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以黑龙江为例,采用协整分析和Granger因果检验,以1985--2006年数据为样本,探讨黑龙江入境旅游与经济增长之间的关系.结果表明.黑龙江入境旅游发展与经济增长之间具有长期稳定的正向关系,并通过建立误差修正模型说明两者间存在的动态均衡关系.同时,Granger因果检验表明黑龙江入境旅游与经济增长两者呈互为因果、互相促进的关系.  相似文献   

针对金融危机对大连商品交易所大豆与豆粕期货价格之间关系的影响,分别截取了2006年8月15日至2009年12月18日的日收盘数据,以金融危机为分界点,并运用协整一体化的方法研究表明,金融危机前豆粕期货在价格发现功能中处于主导地位,金融危机后大豆期货在价格发现功能中处于主导地位;金融危机前后大豆与豆粕期货价格之间都存在协整关系,且互为Granger原因,但在金融危机后协整系数下降了39.44%。建议金融危机后期货投资者多关注大豆期货的价格变化,可以在大豆与豆粕期货之间进行跨商品套利;中国应大力发展和完善大豆期货市场的制度建设,通过期货市场的发展来加速解决三农问题。  相似文献   

以黑龙江为例,采用协整分析和Granger因果检验,以1985-2006年数据为样本,探讨黑龙江入境旅游与经济增长之间的关系。结果表明,黑龙江入境旅游发展与经济增长之间具有长期稳定的正向关系,并通过建立误差修正模型说明两者闻存在的动态均衡关系。同时。Granger因果检验表明黑龙江入境旅游与经济增长两者呈互为因果、互相促进的关系。  相似文献   

我国城乡收入差距变化与经济增长的协整及因果关系分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章运用协整分析技术和Granger因果检验,利用1978—2003年的年度经济数据对我国城乡收入差距与经济增长因果关系进行实证检验。结果表明,无论在长期还是在短期,经济增长都是构成城乡收入差距变化的原因之一,而城乡收入差距对经济增长的影响仅表现在短期内。  相似文献   

基于2002~2011年国内天胶价格、国际天胶价格、国内合成橡胶价格、国内汽车产量、世界经济增长率的月度数据,运用协整检验、Granger因果检验对国内天胶价格波动因素进行实证分析。研究结果表明:国际天胶价格、国内合成橡胶价格是国内天胶价格波动的最主要因素。国内天胶价格对国内合成橡胶价格及汽车产量有引导作用。  相似文献   

根据江苏省1985~2006年统计数据,运用协整方法和误差修正模型,研究外商直接投资对进出口贸易产生的不同影响。分析结果表明,外商直接投资与进出口贸易存在长期稳定的关系,在短期内外商直接投资与出口贸易是负相关,与进口贸易是正相关。  相似文献   

加入世贸组织对国内大米市场的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

基于门限协整的猪粮价格关系研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对生猪价格和玉米价格之间的动态关系进行了研究,发现两者呈正相关关系,玉米价格是生猪价格变化的Granger原因。E-G协整检验表明,生猪价格和玉米价格存在线性协整关系,Enders-Siklos检验表明,两者之间存在有门限的惯性长期均衡关系,猪粮价差减少时的调整速度比猪粮价差增加时的调整速度快。价值规律的作用、政府的不同应对措施和生猪生产过程的特点等是这些现象产生的主要原因。最后,文章提出改进生猪市场价格统一信息平台、普及相关信息到基层猪农和广大消费者,以形成良好的市场预期;在影响肉价及引导猪农决策的时候充分考虑肉价、粮价之间的非对称调整等建议。  相似文献   

新疆具有丰富的煤炭资源,煤炭资源的消费与经济增长的关系日益紧密,对新疆煤炭资源消费与经济增长影响关系的实证研究是预测新疆未来煤炭资源消费和制定相关煤炭资源整合政策的重要依据。文章以1991-2012年新疆煤炭消费总量与经济增长的数据为基础,通过单位根检验,发现煤炭消费总量和经济增长都是二阶差分后平稳的时间序列,通过Granger因果关系检验发现煤炭消费总量是经济增长的格兰杰原因,并在实证分析结论的基础上提出相应政策建议,以期为实现新疆地区资源、经济和社会协调发展,提供参考。  相似文献   

研究玉米产量的主要影响因素,利用协整分析,检验了各影响因素与玉米产量之间的长期均衡以及短期动态均衡关系.研究表明,玉米产量与玉米种植面积以及玉米出口量之间存在着长期均衡关系,在其他条件保持不变的情况下,玉米种植面积每增加1%,玉米产量增加1.606635%.最后,根据协整分析结果,提出增加玉米产量的政策建议.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether there is spatial integration between and within paddy markets in the north and south of Vietnam. The empirical model developed uses estimates of transfer costs to generalise Ravallion's model of spatial market integration to allow for threshold effects. A sequential testing strategy is used to test for market segmentation, the number of thresholds, long‐run integration, informational efficiency and the Law of One Price within an error‐correction framework. We find neither threshold effects nor weak evidence of paddy market integration between northern and southern Vietnam. There is, however, evidence of both threshold effects and stronger market integration within the Red and Mekong River deltas. Whenever price spreads exceed their thresholds, at least 60% of price changes are transmitted between regional markets within a month. Nonetheless, the instantaneous version of the Law of One Price only holds for a few regimes and market pairs. These results suggest that national level policies cannot be relied upon to stabilise or support paddy prices in Vietnam. Instead, policies need to be designed with the specific production, consumption and marketing characteristics of northern and southern Vietnam in mind.  相似文献   

