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目的 本文运用线性规划的方法对我国经销商遴选问题进行优化设计,实现在既定约束下,将利润最大化、方法线性规划法、比较静态分析,结果运用线性规划的遴选方法优于传统的单目标决策方法。  相似文献   

孙村煤矿在诸多困难面前,坚持走老矿挖潜,内涵发展的道路,依靠科技进步,加强内部管理,瞄准现代化矿井目标,加快建设步伐。在具体工作中,注意把握了以下几个环节: 1、决策系统科学化。决策是否科学,直接影响企业的生存和发展。为了保证正确决策,首先成立了决策机构。遴选德才  相似文献   

高校基建特点及其管理模式的探讨   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
高校基本建设是高教事业发展不可或缺的组成部分,当前我国高校基建发展势头迅猛,如何实现对基建项目行之有效的管理,是高校基建部门的一个重要课题。在研究高校基建特点的基础上,对目前高校所应用的基建项目管理模式进行了分析。结合当前高校基建投资多元化的趋势,以及国家在投资体制方面的改革思路,对高校基建管理模式的发展趋势进行了预测。  相似文献   

<正>为深入贯彻党中央、国务院关于全面加强知识产权保护的决策部署,提升办案质量与效率,有力震慑知识产权违法行为,积极营造良好的营商环境,国家知识产权局组织开展了2021年度知识产权行政保护典型案例评选工作。经案例遴选、网络投票和专家评审等环节,最终确定2021年度知识产权行政保护典型案例共30件。其中,  相似文献   

南京市建设工程交易中心06年开始进行课题研究工作,经过几年的摸爬滚打坚持努力,取得了一些成效。受到了市场各方的认可和好评。尤其还得到了上级领导的充分肯定,支持交易中心利用高校资源继续进行招标领域课题研究,推动招  相似文献   

独立董事制度的兴起是现代公司治理理论和实践发展的产物,但独立董事信息获取能力的欠缺制约了他们持续改进董事会职能的作用。随着董事会独立性(独立非执行董事人数的比例)的提高,董事会决策的公正性效率会提高,但董事会决策的达用性效率会降低。在效率替代作用的影响下,董事会的独立性高低与董事会决策交率之间并不存在线性关系,而是倒U型关系,这一模型可以对关于独立董事问题的各种争议给出很好的解释,也可以对我国探索公司治理中独立董事的人数比例,人选确定方法,遴选途径和激励约束等方面提供一个基本框架。  相似文献   

高校管理一直是各大高校的主要管理课题,尤其是高校扩招以来,学生人数激增,教学资源不足,其中教育管理、学生管理等有待于调整和完善。从人文层面如何使高校的管理更加有效,更加具有可持续性",三风"建设就成为高校管理建设的重中之重。  相似文献   

任何组织群体和个人总是在不断地进行着种种决策。决策是决策者主观意志的体现,但是,正确的决策必须符合客观实际,必须在实践中能行得通,特别是当今时代,信息瞬息万变,情况纷繁复杂,领导者能否使自己的主观意志与客观实际相统一,及时做出正确的决策,对于事业的成败与兴衰至关重要。因此,正确认识主观与客观的关系,探讨实现领导科学决策的途径,是一个重大的理论和实践课题。  相似文献   

周国江 《工程经济》2021,31(4):29-34
通过对上海部分高校建筑装饰装修工程造价管理流程进行分析,分别对高校建筑装饰装修工程前期决策、设计、招投标、施工及竣工结算等阶段,造价管控方面普遍存在的、容易疏漏的问题进行剖析,针对如何提高高校建筑装饰装修工程造价的优化管理这一命题作了些许思考,以供优化管理借鉴.  相似文献   

党组织如何有效地参与企业的重大决策,更加有力地发挥政治核心作用,是需要深入研究认真探讨的一个重要课题。我认为在新的企业制度、新的领导体制下,企业党组织参与重大决策可以选择如下几个方面的途径和方法。  相似文献   

