定制模式的要求,因此向大规模定制转变有必要变革传统的组织构架。基于大规模定制组织变革的趋势是:以创造和传递个性化的客户价值为导向、以流程为中心的组织变革趋势、柔性化趋势、组织结构的模块化、扁平化变革趋势、网络化变革趋势等等。  相似文献   

网络经济给组织带来的变革主要通过降低交易费用和改变信息流动方式来进行。企业组织结构变革的总趋势具体表现为由传统的层级制组织模式向扁平化、柔性化和网络化等发展。组织变革直接导致了分工模式的转变和组织文化的变革。  相似文献   

A bstract .   With the growing concern over the causal relationship between crime and population change, this study readdresses the importance of economic organization in studying population change in a metropolitan area. This study investigates the dynamic influences of internal and external factors on population change in either central cities or their suburbs. The units of analysis in this study are the 142 U.S. central cities and their suburban rings of Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) in 1980 and 1990. Two change models (semi-difference and mixed-difference models) are used to predict population change. The results demonstrate that population change in one territory of a metropolitan area is affected by crime and employment opportunity in both locations of a metropolitan area.  相似文献   

HR portals are complex information technology (IT) applications that can be accessed by all employees of a given organization. By placing more applications and information online, HR portals reduce the reliance employees have on HR personnel. Given this relational change, from human to computer, the HR portal implementation process must take into account the challenges of both change management and technology acceptance. By integrating change management theories with IT user acceptance models, this article adds to HR's collective knowledge of ways to effectively implement HR portals. In addition, this article describes the cross‐national challenges that exist when a global firm attempts to implement an HR portal around the world. Thus, this article will present a model that (1) integrates change management theories and IT user acceptance models and (2) illustrates the ways in which change management plans may need to be adapted to be effective in various subsidiaries. A case study of Hewlett‐Packard's (HP's) worldwide implementation of their @HP Employee Portal in the Italian subsidiary of HP illustrates the key issues of these theories. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Contemporary conceptualizations of organizational effectiveness are selectively reviewed. Dominant goal-based models are found deficient in providing evaluative criteria that apply to the organization as a whole, that permit comparison across organizations, and that point to an appropriate direction for organizational change. It is argued that Barnardian participant-satisfaction model, augmented by a principle of social justice, provides a more useful framework for assessing organizational value.  相似文献   

Many companies have resorted to offshoring in order to reduce costs and grow their global market presence. Yet it remains unclear what impact the offshoring strategy has on the purchasing and supply organization (PSO) of these companies. In this paper the nature and type of changes offshoring organizations make within the PSO are examined, i.e. how new purchasing and supply management (PSM) structures and practices emerge, are maintained or are discarded as production operations are relocated. The processual perspective is used to analyze empirical data from a rich, in-depth case study within a global engineering company. Results suggest that in line with the law of requisite variety the PSO changes thoroughly when the company relocates its production activities through the captive offshoring mode, but does so in a more disjointed and non-linear manner than the current stage models would suggest. The offshoring process provides momentum for PSO change and influences where and how the change happens. We present five propositions for further research and conclude that offshoring provides managers with opportunities to: (i) change and influence the strategic direction of PSM in their organizations, and (ii) build viable strategies of retaining and managing knowledge and PSM competencies in global operations.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the dynamics of the introduction of New Systems and Structures of Work Organization (NSSWO) in the context of the forces impacting upon organizational change in the unionized sector of manufacturing industry throughout the Thatcher period. This we do by way of a detailed case study of a major UK auto-components manufacturer. We explore a number of changes in work organization, including the introduction of a cellular-based system of manufacturing, from its initial strategic conception through to its implementation; the delegation of responsibility for quality to shop-floor operators and the use of more flexible working practices. In doing so, we reconsider the context of change, the detailed processes of change and the pattern of accommodation between labour and management. Drawing upon our previous work on the nature of paternalism (Ackers,and Black, 1991), we explore its significance in terms of management’s constant drive for more economic work practices and patterns of organization. Specifically we explore the significance of paternalism as a relevant concept in interpreting the case, and hence, also, as a relevant concept in understanding HRM. The case challenges the prevailing ideology that the ‘successful’

economic organization requires (a) a de-regulated labour market and (b)

a trade union free environment, or, failing this, that management needs to

develop an individualistic approach towards the work-force, moving from the

more pluralist‘industrial relations’approach towards an essentially ‘unitarist framework, as found in certain interpretations of ‘uman resource management’(Guest, 1987)

The paper is thus a contribution to the continuing analysis of those ‘tensions and struggles through which the open ended potential of labour power have been managed, through shifting patterns of coercion, accommodation and compliance into profitable forms of production’(Elger and Smith, 1994: 12; Thompson, 1990). By means of this case we attempt to explore this issue with respect to three interconnected


The place of paternalism as a relevant concept in the age of HRM.