Recent episodes of high and volatile prices for grains such as rice have raised concerns about their implications for hunger and poverty. We model price relationships between international rice prices and 221 domestic prices in 47 developing countries that import rice. We use a threshold vector error correction model that accounts for transaction costs of trade in spatial price transmission, and an improved regularised Bayesian threshold estimator for threshold models. Our results show that threshold values are higher after 2008 than before, which suggests that transaction costs in international rice trade have increased in recent years. Threshold values are highest for Latin American countries followed by African and Asian countries, and higher for retail than for wholesale prices. Since 2008, price transmission is slower in countries that responded to high and volatile prices with domestic market‐based interventions such as price controls and faster in countries that responded by lowering tariffs and by implementing production support measures.  相似文献   

中国城乡土地市场一体化政策模拟国内研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究目的:综述城乡土地市场一体化政策模拟在国内研究的进展。研究方法:文献资料法、对比法。研究结论:研究中国城乡土地一体化市场对推进中国城乡一体化建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the integration between U.S. and Canadian grain prices using cointegration and error correction approach. Price relationships are examined in four different subperiods: pre-NAFTA (January 1986 to December 1993), post-NAFTA (January 1994 to July 1999), pre-WGTA (January 1986 to July 1995) and post-WGTA (August 1995 to July 1999). A free trade agreement implemented in 1989 that later folded into NAFTA affected price integration in the North American grain market, but Canada's elimination of freight subsidies in 1995 strengthened it. Empirical results indicate that longterm relationships exist among the price series. Prices are found to be first-difference stationary and cointegrated during the four subperiods. However, cointegration analysis shows significant post-WGTA improvement in market integration, particularly in the speed at which the market adjusts to departures from its long-run equilibrium.  相似文献   

Measuring Integration and Efficiency in International Agricultural Markets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper critiques the methods used to investigate integration and efficiency in international markets. Integration is best reflected by flow-based indicators of tradability, while efficiency is related to price-based notions of market equilibrium. Data insufficiency poses a serious constraint because empirical tests that rely on just prices cannot separate tests of the market efficiency hypothesis from tests of the strong assumptions underpinning model specification. Finally, even if market efficiency holds, there may nonetheless be considerable social inefficiency remaining due to trade barriers and excessive costs of commerce.  相似文献   


Using the maximum likelihood method of cointegration, this paper empirically evaluates intra-state and inter-state spatial integration of wheat markets in India. The cointegration tests provide strong evidence in favour of spatial integration of the regional wheat markets. Even though the regional markets are geographically dispersed, the prices across different market centres within and across the selected states have exhibited long-run spatial linkages, suggesting that all the exchange locations are integrated and the prices provide relevant market signals. There are several implications of these results for agricultural price policy and food market liberalization programmes.  相似文献   

This paper, in contrast to earlier studies, tests market integration using a methodology that accounts for the multiplicity problem inherent in testing several time series. This method minimises the risk of finding spurious evidence of market integration. We examine market integration among 12 fish species in Sweden by applying cointegration tests, which identify market integration for two separate clusters of species. Furthermore, we find that the Law of One Price holds for 6 of the 12 species considered.  相似文献   


Market integration has retained and increased in importance in the recent years, particularly in developing countries, where it has potential application to policy questions regarding government intervention in markets. Specifically, it provides evidence of competitiveness of the market, effectiveness of arbitrage and efficiency of pricing. In this study, selected vegetables in Indonesian markets are used as a case study. Indonesia, consisting of 17,000 islands and 182 million people, provides an interesting case study because of the importance of vegetable production and marketing in the rapidly growing economy. The results suggest that none of the markets are segmented. Short- and long-run market integration tests suggest that transportation and product perishability are important in explaining the speed of price transmission. Another important result is that market integration is directional.  相似文献   

从近十年能源利用结构看我国能源政策取向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1993~2003年,全球石油消费量从757.6百万吨增至1049.1百万吨,增长291.5百万吨,其中,我国增长134.7百万吨(占全球总增量46.2%),达275.2百万吨。石油危机之后,石油消费大国都加快了对能源利用结构的调整,不同的是,发达国家对石油的依赖程度普遍下降,而中国、印度等发展中国家对石油的依赖程度却在加大。因此,我国新时期能源政策的取向应该是:加强对天然气和核能的开发利用,降低对煤炭的依赖性;石油开发利用的近期目标应该是建立安全供应体系,保障石油安全;完善能源管理体制,实现对能源的统一管理;加强国内勘探开发,逐步降低对外依存度。  相似文献   

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