结合高校招生的实际情况,针对艺术类专业考点选择,运用定性分析和定量分析相结合的层次分析法,对待设考点的山东省、河南省、湖北省、江西省进行了优先次序的排序,探索了一条科学选择艺术类专业测试考点的选择方法,给高校招生工作科学决策提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

Academic research has not kept pace with the growth of and investment in B2B advertising. Important topics need to be addressed and critical questions remain unanswered. This review systematically analyzes, consolidates and identifies knowledge gaps in prior research related to B2B advertising in order to motivate dedicated future study. Based on a methodical, concept-centric approach, B2B advertising literature is categorized by: 1) type of article; 2) theories applied; 3) message appeals, content, and strategies used; 4) media selected; 5) effectiveness and performance measurement; and 6) budgeting approaches. The review indicates limited and outdated research on several topics including message strategies and appeals, advertising budgets, advertising effective measures related to buyer and financial outcomes, and media usage. Furthermore, research on overall B2B integrated marketing communications strategies is lacking. The review highlights research opportunities and questions with the potential to provide guidance to B2B marketing managers.  相似文献   

Selection of government-sponsored frontier R&D projects is made difficult by the coexistence of the conflicting participating parties, the availability of experts for new frontier technology review, and the ambiguity of new frontier technology. This paper presents a model that includes (1) using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) method to integrate various expectations from different interest groups into evaluating objectives/criteria, (2) the group-decision method by technical experts based on the predetermined objectives/criteria, and (3) the fuzzy approach in scoring the subjective judgments of the experts. The results reveal that differences of weights toward each criterion exist among various groups. The government and academia care more about social benefits, the researchers are more concerned about intellectual properties, and the experts from industry emphasize the importance of feasibility. The method presented in this paper was applied at a national research institute in Taiwan. The results reveal that: (1) the approach can solve the disparity between the profound knowledge required for evaluation and the different expectation from various interest groups, (2) the fuzzy approach is suitable to frontier technology R&D project selection because of the vagueness of the nature of frontier technology and the difficulties in evaluating quantitatively and accurately.  相似文献   

Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process in New Product Screening   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The initial screening of a new product idea is critically important. Risky projects (i.e., those with high probabilities of failure) need to be eliminated early before significant investments are made and opportunity costs incurred. Unfortunately, previous research suggests that it is often difficult for managers to "kill" new product development projects once they have begun. Furthermore, recent studies (including some centering on PDMA members) suggest there is much room for improving new product screening, because this decision often is taken informally or unsystematically. Whereas tools such as Cooper's NewProd software are available to aid in the screening decision, management science decision support models for screening are not used frequently. In the present study, the authors illustrate the use of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) as a decision support model to aid managers in selecting new product ideas to pursue. The need for flexible models that are highly customized to each firm's challenges (such as AHP) to support the screening decision and to generate knowledge that will be used as input for a firm's expert support system is emphasized. The authors then present an in-depth example of an actual application of AHP in new product screening and discuss the usefulness of this process in gathering and processing knowledge for making new product screening decisions. Finally, the authors explain how a customized AHP process can be incorporated into a sophisticated information system or used as standalone support. © 1999 Elsevier Science Inc.  相似文献   