The extent to which organizations may be better advised to look towards ways

to build upon their existing organization culture, rather than seeking solutions

from overseas models.

Linking with previous work on the ‘Joint Process’in the US (Black and Ackers, 1994), the paper raises issues concerning the ‘strategic issue . . . which managers have to face . . . the balance between joint regulation and joint consultation’(Storey and Sissons, 1993: 221), and hence the role of trades unions in organizational change programmes.  相似文献   


This article contributes to the studies on the transition towards circular business models in incumbent entrepreneurial firms. The focus of our research is the plastic packaging industry, a paradigmatic case of firms with a high environmental impact who are currently under pressure to change their business models. Following a grounded theory approach, we conducted an exploratory research on five case studies, longitudinally analyzed over two years. The results of our research suggest that the circularity challenge raises dilemmas about how to interpret the transition to sustainability. On one hand, the transition may be interpreted in a reactive way, based on compliance to the law and the highest possible levels of continuity. On the other hand, the transition may be interpreted in a proactive way, based on radical experimentation and openness to change. Our results highlight that the reactive-proactive dilemma unfolds at three interconnected levels: the firm’s network (including the customers), the entrepreneur, and the organization. Our study also suggests that the entrepreneur is in a position to play a pivotal role in the multi-level adoption of a proactive (or reactive) view. More specifically, our longitudinal analysis suggests that if the effectiveness and impact of transition to circularity is to be maximized, then a multi-level proactive view of the circularity transition is key to transforming the three interconnected levels (network, entrepreneur, organization) into a proper, sustainability-oriented innovation ecosystem.


Diverse recent literatures on ‘the hollow state’. ‘deliberative democracy’ and ‘governing without government’ are largely concerned with the workings of politics and public management under socio-political conditions of indeterminancy and fragmentation that are variously described as characteristics of high or late modernity (Giddens 1991) or, as some prefer to put it, of post-modernity (Fox and Miller 1995). This article, which reflects the author's interest in interdisciplinary forms of post-postmodern analysis that draw upon political science and sociology and social theory as well as administrative studies, examines a number of conceptual and empirical topics that, it is argued, are relevant to exploration of the thesis that postnational social milieux are steered via new forms of societal-cum-political governance that have largely replaced governmental institutions and processes of the kind associated with classical notions of the state, public administration and liberal democracy.  相似文献   

Outlines conditions under which the interest of a whole organization is best served by its central management allocating more funds or resources to a sub-unit or sub-centre than is optimal (on average) under certainty, or budgeting fewer funds or resoruces than this. Slack is efficient in the former case and organizational strain in the latter one, a possibility neglected by Leibenstein in his theory of organizational slack and X-efficiency. The solution to the problem is simplified, in comparison to Hart's and Theil's approach, by using random net benefit functions. Optimal budget bias is shown to depend on rates of change of marginal net benefit.  相似文献   

Hector Correa 《Socio》1980,14(2):45-56
The object of the paper is to apply the methods used in the analysis of input-output tables to the study of interdependence among the different subdivisions of organizations. The term “organizations” is used in a generalized sense that includes examples ranging from, say, a small industry to a country's government. The bases for the analysis are the assumptions that: (a) it is possible to identify the contribution that each subdivision of the organization makes to the other subdivisions: and (b) it is possible to identify the contribution of the organization to its social environment.With the assumptions mentioned above, the methods of input-output analysis can be applied in order to estimate changes in size that should occur in an organization when demands from its environment change. Indices of model in which the methods developed for the study of Flow of Funds matrices are applied to the study of organizations.Data from the Federal Government of the U.S., subdivided into 25 departments and from the Mexican National Productivity Center are used to construct examples of the models presented and their applications.  相似文献   

张玲  张梅芬  童彦 《价值工程》2014,(34):158-160
对于云南这样一个乡村旅游资源禀赋较好、条件优越的省区,乡村旅游的发展具有重要意义。但在发展中也遇到同其它旅游形式一样的问题,如环境污染、传统文化消失、旅游产品雷同等现代性问题。后现代旅游是对现代旅游的合理继承和扬弃。它实现了从商业化向个人生命体验的回归。它以环境为背景或是更加关注环境,本身就具备可持续的特性。作为一种意识、思潮的后现代主义与作为"绿色生态经济"和"体验经济"相结合产物的乡村旅游有着天然的联系和共性,它们都以人与自然和谐相处、"以人为本"为核心理念,以保护生态环境为责任。用后现代的视角来审视乡村旅游,既能够实现乡村旅游的可持续发展,同时也丰富了后现代主义的内涵。  相似文献   

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