The field of business-to-business (B2B) marketing has grown considerably in the past four decades. However the state of knowledge about its structure and evolution remains limited. Who are the key players and what are the key papers in B2B marketing? What main research topics have been investigated over time? This article answers these questions by applying bibliometric methods for the first time to the existing body of scholarly B2B research. The key findings reveal a highly dynamic discipline in the 1970s and 1980s, when new knowledge was being intensively exchanged among an increasing number of B2B researchers. Since that time, the pace of development has slowed, and diversification in the discipline manifested itself in a distinctive number of core research subfields. Yet initial research topics such as organizational buying behavior, where much research is still undone, are to a large extent not addressed by modern B2B scholars.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the IoT, in both academia and industry. Extant studies have surveyed the topic of IoT using different approaches. This study takes a digital innovation view of IoT as a complex ecosystem of technologies, industry applications, concepts, methodologies, and social institutions, which is temporally dynamic and evolves over time. The study focuses on three research questions: (1) What are the important elements of the IoT ecosystem? (2) How are such IoT elements connected in the ecosystem? And (3) How have such IoT elements been evolving over time? This study adopts a topic modeling approach and extracts hidden trends from social media data. The popular elements in the IoT ecosystem are cloud computing, big data, and cybersecurity, among others. The analysis provides detailed information about popular categories or topics in the IoT ecosystem, the associations among those topics, and their evolution since 2014. Based on the findings, the study offers implications for practice and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Business-to-business (B2B) research is interdisciplinary in nature. A key element of interdisciplinarity is integration or combination of ideas, perspectives, and/or methods from different disciplines oriented toward producing new knowledge. However, domain silos often keep researchers focused on similar problems, methods, and theories over time. To break down these silos, Industrial Marketing Management introduces a new format of special issues focusing on interdisciplinary research, steered by two new associate editors: Elina Jaakkola and Stefan Markovic. The intention is to publish these interdisciplinary issues on a regular basis, each calling for novel applications of particular topics, concepts, theories, and/or methods from disciplines outside B2B research. The main aim of the interdisciplinary issues is to broaden the scope and potency of B2B research. Scholars from the B2B domain and other disciplines are invited to suggest interdisciplinary topics and themes that could be researched in the B2B sphere and that would be worthy of a journal issue.  相似文献   

Since the concept of sustainability was transformed into business mainstream, both sustainable supply chain management and green marketing have become key topics of academic research and managerial practices. Great advances have been made in the two areas in parallel. It has been recognized that green marketing and sustainable supply chain management should be seamlessly integrated so that green customer's needs can be better met by the supply chain capabilities. Existing research has explored point-to-point integration approach. This paper proposes a new hub-and-spoke integration model to integrate green marketing and sustainable supply chain management from six dimensions: product, promotion, planning, process, people and project (called the 6Ps). Empirical study has been undertaken with industries to test the 6Ps integration model. Results from the empirical study on integration dimensions, integration strategies, and drivers and obstacles for multi-dimensional integration are presented together with managerial implications. The new integration model allows the flows of resources such as information, materials and funds between green marketing and sustainable supply chain management through multiple direct pathways. It has the potential to achieve better overall business performance against the triple bottom line objectives.  相似文献   

Management and organizational scholars have paid increasing attention to the interconnections between digital transformation and innovation management in the last decade. However, a highly fragmented understanding of this topic is what we are left with so far. In this editorial, we suggest an approach to open up the black box of the interplay between digital transformation and innovation management by providing a framework that identifies three levels of analyisis (i.e., macro, meso, and micro) along which existing and future research on the topic can be organized. This model encourages scholars to conduct theoretical and empirical studies on how digital transformation affects ecosystems’ structure and governance, how industries and firms compete and organize for innovation in a digitalized world, how the processes for developing new products and services change under the effect of digital technologies, and the implications of digital transformation on managing people and teams involved in the innovation process, among the other topics. We also provide a synthesis of the eight papers published in the Special Issue that this editorial introduces and develop an agenda for future research that will hopefully contribute to encourage and shape future scholarly efforts into this field.  相似文献   

This paper examines some of the many problems and issues associated with integrating new and developing technologies into the education of future designers. As technology in general races ahead challenges arise for both commercial designers and educators on how best to keep track and utilise the advances. The challenge is particularly acute within tertiary education where the introduction of new cutting edge technology is often encouraged. Although this is generally achieved through the feedback of research activity, integrating new concepts at an appropriate level is a major task. Of particular concern is how focussed areas of applied technology can be made part of the multidisciplinary scope of design education.The paper describes the model used to introduce areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to undergraduate industrial design students. The successful interaction of research and education within a UK higher education establishment are discussed and project examples given. It is shown that, through selective tuition of research topics and appropriate technical support, innovative design solutions can result. In addition, it shows that by introducing leading edge and, in some cases, underdeveloped technology, specific key skills of independent learning, communication and research methods can be encouraged.  相似文献   

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